Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, October 05, 1916, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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It hns been said that every third
person has ciUurih In some form,
Science hns shown tlmt imsul cnlarth
often ImliciUca a general wcnkiirtm
of tlio body; mid local trcnt iinrtHs In
the form of snulTs and vapors do little,
If nny good.
To cowt rtiturrli you nhouliUri-Ht Itn
wane by iiriiliiiig your blood Mrllli Ui
:il-fKNl In tw-otfn KimilnliiM wliii li in
ninlldiinl (mil nml a bullilliiK-touIr, Irr
lionmletiliulcir uny ImrtiilulilniK, Try tt.
Swill h U..W1H, BluDUiScId, N. J.
Hie Rcbekuh District Convention
for Crook county met In the 1. 0.
O. F. hull at Uend, on the after
nM)ii of September 22ml. Conven
tion was called to order by the
chairman, Mr. French, and the
convention immediately proceeded
to transact the business which
co mo before It.
Delegates were In atten lance
from the Redmond and I'rineville
lodges, mid nil entered into the
work with a will.
The olltcera for the enduing year
were fleeted 8s follows:
President, li. True Shut tuck of!
FVineville; vice president, Km lie
Cline, of ledmond; secretary,
Kthel Flcmming, Bend; marshal,
Amanda Chores, I'rinevllle; Con
ductor, Sarah Abel. Redmond:
chaplin, Muuil Shuey, Hi-mi; inHide
guardian, Lucy French, Bend;
outside truurdinri. Elite Glens, Bond.
The Grand President of Oregon,
Mrs. Nellie Wattenburg, and the
Grand Muster of Oregon, Henry
S. Wcstbrook. and the Grnnd
Marshut, E. True Shattuck of the
Rebekah assembly, and Brother
Kngcbretson, of the I. 0 0. F.
Grand lodge were present.
The committees appointed are as
Legislation: II. S. Wcstbrook. K.
True Shattuck, Kthel Fb mining.
Thanks: Surah Abel, Robert Wat
tenbtrg, Vivian Hinklc. Press; C.
L. Shattuck, Kmlie Cline, Martha
F.ngebretson. cmvention is to bo
held at I'rineville. In the even
ing a joint meeting of the Odd
Fellows and Rebekahs was held and
the brothers and sisters listened to
splendid talks from Sister Watten
burg Bnd Brother Westbrook. The
evening entertainment was con
cluded by a splendid banquet.
This committer wishes-ttrronvey-f
the thanks of the convention to the
Bend Rebekahs and Odd FcI'owb
for the royal good time that every
one enjoyed. 0. L. Shattuck. Km
lie Cline, Martha Kngcbretson.
Plant Pl(fined to Manufacture Potash.
8nn Krunclsco The Vnttml States
The DcbchutcB country is to bo
featured in a film story which Us
Just been completed by Robert C.
Bruce, uf the Educational Films
Corporation of New York. The
scents were directed by D. C. Free
man, publicity agent of the Oregon
Trunk Ry., and special equipment
was operated to enable the movie
men to get the best raulta. All
the striking panoramas from the
Celilo rapids to Crooked river were
worked into t'to scenes. Thu stoiy
revolves about a drifting specimen
of humanity a victim of the
wanderlust who, though improv
ident and shlttloHB, mill possesses
a fine appreciation of the beuutieB
of nature. ,
Twenty-six reels of Northwest
Bcenory were made this summoi by
this concern and it was through the
efforts of Mr. Freeman that the
movie man was interested in pic
turing 4hc Deschutes. The mov
ing picture is doing more thun any
other agency to familiari'.o the
Easterners with Western scenery.
One of the first pictures made
by this particular company had for
its central feature the Incidents of
a trip along the Columbia to Mt.
Adams. This film has been viewed
by two or three million people in
the past 24 months.
During lust week the moving
picture man of the Northern
Pacific Ry, has been on the tolum
bia River taking scenic and in
dustrial films for. general exhibi
tion purposes.
A "movie man" was present at
the fair last week, taking scenes
to be used In a "news" feature.
Seiid Us Your Orders
No matter what you want. If it isn't in
stock we will try to get it for you To
please you to supply your wants to have
you come back again and again that is
what we aim to accomplish.
Always Something New, Up-to-Date
of Good Quality and Lowest Prices
J. E. Stewart & Company
News of the Films
Her Pair of Shoes
The girl worked in a five and
ten cent store. Her mother took
in washing to help, support the
family, two smaller children, and a
lazy, good for nothing father who
spent bis evenings and mornings
lying in bed, reading novels, smok
ing his pipe and rushing the can
Brent's Candy Kitchen
Is New Venture Here
Brent's Candy Kitchen is a new
business enterpribe which was
launched in this city last week. It
is located in the Kamstra building
in the same room with Harvey
Cyrus1 jewelry store and is a neat
little fiutfit with a larger capacity j
than it appears to have. Electric
stoves and toasters are used in
Undertaking and
Building Material I
Pure Boiled Linseed Oil per gallon
-his wife and daughter P'ding, ,uncheon d tmpnt and elec.
the money. I . . ........ ..1. ....
