Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, September 14, 1916, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    PAGE 4
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K. A. Blanchard, of Great Falls,
Mont., has been secured to fill the
vacancy caused by the resignation
of County Agricultural Agent
A. E. Lovett. Mr. Blanohard is
well qualified for the position, hay
ing served in a similar capacity in
Cascade County, Mont, since 1914.
His work there was along very
similar lines to that carried on by
Mr. Lovett in this county, organiza
tion for marketing and other pur
poses; field demonstrations with
crop varieties and cultural prac
tices both in dry land and irrigated
districts; pest and rodent control,
etc. He leaves Montana with an
enviable reputation of accomplish
ment and bettering of agricultural
and rural social condit?ns in Cas
cade County.
Mr. Blanchard is a graduate of
the Oregon Agricultural College
and has had a large amount of
practical farming experience, both
before and after his college course.
All of his summer vacations while
in college were spent working on
ranches in Eastern Oiogon. At col
lege he was entirely self supporting
and yet found time to engage in
numerous student activities. He
served as Student Body President,
his senior year and also as manager
of the Men's Drrmitory.
He is married and has one child.
Mrs. Blanchard, also a former
0. A. C. student, is a native of
Wheeler County. It is expected
Mr. Blanchard will arrive Septem
ber 15th and will be located at Red
mond. Annual Convention
Held In This City
The Eleventh Annual Crook
County Sunday School Convention
was held in Pnr.eville last Satur
day and Sunday at the Methodist
church. Rev. Phipps. the North
west Field Secretary, was the
principal speaker during the con
vention. His talks on practical
Sunday school wrk were given
Saturday and Sunday afternoon.
All who heard him Sunday morning
at the Presbyterian church in a
ITs fisre I
Corns In
asd Sse If!
The HEW "ass?
tfcrss Economical Simple
Light Weight Substantial
Fool-Proof Construction
Gun Barrel Cylinder Bore
Leak-proof Compression.
1 H. P.
on skids with
3 H. P. $66. 6H.P.
AU F. O. B. Factory
More Than Rated Power
and a Wcsidsr at the Price"
Add for Prineville Delivery:
on 1 1-2 hp $ 9.00
on 3 hp. 15.00
on 6 hp 25.00
Prineville Dealer
fSr 'suv "k"
35 50
j delightful and
Swore benefitted.
uplifting sermon
His subject whs.
'Whoso linage is Tins. Mr.
PHpps drew his beautiful lllustra-
ions from the wo.iuh of literature
and a rich experience.
A short program and reception
were given Saturday evening. The
address of welcome was given bv
jj B shipp anJ rosponaotl to by
Mr. Phipps in a short address.
Punch and wafers were served by
the ladies of the churches of the
city and a social time was enjoyed.
A large crowd greeted the speak
er Sunday evening in a union meet
ing. At this Mr. Phipps empha
sized the importance of strong
missionary efforts on the part of
the United States, since at the
close of the present conflict,
Europe will not be in a condition
financially to do philanthropic work
of this nature.
Eleven delegates from outside
points were present, the largest
number coming from Terrebonne.
Next year the convention will be
held m Bend. Crook county was
one of eight counties to be pre
sented with a " blue ribbon" for
efficient work. This was possible
on aecmnt ot the ettorts oi the
president, Mrs. H. P. Belknap and
the generous gift of W. W. Brown.
The newly elected officers are.
President, Rev. Ilartranft of Rend:
vice president, Karl Benton of Red
mond; se-re.ary-treasurer, Lydie
Elliott of Terrebonne.
The Crook County Fair, bigger
and better than ever, will open on
September 27 with the longest list
of big attractions by far ever j
The livestock and agricultural
exhibits will surpass what were on
the grounds .last year, and because
of the season, the quality of all
farm products will be better than
ever before.
While there is something of a
similarity in these exhibits each
year, they never fail to attract
people from far and near.
The list of
free events is large
and of a high class. The aviator
who will appear here this year is
doing stunts in the air that have
never before been attempted.
A championship baseball series,
where Prineville hopes to win the
title for the state, will be an ad
ditional feature. Don't miss a day
this year.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Post cele
brated their golden wedding at
their home near Post yesterday.
Harvey Shoemaker shot and klTTed
Its. Dan Davis, to whom he had been
attentive for some time, and then
killed himself, at Baker. Jealousy is
believed to have caused the shooting.
Insurance Commissioner Wells has
issued fire tirevention bulletin No. 2
and in it he urges the hearty coopera
tion of property owners with the fire
departments so that hazards may be
There will be no military drill at
the university of Oregon before the
second semester of school, and proba
bly not until next ylar, according to
an announcement made by President
P. L. Campbell.
Be it Remembered that a regular
term of the county court of the
county of Crook of the State of
Oregon was begun and held in the
county courtroom in the county
courthouse in Prineville, Oregon,
on Wednesday, the sixth day of
September, 1916, the same being
the first Wednesday in said month
and the time fixed by law for hold
ing a regular term 'f said Court,
when were present at tne hour of
ten o'clock in the morning, the fol
lowing officers:
G. Springer, Judge, presiding.
J. F. Blanchard, Commissioner.
H. J. Overturf, Commissioner.
Warren Brown, Clerk. E. B. Knox,
ceedings were hud to-wit: j
Construction of bridge over thtv
Deschutes Ktver at '1 uinnlo referred
to Commissioner Overturf with j
instructions to build said bridge ati
once according to the plans and i
specifications furnished by the
County Engineer.
