Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, September 14, 1916, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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Deptirtmcnt oif the Interior, U.S.
1iiriil Olllce at The Dulles, Oregon,
AuKUMt 4th, 1UIG.
Notice In Iurt4) Riven tlmt
Richard It. Khodii,
of Dry Ijike, Oregon, who, on May
"7th, 1912, muilo Horm'steml entry
No. or:iK2, rul on Juno 3rd, 1912,
nntdc utlcJitiottuI Homestead entry,
No. 0102(52. for Lots 3-4. Sec. 5,
Lots 1-2, Sec. 11, Twp 21-S, Rungo
21 -K, Kl SKJ. Sec. 81, Wl SWJ, Sec.
!I2, To. 20-S, Range tl-E, Will
amette Meridian, lmn filed notice
of intention to make final three
year proof, to etalilirsh chilm to the
land above described, before
Charles A. Sherman, U. S. Com
tnimdoner, at Fife Oregon, on the
2;!rd day of September, 191fi,
Claimant names as witnesses:
Lewis W. Dennett, John Wilson,
Bruce U. Balfour, alUof Dry Lake,
Oregon, Albert Birdnong, of Held,
II. Frank Woodcock, Register.
Department of the InU'rior, U. S.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon.
August 7th, 1916.
Notice Is hereby given that
Mads P. Nielsen,
of Held, Oregon, who, on March
31st, 1913, made homestead entry,
N. 011495, for SWJ. Sec. 4, El
NEJ, Sec. 8, Wl NWJ, Sec. 9,
Twp. 19-S, Itange 19-E, Willamette
Meridian, has Hied notice of inten
tion to make final three year proof,
to establish claim to the land above
dntcriN'd, before A. S. Fogg,
U, S. Commissioner, at Himpton,
Oregon, on the 30th day of Septem
ber 191(5.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Paul Held. Fred W. Kurchtorf.
John Pradcr, Warren G. Llbby. all
if Held, Oregon.
H. Frank Woodcock Register.
By virtue of an execution in
foreclosure duly issued by the clerk
oi the Circuit Court of the County
it Crook, State of Oregon, dated
this 18th day of August 1910, In a
certain action in the Circuit Court
for the said County and State,
wherein Jasper Johnson, Plaintiff,
recovered judgment against Richard
R. ljiwrenee and Cora F. Lawrence,
Defendants for the sum of Three
Hundred and Fifty Dollars with
interest at the rate of 10 per cent
per annum from the Kith day of
June, 1914 together with' Fifty
Dollars attorney's fee, and the fur
ther sum of Twenty Dollars costs,
and accruing costs.
Notice is hereby given that I
will, on Saturday, tho 23 day of
:Scpt. 1916, at the North front
door of the Courthouse in Prine
ville, in said County, at 10 o'clock
in the forenoon of said day, sell at
public auction, to the highest bid--der
for fash, all right and title
that the above named defendants or
either of them have or had at date
of said judgment in the following
described property, to-wit:
All of lots one, two, three and
four, of Section One in Township
Fourteen, South of Range Seven
ten, East of tho Willanutte Merid
ian in Crook County, Oregon.
E. B. Knox, Sheriff of Crook
Dated at Prineville, Oregon, this
19th day of August, 1916.
By Floyd A. Rowell,' Deputy.
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
July 10, 1916.
Notice is hereby given that, as
directed by the Commissioner of
the General Land office, under pro
visions of Sec. 2455, R. S., pur
suant to the application of
Mollie E. Held,
Serial No. 014733, we will offer at
public sale, to the highest bidder,
but at not less than $2.00 per acre,
at 9:45 o'clock A. M on the 17th
day of October, next at this office
the following tract of land: EJ
SEJ, SEJ NEi. Scj. 83, twp. 18-S,
Range 19-E, W. M. (Containing
120 Acres.) This tract is ordered
into the market on a showing that
the greater portion thereof is
mountainous or too rough for cul
tivation." The sale will not be kept open,
but will be declared closed when
those present at tho hour named
have ceased bidding. The person
making the highest bid will bo re
quired to immediately pay to the
Receiver the amount thereof.
Any persons claiming adversely
the above described land are ad
vised to file their claims, or objec
tions, on or before the time desig
nated for sale.
41t5p L. A. Booth. Receiver.
When writing to advertisers please
mention The Journal.
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Olllce at The Dalles, Oregon.
August 22nd, 191j.
Notice is hereby given that
George W. Conrad,
of Robert, Oregon, who, on
October 4th, 1911, made Home
stead entry, No. 09534, for NWJ
SEJ, El SEJ, SEi NEi, Sec. 33,
Twp. 17-South, Range 17-East,
Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice "f Intention ,to make final
three year proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before
Lake M. Uechtell, U. S. Com
missioner, at Prineville, Oregon,
on tho 4th day of October, 1910.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Jabez E. Warner, Floyd J. War
ner, Benjamin F. Boydston, John E.
