I I I 1 FEBRUARY 22, 1917 CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL PAGE 7 1915 DELINQUENT TAX TOR CROOK COUNTY T"s flcrnmn llclliujiuMit (Mnlx-r , ft, HMft Bluln (if Ori'Koit, County of Crook i. Notice In lioriiby Riven that on and aflir April fith, 1917. 1 will nll to tin) first person to apply for tho tuimo ili-llnqiinnt tnx ri'trllli'ate on any or nil of tint fiillowltiK (l nirllii'il pi-opnrly, wlilrh tux la the dolltiiiui'iil lux on Hi it name for thn year 1915. find with tho amount of the Ihx, penalty, Interest, anil tlmi costs of pulillnliliiK tlili notice, anil l lil purt'luiKur of (liillmitKint tax ciirUllcuti'M to pay all other dlln qurnt luxes, If any r at dm 1 1 mn of purdiuHliiR said certificates, and I hereby reitlfy that hu III rnrlllli'uti! hall draw 16 pur cent Interest un til tho mi nn am redeemed and If not redeemed In three years that the holder of auld delinquent tax certlfleutn may foreclose tho same M first lien on the property. Henry Alliers nw aw, sec 3D, tp 18, r 25 e $ 2.18 W. K. Attain so ae, iti no an, Mi n', no an, soc 16, tp J5, r 15 6.72 . I). Andrews nw sue 30, tp 19, r 20 o 9.88 6. II, Humes m aw, sec 4, e'4 an, sec 5, H no, no se, sec 8, nw nw, aoc 9, tp 19. R 21 e 29.64 8. llariiluiumi au s, anc 19, aw nw. sec 29, e'i no, aoc 20. tp 17. r 16 o 14.62 Edwin T. IliiiKHiin nVi nw, aoc 20, tp 13, r 15 e 4.20 Co. K. Iliu'knian no so, aoc - 4, tp 18. r 14 9.24 Mary K, Delknup n n, aoc 6. tp Hi, r 21 o 28.00 J. 11. Hi ll all auc 16, In 16, r 22 o 44.72 Albert llmlila nV4 no. e nw, aoc 8. tp 14, r 14 e... 20.40 C. W. Hrown n',4 ao, aw ao aw, kit 16, tp 16, r 14 e 19.04 Anltlo Cady nft no, w no, no nw, aoc 32-15-19 10.92 Ernest H. ('ailin nV4. aoc 36, , tp 14, r 14 o 23.68 Iora 8. Cumpboll nV4 ao, aw ao, aoc 10, nw aw, aoc 11, tp 19, r 19 8.19 Goo. II. ('times a4 anc 36, tp 18, r 16 o 22.68 John fusey KmI. n no, aoc 17, tp 16. r 15 e 13.62 Trlco ('i)hlinw n 14 ao, aw ao, o'4 aw, aoc 4, tp 16, r 15 e 67.75 Thcruaita Cassldy eVs ao, e4 no, aoc 10, tp , r 16 e 13.64 Central Ore. I., and A. Aaan. ao aw, aoc 5, tp 16, r 16 a 92.60 A. H. Chapman e4 ao, aoc 12. tp 14, r 15 e 4.48 . M. Charlton sH aw, aoc 2, n Vi nw, aoc 11, tp 16, r 14 o 27.30 Ila Mi, Charlton wV4 ao, aw no, no ao, aoc II, tp 16, r 14 o 10.78 Adelaide Colo ao, aec 16, tp 20. r 22 e 7.44 Jacob 11. Cook aVi no, n ao, aoc 17, w ft no, ae no, ne ao, aoc 33, nw, aw, ae, 1 aoc 34, no nw, sVt nw, nw aw, aoc 35, tp 15, r 20 e, aw no, aft nw, ne aw, aoc I, tp 16. r 20 e 201.20 Frank T. Cox wft no, aoc 16, tp 15. r 16 o, aft aft, aoc 26. tp 14, r 16 o 101.78 John Crllea ae, aoc 14, tp 15, r 18 o 22.23 II. Earl Cross aw no, nw ao, ao nw, nn aw, aoc 8, tp 16, r 16 o g.97 F. C. CulllHim all of aoc 16, tp 14. r 16 c 47.88 John linnlola ao aw, aoc 2, no nw, aw no, nw se, sec II, tp 1.1. r 15 o 14.00 Thoa. V Davis wft, aoc 30, tp lli,' r 23 e 28.21 Joan Diivtno wft ao, Be ao, aw no, boc 18, tp 18, r 25 e; oft ho, sue 16, tp 17, r 25 o; ne, aoc 30, tp 17, r 25 ; n ft nw, bo nw, aw no, aoc 26, tp 18, r 24 c; so nw, nw ao, aoc 22, tp 18, r 24 o; nft no, eft nw, boc 20, tp 18, r 24 e; nw, wft w, aoc 16, tp 18, r 24 e; e eft. aoc 36, tp 17, r 24 o; no aw, aft nw, nw nw, boc 14, tp 17, r 24 e; . eft bo, wft no, nft nw, aoc, 10. tp 17, r24 e 111.89 J. H. Davis no nw, boc 28, tp lfi, t 14 e 7.20 Multlo Davis EbL eft ne, ne bo, aoc 10, tp 16, r 23 e 7.86 Maudo A. Davis wft ne, nw ao, ne aw, aoc 10, tp 16, r 23 o 27.66 Harvey Davla bw nw, wft aw, soc 26, ae ne, boc 34, wft nw, bo nw, boc 35, tp 21, r 22 o 20.40 Joe Doiore Hat. wft nw, nft aw, aoc 32, tp 14, rl5 e 9.92 DcachutoB Kino Wool Co. all of aoc 27, nft ne, soc 34, tn 14. r 14 e 168.86 t,j. John F. Dovltt sw, sec 28, X. tp 12, r 16 e 14.66 'Bornurd J. Doyle so, eft sw, sec 35. tn 17. r 25 e: ne. eft nw, sec 2, tp 18, r 26 e 23.90 Henry Edwards and wife w ft sw, boc 29, ne, nft se, se se, boc 30, tp 15, r 15 e 66.44 J. A. Elliott lot 4, sec 1, lots 1-2, ne Be, sec 2, tp 16, r 14 e 43.96 Eamuel B. Ellis aft se, sec 20. wft sw. sec 21, tp 16. r 16 e 18.72 Peter W. Fair nft nw, sw nw. nw aw. sec 27. to 16. r 14 e 17.28 M. F. Fields wft se, ne se, se ne. Bee 14, tp 14, r 16 e 21.06 Louis W. Foster ne. sec 16, tD 15. r 14 e a........ 18.92 Win. French wft nw, nw sw, nne as an ne. sec 32. tD 18. r 16 e 12.79 BJ. A. Fulstoick ae-ne. sec 16, to 16. r 15 e 3.84 . H. fl&ines bw. sec 28. tp 16. r 21 e 28.60 Bernard Gosch nft sw, nft nn. aw na. nw ae. 8 ft nw. sec 86. tp 17, r 16 e 21.08 Levi A. Gibson sft ne, nw no. ne nw. sec 9. tD 16, r 16 Will CJomor sw ao, sea 6, tp 16, r i 2.47 Chua. Oravoa Wat. wft aw, no aw, lot 3, aoc 1, tp 16, r 14 o 17.78 J. A. (ir I III n aw, aoc 22, tp 16. r 14 o 15.48 Kreil Grimes eft wft, nw no, aft ao, aw aw, soc 16, tp 14, r 14 e 16.82 John (Jiimnier nft, aoc 36, tp 19, r 17 e 19.84 E. F. Clummor aft, aoc 16, tp 19, r 17 e 19.84 Wm. Harold eft aw, eft nw, hoc 14. tp 16, r IS 15.04 J, F. HurrlH aw ao, aoc 16,' tp IS, r 16 o 2.80 J. F. Ilaynoa nft ne, hoc 6, p 15, r 17 o 7.13 C. H. llonry aft ho, no ao, hoc 4, nw no, aoc 18, tp 17. r 23 e 14.42 EUlo A, Hill no, aoc 34, tp 16, r 20 28.60 tloorRo Holilm aw, aoc 85, tp 15, r 14; nft aw, lota 3 and 4, of aoc 2, tp 16, r 14 o 69.78 I,oo Hublm ao, aoc 9, tp 16, r 14 26.04 Hhollle Holland ne, ne ao, aoc 27, wft aw, aoc 26, nw nw, aoc 36, tp 18 r 19 e 18.46 Jaa. A. Huston aw, sec 36, tp 14. r 14 e 11.84 Wm. Johnson Eat. ne nw, nw no, aoc 24, tp 13, r 15 e 7.00 Arthur A. Jonoa eft ne, nw no, nn nw, aoc 8, tp 16, r 16 e 10.27 Anna Hynoa Kane ae, aec 28, tp 12, r 16 e 29.10 It. L. Hitching sw, aoc 2, tp 18, r 15 e 21.60 N. M. KJeshu ao aw, aw ao, aoc 8, eft nw, wft ne, eft aw, aoc 17, tp 21, r 22 e 24.80 R. R. Lawrence nft nft, soc 1. tp 14, r 17 e 10.24 James Locko aft ne, nw ao, nn aw, aoc 36, tp 14, r 21 e 28.60 C. C. Lofland aft ao, aoc 12, tp 16, r 20 e 14.80 R. I'. Long eft sw, soc 22, tp 14, r 14 e 19.88 Marie Luthy so, soc E, nft no, ao no, ne ae, aec 8, tp 18, r 16 e 29.88 Peter II. Ma ben nft ne, eft nw, aoc 2, tp 16, r 17 e 7.97 R. A. Mu honey so sw, soc 20, aw nw aoc 29, tp 16, r 16 e 8.64 Jullua Martin nft aw, ae aw. nw ao, aoc 17, tp 15, r 21 e 28.60 Minnie Moaior 1 nw no, eft nw , no aw, aoc 19, tp 15, r 21 e , 28.60 Arehlo Maaon nft ao, aw, aoc 12 tp 16, r 20 e 44.40 J. I). Mathenoy ne ne, soc 11. wft nw, nw sw. soc 12. tp 16, r 14 e 12.32 rranx Moneree sw n. nw sw, soc 16, tp 16, r 15 e 6.48 James MeaaliiRcr nft nft, aoc 26, tp 14, r 14 e 21.92 L. M. Miller and Co. tract 68x120 ft 1n aw sw, aoc 34, tp 16, r 23 e 21.70 John Milllorn aft ne, nw no, an nw, soc 22, tp 18, r 18 e 7.13 T. H. Mlnircrs sft sw, se nw, ne sw, soc 6 tp 14, rl4e 18.70 Dubois Mitchell wft wft, sec 82, tp 14, r 19 e 28.60 Wm, Monroe eft nw, wft no, aoc 3, tp 14. r 17 e 32.00 J. M. Montgomery sft sft, aw ne, ae nw, aoc 24, tp 14, r 14 o 79.56 A. D. Morrill ae, aoc 22, tp 16, r 14 e 23.22 JoHoph Muollor eft no, aoc 9, wft nw, boc 10, tp 22, r 23 e 9.88 J. E. Myers wft nw, nw sw, se nw, aoc 4, tp 15, rl5e 18.91 A. O. Myers ne, aoc 33, tp H, r 16 e 14.76 I. Fred Myers nw no, ne nw, sft nw, boc 22, t 21. r 24 e 27.60 O. M. McArthur aft, sec 36, tp 17. r 15 e 23.04 Mary P. McArthur nft, sec 36. tp 17. r 15 e 23.04 h.Btolla Mc.Cormack nw sw, sft sw, aw so, boc 30, tp 15, r 19 e 28.60 E. MoCurdy sft se, ne se, boc 8, tp 14, r 16 e 26.06 D. MeNamee ne, nft se, soc 19, wft nw, sec 20, tp 21, r 23 e 20.28 Jas. McKay wft ne, ne nw, nw so, soc 32, to 20. r 24 e 6.24 I. W. McKay eft, soc 16, ip i t, r. i e , 23.04 Lena Mcl'horson sw nw, soc ll, tp 16. r 16 e fi S4 John F. Nelson wft wft. soc 14, tp 14. r 16 e 11.07 John F. NoIboii sft sw, nw sw, sw nw, sec 28, tp 14, r 16 e 16.66 N. A. Newblll . ne nw, wft sw, soc 5. tD 13. r 15 e 8 40 Ada M. Nool lots 1-2-3 and 4, sec 4, tp 15, r 19 e.... 16.74 N. P. R. R. se sw. sec 14. s I V4 ne, soc 28, tp- 17, j r 25 e k.06 Louis J. ORdon sw, sec 16, ip i, r 14 e 20.06 John Pauach wft, sec 3, tp 2i. r e 19.99 H. H. Porsoll sft ne, e sw, se, sec iu, tp 17. r 23 e 31.31 Plorce Trust and Savings wmic ne, sec 12, tp 14, r 16 e 18.76 Wm. Pinney nft sw. nft se, se se, sec 16, tp 13, r 15 e 87.60 H. E. Cross se sw, sec 34. tp 14, r 16 e 19.29 Archie T. Powell sft sw, sec 13, sft se, sec 14, tp 12, r 16 e 14.66 R. M.Powell sft ne, eft nw, sec 8, tp 14, r 16 e; nw sw, sec 31, tp 13, r 17 e; nw se, ne sw, sw sw, sec 36, tp 13, r 16 e; sw nw, seo -1, tp 14, r 16 e; se ne, e ft se, sec 2, tp 14, r 16 e; lot 4, sec 1, tp 14, r 16 e 129.64 Claire Quinn wft se, s, sec 13, nw, wft ne, sec 24. tp 17, r 25 e 83.21 Richard Randle sft se, eft sw, sec 9, tp 16, r 25 e.... 14.68 Geo. H. Ratleff sw, sw nw, sec 30, tp 16. r 15 e 21.42 E. M. Reynolds eft se, eft ne, sec 14, tp 15, r 16 e 14.08 