Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, February 22, 1917, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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    FEBRUARY 22, 1917
.Journey Is Miulc from I'oi-iIhihI to
Tumtdo in a Nrw ('wr via
the Indian Krxrrvatiun
IBy Our Regular Correspondent)
old home onre more.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Melton have
returned from Portland with a now
Overland. They drove through
from Portland via the Indian reser
vation. Mrs. James Klklns Is under the
doctor's rare In Redmond and is
Rotting along as well as could be
expected. j
F. G. Powers recent iv purchased!
a roan Durham bull.
The farmers are all petting ready
for spring work.
Waldituer Peterson killed a rabid
coyote recently. This is his second
one this year. j
Grandpa Klklns is visiting
son James.
Lew Bennett and Mr. Harmon
-ere on the Creek last week.
There was a rabid coyote at Mrs.
JJ. E. Bennett's place last week. It
was shot and killed by Bye Bennett
after biting two calves. What other
damage was done Is yet unknown.
It was among several head of cat
tle when discovered.
Thomas O'Kelley is on his home
fetead near Barnes, having come up
from Prlneville the first of the
Harry Hackelman was visiting
school last week.
Orrille Everet was a passenger
on the stage last week, on his way
to Bend.
Jack Romberg passed through
sere In his car, it being the first car
ever the road for several weeks on
account of the snow drifts along
the fences.
A. L. Bennett and Ray Morgan
were visiting in the Barnes neigh
borhood last week.
A very pleasant evening at danc
ing was spent at the Dry Lake hall
Friday evening and all who were
ptesent, report a pleasant time.
Ghas. Birdsoug was on the Creek
last week.
(By Our Regular Correspondent)
Mrs. John Kissler, of Redmond,
spent Thursday at the home of her
son, Frank Kissler.
Miss Ebba Lindquist is helping
Mrs. T. J. Houston while the child
ren have the measles.
Miss Ethel Wright arrived Sunday
morning from Coeur de Alene, Ida
ho, for an extended visit with her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George
Stone, and her brother Tom.
E. P. Luthy and family, of Bear
Creek, called at the H. K. Allen
home Friday afternoon.
Mrs. Wm. Wells and family came
out from Redmond Friday evening
and stayed over Saturday with Mr.
Joseph Manceau, who has been
visiting his brother and family, re
turned to his home at North Yak
ima, Wash., Thursday evening. Mr.
Manceau expects to bring his family
here In the near future.
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Meyers and
('. J. Johnson and ( of old .V Miice
Anions Milppct-M t roin This
Part of the SUte
JBy Our Regular Correspondent)
Those from Lower Bridge who at
tended the sale at Terrebonne Wed
nesday , were Mr. and Mrs. A. S.
Holms, Mrs. Fred Walters, Mr. and
Mrs. Gus Stadig, Loren and Oral
Campbell, and Mr. and Mrs. Hosting.-
Russer Chapman, Denis Hunt and
Hiss Mary Nealeigh spent Thursday
.evening at the Hoskins home.
Thursday evening at a meeting of
Jfce. atocXholders of the Lower
Bridge Telephone Company, the
looks, which had been turned over
ty L. A. Hunt to the examining com
mittee, were approved and Joe
Howard was elected seeretary-treas-.urer.
Mrs. R. S. Towne called on Mrs.
Gus Stadig Friday.
Miss Marion Hoskins accom
panied by Mrs. Fred Walters, were
ini Bend Friday. .
The frost being out of the ground
a little spring work is being
Our Regular
It remained for George Russell to
set a new high mark in the North
Portland yards this week. lie sold
a car of steers Monday afternoon at
$9.60 to the Union Meat Company
through Kldwell & Caswell which is
the new high record since the mar
ket established by S. . Stearns &
Sons two weeks ago who sold two
cars of prime steers at $9.20.
Other cattle from this part of the
state sold at prices ranging from
$9.35 to $9.60.
Seven cars of stock were shipped
into the yards tor the Monday mar
ket from Prlneville and vicinity. In
cluding two cars of hogs, one car
owned by George Russell and the
other by Mace & Cofold.
C. J. Johnson had two cars of
cattle In the shipment. Mace &
son. Jack, called at the G. H. Stone Cofold one car and the iilll(lwin
home Sunday afternoon. SnBep Company of Hay Crepk gnlp.