Each week she took her
onened nav-envelope home to
To the farmers of Crook County :
After nearly two months the
ollice of County Agriculturist,
jormerly held by Mr, Lovett is re-oH-ned
again by your new agent.
While the county and people are
new to me, the work of county
agent Is familiar, having been
county agriculturist of Cascade
County, Montana for nearly three
years, from wnere I nave just
corne. 1 have done ranch work in
two counties adjoining Crook, anil
being a graduate of the state Agri
cultural College do not feel aa en
tire stranger,
The first work of an agent in
a new field is spent in a recon
naissance of the county, both agri-
! u.wti.illtr urwl Ortnm m I nil 1 1 U
...Ill . .!.. I VUllAimiiJ, rwv i...., oi.u
Ul'l l lift? lit Tt tit rninwopii j-
mother. Kaeh week she was
promised $3 with which to buy nev
shoes. Rut there was always need
for the money she earned to supply
the family larder; to provide beer
and tobacco for her lazy father.
Just ht.w the half-slave girl
finally succumbed to relentless fat
and "sold out for a pair of shoes"
is to be pictorially related in Blue
bird Photoplays at the Lyric
Theatre on next Saturday and Sun
day in a great moral and socio
logical revelation entitled "Shoes."
either Ht Long Ilcach or Hbu Diego,
for inanufoctiirliiK tunli from kelp,
according to 3. V. Turrentlne. solen
tlst of tlio United 'States department
of agriculture.
Strike Authorized by R. R. Shopman.
Kanaaa City. Mo. A vote to strike
baa been carried in the referendum of
40,000 members of the lx shopmen's
unions on 20 weatern railroads, it was
announced by union officers In session
Senator Clark, of Arkansas Olea.
Little Hock, Ark. United States
Senator James I'. Clarke,- president
pro tempore of, the United Stntes son
ate, died at lils home here from
stroke of apoplexy.
I becoming acquainted with general
' conditions and getting acquainted
(with the people. I believe the
'poonle of Crook County aie ac
quainted with the work of their
agent. He is paid by public funds.
He is your man, your servant and
yours to make use or. 1 am not a
wizard, a know-it-all nor an expert
on everything agricultural, but
am your agent and I want your
Yours very truly,
K. A. Blanchard,
Agent U. S. Dent, of Agriculture
The Journal makes
the home complete.
No Old Stuff
Reliable ketchup, olives,
salad dressing, oils and things
of that ort in bottled form
are offered from fresh stock.
We do our ordering from
the wholesaler in a way that
keeps old stuff off our
This is important.
tricity is also used wherever power
is required. An electric piano
makes1 the place more attractive.
Mr. Brent informs us that this
instrument is the latest model
which the Cable people manu
facture and there is only one other
of its kind on the coast.
" 0
bi5' fa
The Redmond Warehouse Co.n
pany is ready to contract all kinds
of grain with a liberal payment in
advance. Pd. Adv
w ( . ,
There is a lesson in this feature
for every father and mother who
have made themselves responsible
for the welfare of a daughter it
expounds the greatest problem
ever essayed in. moving pictures
and does it deftly, cleanly and with
gripping interest.
The Stars and Stripes in Mexico,
. i i.i .. . : , u u n.
uciuui pictures loncu wii.ii mc CA I
.... .i
peditionary aimy seni alter me
arch fiend Villa, ia a timely and
interesting subject which will also
be shown with a comeay,, ine
Newly Weds Mixup."
Too Late to Classify
200 acres of pasture for sale.'
John Montgomery, City. 47t4p.
Peaches, Pears, Tomatoes And ;
other fruits for sale reasonable ,
from The Dalles. See Mrs R. V.
Randall, City. 47t2p.
housework. Good
for the right party,
Claypool, City.
for general
Mrs. 0. C.
Fair Wee
25 bars Crystal White Soap - $1.00
4-gallon jacket Tea Garden Syrup - $3.15
4 packages A. H. Soda - .25
25-lb-pail Dr. Hess' Stock Food, regular price
$2.25 $1.75
We invite you to
make our store
your resting 'place
while in the city
0. C. Claypool & Co.
FOR SALE On reasonable termsi
good modern, 5-room bungalow
with(bath, and two and one half
lots, two blocks from high
school. Phone Black 333. P, O.
box 96, Prineville, Ore. . 47tfc.
XJt t A vciucii. yi. wile; vyivjviiii
m ... . .'I
irunK lines was inTneiciiy tne last,
of the' week.