CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL rAGE 3 When Wanting Good HonestWorkOone Don't forget the Prineville Machine Shop the Best. Equipped Plant in Town for all Kind of Machine Work and Oxy-Acetylene Welding Prineville Machine Shop E. G. Hodson, Prop. City Meat Market J. W, HORIGAN, Prop Choice Home-Made Hams, Bacon and Lard Fresh Fish and Oysters Fruit and Vegetables in Season A Dollar in the Bank It worth two in the hand, because it U safer. It soon grows and begins to work for you. We pay 4 per cent interest on time deposits. Crook County Bank, Prineville, Or. DELMAR F. LADD Plastering, Concrete and Brick Work. All Work Guaranteed Ind. Phone 509 REDMOND, OREGON Shipp Dealers in Lumber, Shingles," Mouldings, Doors, Windows, i Glass, Paints and Oik, Huberoid Roofing, Ornamental Fending 1 OMAR WILSON CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Business Buildings,. Residences and all Classes of Construction. Quality of Work Absolutely the Best PRINEVILLE :: OREGON Hello I , Say, do you know the Pilot Butte Telephone Company has more miles of line and a larger num ber of subscribers than any other telephone company in Crook county and a cheaper rates? .Telegraph connection is made at Red mond with all outside points. Main office Prine ville, Oregon. l l Classified Ad AVYUKL) i Prl of Ad Atcoa, Cp, U.I.- Ad.,W kM Mon.M, A., "Add,... L.,.. ,, TU Jo.m.1 fri a . rv ectioim EVERY Z wt v Y W 1 1 K I FOR SALE FOR SALE FOK KALE 70 tons of good rye and wheat hay in good condition; will Hell or feed stock on the ranch; fine grans arid range; prioe right. Address J, C. South, Culver. Ore. 4t4p. FOK SALE - Quarter section of land on Powell Butte. Terms to suit buy-r. Inquire Box F, Journal 4tc4. FOR SALE On reasonable terms, ' good modern, 5-room bungalow with bath, and two and one half lots, two blocks from high school. T, B. Zell, Pontottice box 9fl, Prineville, Ore. 47tfc. FOR SALE-Three "shares" of Pilot Butte telephone stock. al?o three shares of Barbwire Telephone Company stock. G. M. Meyer. 51tfc. FOR SALE 1 (K)0 bushels of oats at 2 cents per pound. Four miles from Paulina. Chas. E. Blun dell, Paulina, Ore. Gt8p F0R SALE OR TRA PE 212 a?res five miles east of Albany; nearly all under the plow; good valley ranch; fine home in Albany with three lots; 320 acres timber; about 20,000,000 feet. Will trade all or part for stock ranch. K O. Snyder, Albany, Oregon, R. F. 1). 1, Box 93. fitfp HELP WANTED AGED WOMAN-Wanted as house keeper; Rod home but small wages. John McFadden, Terre bonne, Oregon. 7t5p PHYSICIANS WANTED WANTED TEAM Three to five years old. Broken or unbroken; twelve to fourteen hundred lbs. Give price and particulars. Al bert Harper. Tumalo, Ore. 5t4c LOST AND FOUND REGISTERED All red Short Horn Bulls, twenty-five head seven months old and under seven. These animals may be seen at he Shepherd ranch near Barnes. Ad dress B. F. Shepherd, Barnes, Oregon. 2t8p. FOR SALE 320 acres on Camp Creek; 20 acres meadow; 40 acres plowed. Price $10 per acre. A. L. Bennett. Barnes, Ore. 3t5p FOR SALE A good Jersey milk cow. Also a few Barred Ply mouth Rock cockrels for breeders at $1.50 each if taken at once. Mrs. Pearl Breeding, city. 4t4c KEEP YOUR COWS-Clean and dry. Blueprints for the most successful cow stall can be had for the asking, address L. B. La- follette. Redmond. Ore. 5tfc. 360 ACRE RANCH 150 acres un der ditch; 50 acres dry farming; the rest grazing. A bargain if taken at one. C. P. Henry, Paulina, Ore. 5t5p. LOST Near George Russell ranch on Ochoco, one heifer, 3 years old in spring; 1 heifer calf; 1 steer coming two years old; 1 steer calf; all half-breed Jerseys, brand ed on left hip X X Notify John E. Williams. Deschutes, Ore. 6t3c FOUND Gold band ring; initials W. It. P. to J. M. H., April 21, ,'Ofi. engraved in inside. Owner may have same by writing to R. R Price, Post. Ore., enclosing 40 cents to pay for this notice. 6tl WANTED Position as housekeeper for bachelor or widower. N. E. Whitternore, Victoria Hotel, Lin coln, Nebraska. Clop NOTICES NOTICE is hereby Mven that the Annual Meeting of the sharehold ers of the Squaw Creek Irrigation Company will be held Saturday, January 13, 1917, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the office of the compa ny in Prineville, Oregon. E. T. Clayton, Secretary. 