PAGE 4 CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL ; t i Special City Election Notice State of Oregon County of Crook, City of Prineville, ss. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Monday, to-wit: the 11th day of September, 1916, at the fol lowing: named polling place in the city of Prineville, Crook county, Oregon, to-wit: The Basement of the Crook County. Court House a special election will be held at which there will be submitted to the qualified voters of said city for their approval or rejection, pur suant to Ordinance No. 234, passed and approved on the 7th day of July, 1916, an amendment to Sec tion 25, chapter 5, of the charter of the city of Prineville and all acts and measures amendatory thereof, proposed and submitted by the common council to the qualified voters of the city. Said proposed amendment is printed in pamphlet form by the city and copies mailed to every legal voter within the city whose address is known, and said pamph let can be had at the office of the recorder upon application. The general purport of said charter amendment is expressed in the ballot title adopted by the' re corder and the common council and which will appear upon the hallot, being numbered 300 and 301 and in the following words: "Shall section 25, chapter 5, of the charter of the city of Prine ville, Oregon, be amended to authorize and empower the common council to buy, build, equip, ac quire, maintain and operate rail ways and railroads operated by steam, electric or other power, and to acquire rights of way, terminals, easements and real property, and to bring actions for the condemna tion or taking of private property for public use," and to borrow money and fund indebtedness to carry out any one or more of said powers by issuing and selling the negotiable warrants or bonds of said city to the aggregate amount of 1100,000, bearing interest at not more than six per centum (6 per cent) per annum and payable semi annually, said warrants or bonds to be payable in cot to exceed thirty years, and providing for the levy and collection of a direct annual ad valorem tax on all the taxable property in said city in addition to all Other taxes sufficient to pay the principal and interest on said warrants or bonds according to their tenor; and repealing any pr vision or provisions of the charter of said city in conflict therewith ; ' all of which is more particularly act forth in Ordinance No. ?34, passed and approved on the 7th day of July, A. D. 1916, Submitting said amendment to the voters of the city of Prineville." . The said special election will be held commencing at 9 o'clock in the morning and the polls will remain open until 12 o'clock noon, at which time they may be closed, if de sired, proclam. tion of the same be ing made, until one o'clock, when the same shall again be open and be kept open until 5 o'clock in the afternoon of said day. The Judges and clerks of election are, respectively, the following named qualified electors of the city of Prineville: Judges of Election: R. W. Zeve ly, M. D. Powell, L. C. Perry. Clerks of Election, Statira Biggs, Ethel Glaze. If any judge of election fails to attend and serve at the proper time, the voters there present may elH;t another to fill his place; and if any clerk of election fails to at tend and serve at the proper time, the judges of election may appoint another to fill his place. No person shall be entitled to vote at such special election who is not a legal voter of the city of Prineville, in accordance with the constitution and laws of the state of Oregon and the charter of the city of Prineville. The full text of Ordinance No. 234. passed and approved the 7th day of July, A. D. 1916, calling said special elction is as follows: Ordinance No. 234. "An ordinance adopting and sub mitting to the qualified electors of the citv of Prineville, Crook county, Oregon, an amendment to the char ter of said city, relating to the limit of the amount of the city indebted ness and granting to the common council of 8s id city the power to buy, build, equip, acquire, lease, own, maintain and operate railways and railroads operated by steam, electric, or other power, within or within and without the boundaries of said city, or from said city to other towns, cities or points without the boundaries of said city, and to acquire rights of way, terminals, easements and real property within and without the boundaries of said city, and to bring actions for the condemnation or taking of private property for public use in the same manner as private corporations are now authorized or permitted to do under the laws, of the state of Ore1 gon, and to exercise any one or more of said powers, and to borrow money and fund indebtedness to carry out any one or more of said powers by issuing and selling the negotiable warrants or bonds of said city to the aggregate amount of $100,000 for railways or rail roads, rights of" way, terminals, easements, or real property per