Campbell, all of Roberts, Oregon,
11. Frank Woodcock, Register,
' 42t5c.
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at Tho Dalles, Oregon,
August 22nd, 1916.
Notice is hereby given that
Samuel D. Kennedy,
of Held, Oregon, who, on July 9th,
1913, made Homestead entry, No.
011870, for SWJ SWi, Sec. 13,
SEJ, Sec. 14, Ni NEJ, Sec. 23,
NWJ NWJ, Sec. 24, Township 20-S,
Range 19-E, Willamette Meridian,
has filed notice of Intention to
make final three year proof, to
establish claim to the land above
described, before A. S. Fogg, U. S.
Commissioner, at JIampton, Ore
gon, on the 2nd day of October,
Claimant names'as witnesses:"
Paul Held, Charles S. Marrin,
Thomas Rackman, all of Held, Or?
gon, Frank Caipenter, of Rivers,
' 11. Frank Woodcock, Register.
Department of the Interior, U. S.
I.and Ollice at The Dalles, Oregon,
August 30th, 1916.
Notice ts hereby given that
Ulyssea G. Allen,
of Post, Oregon, who, on December
21th, 1910, made Homestead entry
No. 07858 and on January 28th,
1913 made additional homestead
entry, No. 011220. for NWJ SWJ.
Sec. 14, Nl SEJ, SWJ SEJ, & SWJ.
Sec. 15, Twp. 17-S, Range 18-E,
Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice of intention to make Final
three year proof to establish claim
to the land above described, before
Lake M. Bechtell, U. S. Com
missioner, at Prineville, Oregon, on
tho 7th, day of October, 1916.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Edward B. Knox of Prineville,
Oregon, William Dorrell, George
E. Knox, Herbert Cook, all of Post,
Oregon. '
11. Frank Woodcock, Register.
. 43t5.
a ,
In the .Matter of the Assessment
and Apportionment of Taxes for
the Year 1916 by the Ochoco Irri
gation District.
Notice is hereby given that the
Board of Directors of the Ochoco
Irrigation District fhas fixed the
amount of money to be raised by
assessment for the year 1916
against and upon all the lands with
in the Ochoco Irrigation District,
subject to such taxes as provided
by law, in the sum of $3,510.00
and the said hoard of Directors
will on Tuesday the 3rd day of
October, 1916 at the office of said
irrigation district in the city of
Prineville, Oregon, acting as a
board of equalization, will meet for
the purpose of reviewing and cor
recting its assessment and appor
tionment of taxes, as provided by
law, and that said board will con
tinue in session from day to day, as
long as may be necessary, not to
exceed ten days, exclusive of Sun
days, to hear and determine any
ojbections by any interested persons
to the assessments and apportion
ments thereof and any other mat
ters connected therewith that may
come before them and in the mean
time the assessment list and record
is and will remain in the office of
the Secretary of said board for the
inspection of all persons interested
Dated at Prineville, Oregon this
5th day of September, 1916.
R. L. Schee,
Secretary of the Board of Direc
tors of tho Ochoco Irrigation Dis
trict. 43tlc.
Modern Shoe
Repair Shop
W. H. SIMON, Prop.
Shoei repaired while you wait
AH work guaranteed
Pricei reasonable
Located in Morris BIdg.
Turn to the Classified Ads on page 3.
Department of tho Interior, U. S.
Land Office at Tho Dalles, Oregon,
July Uth, 1916.
Notice is hereby given that
John W. Short,
whose post office address it Ash
wood, Oregon, did, on the 7th day
of September, 1915, flic in this
office Sworn Statement and Appli
cation No. 015398, to purchase the
SWJ NEJ, Sec. 81,1 wp. 11-S, Range
18-E, Willamette Meridian, and the
timber thereon, under the pro
visions of the act of June 3, 1878,
and acts amendatory known as the
"Timber and Stone Law," at such
value as might be fixed by ap
praisement, and hat, pursuant to
such application, the land and tim
ber thereon have been appraised,
$115.00 the timber estimated 65000
board fct at $1.00 per M, and the
land $50.00; that suit, applicant will
offer final proof in support of his
application and sworn statement on
tho 23rd day of September, 1916,
before Lake M. Bechtell, U. 8.
