CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL PAGE 3 ill m 1 Prineville Produce Exchange Dealers in all kinds of FARM PRODUCE Hay, Grain, Flour and Feed. Forwarding Storage and Commission Buyers of Hidei, Pelts and Furs JACK SUMMERS, Manager Oxoactylene is the Machine That welds steel, cast iron or in fact any kind of metal On the evening of April 27 two prisoners (broke jail at the county court house here by filing bars of the cell. In less than one hour the bars were like new, having been welded by the machine mentioned above. Prineville Machine Shop . E. G. Hodson, Prop. City Meat J. W. HORIGAN, Prop. Choice Home-Made Hams, Bacon and Lard Fresh Fish and Oysters Fruit and Vegetables in Season A Dollar in the Bank Is worth two in the hand, because it is safer. It soon grows and begins to work for you. Crook County Bank, Prineville, Or. Watches, Clocks, Diamonds and Jewelry ' Call on or write SMITH, the Jeweler Percy R. Smith Shipp & Dealers In Lumber, Shingles, Glass, Paints and Oils, Ruberoid Market Perry Moulding, Doors, Windows, Roofing, Ornamental Fending 1 Classified Ad Section every j A WORD ' ixNVvvz 4 If JM,iJ J, PrlM Ad Must Aumpn, Capy Unlaw Ad.rtW has Moathlr A.l, Add,... f Th Jouro., Priniil, Orxoa II L L I I FOR SALE FORD HOADSTEfi Like new, for 8u It1 at a bargain price; terms to tight party. Call Forestry office, Prineville. 4412 10 HP. Fairbanks Morse portable gut engine for gale; used three montha. Geo. Gregg, Culver, Orejcon. 4:5tlOp. A GOOD DUKHAMOr Holstine bull wanted. Also a good De Lavel .Separator, Call at this oflice.jj S. S. K. 44tfc. 300 HKAD0ld Ewes for sale. 1 In (food condition. Address F. A. Fitscpatriek, Paisley, Oregon. 44t4p. IMPORTED SWEDISH RYE Clean seed at $1 per bushel; largest rye grown. Will thresh in about a week. Order now from C. John Sundquist, City. 44tfc. FOR SALE National Roadster, cost $3450; $000 cash, or will trade fr cual amount in good cows. Phone W. E. Mead, Roberts, Ore. 4.'it2p. $500 K1MBAL PIANO Chair and cover, $200 cash. Inquire at Journal office. Mrs. A. 42t3p. THREE LOTS-4, 6, and 6, block 2, Fourth addition to Prineville. Price $800. Inquire at Journal office. Mrs. A. 42t3p. 161 ACRES Pine and fir timber; 120 acres section 32, T. 11, R. 16; 40 acres section 5, T. 12, R. 16. $1800. Inquire at this office. Mrs. A. 42t3p. HOUSE AND LOT-In Prineville, for sale f r $125. House 10x12, lot 40x120. Inquire of Char. McGhee, Second Hand Store. 42t3p. KITCHEN- TREASURER Nearly new, also one chiffonier for sale cheap. Address the Journal. H. G. 42tfc. ONE GAS ENGINE-Fairbanks . Morse 8 h. p. horizontal, also 5in. Byron Jackson Centrifugal pump. Address O. A. Hedlund, Prineville, Oregon. 42t3o, FOR SALE! Choice residence pro perty situated on the most beautiful street in Prineville. Nice lawn, shade trees, barn to accommodate team and cow, chicken house and parks. Price $3250, $2150 cash, balance on terms Call or address Journal Office. C. 42t3c. MILKING MACHINES Needed and within'the reach of all dairy men. The Hinman, simple, efficient, sanitary and economical to operate. One man can milk. in cows an hour. Write or call me for descriptive literature. l.F. McCallister, Agent, Prine ville, Ore. 33tfc. The Journal is only $1.50 per year. Every Home can have a Musical Instrument Wonderful Values in Piano. Talking Machines, Ete. We tre known to carry only what ii flood, what will endure and what a b fully worth the price ashed. Our f easy payment termi place tne beat musical instruments within every one a reacn. rul out the coupon a or write for catalogues. Sherman.feay&Ca I Portland, 'Si . Oregon a OMAR WILSON CONTRACTOR and RU1LDER Business Buildings, Residences and all Classes of Construction. Quality of Work Absolutely the Best PRINEVILLE :: OREGON Classified Ads work while you sleep; you will find them a very quick medium for your wants TO EXCHANGE A SEWING MACHINE To trade for two cords of dry juniper or pine wood. Inquire at this office. Mrs. E. L. .44tfc. HEIJPJWXVIJED MAN "WANTED-To work on a dairy farm the year round; will pay good waj?es. T. F. Mc Callister, Prineville, 40tfc. MUSIC TEACHERS MISS EVA ELLIOTT-Instructor in pianoforte; studio opposite mr.ual training building; begin ners and advanced students. 40tf. REWARDS REWARD A reward of $500 will be paid for the evidence leading to the arrest and conviction of anyone stealing cattle from mem bers of the Sieters-Metolius Live stock Association. Jpe Howard, Jr., Secretary.. 29tfc $20 REWARDFo7"ba7fillyT"3 years old. "BB" on left shoulder. Notify W. E. Mead, Rober-s, Ore K')n. ' 21tfc AUCTIONEERS N. H. ELLIOTT "The Old Reli able Auctioneer". 