taining to a nil way or railroad, said warrants or bonds bearing in terest at not more than six per centum per annum, payable semi annually; and providing for the lew and collection of a direct annua) ad valorem tax on all the taxable property in said city in addition to all other taxed, sufficient to pay the interest on said warrants or bonds promptly when and as the same becomes due and to provide a sink ing fund with which to pay the principal thereof at their aiaturity, and providing a penalty for the re fusal, neglect or failure to make, or cause to be made, such levy, assess ment, collection or payment; pro viding that after the delivery of said warrants or bonds, the ordin ance authorizing the issuance and sale thereof and levying taxes therefor shall lie irrepealable and hat said warrants or bonds and the levy, assessment and collection of taxes for the payment of the principal or interest thereon shall be incontest able and that the classes, kinds, or amount of property subject to tax es, or the method or manner of the levy, assessment or collection of taxes thereon as provided by law at the time of the passage and approv al of the ordinance issuing same shall not be changed in any manner so as to reduce or diminish the se curity for such warrants or bonds or any of them or the interest tnereon, or lessen the power, au thority or ability of said city to raise funds sufficient to pay the in terest on said warrants or bonds promptlywhen and as the same be comes due, and to discharge the principal hereof at maturity, as proviaea in tne ordinances issuing such warrants or bonds, or any of them, so long as any of said bonds or warrants, or any of the interest thereon remains unpaid; and re pealing all parts of the charter in conflict with said amendment; adopt ing a ballot title for the amendment submitted; designating the form of ballot, the polling places and the hours the polls will be open; ap pointing the judges and clerks of election; prescribing the form of election notice and directing the posting and publishing of the same, repealing all ordinances or parts thereof in conflict herewith; 'and declaring an emergency." The People of the city of Prineville, ,Oregon, Do Ordain as Follows: Section 1. The common council hereby proposes, adopts and sub mits to the qualified electors of the city, an amendment to the city charter, being the act of the legis lative assembly of the state of Ore gon for the year 1899, entitled: "An Act to incorporate the City of Prineville, Crook County, state of Oregon; and to repeal an Act, en titled: 'An act to incorporate the Town of Prineville, Wasco County, Oregon,' approved October 23. 1880; J - - I a a I'll i t . wf auuv. Act to amend an Act entitled: 'An 'Act to incorporate the Town of Prineville in Wasco (now Crook) uvi w tcoi oil nti euuueu; mi vaiuij tjr , vjckuii. appruveu ucioDer - miuu ui 23, 1880, 'and to repeal all Acts, or j corporations, association or associa parts of Acts in conflict herewith,' tions or bv the city for any reason approved February 14. 1887; and to or reasons whatever. rSnnl ir, A ' A ii j " , , ' . . , , amend Section 17 of an Act entitled: 'An Act to incorporate the Town of Prineville, in Wasco County. Ore- ornn ' nnnrnuoH Ontnlm 9M 1 KGA v, iuuu, nieu in uie omce oi tne secretary or : state February 18, 1891," approved j February 16, A. D., 1899 and all amendments thereof, either by act of the legislative assembly or by initiative proceedings, and particu larly an assenbly or by initiative proceeuings, ana particularly an act oi tne legislative assembly of the state of Oregon approved February j 12, 1903 and filed in the office of 1 the Secretary of State February 13, i j.auu, anu a measure submitted to; v... 4Ua cu s u, uie yiy oi i x. mcv ,iCe,mBuupLeuai an election, held .November lo, A. ii 1915. .I..l V ! CI oo. ine common council is hereby granted the power for and on behalf of the city to buy, build, equip, acquire, lease, own, operate, and maintain railways and railroads operated by steam, electric or other power, within or within and withdut the houndaries of the, city, for the benefit and use of the inhabitants thereof, and for profit, said rail road or railroads to run within or within and without said city or from the city to other towns, cities rr nninfa unthnnf tin, ksiin;In:,. -!;-' uuuiiuaiico in the city, and to acquire rights of way, termmals, easements and real m.iau.Luiaiij uy amending o.c- to sucn levy, assessment, collection tion 25, Chapter 5, of said charter or payment, at the time or times as originally enacted and as amend-1 provided according to law and the ed by adding thereto a further sub-j tenor of said bonds or warrants and divison to be No. 58. the said sub-! coupons, wherebv any default oc division No. 58 of Section 25, Chap-j curs in the payment of the interest ter 5 of the charter of said :ity to I upon any of said warrants or bonds be in words and figures as follows: j or any part thereof, of such