A. J. Reynolds wU se. vU ne, sec 14, tp 15, r 15 e 14.08" T. N. Rickman sw se,, sw, wft nw, sec 2, ne ne, sec 3, tp 19, r 19 e; wft se, sft sw, sec 36, tp 18, r 27.04 36.7S 14.08 15.68 3.48 6.20 24.18 34.65 17.33 65.86 9.92 4.20 13.95 29.10 28.60 27.60 27.60 28.89 23.04 16.38 42.15 19 Frank Rldor nw nw, sft nw, sw, wft so, eft 'no soc 16, tp 17, r 26 e; eft no, aw nn, ae, eft sw, aec 16, tp 18. r 24 e Geo. Itoba' aft nw, wft sw, aoc 32, tp 16, r 23 e Frank V. Rogora wft no, w ft ao, aoc 26, tp 16, r 16 e Nells A. P. Ronaulat nft so, aw so, ao sw,- sec 14, tp 16, r 14 e Goorgo II. RuhhoII eft, sft nw, sw, soc 1, nft no, nw, aoc 12, all of aoc 13, of tp 15, r 17 e; all of aec 29, all of aoc 31, wft wft, ae nw, aoc 32, and all of soc 33, tp 14, r 18 e; all of aoc 3, all of aoc 6, wft, nft no, so no, n ft so, soc 6, all of aoc 7, eft n w, sft ne. soc 8, all of aoc 9, sft nw, nft sw, aoc. 10, all of aoc 16, all of en 17 of tn IS. r lit 2 3d 87 Bante to Pacific eft ae, aec 6, tp 17. r 18 e H. M. Saunders so nw, aft nn, ne ao, aec 26, tp 18, r 20 e 12.61 L. F. SchloHa, nft nft n ae, aoc 16, tp 16, r 15 e . .96 A. G. Scroggln ae nw, nft aw, aw nw, aoc 8, tp 17, r 23 e 33.17 Guy Heart wft- sw, sec 86, tf 16. r 14 e 12.74 E. L. Shafer aw, aec 26, tp 15, r 16 e 4 15.68 0 rover C. Bmlth nft sw, sw sw, ae nw, aoc 30, tp 16, r 22 e 9.37 0. Edd Smith ae aw, sec 16, tp 16, r 16 e 2.70 W. R. Smith nft nw, se nw, soc 16, tp 16, r 15 14.66 II. N. Steele se, sec 21, tp 16, r 16 e 16.84 Mayotte Stophonaon nft ne, soc 4, tp 12, r 19 e Wosloy Street se se, nft sw, wft ae, aec 14, eft ne, aoc 23, aw nw, aec 24, tp 21, r 22 e Wm. J. Stanley se, sec 36, tp 14, r 14 e 11.84 C. J. SundqulBt sw, sw nw, soc 32, tp 13, r 15 e F. 8. Taylor nw ne, sec 12, tp 14, r 20 e Alvin Thompson sw, sec 6, nw nw, soc 7, tp 21, r 21 e Alice M. Thorp eft, sec 16, tp 16, r 23 e 12.48 E. R. Throop se nw, eft sw, ao, aoc 32. sw sw, soc 33, tp 16, r 25 e; lot 4, sw nw, nw sw, sec 4, tp 16. r 25 e Samuel UnBworth wft nw, aoc 25, eft ne, aec 26, tp 14, r 23 e Unknown ne nw, aec 8, tp 14, r 21; nw ne, sec 7, tp 21, r 21 e Harry Van Meter wft ne, e ft nw, sec 30, tpl6, r 15 e 22.16 Clara E. Warner se sw, sec 27, eft nw, sw ne, sec 34, tp 17. r 17 e A. E. Wayland nft ne, ne nw, sw ne, sec 12, tp 15, r 18 e John Wells ne aw, ae nw, aft ne, aec 25, tp 15, r 20 e B. W. Wella aw, aec 14, tp 21, r 24 e Francea Wiest bw, sec 24, tp 21, r 24 e Ida F. Welborn sw, sec 34, tp 16, r 19 e; se nw, ne sw, nft se, sec 2, tp 17, r 19 e Abhie Wilson wft, sec 5, tp 18, r 16 e....... Roy A. Wooley eft, sec 31, tp 16, r 14 e H. R. Wolcott eft se, sec 17, tt 16, r 14 e Frances F. Wright sft bw, sec 19, nft nw, sec 30, tp 13. r 15 e C. E. Wright Eat. eft eft, boo 8, tp 14, r 15 e A. L. Young eft, sec 16, tp 18, r 19 e 19.84 Alice M. Young w ft wft, boc 16, tp 18, r 19 Prliieville Ordinal Add. J. H. Haner w 30 ft lot 1, and lot 2, bk 4 12.16 E. A. DaveiiDort S 40 ft of lots 1-2-3, n 40 ft of lots 4-6-6, unplatted tract adj, bk 7 Sarah Darsey lot 4, bk 15 Margaret J. Price lots 5-6, bk 15 27.00 Geo. P. Standcleft lot 5, bk 21" 18.00 rrlnevlllc 1st Add. Knights of Pythias lot 7 of bk 7 Prliieville 2nd Add. Robert Moore lot 4, bk 3 J. F. Harris lots 1-2-3, bk 6 J. F. Harris, lots 7-8, bk 7 J. F. Harris lots 7-8, bk 8 Lottie Vandevert lots 6-6. bk 9 ' 6.63 Prliieville 3rd Add. Delia Huston lots 10-11-12, ok a 27.00 Iineville 4th Add. Lucy A. Davis lots 5-6, bk 1 n. Williamson lots 1-2-3- 4-6-6, bk 16 IVinoville 5th Add. F. Harris lot 1. bk 2.... Bruce Balfour lots 10-11-12, DK 3 Oregon Western Col. Co. lots 10-11. bk 4 Warren Knox lot 7, bk 7.... Oregon Wes. Col Co. lots 10- 11-12. bk 9 i John R. Luckey lots 1-2-3- 4-5-6. bk 12 i E. E. Evans lots 7-8-9-10- 11-12, bk 12 13.67 JJewsome Addition Arzella Strand lots 3-4, bk 9 JJora cram lots 9-10, bk 9 Now some 3rd Add. James Allen lots 3-4, bk 2 Johnson's Bub. C. J. Johnson lot 2, bk 2.... Noble's Add. America J. Crooks lot 21V bk 2 R. D. Ketchum lot 3, eft of lot 4, bk 3 Wm. Davenport lots 21-22- 23-24, bk 6 1 Ore. Wes. Add. Geo. Noble lots 1-2-3, bk 3 Wade Huston lots 1-2-3-4- 6-6, bk 5 11.70 Prineville Acres Margarette Everett lot 3.... 13.69 Prineville Tracts A. W. Grater lot 1 . 1.11 Geo. Ratleff lot 6 .74 Mr. Culver lot C. L. V. Marker lot 9 E. C. Sandy lot 12 Lucy MosHlngor lot 18 Alwllda WlUon lot 22 It II ltair.... 