In the Mutter of the formation
of Deschutes County: On the pre
sentation of petitions properly ver
ified according to law, the Court
orders that the question of the
formation of Deschutes county
within the present territory of
Crook County, be submitted to the
vote of the electors of Crook
County, at the next General Elec
tion. See order.
Plat and dedication of the First
Addition to Aubrev Heights pre
sented, approved by Court and
ordered filed.
Whereas, upon inspection, this
Court has found the present county
bridge over the Deschutes River on
the Bend-Laid law road to be un
safe and dangerous for travel and
in need of immediate repairs; and
whereas, the Coast Bridge Company
has a suitable bridge for immediate
delivery; Be it Resolved that a con
tract be entered into with the said
Coast Bridge Companv for the pur -
i chase of said bridge o.i the follow-
ing terms:
ft. by 18 ft)
Fur steel spun (1:
?3l.'(H); fur steel foun-
dation tubes 4Jj per pound, V. O.jf
15. Portland; fur erection of span,1
$150; for setting and filling tubes:
with concrete, .actual cost of labor '
and - material; Payment to be made
for br'dge May 1st, HUT without '
interest from date. ' j
Contract made with Coast Bridge
above terms. See
contract. ;
County Roads: Preliminary
hearing on the Barnes But'e Road j
and the report on the survey onj
the Tumalo Project No. 1 Road ;
and H. W. Carlin Road, continued '
until Monday, the 13th day of Sep- j
temher, 191G. ' j
Adjournment fur day. j
Court convened this seventh d;y
of September, 191G, at hour of nine
o'clock in the morning, when were
present the following officers:
J. F. Blanchard, Commissioner,
presiding. H. J. Overturf Com-
Warren Brown Clerk .
E. B. Knox. Sheriff.
Whereupon the following pro
ceedings were had, to-wit:
Order made rescinding in part
and modifying order of July 10th,
1916, in regard to Clerks and
Judges of election as follows:
Hereby ordered that Clerks and
Judges of election in precincts
where 100 or less votes were cast
be paid each $3.00 for their
services at each election held in the
county; that where more than 100
votes were cast said Clerks and
Judges be paid $6.00 each for his
Further ordered , that the Clerk
draw warrants in the sum of $3.00
each to each clerk or judge of elec
tion in the last primary election in
Crook County where more than
100 and less than 12G votes were
cast in that precinct.
Inasmuch as it is necessary that
work on the Dalles-California High
way be continued at this time; and
as the balance allotted to Crook
County ($5000) by the state will
not be available until December
31st, 1916; it ia hereby ordered
that a loan be made by the County
of Crook to the State Highway
Commission in said sum of $5000
until said date. It is further
ordered that the County Clerk draw
five (5) warrants each in the sum
of one thousand ($1000) dollars in
favor of the said State Highway
Whereas a petition has been pre
sented to this court atking that the
Terrebonne-O'Neil Road be changed
from a sixty to a forty foot road;
and whereas a remonstrance has
been presented to this charge,
signed by a much larger number
of persons in said road district,
said petition is hereby denied.
Petition presented for legaliza
tion of the South LaPine-Fishtrap
Road. Continued for investigation
of descriptions therein.
Report of County Clerk on
Whereupon the following
Visit the Crook
County Fair
Hotel Oregon
j jf
Auto Stages
''You Can Come
TV 71
We have a large assortment of the very best
designs, shades and shapes
Jockey Tarns, Colored Felts, Pattern Hats
in a Large variety. The only
in the city. Here
Your patronage has enabled us to grow from a small beginning until we have a
very complete line. We can supply your wants
Cor. Second & Main . Prineville, Oregon
bounties , paid by Crook County
.i...-. . jl. ..e t..i.. i a t. '
ounrig niooLii oi juiy anu rtugu&t,
1916, received, approved and or -
dered filed. i
Petition and bond prescntedjor i
establishment of Guy E. Dudson ;
County Road; Continued until j
Monday, the 18th day of Septem-j
ber, 1916, and referred to District
Attorney for opinion.
Whereas the old, main traveled
roads in the viciniy of Dry Lake
and Pringle Falls have been ren
dered . jmpassable by the placing
While in Prineville Stop
European Plan
The Oregon Grill
Has Been Re-Opened Under the
Able Management of
"Mother Thompson"
"Meals Like Mother Used to Cook"
White Help Only
From This Hotel Connect With All Trains
and Interior Points
The Very Latest Creations in
I T3
MILLINERY is a business,
therein of fences, gates, wires and
i . ii A
uuier ooirucuons; uie county hur-
veyor is hereby ordered to survey
and relocate said main county roads
from Fife to the Bend-Burns Road
and from Held to Pringle Flats.
It is further ordered that as soon
the County Surveyor shall have
surveyed and relocated said main
county roads as above described,
all owners, lessees and encumbran
cers of land adjacent to or crossed
by said roads, shall immediately re
move,, from said roads all fences,
Bigger and Better than
Ever Before this Year
Both Phones
mery House
a si
de 1
, gates, wires and other obstructions-
. . . . '
to travel which may be in said
Order warrants drawn on General
Fund in favor of J. F. Blanchard
in sum of $1000 and to II. J. Over
turf in sum of $1000 for use on
County Roads.
Court adjourned this seventh day
of September, 1916, to meet in
Regular Adjourned Session on Mon
day, the 18th day of September,
1916, at the hour of nine o'clock In
the, morning. , ...