7t3c E. O. HYDE-Physician and geon. Calls answered promptly day or nifht. Office over Adamson's Drug Store. Btll office and residence tele phones. Prineville, Oregon. J. H. ROSENBERG Physician and Surgeon. Calls answered prompt ly day or night. Office two doors south of Prineville Drug Co. Residence corner 1st and Main streets. Prineville, Oregon. BELKNAP & EDWARDS Chas. S. Edwards, H. P. Belknap, Physi cians, Surgeons and Occulists. Prineville, Oregon. DENTISTS T HOWARD GOVE-Dentist. Croon County bank building. DR. H. G. DAVIS-Dentist. New modem shop, in Kamstra Building. HOLSTEIN RITI.f PERSONAL MRS. OMAR C. CLAYPOOL Face and scalp specialist. Manicuring, hairdressing, shampooing, elec trical treatment; manufacturing of high class hair goods. Two blocks east of Prineville hotel, opposite courthouse. Phone Red 581. itfc. All persons knowing themselves indebted to the firm of A. H. Lipp man & Co., please come and settle at once; all having claims against the firm will Dresent them at nnpo T J. Minger. Administrator. 23tfc 1 MAGNETIC HEALERS PROF. A., W. GRATER Magnetic & Mental Healer. Office in Morris building, Prineville, Oregon. ATTORNEYS TRESPASS NOTICES FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms. Phone Pacific 3117, or address P. O. box 493, Prine ville, Oregon. 4t4p MONEY TO LOAN FOR SALE Cheap for cash, or will TrHflP Tfr WnH hfliann Mama v. wwua UUIOVll HVIIICj Phonograph in good condition wun signet norn and 90 2 and 4-minute records; cost $76.00: will sell for $35.00. Ask to see and hear it. W. H. Cyrus, r ' FOR SALE 160 acres of land all well fenced with rabbit wire and all in cultivation; 8 miles from Prineville; has good spring and is under Ochoco project; some trade. Write P. O. box 113. city. 6tfc MONEY TO LOAN On imDroved farm lani in Crook County at 6 percent. M. E. Brink- 6tfc MOXEY TO LOAN On improved -eal estate. Lake M. Bechtell, Crook County Bank Building, .city. 5tfc. $2500 To loan on improved alfalfa farm near Prineville on Ochoco or Crooked River. A. R. Bow- 26tfc. man. MONE To loan on improved real estate. D. H. Peoples. 20tfc TRESPASS NOTICE I will prose-' cute the first man I find hunting on my premises west of Prine-1 ville without my permission.! T. F. Cox. 49tfc. STRAYED STRAYED One yearling Jersey steer, branded "Wagon Wrench with a 7" on right hip. Please phone or write Otto Borreson, Prineville, Ore. 5tfc. ESTRAYED From my place near' Post in April, 1 bay 5-year-old ' gelding, branded 99 on left stifle; i 1 2-year-old filly, dark gray,! branded B on right shoulder; : liberal reward for information. ' O. A. Fields, Post, Ore. 6t3p ' ESTRAYEDTwo Jersey heifers from the Morse ranch at Powell Butte; branded V with quarter circle above on left hip. Notify an iurse, xveamond. 6tfc M. E. BRINK Lawyer. A street. Prineville, Oregon. WILLAR0 H. WIRTZ District Attorney. Office in Crook County Bank building, Prineville, Ore. N. G. WALLACE Attorney-at-Law Rooms 3-4-5 Kamstra Building, Prineville, Oregon. . C. C. BRIX Attorney-at-Law, Real Estate. Room 6, Cornett Build ing. Prineville, Oregon. LAKE M- BECHTELL Lawyer. United States Commissioner, Crook County bank building, Prineville. Oregon. ABSTRACTORS V CROOK COUNTY ABSTRACT CO, Incorporated, D. H. Peoples, president, J. B. Bell, secretary. Abstracts and Insurance. Prine ville, Oregon. MISCELLANEOUS TEAM WORK Of all kinds. In quire at 2nd Hand Store. 46tfc The Journal has the largest paid cir culation of anv naDer in Central om 1 WW PACIFIC Why Not Trade at Home? Let us figure with you on anything you want in the line of Furniture, Wall Paper, Paints, Oils Glass, Building Materials, Doors and Windows The only Licensed Undertakers in Prineville ALL GOODS STRICTLY CASH L1PPMAN & COMPANY jAranr?nfg IS THE SHORT LINE PORTLAND Daylight Train on Fast Schedule Leaves Bend 7:25 a. m. Daily - USE IT ASK S. L, WIGGINS, T. F. & P. A, Bend for Information, travel advice, etc. Scenery Follows the matchless Deschutes and Columbia River Gorges for 185 miles and parallels the famous Columbia River Highway a daylight ride nowhere, excelled. Service Leaves Bend 7:25 a.m. daily on a con venient and fast schedule, connecting with the justly popular OREGON' WASHINGTON LIMITED for and fromPortland,the East ind California. Equipment Strictly first-class all-steel trains; cars built especially for this service; no change of cars between Bend and Portland. Otherreasons why, and travel and transportation advice gladly given by S.L Wiggim.TJF.aPA, Bend I iNioN Pacific System Classified Ads work while you sleep; you will find them a very quick medium for your wants r