1. A 0 3240i8. J. Newsome lot 48"Z." Robert J. E. Roberts lots 1-2, bk 1, lot 1, bk 2, lots 1-2, bk 3, lot 1, bk 5 Paulina Goo. P. Lee lots 1-2, bk 1.... Wm. Eados lots 1-2-3-4, bk 2 J. W. Morgan lot 4, bk 3 ... Frankle Clark lot 1, bk 4 ... S. Price lot 2, bk 4 AMm'IiuIh Add. Ida Moaior lot 7, bk 1 Itulte Goo. F. Beckman blocks 1-2-4-6-6, lota 1-2-3-4-7-8-9-10-11-12 of bk 7, bka 8 and 9, lots 1 to 10 lnc, bk 10, blocks 11-12-13, lots 1 to 4 lnc, bk 14, and bk 15 23.80 E. B. KNOX, Sheriff. .74 2.96 2.25 4.60 20.25 6.75 3.38 1.86 2.02 17.98 .62 .62 .62 9.92 NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION Drpartmrnt 'h Interior, U. S. Land OftV at Th Dallas, Oraron. January 20, 1917. Nottr la hereby given that PATRICK H. COKFEY, of Brotlwra, Oration, who. on Mar. NOTICE OF RF.FKRKK.S" SALE Of REAL KSTATE Notice is hereby given by the un dersigned referees in Partition In the Suit of Sylvia Teterow, by J. F. n. m. man Homaataad Entrr No i Hoscn, nor guardian, vs. James T. 0UM, for NWi te, jo, NE1,, 8o jTetherow, Eliaia Johnson, Mac John- tlon 20, Towiuhip 20-Soutn, Ranue lg-Kaat, Willamette Meridian, haa Sled notira of In tention to make three year proof, to estab lish claim to the land abore denerlbed, be fore II. C. F.llia. United States Comnniaainn. er, at Bend, Oregon, on the ttn day of aianrn, mi. Claimant names as witnesses: William 8 ten k am D. of Brotnera. Oramn. Charles H. Haines, of Brothers, Oregon. James Byan, of Bend, Oregon, Samuel B lrfi rle, of tfrothers, Oregon.- H. t'KANK WOODCOCK, HUP Register. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of toe BUM of Ore ton for Crok County. In the Mater of the Estate of Bessie Rankin Benson, deceased. The undersigned having been appointed Administrator of the Estate of Bessie Kan kin Benson, deceased, notice fa hereby given to the creditors of said estate and to all per sons having claims against said deceased to t resent them duty verified as required by lw within six months from the date of this notice to the undersigned at the Office of the County Clerk at said Crook County, at Prineville, Oregon. . Dated this 26th day of January, 1917. FRANK W. TOMES, As Administrator of the Estate of 12t4e Bessie Rankin Benson, deceased. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. January 22nd, 1911. Notice Is hereby given that CHARLES R. WINTERS, of Held. Oregon, who, on May SOth, 1912, made Homestead Entry, No. 010327, for S'4, Section S, Township 20-South, Range til East, Willamette Meridian, haa filed notice of intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above de scribed, before H. ' C. Ellis, U. 8. Commis sioner, at Bends Oregon, on the 8th day of March, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses : Alexander S. Cottingham, of Held, Oregon, Fred Hamlin, of Rivers, Oregon, Steve Patt ies, of Bend. Oregon. Dane Dragich. of 7.15 txnd, Oregon. 12tp H. FRANK WOODCOCK, Register. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of an execution, judgment, de cree and order of sale issued out of the Cir cuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Crook, dated the 26th 'day of De cember, 191b, In a certain suit in said court, wherein G. Orlo Jefferson, plaintiff, recover ed a judgment and decree against Charlej W. Embody, Florence Embody. Oregon Cen. tral Improvement Company, a corporation of Washington, and the County of Crook, de fendants therein, that the property herein after described be sold to satisfy the sum of Three thousand dollars (13000.00) with in tercet thereon at eight per cent (81 per an num from the 23rd day of September. 1914 ; the sum of Seventy-eeven tk-Ioo dollars (177.78) with interest thereon at ten per cent uu) per annum from the 27th day of May. 1916 : the sum of One hundred twenty- five 44-100 dollars ($126.44) ; the sum of One hundred seven 4k 7S-100 dollars (1107.761 ; the sum of Eighty aV 96-100 dol lars (180.96) the sum of Three hundred dol lars (1300.00) and the further sum of Twen ty-one 4k 60-100 dollars (121.60), costs and disbursements, and accruing costs, notice is hereby given that I will on Saturday the 24th day of February, 1917, at the north front door of the Court House in Prineville. in said County, at ten o'clock in the fore noon, of said day, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, all right, title and interest that the above named defend ants, or either of them, bad on or after the 23rd day of September, 1910, the date of the mortgage foreclosed by said decree, in the following described property, to-wit: All of Section 16, in Township 22 South of Range 21 East of the Willamette Merid ian, in Crok County, Oregon, to satisfy said execution, judgment and decree. E. B. KNOX, Sheriff of Crook County By FLOYD A. ROWELL, lltSc . Deputy. 