CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL MARCH 17 1917 Birr a I fiuu ... . .. .. .. : . : . v;.n Have Your Eyes thoroughly examined and tested on the first appearance of any trouble. BKWARK, however, of those slip shod, dabbling, and amateurish systems of so-called, self-styled Opticians and Specialists. DOX'T BK SAT1SKIKU with a lot of mrsterious words and movements, used by them to impress you and your purse. WHAT YOC NEKO is a thoroughly sound, honest, straightforward opinion, supported by the neces sary skill, experience, quallBca- ' tions and REPUTATION. This I offer you. MY SYSTEM of Eyesight Testing has no superior. MY 23 YEARS' EXPERIENCE is behind this system. R. IDA BEHREXDT KEXXEDY In Prineville until March S only at Oregon Hotel. ThejCity O. A. Hedlund was tn Prineville Monday. Perry Long is in the city from Howard. Jay H. Upton returned from Salem Sunday. H. H. DeArmond was in the city from Bend Monday. Ray Putnam is the new janitor at the court house. Sam Douthit, of Paulina, is in the city for a few days. Dr. J. H. Rosenberg returned , from The Dalles Friday. Mrs. I. M. Mills returned to her borne at Paulina Tuesday. R. G. Raymond is a business vis itor tn the city from Post. B. J. Hinderman is in Prineville lor a few days from Roberts. Warren Brown is visiting friends tn Madras and Culver this week. ' C. C. McNeely and wife, of Bend, axe in Prineville for a few days. K. Dean Houston, of Paulina, was in the city the first of the week. Pearl, Norman and Jack Weigand of Lamonta were in the city Monday. Harry Kimble, postmaster at Meadow, was in the city Saturday. Frank and Paul Mertsching were business visitors in the city Monday. Miss Sarah Nealeigh, teacher at Barney, y is in the city for a few days. J. L. McDaniel was a business Tisitor in the city from Powell Butte Tuesday. Clarence Ferguson passed through Prineville Monday on his way home trom Portland. S. Steidel, B. Stover, and F. Woelflen came over from Bend Monday evening. Ernest T. Luthy, county commis sioner, was a business visitor in the city Friday. Prof. Schreder, who was re-elected principal of the public schools here, resigned his position to enter the University of Oregon next year. He expects to receive an A. B. de gree. O n P 1 o 9 o- o 2 P F. YiCany is in the city from Post today. Wm.. Slovens is in the city for a few days. J. A. Stein and son-were In. the city Monday. Mrs. Omar Wilson has a new; Ford roadster. O. B. Gray, of Post, is In' the city j for a few days. V. J. Wright, of Howard, was In Prineville Tuesday. E.'H. l'ent sold a new piano toj E. A. Alhoe Monday. - j C. O. Leach is a business visitor , from Meadow this week. J R. A. Kester Is in Prineville for j a few days from Post. j Other Scott, of Lohai'nn. is v!" ing friends in Prineville. j Geo. J. Dickinson returned from' Portland Tuesday morning. D. P. Adamson was a business: visitor tn Bend Wednesday. i Collins W. Elkins, wife, and son I returned from Portland Sunday. j A daughter was born to Mr. and j Mrs. Fred C. Kayton on Feb. 12. City Engineer H. ' A. Kelly left the first of the -week for Eugene, j J. E. Warner and wife, of Rob-j erts, were in the city Wednesday, j t Mrs. Peter Pauls and family, of Powell Butte were in the city Tues day. L. H. Bice, of Klamath Falls, is employed at the Deschutes Power Company.:. About twenty people motored over from Bend Monday evening for the fight. E. A. Abbott and Victor Shaw were business visitor irom roweu Butte Monday. John Hopper and G. W. Wells were business visitor s from Powell Butte Tuesday. R. A. Blanchard, county agricul turist, was a business visitor in Prineville Tuesday. Judge T. E. J. Duffy returned Monday from a several days' so journ In Portland. Lawrence Robinson, of Provi dence, R. I., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. George F. Kelley. Mr. and Mrs. Showas Sharp were in the city Monday from their ranch on. Crooked River. John M. Carpenter, contractor for the railroad ties, is in Prineville getting supplies for his camps. Rev. F. C' Laslette was in Prine ville Sunday and may become pus- tor of the Baptist church here. Geo. Russell left for Reno, Ne vada, Tuesday to be with his daugh ter. Pearl, who Is seriously ill. W. W. Wolworth is here in the interest of the directory for Crook Deschuts and Jefferson counties. J. T. Hardy, freight and passen ger agent for the Oregon Trunk railway was in Prineville Saturday. Edgar Stewart purchased a beau tiful new Edison "diamond disc" from Ernest Estes the first of the week. A. P. Coleman returned from Portland Tuesday. Mrs. Coleman is improving rapidly and will be home in a few days. Jack Dickens this week purchased the W. J. Smelzer ranch a few miles east of the city. The con sideration is not given. Vernon Reeves, of Lebanon, Is the new grocery clerk at C. W. Elkins store. He is a brother of Emil Reeves. Mrs. B. S. Sullivan, of Portland, is visiting her daughter, Miss Hazel Sullivan, stenographer at the assess or's office. o 5 n CP 3 3 S3 o 3 in 2 o p o p If