inter- property within and without its boundaries, and to exercise any one or more of said powers, and to bor row money and fund indebtedness to carry out any one or more of said powers by issuing and selling a: public or private sale, with or without advertising such sale, the negotiable warrants or bonds of the city in an amount not exceeding the principal sum of 1100,000 fur rail roads, rights of way, terminals, easements, or real property for any such railroad or railway, said war rants or bonds bearing interest at not more than six (6) per cent per annum, payable semi-annually . Prior to the authorization of sale thereof, the council, by ordinance, shall prescribe, fix and determine the form of such warrants or bonds, as the case may be, their date, de nomination, the date or dates of maturity of such bonds not exceed- mg thirty years, the rate of inter est, place of payment, and the principal use or uses to which the proceeds derived therefrom shall be applied, and shall levy and assess on all of the taxable property of the city, in addition to all other, taxes provided by law and the charter same to be collected, sufficient to create a fund to pay the interest accruing on sa'.u bonds promptly when and as the same becomes due the electors, and to niuke all neees and to establish and maintain a jsary rules and regulations therefor, sinking fund with which to discharge as herein provided; and any pro the principal thereof at maturity, vision or provisions of the charter which ordinance shall upon delivery or ordinance of the city of Prineville of the bonds to the party entitled which conflict with the provisions thereafter irrepealable, hereof are hereby repealed" and the classes, kinds or smount of Section 2. That the foregoing property subject to tax or the 'amendment to Section 25, Chapter method ormanneroflevy, assessment 1 5 of the charter of the city is here or collection of taxes thereon, as j by submitted to the qualified elec provided by law and the charter of i tors of the city for their rejection the city, at the time of the passage ' or approval to be voted on at a and approval of such ordinance. ! special election as nrovided In See. shall not be changed in any manner so as to reduce or diminish the se curity for such warrants or bonds or any of them, or lessen the power, authority or ability of the city to raise funds sufficient to pay the interest on said bonds promptly wnen ana as tne same becomes due, and to discharge the principal thereof at maturity. Said council shall also require the collection of such, taxes by the proper city and county officials authorized by law to make such collections and the taxes so levied, assessed and collected shall be kept in a separate fund .and said fund shall be used solely in the' payment ot the principal and inter-j est of said bonds or warrants, and saia principal ana interest shall be paid out ol said funds at the time or times provided according to law ana tne tenor oi said Donus or war rants and coupons attached thereto. Warrants issued under the provis ions of this section shall be drawn on tne general iuna ana due pro- vision made, by the council, for meir payment , tnrougn lunds oh-1 laineu irom tne levy ana collection of taxes on all the taxable property of the city or from the sale of a sufficient amount of funding bonds j of the city which the council is hereby authorized and empowered to issue, negotiate and make pro vision for their payment, as and in the manner provided in this section for municipal bonds- All bonds and i . tt'Q rrnn f a nf tha i f tr ttfhan JJiunHA,l i Purchaser, shall thereafter fontesatble. and their legality j ; . J ""- -wu , TU ...:! !. U 1 ...11 "wy auinonzea , and empowered, for and on behalf I of the city, to bring actions for the ! condemnation or taking of private I nrnncrt u within arA ..,lf V,,,t. ,L. I biju milium, uie , oounaanes oi tne citv ior public use in the manner as private corpora- t ons are now authorized or per mitted to do under the laws of the state. In the event of the refusal, neg lect or failure of the citv nr Hi! council, or any or all of the officials of the city having to do with the levy, assessment or collection of the taxes provided in this section, or the payment of the moneys thereby derived U the holder or holders of i saia bonas or warrants, or the ; coupons appertaining thereto, to j perform their several duties relative . . . . est. or the nrinpinal nf said warrants or bonds or any part thereof at the time, place, or manner of payment of said principal or interest, and by reason of such default, any suit or proceeding is brought by the holder or holders of any such warrant or warrants', bond or bonds, coupon or coupons, to recover any such princi pal or interest, due and unpaid, then and in that case the said city shall be liable for and shall pay, not . i.. l . .' loniy uie princnai or interest, or both, which may be due to such holder or holders, but shall also be liable