19.30 26.74 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE 20.25 9.00 11.25 15.75 13.60 9.45 4.95 7.88 6.40 1.80 4.27 2.70 1.36 3.59 7.22 son, and Viola Tethorow. defend ants, that pursuant to an order ot the Honorable Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Crook, they will sell at public auc tion to the highest bider for cash, at the front door of the County Courthouse in Prineville, Oregon, on the 17th day of February, 1917, at 2 o'clock In the afternoon, all the right, title and Interest of 8ylvla Tethorow, James T. Tether- ow and Lll7.a Johnson, Mac Johnson NOTICE POR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior. U. 8. Land an1 VI..1. T,h.., i ,..n i Ofh at The Dalles, Oregon. 7'.'.v."7 " January 19th. 1S17 Notice I hereby given that OHCAR W. HUFFMAN. of ' Prineville, Oregon, who, on February Z4in, mm, made Homestead Entry. No. described premises to-wit: tho Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter, the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter, the South, -.in. jviu, mane nomesieao entry. wo. l .. i, a . , onus, for Nsek, Nsww. Section 28. 1 M S1 the Southwest quarter, the Township 16-Soutb, Range 16-East, Willam ette Meridian, baa filed notice of intention to make anal five year proof, to establish claim to the land aboe described, before Lake M. Beehtell, U. 8. Commissioner, at Prineville, Oregon, on the tte day of March, 1917. Claimant names at witnesses: Edgar J, Bundy. Aaroa Hoffman. Paul A. Mertsching. John R. Powers, all of rina- ville, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, !ltc RegMer. NOTICE POR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior. U. 8. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. January 20, 1917. Notice la hereby given that SAMUEL E. LOCHRIE. of Brothers, Oregon, who, on Mar. 10, 1918. made Homestead Entry, No. 011387, for W', Section 19, Township 20-South, Rangt 18-Esst, Willamette Meridian, has field no tice of Intention to make three year proof, to establish claim to the land above de scribed, before H. C. Ellis. United 8 tales Commissioner, at Bend. Oregon, on the 7tb day of March, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: Patrick H. Coffey. Charles H. Raines. William Stenkamp, all of Brothers, Oregon. sea Ryan, of Bend, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK. Utfip Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior. U. 8. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. January 29, 1917. Notice Is hereby given that BERTHA E. RANSOM. of Held, Oregon, who, on Fept. 22, 1918, made Homestead Entry, No. 0T2047. for W4 NWIt, NWV4 SW 1-4. SE 1-4 NW 1-4. SV, NEV,, See. 10, Wft NWVi. Section 11. Town ship 19-South, Range la-East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention make three year proof, to establish claim Southwest quarter ot the Southeast quarter, the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter and the) Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section Thirty-six la Township Fourteen South of Rang Twelve East ot the Willamette Meridian in Oregon. Dated this 18th day of Januarys 1917. FRANK FOREST VICTOR BUTLER M. D. POWELL 10t5c Referees. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior. U. 8. Lasns Office at The Dalles, Oregon. January 29, 1917. Notice is hereby given that ELI WILSON, of Brothers. Oregon, who. on May 17, 191S, made Homestead Entry, No. 011701, for Lota 3, 4. 84 NWVi, SWi... Section 1, Township. 