r 1 1 1 OUR TERMS ON ALFALFA SEED SPOT CASH Onion sets per quart 12 I -2c Garden Seeds in bulk Garden Seeds in packages From D. M. Ferry & Co. and Chas. Lilly & Co. J. E. STEWART & COMPANY, PRINEVILLE, OREGON Austin Kiier Is in tho city today from Roberts. Miss Beatrice Porteous Is visiting friends in Prineville this week. F. M. 4Vood, of Paulina, was in Prineville on business Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Taylor are visiting relatives in Prineville. ii Miss Helen Wyman is visiting ,t, her home in Culver for a few days.' Ed Gerow is seriously ill with spotted fever at his mother's home. Claude MeCulloch, of Portland. was in Prineville on legal business Monday. Tom Houston will ship two cars of cattle, to Portland fjr the Mon day market. There will be services at the Catholic Church in this city Sunday at 10 o'clock. William Chester Evans and Anna Riebhoff were married tn Prineville' Wednesday, February 2S. j C. O. Garner is tn the city today on business connected with the set-. tlemeut of the estate of his uncle, J. O. Garner. -A. B. Geyer returned to his home at South Bend, Indiana, Wednesday after having spent several days at his ranch on McKay. Joe Roba, son of G. W. Roba of Paulina, died at the home of his parents Sunday morning and was buried at that place. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fischer, who have been in Prineville for several months, returned to their home near Roberts Monday. Mr. and Mrs. George F. Kelly have moved to their ranch near Post. Tbey have been living at the Barnes ranch on Crooked River. Church servics will be held at the Christian church on Sunday at tne usual nours. nev. uervm win make his initial appearance tn Prine ville at this time. Mr. and Mrs. Manford Nye, of Roberts, were in Prineville Tuesday and returned home yesterday, tak ing their Bon and daughter with them. The Knights of Pythias, following their annual custom, celebrated the 53rd anniversary Thursday evening. A banquet was served and a very pleasant time reported. Mr. and Mrs. Collins W. Elkins were present at the banquet given in honor of Mrs. Alexander Thom son at the Multnomah Hotel, while in Portland last week. Announcement of the death of Mrs. James R. Bennett, of Lamonta, came to this city last Saturday morning. Mrs. Bennett suffered a nervous breakdown from which she was unable to recover. The de ceased was a sister of Mrst Malinda A. Robinson of this city. The Shumia Club was entertained at the home of Mrs. T. E. J. Duffy last Saturday. Owing to the heavy snow storm only seven memirern were present, however, the program consisting of three numbers was had. Miss Jackson gave "The Dawn of a Tomorrow" by Burnett, Miss Conway sang a solo tn the absence of Mrs. Edward's number a violin solo, and Mrs. Clifton gave Tagore's "Child Poems". . The president, Mrs. M. E. Brink, appointed a com mittee to arrange a program for the next year consisting of Mrs. Duffy, Miss Wilde, and Mrs. Chas. S. Ed wards. The hostess was ably as sisted by Mrs. J. H. Upton. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. J. W, Smith. Alfalfa Our stock of alfalfa seed just received is the very finest seed obtainable. For the last several seasons the opening price on alfalfa seed has been the lowest From this it would seem advisable to buy early Methodist Church Sunday. Mur. 4, Communion Day. Services both morning and evening. Wm. Harold and L. L. Scott killed over 100 rabbits one day re cently on their ranches west of Prineville. HOLD IMJTATOES AT $.1.7.1 lfvu'liule Valley Potato lipimrrn AiMorlutton Active A carload of seed potatoes was sold by the Deschutes Valley Potato Employment Agency Anyone wishing work should call on J. F. Morris Near Ochoco Bridge Prineville, Orgon Seed. Growers Association at North Yak ima, February 2. at $1.75 per 100 pounds, and three cars sold a few days prior at $3.35, The, association Is planning big things for next year, and will grow better potatoes and more of them. They are offered 25 per cent above the market for a large number of potatoes by Texas parties. The ?rook County Journal has the luru'st sworn circulation of any paper In Central Oregon ud like wise is the best advertising medium. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY SHEEP FOR SALE 100 head of line wool ewes bred to Hamp shire rams, will commence to lamb about April 1. Some throe and some four years old, all fut. Almost all will lamb. J. L. Mc- ! Daniel, Powell Butte, Ore., 9 ' miles east of Redmond, 9 tulles west of Prineville. 16HP FOR BAlA Full blood 2-year-old Jersey bull. II. K. Allen, Box 41 Powell Butte. Oregon. 16tfc The Closing Service of the Lyon Evangelistic Campaign at the Baptist Church COME IF INTERESTED WRITE FOR PRICES OR CALL Ham and Eggs Buttered Toast A cup of GOOD Breakfast Golden West Coffee Is -Just Rltthf Buy Golden West Coffee at J. E. STEWART & CO.'S . Remember The Journal has ths lurgest bona fide list of subscriber in central Oregon. Our Waul Ads gut results, lc a word euch issue.