f of 0 33 Crook Goepity CLASSIFIED ADS ON PAGE 3 .ouroa 1 ( COUNTY OFFICIAL VOL. XXI JUDGE C. M. CHARLTON DOLES OUT JUSTICE Richard Sampair Fined $100 in Powell Butte Court FEDERAL OFFICER CRABS HAN Charge of Violating the White Slave Law and Selling Liquor Are Made Richard Sampair, of Rend, was convicted before a jury at Powell Butte last Friday of the crime of Jbootlegging Justice C. M. Charl ton presided. The defendant was represented by Messrs Redman and Moore, attorneys of Bend, and the prosecution was conducted by Dis trict Attorney Wirtz. ' Sampair was charged with! the unlawful sale of intoxicating liquor in the local Justice court by the district attorney. Upon an appli cation for a change of ver.ua by the defendant, Justice of ihd PeaceJ Bowman transferred the case to Powell Butte district for trial,, . The defendant alleged In his ap plication for the transfer that he could not get a fair trial in Trine ville owing to ill feeling existing Itetween the rival communities of Bend and Prineville. The trial was had in the com munity hall at the Buttes. Justice Charlton fined' the defendant $100. Sampair paid his' fine on Satur day, but was taken into custody at once by federal officials, charged with selling liquor without a government license and with violat ing the federal white slave act. An order was signed by Justice which provides that liquor bo destroyed publicly. the the E TO DEATH AT BEND MILL llerny Tweet was instantly killed Friday night about midnight at the Brooks-Seanlon Lumber Company's .nill by a load of lumber tipping over and pinning him against a pile on the side of the alley. Mr. Tweet was driver of one of the teams delivering lumber from the mill to the yard and had left with a load about midnight. After he had been gone for some time, searchers went to look for him and found him pinned between the load of lumber and the pile in an up right position. The entire load was resting on him and death had evidently been instantaneous. Mr! Tweet was married and ' leaves a wife and three children, who will receive the benefits of the workman's compensation law under which the employees of the mill are operating. Mr. Tweet was a son of Thomas Tweet, a well knovn resident of Bend and one of her oldest and most respected citizens. He was a brother-in-law of John Steidel.' Mrs. Tweet was not in formed of the death of her huBband until the next morning, when Mr. Steidel informed her of the acci dent. The accident was,' apparently un avoidable and was caused by the wheels of the wrgon sinking into the soft cinders in a new alley. ,Mr. Tweet was a resident of the Powell Butte country for years, and Is well known in Prineville. Christmas rates'of a fare and a third on the O-W. line have just been announced. , PAPER FOR CROOK COUNTY i . - r r . i . THE JOURNAL'S AUTO .12 Vote Will Be Refused After Clock Strikes 8 P. M. UNCLE FRANK NICHOLS NOW 91 Celebrates Birthday and Goes After Subscribers Mrs. Nelson Still Leads The Journal's Ford race, which is a subscription contest in which a late model Ford touring car, which may be seen at the Inland Garage in this city, is the prize, will close at eight o'clock on the evening ot December 12th, sharp. The contest has narrowed down to two candidates, Mrs. H. Nelson, of Roberta, and B. F. Nichols, of Timalo. j Mrs. Nelson has been working hard as has her opponent and is again in the lead this week but a good gain has been made by both candidates and it looks like any body's race. "Uncle Frank" Nichols celebrat ed his 91st birthday Monday even ing at Tumalo where he was the guest of more than twenty Masons from Bend, who presented him with a diamond pin, and honored him in other ways. Tuesday morning he was back in Prineville, hustling for subscrip tions and getting them, displaying more vigor and pluck than many men of much less years. These candidates are both deserv ing, and one thing is a fact; that is that the prize will be won by a meritorious person. If you wish to help either of these people win this prize, do not forget that the contest closes on the above date. The votes will be counted by three businessmen of the city, who have not been selected as yet and who will not be announced until after the count is made. The de cision of these judges will be final, and the prize will be awarded im mediately after the count is com pleted. The standing of the contestants at the hour of eleven o'clock on Wednesday was: Mrs. Hugh Nelson 1,620,000 B. F. Nichols .1,610,000 Ray Mandell and Dempsy Glover, both of Klamath Falls, were taken into custody by the police at Bend on Tuesday, together with about 84 quarts of liquor which they intend ed to sell In the mill city. Mandell is being held in the county jail here and Glover is held in Bend, while further investigation of the case is beng made. They will be given a trial soon. Each of the defendants are sons-in-law of A. W. White who was a resident of this city at one time. Sheriff Knox broke a front wheel off his car on the return from Bend with Mandell and Wyatt Tuesday evening. None of the occupants of the car were injured. There will be an entertainment and , box social Saturday night, December 2nd, at the Lower Rye Grass school house. Ed Street, of Fife, was in Prine ville yesterday on business. i PRINEVILLE, CROOK COUNTY .- . , tf T T r, - , , f - , . , i, I H ' j , s J V I 4 ii fy 'V.f . Vv. " . 1 P 7J :. il - v ; . .';'r i ' '.",!!!' r;) -.id ; ! .;4 W t ti t t ,,wf ? ) V- " f -:- ; A r - ;"j a ml - v I-1 rW I ill . LADIES ANNEX INI VAUDEVILLE AT LYRIG Next Wednesday, December 6th, the people of Prineville will enjoy a treat at the Lyric Theatre when the Ladies Annex will give a home talent Vaudeville show in conjunc tion with the regular picture pro gram. . This will be the first of these en tertainments to be given in Prine ville. The Program will consist of five or sjx acts, making about a two hour show in all. Singing and dancing acts with sketches will compose the vaudeville part of the program., The program is under the direc tion of Mrs. R. A. Clark who has staged many of the most successful entertainments given here in the past year. The proceeds will go to help the Natatorium fund. Remember the date. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Schwartzer, of Paulina, were in Prineville the last of the weok on business. CITY OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1916. RABBIT BOUNTY LAW The rodent bounty law goes into effect tomorrow, December 1. It provides that every sage rat or rabbit killed in the county after that date shall be paid for by the county upon the presentation of not less than fifty scalps at one time, to the county clerk, with the proper affidavits concerning where, when and by whom they were killed. The rabbits will be paid for by the clerk at the rate of Jive cents each and the rats at two and one half cents. The law says that the "scalp and ears" must be presented to the clerk for bounty, and they must not be more than four months old, also that they , must be killed after the date on which the law goes into effect. rne bervant in the House was produced at the Opera House Thursday evening by the senior class of the high school. The play was well rendered and showed a kvell selected cast and a lot of good training. OFFICIAL PAPER FOR , ... DAILY R. F. D. SERVICE FOR POWELL BUTTE Change Will Benefit Large Number of Farmers I DIPHTHERIA CLOSES SCHOOLS Earl Saunders Walked on by a Band of Sheep Other Important News Powell Butte has daily R. F. D. service now. The change from tri-weekly was made November 16th. Now if the ounty court can be persuaded to improve some of the roads on this route it will benefit both carrier and patrons. Jesse Shobert has purchased the Casey , eighty from Mr. Olson of Redmond. This is a good piece of land and Jesse will have a nice home built in the spring. , Clyde Brown has purchased the farm belonging . to Warren Brown formerly known as the Doty place which makes a good'addition to Mr. Brown's home place. ....... " The cobweb social given at Com munity Hall by Miss Jessie Hart-' ley's school was well attended and netted a neat sum from the sale of baskets. The program was good also. Mrs. C. M. Charlton entertained in honor of Chas. Jr's., birthday in the way of a dinner party last Sun day. The school at this place was closed November 23rd. to remain closed until after Thanksgiving. The occasion being the illness of little Patrica Saunders, which has been pronounced diphtheria. The little girl was taken ill in school. The Saunders home has been quar antined Mnd every precaution is being taken to prevent the spread of the disease. Elof Johnson, proprietor of Powell Butte's department store, was a visitor in Portland and other points recently, arrivine home Sat urday. , Earl Saunders had the misfor tune to be knocked down and run over by a bunch of sheep recently and suffered the loss of two teeth besides sustaining many bruises. Little Ruth, the small dautrhter of Joe Shearer, the ditch superin tendent, has been seriously ill with an attack of appendicitis. At last reports she was slightly improved. We all hope the improvement will be permanent. BIG TRACTS OF LAND A large amount of land has been sold to stockmen during the past two weeks by the Oregon & West ern Colonization Company. The lands are situated east of Prineville, and will add materially to the plants of some of the princi pal stockmen in that part of the country. The following sales were closed on the recent visit of presi dent Watson P. Davidson, of the company, who was jn Prineville on Sunday. J. P. Connolly, 2560 acres; A. Venator, 1280; Tip Stoy, 560; Joe Post, 640 ;'J. H. Upton, 160; O. B. Gray, 1920, Logan Bros., 640 and Blanchard, Calavan and Johnson 1080. t CITY OF PRINEVILLE NO. 3 "RET G. H. WYATT IN TOILS OF THE LAW Arrested in Bend on Charge of Sale of Liauor HE REFUSED TO ENTER A PLEA Brought Into Court Wednesday Forenoon Will Be Sent to Trial Tomorrow Geo. M. Wyatt was arrested in Bend Sunday evening on a charge of illegal sale of liquor. He was taken into custody by officers Nixon and Culp of Bend, who have suspected him for some time, and lodged in the city jail at Bend until Tuesday afternoon when he was brought to Prineville Dy Sheriff Knox. A preliminary hearing was held in Justice Bowman's court Wed nesday morning, and when asked to enter a plea, Mr. Wyatt refused to do so, in which instance a plea of not guilty is entered for him by the court . . His trial will be held on Friday at the eourt house. Mr. Wyatt is well known here, having at one time preached at various places in this part of the county and elsewhere. IN AUTOMOBILE WRECK H. G. Kennard and R. L. Schee were in a wreck Sunday afternoon on the road between Prineville and Redmond when Mr. Kennard's roadster was overturned. Mr. Schee was driving the car and made a sudden turn to avoid a collision with another car, when the roadster rolled over several times in the roadway. The rear fenders were torn away, windshield broken and other damage done, but the car came on in on its own power after being righted again. A few minor scratches were al' the damage done to the passengers. BUILDING CONTRACT Omar Wilson has been awarded the contract for the construction of a modern cowbarn on the founda tion of the building that was re cently destroyed by fire on the H. McCall ranch. Contruction work will commence as soon as lumber can be laid on the ground and the building will be built as rapidly as possible. The barn will be of the very latest construction, cork floors in the stalls and every convenience tMatuch a building should have will be included. , Receives Bad Cut in Arm Omar Wilson lacerated his wrist in a dangerous manner Wed nesday morning about ten o'clock, in this city. Mr. Wilson was work ing at the Geo. Wiley residence when he lost his balance on a scaffold, and about to fall, caught to save himself and hit the sharp end of a chisel with his'right wrist, cutting a gash about three inch ea in length, which bled profusely.