The epidemic of measles hasjpc( one car
reached several more of the Powell: Th trm ni-t.. ,.m f- i..o
- i' ," i . " r. 1
i Monday was $12,60 and choice
i lambs sold as high as $13, yearlings
$9.75 and ewes of a common grade
Butte homes, the McDaniel children.
Roy Skeen, Gladys Pauls and the
Houston children are all sick with
Friday evening the ladles of the
Powell Butte Sorosls gave a banquet
to their husbands and families at
the Community Hall. Nearly all of
the members were present and
port a good time.
George Truesdale is suffering
with two broken ribs. Sunday aft
ernoon after loading a load of hay
be started to fasten It on with a
chain but as he threw his weight
onto the chain, the snap in the end
broke, throwing him to the ground.
He is rioine nicelv and will sonn he
around again unless complications! B 0ur Reular Correspondent)
brought $9.25 to $9.50.
Every top market that has been
established this year In the North
Portland market but one was on
Prlneville stuff, and from the num-
re" ber of high grade bun-hes of beef
In the yards near this city It is a
safe prediction that Prtnevllle stuff
will become the standard of value
in the markets of the Northwest for
the remainder of this feeding season
at least.
set in.
Our Regular Correspondent)
Ray Harvey went to Prineville
last week on business.
Mrs. Lester Ferguson returned
home Sunday, after spending the
winter with friends and relatives In
the Willamette Valley.
Miss Beatrice Porteous spent Sat
urday In Prineville as the guest of
Mrs. Willard Wirtz.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cram arrived
home Saturday from Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. George Milliorn and
family are visiting John Milliorn
and relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ferguson
visited the Flat last week.
Carey Cahe has been on Camp
Creek for the past two days having
some dental work done by Dr. Tack
man. J. C. Houston is a business visit
or in this section.
Miss Grace Fanght Is visiting at
the J. F. Houston ranch at present.
Frank Hacklemun and family vis
ited at the J. F. Houston ranch lust
Saturday and Sunday.
Our Regular Correspondent)
P. White has traded nis iarm
for one in Tillamook County.
Mrs. Howard Hartly has been in
the Redmond hospital taking treat
ment the past few days.
t iut Piui in movine back to his
why not
have your clothe
(Special Dispatch to The Journal)
A little more snow fell in this vi
cinity and it looks as if we were
going to have winter again.
Grove Price was in Prineville
last Friday.
G. W. Russell was in Prlneville
There has been no measles In
this locality yet and tne peopie u
not want them.
Several loads of hogs have been
bought from the George Kusseu
Mr. Barny hauled a load ot wood
to Prineville last Saturday.
Dave Williams was a Fife visitor
Crosby Smith, of Glass Butte, was
at Fife recently.
Tom Foster is cutting posts for
T. W. Perkins this week.
Ed Street was taken to Burns for
medical treatment recently, having
been suffering from rheumatism for
several weeks past.
Stanley Balfour and John Mc
Eachen went to Silver Creek aft.T a
load of grain recently.
Charley Ward made a trip to Sil
ver Creek and Burns lat week. He
reports lots of snow In that viiclnlty.
They don't cost
anv more when
consider the materials
trimmings, style and
workmanship. All my
r . mm l
hurts are made in
My Own Shop
made up to any style
you want in the latest
Spring and Summer
. Novelties
(Special Dispatch to The Journal)
Phone 351
VwfRiNcviLi.c. Oregon r
Phone 351
The Most Important Page
of News in the Paper To-day
Line New Spring Silks
Satin De Chine 36 in. wide,
colors, extra good quality,
per yard
all the new
Gros De Londre
36 inch wide, colors green,
the latent pattern in vogue,
per yard
maze, purple,
The New Spring Samples
are here M. Born & Co.
