FEBRUARY 22, 1917 CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL PAGE 3 When Wanting Good Honest WorkDone Don't forget the , Prineville Machine Shop the Best Equipped Plant in Town for all Kindt of Machine Work and Oxy-Acetylene Welding Prineville Machine Shop E. G. Hodson, Prop. 1 r a uj nnn jj If wiVsLJ J Prk o Ad Mrt Aconitf Copr UiiUm A4rrtUr Monthly AccothM. A4bn LMn lo Th Journal, Prlii, Orarsa cent Classified Ad Secltibmi EVERY WEEK City Meat Market J. W. HORIGAN, Prop. Choice Home-Made Hams. Bacon and Lard Fresh Fish and Oysters Fruit and Vegetable in Season TYPEWRITER Smith-Premier In i- first class condition with steel cane for sale (or $25. O-Journal office. A Dollar in the Bank Is worth two in the hand, because it is safer. It soon grows and begins to work for you. Crook County Bank, Prineville, Or. HMl HM.K KEEP YOUR COWS-Clean and dry. Mucprints for the most -successful cow stall can be had for the asking, address L. 15. La folktte, Itedmond. Ore. 5tfc. ME AIM, HOARD AM) BOOM KOR SALE 160 acres of land all well fenced with rabbit wire and al! in cultivation; 8 miles from Prineville; has good spring and is under Ochoco project; some trade. Write P. O. box 113. city. 6tfc SCRATCH FAi)8-ljTfrrent 1zen and quality of paper, Just the thing for your desk or pocket, (or sale at The Journal office. FOR SALE Corner lot on Main street. Size 50x1 W feet; splendid business location. Box 623, Prineville, Ore gun. 8tfc JERSEY COWS Terms. Inquire at this office or write Postoffice Hox No. 354. W. S. Ayers. lOtfc FOR SALE Six-room brick resi dence, lt block from public school, Prineville, (or sale cheap. Address Boxi 135. X. Bend, Ore. 12t5p LIPPINCOTT'S RESTAURANT Will be re-opened March first un der the personal management of Mr. Llpplncott. 15t2c ROOMS 1-0RENT Three bloTks west o( postoffice. Inquire of Mrs. I,. M. Hodges. 13tfc BOA RDE AS WANTED Boarding house under new " management. First door east of Claypool's store on Fourth Street, formerly occupied by Mrs. Harvey. Meals served 25c. Chili-Con-Carnl every Saturday. 10t7p . AHHTRACTOKH CROOK COUNrFAlisfRAHco" Incorporated, D. H. Peoples, pretident, J. B. Bell, secretary. Abstracts and Insurance. Prine ville, Oregon. UK WARDS REWARD A reward of $100 will be paid for Information leading to the arrest and conviction of anyone destroying the drift fence of the Mill Creek Livestock As sociation, lltllp PHYSICIANS BELKNAP & EDWARDS Ch as. S. Edwards, H. P. Belknap, Physi cians, Surgeons and Occulists. Prineville, Oregon. l AG N KTIC H KA I.E IW PROF. A. W. GRATER Magnetic & Mental Healer. Office in Morris building, Prineville, Oregon. DENTISTS HOWARD GOVE Dentist. County bank building. CrooK DR. H. G. DAVIS Dentist. New modem shop, in Kamstra Build ing. ATTORNEYS WILLARD H. WIRTZ District Attorney. Office in Crook Countj Bank building, Prineville, Ore. LAKE M. BECHTELL Lawyer. United States Commissioner, Crook County bank building. Prineville, Oregon. PERSONAL MRS. OMAR C. CLAYPOOL Face and scalp specialist. Manicuring, hairdrcssing, shampooing, elec trical treatment; manufacturing of high class hair goods. Two blocks east of Prineville hotel, opposite courthouse. Phone Red 581. ltfc MONEY TO IX)AN MONEY TO LOAN On improved eal t state. Lake M. Bechtell, Crook County Bank Building, city. 5tfc. $2500 loan on improved alfalfa farm near Prineville on Ochoco or Crooked River. A. R. Bow man. 26tfc. MONEY To loan on improved real estate. D. H. Peoples. 20tfc NOTICES HOLSTEIN BULL For service. See P. B. Poindexter. City. 5tfc 80 ACRES Irrigated land for sale. C. E. Cross, Powell Butte, Ore. 13t4p EARLIEST POTATOES In the market, both pink and white, dry land seed. Address " Lewis Regelsberger, City or call at ranch on Johnson Creek. 