Commissioner, at Prineville, Ore
gon. Any person is. at liberty to pro
test this purchase before entry, or
initiate a contest at any time be
fore patent issues, by filing a cor
roborated affidavit in this otficc, al
leging facts which would defeat the
II. Frank Woodcock, Register.
Estate of R. L. Edmonston, de
ceased :
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned, administrator of the
estate of R. L. Edmonston, de
ceased, will on and after the 25th
day of September, 1916, at his
office, at 302 Morgan Building,
Portland, Oregon, sell at private
salt, to the highest bidder for
cash, subject to existing liens, the
following described real property,
belonging to said estate:
North half of the northeast
quarter, and north half of north
west quarter of section 36, town
ship 14 south, range 13 east of the
Willamette Meridian, containing
100 acres, in Crook County, Ore
gon. Robert Shaw,
41t5c. Administrator.
Notice is hereby given by the un
dersigned, the Executrix of the Es
tate of William Sheldon, deceased,
to all creditors of said deceased ami
to all persons having claims against
his estate to present the saifle, with
the proper vouchers to the under
signed at the office of M. R. Elliott
in Prineville, Oregon, within six
months from the first publication
of this notice.
Dated this 7th day of September,
1916. Lovina J. Hawkins,
Executrix of the Estate of
William Sheldon, Deceased.
SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon, For Crook County.
Rae Haves. Plaintiff, vg Maurice
Hayes, Defendant.
To Maurice Hayes, above named
In the Name of The State of Ore
gon, You are hereby required to
appear in the above entitled Court
and Cause and answer the com
plaint of Plaintiff now on file here
in within six weeks from the date
of the first publication of this sum
mons upon you, to-wit:
Within six weeks from the 7th
day of September, 1916, said date
being the date named in the order
for publication of summons here
tofore made and rendered, and if
you fail to appear and answer in
the time specified, for want there
of, the plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief prayed for in
the complaint, to-wit:
That the bonds of matrimony
now existing between the plaintiff
and defendant be dissolved, and
that the custody of the minor
children of plaintiff and defendant
bo 'awarded to plaintiff, and for
such other relief as , to the Court
may seem just.
This summons 'is served upon you
by publication in the Crook County
Journal, a weekly .newspaper of
general circulation published once
each week in Prineville. Crook
County Oregon, said summons to
be published for six consecutive
weeks by order of Hon. T. E J.
Duffy, Judge of the above Court,
and which order further provides
that personal service of this sum
mons upon you outside of the State
of Oregon shall be equivalent to
publishing summons. Date of first
publication, September 7, 1916.
H. H. DeArmond,
43tc7. Attorney for Plaintiff.
The Journal makes
the home complete.
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
July 10th, 1916.
Notice is hereby given that, as
directed by the Commissioner of
the General Land office, under
provisions of Sec. 2455, R, S., nur
suant to the application of Myrtle
Fergueson, Serial No. 014384, we
will offer at public sale, to the
highest bidder, but at not less than
$2.00 per acre, at 10:30 o'clock
A. M., on the 17th day of October,
next, at this office, the following
tract of land: SEJ NWJ and NEJ
SWJ, Sec. 12, Twp. 18-S. Range
17-E, W.M. (Containing 80 Acres).
"This tract is ordered into the
market on a showing that the
greater portion thereof is Moun
tainous or too rough for cultiva
tion." j The sale will not he kept open,
but will be declared closed when
those present at the hour named
have ceased bidding. The person
making the highest bid will be re
quired to immediately pay to the
Receiver the amount thereof.
Any persons claiming adversely
the above described land are ad
vised to file their claims, or objec
tions, on or before the time desig
nated for sale.
43t5c. L. A. Booth. Receiver.
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon For Crook County.
James E. Taylor, Plaintiff, vs.
William D. Bell. Elda I. Bell, and
Geo. Fisher, Defendant.
To William D. Bell, Elda I. Bell,
and Geo. Fisher, defendants above
named :
j In the Name of the State of Ore
gon, You are hereby required to
appear and answer the complaint
filed against you in the above en
titled suit within six weeks from
the date of the first publication of
this notice, or within six weeks
after personal service of this sum
mons on you outside of the State
of Oregon. If you fail so to ap
pear and answer said complaint,
plaintiff will apply to the Court for
the relief demanded in his said
complaint. The relief demanded is
the foreclosure of a certain mort
gage executed and delivered by
William D. Bell to R. H. Darnielle
on or about October 30, 1918, to
secure the payment of a certain
promissory note for $600 payable
three years after date with interest
at the rate of 10 per cent per an
num, payable annually, with pro
viso that principal becomes due in
case of default of payment of an
nual interest, which said mortgage
conveyed unto mortgagee for that
purpose the following described
real property situated in the
County of Crook, State of Oregon,
the east half of northeast quarter,
northeast quarter of southeast
quarter of section fourteen, and
the southwest quarter of northwest
quarter of section thirteen, town
ship sixteen south,' range eleven
E. W. M., containing 160 acres, and
a further decree barring and fore
closing you, said William D. Bell,
Elda I. Bell, and Geo. Fisher of
any and all right, title, and inter
est in or to said real property and
every part thereof, the said mort
gage above described having been
heretofore regularly sold and as
signed by R. H. Darinelle to James
E. Taylor, plaintiff herein.
This summons is served upon you
by publication by order of Hon. T.
