PAGE 6 CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL FEBRUARY 22, 1917 Our asit Carload of . Which we advertised in the last two issues of the' Journal sold in just -one week from the time they were unloaded; also one other new Buick we had in stock here at that time Another Carload is Enrouteandweare Booking Orders for These SPECIAL! New Stadebakeir Four-cylinder, 5-passenger with jump seats, making seating of seven possible; roomy, beautiful and well built; elegantly finished with powerful motor. As you know these cars advanced $50 not long ago, but as we bought this car before the raise, we will give anyone the advantage of the old price. An excel lent opportunity to get a high-class new car for Less Than $1000 Inland Auto Company Second Hand Cars 1916 Hupmobile, 5-passenger, electric lights and starter; in perfect condition, tires unusually good Excellent purchase at - - - $575.00 A 1910 4-passenger Cadillac in perfect running order - - - $200 Harley-Davidson Motorcycle, 1916 model. Must be seen to be appreciated - $165.00 Prineville, Oregon Keep Your Stock Healthy and Make Your Chickens Lay INTERNATIONAL POULTRY and VETERINARY REMEDIES INTERNATIONAL Distemper Remedy INTERNATIONAL Worm Powder DAN PATCH Iodo Absorbant INTERNATIONAL Louse Killer INTERNATIONAL Roup Remedy INTERNATIONAL Healing Powder INTERNATIONAL Poultry Food A fresh stock of all the International Stock Food Company's Remedies always Kept on our Shelves Always Spring Tonics Needed Let us keep you, as well as your stock and poultry, in good health. We are the Old Reliable Druggists of Central Oregon. In business in Prineville 18 years D. P. Adamson & Co. OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAMNTEREST Principal Events of the Week Briefly Sketched for Infor mation of Our Readers. Phone 1702 Livery, Feed and Sale Stable EAST SIDE BARN Special attention paid to all kind of draying Phone 1702 Hay and Grain Sold to all Stockmen DRAYAGE IN CONNECTION C. H. Baggott Prprietr Redmond, Ore. Shipp & Perry Dealers in Lumber, Shingles, Mouldings, Doors, Windows, Glass, Paints and Oils, Rubberoid Roofing, and Ornamental Fencing. At a meeting of farmers and fruit grower held at Myrtle Creek a grange was organized. The 11th annual convention of the Oregon Retail Merchants' association will be held in Portland February 19 to 21. Committees have been appointed to proceed at once with the erection of a new $25,000 Christian church at Milton. Baker lumber mills were compelled to close down because of the car short age. Nearly 200 men were thrown out of work. Hundreds of acres of ground are being prepared this year for the grow Ing of sugar beets for the Grants Pass sugar factory. Cheese men of Coos and Curry coun ty will make a campaign to stand ardize the manufacture of cheese in the two counties. Thirteen hundred acres In the sec ond unit of the West Umatilla irriga tion project will be opened to home stead entry March 6. The Willamette Valley Mint Grow ers' association was permanently or ganized at a meeting of the mint grow ers of the state at Albany. Ashland has decided to repeat the Rogue River roundup and celebration upon an even larger scale than last year during the coming July. Rogue river Is to have a bridge 30 miles from Hi mouth. It will be the only bridge between Grants Pass and the ocean, more than 100 miles. Reports sent in from county agents of Oregon show that numerous farm loan associations are being formed in accordance with the rural credits law. A demonstration wool car of the department of agriculture, which is touring the United Stales at present, will visit Oregon from February 19 to March 3. Ernest V. Jensen, of Portland has on exhibit at the state cap H oi a concrete model of the Ceciio canal which be is desirous to place on exhibit at the state fair. Voters of West Linn at a mass meeting authorized an election on a $14,000 bond Issue for the construc tion of a modern school building In the district. The Journal Is only $1.60 a year. CUT FLOWERS IN QUANTITY LOTS We lay them down to you at Portland prices. Save your pottage or expreti by letting at order for you. THE ART SHOP F. E. LAFLER, Prop. The First National Bank of PRINEVILLE, OREGON Resources Over Half Million This bank it pleased to place at the disposal of its customers the facilities gained during its twenty seven years of continuous service and growth. B. F. ALLEN. Pfe. WILL WURZWEILER. Vice Prs. T. M. BALDWIN. Caahier H. BALDWIN. Asst. Cashier E. R. MORRIS. Asst.'.Cashier The Oregenian Is handled exclusively in Prineville by H. R. LAKIN Delivered at your door the same day as published for 75c per month W. J. HUGHES Dealer in Modern Shoe Repair Shop W. H. SIMON, Prop. Shoei repaired while you wait All work guaranteed Price reasonable Located in Morris Bldg. Oregon Daily Journal Daily 50c. Daily and Sunday 65c i If you don't get your paper regularly, phone Red 43 1 and we will send one up by special messenger Prineville Drug Co. Local Agent The Journal has the largest paid cir culation of any paper in Central Oregon Harness and Saddlery Goods, Horse Blankets, Saddle Blankets, Bits, Spurs, Robes, Whips, Harness and Saddles, Oils and Axle Grease. All work neatly and promptly done and guaranteed Saddles Made to Order a Specialty pRiMFVir i v nnmnisi JJ 1 Why Not Trade at Home? Let us figure with you on anything you want in the line of ll Furniture, Wall Paper, Paints, Oils Glass, Building Materials, Doors and Windows N The only Licensed Undertakers in Prineville ALL GOODS STRICTLY CASH I I IPPMAN Xr C OMPANY II The Journal does Modern Printing on Short Notice