13ltc $30 REWARD For the recovery of three estrays. Two two-year old black mares, one brande. "A6" connected on left shoulder, The other branded "K" on left stifle, same brand on three-year old gelding, black also. Last seen at Dick Butler's place on Crooked River. Notify Albert Moore, Lamonta, Ore. 12t5p ELEVEN HEAD 0( Jersey cattle; estrayed from my range on Dryj Creek since last spring. All ' coming two year olds. Branded j TJP connected on both hips. No ! ear marks. Notify R. M. Powell, i City. 13t6p FOR SALE Choice O. A. C. thor-ough-bred Whit Leghorn roosters one year old. Price $2.50 Le land Poultry Ranch, Culver, Ore. 14t7c For new and old stomach trouble use Adamson's Digest eze. Price 50c or six boxes tor $2 60 postpaid to any address in tbe United States of America. For sale by D. P. lameoa & Co., Prinevule, On&w . FOR SALE Hudson 51. good con dition, or will exchange for; smaller car. Write or phone to Norrls Morgan, Prineville, Ore.'-' 14tf-lp OMAR WILSON CONTRACTOR and RU1LDER Business Buildings, Residences and all Classes of Construction. Quality of Work Absolutely the Best PRINEVILLE :: OREGON FOR SALE The best small ranch in Benton county, 3 miles from Albany. 219 acres, 100 or more In cultivation, mostly second bot tom land. Also fine timber , ' claims in Lane and Douglas coun-; ties. For particulars apply to E. j Morgan Watson, First National : Bank, Eugene, Oregon. 14t2p FOR RENT I FOR RENT 160 acres at Powell Butte. For particulars address! Loyal H. McCarthy, Attomey-at-Law, 1334 Northwestern Bank Building, Portland, Oregon; or J. F. Bean, P. O. Box 171, Cincin nati, Ohio. 15t4c IT'tU BE VuVfcfME. TO "TV ONE S AKt.T ii CLASSIFIED AD ORDER BLANK Use this Blank in sending in your Classified Ad copy Enclosed find $ , for which run the copy below times at 1 c per word each insertion. Be sure your envelope is addressed to the CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL, PRINEVILLE, OREGON, and your re mittance enclosed. When your address is not given, postag? must be added for reforwarding. Name Address . CLASSIFIED AD COPY ! Name and address to be used on your Ad. o S. Metz & Sons Imported and Homebred Percheron, Belgian, Shire Stallions and Jacks Come to Pendleton, Oregon, and ,wewill show you 40 head of stallions that you will say are real drafters, best of bone, cleanest lot of stallions you ever saw under one roof. Our stallion won first and grand championship'at the leading state fairs last fall which shows you the kind you will expect to see when visit ing our barns. If you want the best and most for your money be sure and visit our stables where you can see more stallions than any other place in the northwest for we know we can please you. Write us your wants Prices Right, Terms to Suit, Every Horse Guaranteed to Pass State Inspection Reliable Guarantee, Come and tee us. We have 80 head of registered Here, ford and Shorthorn Bulla for (ale, all of serviceable age S. METZ & SONS PENDLETON, OREGON Commercial Barns HAMILTON STABLES And Prineville Livery and Feed Stables Under One Management. Feed, Livery and Sales. Auto Service Wood, Baled and Loose Hay. Call or phone orders RAY & POWELL Classified Ads work while you sleep! $5.00 PER ACRE Four 640 acre tractsone 480 acre tract and two 320 acre tracts, from 24 to 60 miles southeast of Prineville, on Bear Creek and tributaries and close to county road. Also two 320 acre tracts in Harney County. Terms if desired. All are bargains. For information write or call on, D. M. WILSON & CO., SALEM, OREGON. Money Loaned on Sheep Consign Your Wool and Establish a Real Market Advances Made on Wool PORTLAND Wool Warehouse Co. WOOL COMMISSION MERCHANTS Sh9.nR:MTn lit"" Baiiaiat PORTLAND, OREGON IPS Growers Offer Seed of Varieties Recommended by the Harney Branch Expmt. Station for Central Oregon Early Bart Spring Wheat F. Delisted, Burns; Chas. Davis, Harney; Experiment Station, Burns. Pacific Bluestem, also called Paloiise or Select Bluestem August Haar- strich, Harriman; Experiment Station, Burns. Sixty Day Oats R. J. Williams, Riley j Experiment Station, Burns. White Smyrna Barley Experiment Station, Burns. Field Peas Experiment Station, Burns. For prices, quality etc., write the grower. Classified Ads work while you sleep;you will find them a very quick medium for your wants iSlKoM pacIficsystem (S-SMiJj 01RECT R0UTE T0 suhny II RoundTrip Fares wA WW'f 1 Olncl w la Salt Lake Ctty f.rf'Rvm Vft jL .7. pOSAN FRANCISCO Literature, rerv fl&M I X&fc ml tions, and tickets up- M f i" f on application to M fmh S.LWiggin, I 1 I ImJ t.f.&p.a. , g yQ . UMJ BEND tmiiMJiU A Classified Ad in The"1 Journal brings anything you want