E. J. Duffey, judge of the above
entitled court, by order made and
entered on August 29, 1916, and
published in the Crook County
journal, date of. first publication
August 31, 1916, and date of last
publication October 12, 1916.
John Gavin, Attorney for Plain
tiff; 42t7c.
Notice is hereby given by the un
dersigned, executor of the Estate
of Enoch Cyrus, deceased, that he
has made and filed with the clerk
of the County Court of the State
of Oregon for Crook County, his
final accounting of his administra
tion of said estate and that the
Honorable G. Springer, Judge of
said Court, has fixed Monday, the
2nd day of October, 1916, at 10
o'clock in the morning of said day
at the courthouse in the county
court room thereof, in Prineville,
Oregon, as the time and place for
hearing and settling said final ac
counting. Dated this 31st day of August,
Warren Dean Cyrus, Executor of
the Estate of" Enoch , Cyrus, De
ceased. Willard H. Wirtz, Attorney for
Estate. 42t5p.
For new and old stomach
trouhle use Adamson's Digest
eze. Price 50c or six boxes for
$2 50 postpaid to any address
in the United States of America.
For sale by D. P. Adamson &
Co., Prinev'ile, Oregon.
Notice is hereby jriven that the
undersigned, the Administrator of
the estate of Ralph D. Hildom de
ceased has made and filed with the
Clerk of the County Court of Crook
County, Oregon, his final account
ing of his administration of said
estate and the Honorable County
Court has set Friday the 6th day of
October, 1916, at 10 o'clock in the
forenoon of said day at the County
(kurt room in Prineville, Oregon,
as the time and place for hearing
and settling said' Final accounting
at which said time and p ace any
person interested in the estate may
appear and object to said Final
Dated this 7th day of September,
1916. Eugene Hildom,
Administrator of the Estate of
Ralph D. Hildom, Deceased.
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
August 28th, 1916.
Notice is hereby given that
Granville H. Nye,
of Roberts, Oregon, who, on April
12th, 1911, made Homestead entry
No. 08665 and on June 10th, 1916,
made additional homestead entry,
No. 014661, for El SWJ, NWJ
SEJ, Sec 7, Nl of Lot 6, El NWJ,
SWJ NWJ, NWJ SWJ. Sec. 18,
Township 18-S, Range 18-E, Will
amette Meridian, has filed notice
of intention ' to make Final three
year proof, to establish claim to
the land above described, before
Lake M. Bechtell, U. S. Commis
sioner, at rrineville, Oregon, on
the 10th day of October, 1916.
Claimant names as witnesses:
George B. Taylor, Clarence S.
Fergueson, Ed. A. Parker, Joel
Newton, all of Roberto. Oregon.
H. Frank Woodcock, Register.
Undertaking and
Building Material
Pure Boiled Linseed Oil per gallon
Harness and Saddlery Goods, Horse Blankets, Saddle
Blanket, Bits, Spurs, Robes, Whips, Harness and Saddles,
Oils and Axle Grease. AU work neatly and promptly
. , done and guaranteed . j
Saddles Made to Order a Specialty
prinfvii.i f nprr.nN
The First National Bank
Resources Over Half, Million
This bank is pleased to place at the disposal of it
customers the facilities gained during its twenty
seven years of continuous service and growth
T. M. BALDWIN. Cashier H. BALDWIN, Asst. Cashier
E. R. MORRIS, Asst.JCashier
Hello I Say, do you know
the Pilot Butte Telephone
Company has more miles
of line and a larger num
ber of subscribers than any
other telephone company
in Crook county and a
cheaper rates? Telegraph
connection is made at Red
mond with all outside
points. Main office Prine
ville, Oregon.
Protect Your Stock Flora Poieon
A break lo the tencn may eaouc the him of
jroure or your neighbor' Hock. F.xtormlna
ton placed where ritbhlM frequent will ra
ti line thxlr numbers and anon pay for tbem
mire In erop laved. Foil ..IrwMurm wlttai
encb order. By Parol Port 11.80 fach, tlSJKK
per dozen; picket make 2Sc each extra.
Aft. Tho. I. Temple, Redmond, Or egos
Oregon Daily Journal
Daily 50c. Daily and
Sunday 65c
Why be without the newa
when we deliver it promptly
to your door anywhere in the
city for 2 cent a day
Mrs. Estes & Son
Local Agent
The Oregenian
Is handled exclusively in
Prineville by
Delivered at your door the
same day as published for
75c per month
The Journal has the largest paid cir
culation of any paper in Central Oregon
Dealer in
'iXL-'- .
" VT'SPZA ff .A V