20-South, Range 18-East, Willamette Merid ian, has filed notice of intention to make three year proof, to establish claim to taw land above described, before, A. 8. Fogg United States Commissioner, at Hampton, Oregon, on the 8th days of March, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: Bertha Ransom, of Held. Oregon, A. Bl Davis, of Held, Oregon, L. A. Royer, of Brothers, Oregon, Elmer Wilson, of Brothers, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 18tSc Register. the land above described, before A. S. Fogg, united mates commissioner, at Hampton, Oregon, on the 8th day of March, 1917. Claimant names, as witnesses: Archie B. Davis, of Held, Oregon. Thomas of NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Laa4 Office at The Dalles, Oregon. January 20th, 1917. Notice is hereby given that n to I DICK MULHOLLAND, im' to of Roberts, Oregon, who. on December 1st 1909, made Homestead Entry, No. 06636 on Dec. 18th, 1914, made additional Home stead Entry, No. 014191, for Lots 24. SWViNELi, See. 2-Lot 1-Sec. S-T. 19. S. R. 18. E. Wt, SW',. SEUSW1-4. SW1-4SE1-4. Rickman, of Held, Oregon, Eli Wilson, ; Section 35, Township 18-South, Range 18- Hrothers. Orerin. Elmer Wilson, of East. Willamette Meridian, has filed notice Brothers, Oregon. , of intention to make final three year proof. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, to establish claim to the land above described. 13t6c Register, before Warren Brown, Clerk of the Circuit court, at rnneviiie, uregon, on tne in uajr of March, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: John Milliorn, Oswald Ram bo, Lester Fev gueson. all of Roberts, Oregon, Elbert Houston, of Prineville, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, lltSp Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. Januaiy 29, 1917. Notice is hereby given that SALLIE A. WILSON, of Brothers. Oregon, who. on Sept. 6, 1918. made Homestead Entry, No. 012014, for Lots 1. 2. BM NK',,. WVi SEtt. Sec 1. N 1-2 NEVt. Section 12, Township 20-South, Range 18-East, Willamette Meridian, has filed no tice of Intention to make three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before A. S. rogg. united States Commission er, at Hampton, Oregon, on the 8th day of March, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses : Bertha Ransom, of Held, Oregon, A. B. ! Davis, of Held, Oregon, L. A. Royer, ot i Brothers, Oregon, Elmer Wilson, of Brothers, Oregon. a FRANK WOODCOCK, 13t6c - Register. NOTICE OF CONTEST Department of the Interior, United States Land Office. The Dalles, Oregon, February 7, 1917. To Gustay Weigelt of Prineville, Oregow, Contestee: Vou are hereby notified that Severin B. Anderson who gives care of L. M. Beehtell, Prineville. Oregon, ae his post-office address. did on Jany. 12. 191 , file in this office aie duly corroborated application to contest juni secure the cancellation of your Homestead) Entry No. , Serial No. 09666 made Now. 21, 1911, for SV4 SEV4, SVj SWVi, Section 12, Township 14, 8.. Range 16.E., Willamette Meridian, and as grounds for his contest hw alleges that said entryman has wholly aoaav doned and failed to reside upon, improve er cultivate said land for more than two years last past : that said absence was not due ts his employment in military services rendered) By virtue of an execution in foreclosure duly issued by the clerk of the Circuit Court of the County of Crook, State of Oregon, dated this 19th day of January, 191 1, in a certain action in the Circuit Court for the said County and State, wherein B. E. Dougherty, Plaintiff, recovered judgment against R. M. Powell, B. F. Allen, The W. F. King Co.. a corporation. Baldwin 9 0 o ' Sheep and Land Co., a corporation, and if A rj n r. . , r. , n. i vnvii, LeienuHms, iur uie sum of One Hundred Sixty-five and 60-100 dollars with interest at 10 per cent from July 6th, 1911, and for the further sum of Fifty and no-100 dollars attorney's fees, and for Twelve and no-100 dollars costs. For the further sum of Two Thousand Four hundred and no-100 dollars with in terest at the rate of 8 per cent from the 6th day of July, 1911, for the further sum of Four Hundred Five and 17-100 dollars as taxes paid with interest thereon at the rate ot 8 per cent per annum from Sept. 1st, 1914, and for the further sum of Three Hundred Fifty and no-100 dollars attorney's fees. For the further sum of Thirteen Hundred Sixteen and 60-100 dollars with interest at the rate of Nj per cent from October 2nd, 1911, and for Twenty-five dol lars attorney's fees and the further sum of Five and no-100 dollars costs. For the sum of Two Thousand Eight Hundred Sixty-seven and 73-100 dollars with interest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from the SOth day of September, 1913, for the sum of One Hundred dollars attorney's fees, and for