30 years ex perience, satisfaction guaranteed. Phone me at my expense. Terre bonne, Ore. 31tl2c WILSON HEADQUARTERS WOODROW WILSON LEAGUE Prineville Headquarters, D. H. Peoples Abstract Office. All Wilson advocates invited to call, sign and receive badge. No membership fee. G. Springer, Pres. D. H. Peoples, Sec. 39tfc. BIDS WANTED BIDS WANTED-Painting the Powell Butte Communicy hall on outside only; paint to be furn ished by the club. Square feet to be painted furnished on applica tion. Powell Butte Club. Earl Saunders, Secretary. 43tfc. NOTICES All persons knowing themselves indebted to the firm of A. H. Lipp man & Co., please come and settle at once; all having claims against the firm will present them at once. T J. Minger, Administrator. 23tfc MONEY TO LOAN $2500 To loan on improved alfalfa farm near Prineville on Ochoco or Crooked River. A. R. Bow man. 26tfc. MONEY To loan on improved real estate. D. H. Peoples. 20tfc $2000 Or smaller amounts to loan on good real estate. Jay H. Upton, Prineville, Oregon. 41tfc. The little Classified Ads work while you sleep. Try one. Player Pianos tano aa a - ot Bee 5Ynt. i -imies aa 3 VJ otf Li PERSONAL LADIES Save your hair combings; they are valuable. I am prepared to make beautiful ' curls, puffs and switches on short notice. My prices are right. Mrs. Omar C. Claypool, Phone, Red 581. 41tf. NURSE AND DRESSMAKER I Competent. Fourth door west j of Commercial Club. Mrs. Edna ! Roberts. 40t4c. MEALS, BOARD AND ROOM furnished room for rent. Call at resiuence of Judge cpririger, City. 44t3p. BOARD AND ROOMS-Home cooking; pleasant rooms with stoves; bath. Second house of O. C. Claypool's store, on East Third st. Mrs. Price Coshow. 43tfc. FURNISHED ROOMS Nicely j furnished sleeping rooms; modern conveniences; two blocks from post office; private family, no; children. T-I, care of Journal 33tf WANTED WANTED One dozen early spring pulleta; Leghorns preferred. Phone, Black 331. 43t2c. SECOND HAND TYPEWRITER Wanted. Must be cheap. Any standard make. What have you? Inquire at Hotel Oregon. 43tfc. ! SHEEP Wanted. Will buy 300 or more old ewes if price is right. Breed and condition at this time not important. Phone or address this office. 42tfc. TURKEY RED WHEAT 80 bushels wanted. Must be clean for seed. Call at or telephone this office, stating pi ice, B. & H. 42tfc. WANTED Young man to share room and board in private fami ly. T. care Journal. 41tf ABSTRACTORS CROOK COUNTY ABSTRACT CO., Incorporated, D. H. Peoples, president, J. B. Bell, secretary. Abstracts and Insurance. Prine ville, Oregon. Prineville School of Music A Practical and Scientific 8vstem for the In itruction of Children. A Thorough Training for Advanced Students. Under the Phone Black 331 He's a doner! I Land What I Go After. It's usually a snort chase to land Job or rent a house or sell property or find anything lost if you let ma do it for you, Black leg has caused the death of 400 Bheep in Whitman national forest, according to Assistant State Veter inary Dr. Osborne, who has been at tempting to stamp out the disease. It has been general all through the Whit man forest section. The dead body of C. E. Bowman, a cigar manufacturer of Bandon, was found by a searching party lying on a gravel bar in Deep canyon. He had apparently been dead for 12 hours. Death was due to exhaustion. Mr. Bowman became lost while on a pros pecting trip. PHYSICIANS 'E, O- HYDEPhynician and Sur geor. Calls answered promptly day or night. Office over Adamson's Drug Store. Bth office and residence tele phones. Prineville, Oregon. J. H. ROSENBERG Physician and Surgeon. Calls answered prompt ly day or night. Office two doors south of Prineville Drug Co. Residence corner 1st and Main Jrtreets. Prineville, Oregon. BELKNAP & EDWARDS Ch as. S. Edwards, H. P. Belknap, Physi cians, Surgeons and Occulists. Prineville, Oregon. DENTISTS ! HnW4Pn rnvp n f , fS r ' County bank ' DR. H. G. DAVIS Dentist. New modern shop, in Kamstra Build- insr. ' I CHIROPRACTORS dr h. E. BURDON Chiropractic Physician. Office over Crook County bank. Rooms 4 and 5. Prineville, Oregon. MAGNETIC HEALERS PROF. A. W. GRATER-Magnetic & Mental Healer. Office in Morris building, Prineville, Oregon. . ATTORNEYS M. E. BRINK Lawyer. A street, Prineville, Oregon. WILLARD H. WIRTZ District Attorney. Office in Crook County j Bank building, Prineville, Ore. N.G. WALLACE Attorney-at-Law j Rooms 3-4-5 Kamstra Building, j Prineville, Oregon, ,C. C. BRIX Attorney-at-Law, Real Estate. Room 6, Cornett Build ing, Prineville, Oregon. . ; BIGGS & BIGGS Attorney s-at-j Law. Prineville, Oregon. LAKE M. BECHTELL Lawyer. Crook County bank building, Prineville, Oregon. ' i h " " The Journal does ! Modern Printing Direction of - Thos. J. Hill 'Why Not Have Your Clothes Made in Prineville You will get the same materia), fit work manship and style ' That you' will get in Portland or elsewhere Cleaning and Pressing Alterations of all Kinds Satisfaction Guaranteed SJ. A. Gillis, Tailor Don't complain about the man who patronizes mail order houses if you send way for your printed matter. Plan to come to the Crook County Fair