CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL ce Cream and ice cream soda, grape juice and orange ade, in cherry, grape, peacK and blackberry Coca Cola and red cherry; icecream sold in 10c 25c 50c Cartons Lowney's Candies D. P. Adamson & Co. Prineville,. Oregon The First National Bank of PRINEVILLE, OREGON Resources Over Half Million This bank is pleased to place at the disposal of its customers the facilities gained during its twenty seven years of continuous service and growth B. F. ALLEN. Pre". WILL WURZWEILER, Vice Pre. T. M. BALDWIN, Cashier H. BALDWIN, Asst. Cashier E. R. MORRIS, Asst.'.Cashier W. J. HUGHES Dealer in Harness and Saddlery Goods, Hone Blankets, Saddle Blankets, Bits, Spurs, Robes, Whips, Harness and Saddles, Oils and Axle Grease. .All work neatly and promptly done and guaranteed Saddles Made to Order a Specialty r n i iir. v ii . .r. iinr.i mil t vs . Undertaking and Building Material Pure Boiled Linseed Oil per gallon $lol ALL GOODS STRICTLY CASH LIPPMAN & COMPANY i' j- ' r 2o MILES of smooth, firm, white sandy beach sloping gently into the sea no dangerous under-tow a score or more of delightfully interesting oceanside hamlets simple, restful life com bined with different, tasteful foods and only the best of summer resort pleasures That's . NORTH BEACH "PRIDE OF THE PACIFIC" Weather and beach conditions are just right- therefore, UU NOW-we will be glad to help plan your trip. Ask for the new North Beach r old kr, just off the press. Fares and full in formation upon application to A.C. EGAN, T. F. & P. A., BEND 0-W. R. R. & N. COMPANY UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM Spokane Interstate Fair and Livestock Show September 4-9 40t3 Ouy Lapoi.i.kttk, Kdltor-Projtriwtor K.Htorcd t the poatntnVe at PrtnevilU1, Oregon, at eomlcl8 matter. The Journal aUmla (or the twat inter wta ot Piiiwville and Crook County. I nileK'ndnt in politics. Publishtxl evry Thursday aflornoon. ?ric fl.ftO per year, payable in advance. .n cane ol chntieofauilrtei please notiiy in at once, giving both old and new tddret8. THIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING BY THE GENERAL OFFICES NEW YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES GOING TOO STKONG. Oregon, through an effort that should net have boon necessary, will perhaps receive $78,000 road funds, from the government, which amount we are entitled to and more, and before the money is available, Portland is busy with Hood River and other towns, plan ning to spend at least $70,000 of the amount on the Columbia High No one who has been over that famous highway will question its beauty, and in a manner it is an asset to the entire state, yet when there are so many other places to expend this fund, it seems that the use of more than one half of it on this particular roadway is unreason able. The action however is typical of Fortland. Every town and every communi ty has its individuality, and all are more or less selfish. Portland however, is selfish in some matters to the point that they injure their own business and .future develop ment by overlooking the remainder of the state. The action in the Astoria rate matter, which was a dog in the manger policy in so far as Portland was concerned, is one example, and there are many others. The completion f railway con nection to California and a direot line east, both of which will soon be realized will leave Central Ore gon in the frame position that Coos bay towns now hold, where for the first time Portland js making a supreme effort to play the role of the "good fellow," competing with San Francisco. There is no questioning the fact that the Hood River county end of the Columbia Highway needs several times the $70,000 expend ed upon it, but it does make a difference where the money comes from, to the state at large. BE PROMPT On Monday, September 11. just one week from the coming Monday, the Crook County High School and the Prineville Public School will both open for the 1916-17 term. It is a matter of history that the opening day attendance is much less than the attendance a month later, and this fact reflects upon the en tire student body, and especially the work of the individuals who are late in getting into the school rooms. It is no doubt true that by a little effort, those who start after the regular classes have been madeJ up and are getting well into the year's work could have been on hand on opening day. It is necessary that discipline be observed in early life if the indi vidual is to succeed later, and if you wish to have your boy or girl started right, have them on hand on the opening day at 9 o'clock without fail. The local schools are as good as are to be found anywhere, and if there are young people in your home, it is your duty even at some thing of a sacrifice to have them enrolled on the opening day, in the classes where they rightly be long. One of the most important lessons to be learned is to be prompt. The Journal makes the home complete. m m m CO 8 Use better Jlourf We can prove bur claim a to QUALITY A trial hat convinced others We can convince you a Our tadWdl en Goal to you with the GUARANTEE TO PLEASE AND SATISFY PRINEVILLE FLOUR MILLS fry jrvi n m i 9 ill ill Now Is the Time to Buy That FORD A new shipment just in The new price for the touring car is $422.50 Inland Auto Company Prineville, Oregon Why Not Have Your Clothes Made in Prineville You will get the same materia), fit work manship and style That you will get in Portland or elsewhere Cleaning and Pressing Alterations of all Kinds Satisfaction Guaranteed J. A. Gillis, Tailor THE LUNCHEONETTE MRS. ESTES & SON, Proprietors Confections, Cigars Tobacco. Fruits in Season, Cold Drinks, Ice Cream LIGHT LUNCHES A SPECIALTY Now turn to the clssified ad?rU8ft menta on page 8. It ft I . III Hello I Say, do you know the Pilot Butte Telephone Company has more miles of line and a larger num ber of subscribers than any other telephone company in Crook county and a cheaper rates? Telegraph connection is made at Red mond with all outside points. Main office Prine ville, Oregon. Ah mm m Eft- mm mm mm BKSB-j I