the further sum of Five and no-100 dollars costs, and accruing costs. Notice is hereby given that X will, on Sat urday, the 3rd day of March, 1917, at the North front door of the courthouse in Prine ville, in said County, at 10 o'clock in the forenon of said day, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, all right and title that the above named defendants or either of them have or had at date of said judgment in the following described prop erty, to-wit: The SA ot NEVi, EVi of NW, and 10 acres on East side of WM, of NWVi. of Section Eight (8) SW of NW Section One (1) SE?4 of NE 1-4, EVs of SE, Section Two (2) all in Town ship Fourteen (14) South of Range Sixteen bast of the Willamette Meridian in Crook County, State of Oregon. E. B. KNOX, Sheriff of Crook County. Dated at Prineville. Oregon, this 22nd day of January, 1917. By FLO IE A. ROWELL. lltSo Deputy. NOTICE OP CONTEST Department of the Interior, United States Land Office. The Dalles, Oregon. Jiinuai-v 29. 1917. To Edward Tallman Jr. of Prineville, Ore- i connection with operations in Mexico, or gon. Contestee : i stong the borders thereof, or in mobilization Vou are hereby notified that Charles Pal-! camps, elsewhere in military or naval orgaa mer who gives Roberts, Oregon, as his post-1 isations of the United States or the National office address, did on January 6, 1917, file i Guard of any of the several States, in this office his duly corroborated applies- You are, therefore, further notified that tion to contest and secure the cancellation i ' allegations will be taken as con- of your homestead Entry No. Serial i fessed. and your said entry will be cancelled No. 08602 made March 28, 1911, for SE without further right to be heard, either be NEH, NE 1-4 SE 1-4, Sec 19, SW 1-4 NW 'ore this office or on appeal, if you fail to Vi, NW 1-4 SW 1-4, Section 20, Township j lie in this office within twenty days after 17, S., Range 17, E., Willamette Meridian, ' FOURTH publication of this notice, as and as grounds for his contest he alleges I shown below, your answer, under oath, that said Edward Tallman, Jr., has wholly I specifically responding to these allegations of abandoned and failed to reside upon, culti- contest, together with due proof that yon vate or improve said entry since filing there. ! nave served a copy of your answer on the on or at all : that said absence has not been ; Mid contestant either in person or by regnv due to his employment in the army, navy or ' tered mail. marine corps of the United States in time j Yo should state in your answer the name of war, or in any of the military or naval ' the post office to which you desire future organizations of the United States or of the j notices to be sent to yoHi . several States in connection with the opera- i k- A. BOOTH, Receiver, tions in Mexico or along the borders thereof. Dat of first publication February 15, 1917. You are, therefore, further notified that Dme of second publication February 22, 1917. the said allegations will be taken as con-! Dat of third publication March 1, 1917. fessed, and your said entry will be canceled j "ate of fourth publication March 8. 1917. wiinuut lunner ngnt to oe nearu, eitner ' - - before this office or on appeal, if you fail to file in this office within twenty days after the FOURTH publication of this notice, as shown below, your answer, under oath, spe cifically responding to these allegations of contest, together with due proof that you have served a copy of your answer on the said contestant eitner in person or by regis tered mail. You should state in your answer the name of the post office to which you desire future notices to be sent to you. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, Register. Date of first publication February 8, 1917. Date of second publication February 15, 1917. Date of third publication February 22, 1917. Date of fourth publication March 1, 1917. 13t4p 6.75 27.00 8.37 1.80 8.37 22.05 4.74 8.87 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. January 20. 