Same prices as last year.
thy a new BORN SUIT Jr-I
Silk Poplins
36 inches wide, all colors, d1 OEj
extra quality, per yard P
The Boyer Hat $3.00
The new spring styles are here. Few of a
kind, other good shapes and d0 AA
colors for... r
John B. Stetson $5.00
Pierette Silks
These are wide fancy stripes, 36
inches, per yard
Georgiana Crepe
36 inches, per yard . . 85c
Wool Jersey Cloth
52 inches wide; very pretty tQ 0
colors, per yard JO.OU
Khaki Pants
Good Quality any Size
Men's Good Heavy Work
Shirts, all colors 14! to 17
D. M. Ferry & Co. Seeds Here
Onion Sets, per pound 12Jc
Vetch, pound. 7 l-2c per 100 lbs..$8.00
Field peas. 100 lb $8.0O
Ferry's Seed both packages kind bulk
Calf meal, pound- -6c
Oil meal, pound 4 l-2r
t t - r 1 '
Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffee
20c 25c 30c 35c 40c
pound pound pound pound pound
, , '
We do not buy all our groceries from one house. We
buy the best from all of them. Try our fine coffees
Our Regular
Our Regular
The car load of hogs shipped by
Smith & Palmeiro. Drougm u wv
.t the Portland market, the
J 1 HjG Ob .
price being $12.35.
Cap Healey and wife, of Metouus,
were visiting relatives in this vicm-
itv the first of the week.
whuior Is cettine ready to
install a telephone in nis reBioeuw,.
hb now busy building his line
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn returned
from The Dalles me "
George Bland, who has been
1 tn r in Madras, reiurneo uumc
the first of the week.
Dr. Edwards, of Prlneville, was
called last night to the home oi j.
E. Newblll. whose family is suffering
from a bad attack ot measles.
Hazel Chitwood, who has been
suffering from a severe attack of
i,. wtmnnine rnueh. is now bedfast
Roy Swank, A. J. Champion,
Maurice Swank and Frank Bailey
returned from Prinevillo Thursday.
E. W. Donnelly went to Prinevillo
Roy Swank purchased a car while
in town last week.
Mr. Jackson has left the Ochoco
Forest Ranger G. C. Blake re
turned to his station ( .i the nortn
bide of the mountain Wednesday.
C. M. Nicholas brought Bowker's
orchestra from Mitchell to ocnoco
ranger station Saturday. Mr. Albee
of the Inland Auto Company met
Mr. Nicholas at the station and took
the musicians on to Prlneville.
t Coon. Jess Wright and
Clyde Leach brought a drove of beef
cattle out of Summit Prairie Satur
day. The cattle are from the
ranches of the Prineville Land and
i ia.tnir rnmnanv and were all in
i . . u w - .
eood condition.
Farauar McRay started Saturday
with a band of 2200 sheep for his
ranches on the John Day river. The
sheeD were all in fine condition, and
warn wintered on Mr. McRay's
ranches on upper Ochoco.
Th mail came from Prineville
on the motor truck Monday.
An inch of snow,-(fell here Monday
Mrs. S. S. Kirto relumed from
California one duy hint wetk where
she snent the winter with her
mother and daughter.
Bobbie Balfore was in the city
one day last vw-k.
Oroville Osborn and wife spent
several days at the Calavan home
last week.
Frank Bailey and Roy Swank re
turned to the Howard mines Thurs
day. Mr.
w truck.
Swank wuy driving his
Ham and Eggs
Buttered Toast
A cup of GOOD
Golden West Coffee
is "Just Riant"
Tbs folitowlnii fourth-flan poitnr.
ters have- twn appointed In Oron:
Bernice Bockler. Pleasant Valley;. v!
A. IT. Staler, ruslKned; Rvan M. Har
ris, Rujada, vice L. & Blabey, Matin
d; Bertha. M. Clew, HarrlmaUk lce
C. It. Iw, resigned.
Ths Southern Pacific company has
place armed guards at bridge and
tunnels both on the main Mne and
1 the Cooa bay and Oak Ridge brunches
out ot Eugene to guard against pos-
IbJte interference with traffic in view
ot the International situation.
Proposed tariffs materially adrano
big intrastate freight rates on several
elassea of freight on the Spokane
Portland 8cattle, the Oregon Elec
tric and the Souther Pacific onv
pany'a lines In Oregon were suspfled
In three orders Ibsu4 by ths jwhlic
service commission..
The Crook County Journal has.
the largest sworn circulation of any
paper In Central Oregon and like
wise m die best advertising medium..
Anyone wishing work,
should call on
J. F. Morris
Near Ochoco Bridge
Prineville, Orgon
Use the blank on page 8 when
sending In your cnuatfled ad copy.
Then enclose lc far each word and
mall to The Croo County Journal.
The little ads do the rest.
Buy Golden West Coffee at
1 1 I EHiR R -1
V j
1 1 '
with the measles.