1917. Notice Is hereby given that VERONICA A. GARSKE, of Dry Lake, Oregon, who, on May 14, 1913, made Homestead Entry, No. 011682, for SEViSWfci. SSEl-4, Sec. 9, SW1-4 SW1-4. Sec. 10, WVjNWVi, WSWy, Section 16, Township 20-South, Range 21-East, Willam ette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before H. C Ellis, United States Commissioner, at Bend, Oregon, on the 6th day of March, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses : John A. Pausch. Bert Lootens, George Geiger. James Langford, Susanna Garske, James Wilson, all of Dry Lake, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, lltSp Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. January 19th. 1917. Notice ig hereby given that EDWARD GOULD. of Roberts, Oregon, who, on April 24th. 1911, made Homestead bntry No. 08639 and on June 4th, 1914, made additional Homestead Entry, No. 018369, for EV4NEVS, See. 13, T. 18. s. K. 17 B, tits ot Lot o a swv,svYV4, Sec. 7-Lot 6 A NWNWV4, Lots 1-2, Sec. 18, Township 18-South, Range 18-East, Wil lamette Meridian, has filed notice of inten tion to make final three year proof, to es tablish claim to the land above described, before Lake M. Bechtel, U. S. Commissioner, at Prineville, Oregon, on the 6th day of March, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: George B. Taylor, of Roberts, Oregon, Carl E. Fischer, of Prineville, Oregon, Ar thur M. Hardenbrook, of Prineville, Oregon, Otto Sonntag, of Roberts, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, llt6c Register. SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN THE JUSTICE COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR CROOK COUNTY, PRINEVILLE, RECINCT NO 1. J. S. Watkins, Plaintiff vs. Moses A. Gulick, Defendant. TO MOSES A. GULICK, THE ABOVB NAMED DEFENDANT: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed herein against you in the above entitled cause on or before the 30th day of March, 1917, which is the time prescribed in the Order ot the Justice of the eace of Crook County, State of Ore gon, for District No. 1, pursuant to which, this summons is published, in which you are, required to appear, answer or plead herein, and if vou fail to so aouenr. answer or plead, the plaintiff will take judgment against you as prayed in his said complaint, to-wit ; for the sum of Fifty-eight and 35-106 Dollars, with interest thereon from the 3rd day of February, 1917, at the rate of sis per cent per annum, and for. his costs and disbursements herein. The date of the first publication of this summons is the 16th day of February, 1917. This Summons is published pursuant to as. order of Hon. A. R. Bowman, Justice of the Peace for Crook County, State of Oregon, for District No. 1, made on the 13th day of February, 1917. A. R. BOWMAN, Justice of the Peace, Dist. No. 1. L. M. BECHTELL Attorney for Plaintiff. 14t7c NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregaa. February 14th, 1917. Notice is hereby given that CHARLES L. BUSHNELL. of Roberts, Oregon, who, on March 11th, 1910, made Homestead Entry, No. 06202, for SWM SE!4. Sec. S3, T. 17-S., R. 17-E., Lots 1-2 SWV! NEV4, Section 4, Township 18- South, Range 17-East. Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final five year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Lake M. Beeh tell, U. S. Commissioner, at Prineville, Ore-, gon, on the 23rd day of March, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses : Fred C. Roberts, Clarence S. Fergueson, Ulysses S. Bushnell. Benjamin F. Boydston. all of Roberts, Oregon. ' n. FRANK WOODCOCK, 16t6c Register. Now turn to the classified ads on page a ; Don't complain , about the man who patronizes mail order houses if you send way for your printed matter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. February 12th, 1917. Notice Is hereby given that GEORGE B. LONDON, of Alfalfa, Oregon, who, on April 9th, 1910, made Homestead Entry, Na 06442, for W-& Section 17, Township 18-South, Range 16 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final five year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Lake M. Beehtell. U. S. Commissioner. at Prineville, Oregon, on the 23rd day of March, 1817. Claimant names as witnesses: Leo Berringer, Charles A. Weaver, Ells worth Curtis, all of Prineville, Oregon, Charles H. Erickson, of Alfalfa, Oregon. - ' H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 14t6c , Register. NOTICE The Crook County High School Board win meet March 8th, 1917, at 9. p. m. at the County Superintendent's Office for the con sideration of applications for positions in the High School. J. E. MYERS, 14t2p ; Secretary. - Now turn to the Classified Ads on Page 3.