for and shall pay all costs and expenses of such suit or proceeding, and also reasonable attorney's fees amounting to the sum of ton (10) per cent of the amount of the prin cipal or interest, or principal and interest, as the case may be, for which any suit or proceeding is brought and all such costs and ex penses of such suit or proceeding, including such attorney's fees, shall be, and the same hereby de clared, so much additional indebted ness of the city, which ahull be In cluded in any judgment obtained against such city and the payment of which shall lie enforced In the same manner and by the same means as the payment of said prin cipal and interest. fcaeh of the provisions of this section shall be self executing, and the indebtedness herein authorized S shall not be construed as affected hy any charter or statutory limitation of indebtedness of said city; and the council shall have full and complete power to carry the provisions here of into effect by ordinance or reso lution and to make and let contracts and purchase and sell property, in order to carry out any one, either or all of the purposes and powers herein named, without further au thorization and without a vote of tion 3 of this ordinance. Section 3 A special election is hereby called and ordered to be held in and for said city on the 11 th day of September, A. D., 1910, for fhe purpose of voting on the pro posed amendment and the city re- corder is hereby dnected to give j notice of said electiun by publishing the same for three consecutive weeks prior to said election in Th Crook County Journal, a weekly newspaper published and of general circulation in said city, and hereby j designated the official newspaer 'thereof, the lasi -publication of which notice shall not be more than ten days prior to the date of said election, and by posting the said notice more than ten days prior to ; said election in three public places ; in said city, which notice shall con tain the full text of this ordinance together with the ballot title and number thereof, and the place of holding the election; the time when the polls shall be open 'and the names of the judges and clerks of election, and shall be in substantially the following form SPECIAL CITY ELECTION v NOTICE. State of Oregon, County of Cruok, City of Prineville, ss. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Monday, towit: the Hth !day of September, 1916, at the rii nuiinn- following named polling place in " tu -f f Pi.ini;ii n ... &unt: V()rc n t 'Z The Z rf thf cVk ciuS? held at which there will be sub mitted to the qualified voters of said city for their approval or re jection, pursuant to Ordinance No. J V"'""""- w 234, passed and approved on the 7th day of July 1916 an amend mvnt to Section' 25 chapter 5 of the charter of the city of Prineville ... . . iiuv.jiiv and al 1 acts and measures amenda tory thereof, proposed and submit ted by the common council to the qualified voters of the city. Said proposed amendment is printed in pamphlet form by the city and copies mailed to every legal voter within the citv whose (address is known, and said pamph let can be had at the office of the recorder upon application. The general purpose of said charter amendment is expressed in the ballot title adopted by the re- corder and the common council and which will appear u non the ballot in iUa .miuiiiirg "Shall section 25, chapter 5, of the charter of the city of Prine ville, Oregon, be amended to authorize and empower the common council to buy, build, equip, ac quire, maintain and operate rail ways and railroads operated by steam, electric or other power, and to acquire rights of way, terminals easements and real property, and to bring actions for the condem nation or taking of private property for public use, and to borrow money and fund indebtedness to carry out any one or more of said powers by issuing and selling the negotiable warrants or bonds of said eity to the aggregate amount of $100,000 bearing interest at not more than six per centum (6) per annum and payable semi-annually said warrants or bonds, to be pay able in not to exceed thirty years and providing for the levy and collection of a direct annual ad val orem tax on all the taxable pro pcrty In said city in addition to all other taxes sulllcient to pay the principal and interest on said war rants or bonds according to their tenor and repealing any provision or provisions of the charter of wild city in conflict therewith; all of which is more particularly Bet forth in Ordinance No. 234 passed and approved on the 7th duy of July A. I). 1916 submitting said amend ment to the voters of the city of Prineville." The said special election will be held commencing at 9 o'clock in the morning and the polls will re main open until 12 o'clock noon, at which time they may be closed, if desired, proclamation of the sume being made, until one o clock, when the sme shall again be open and be kept open until 5 o'clock in the afternoon of said day. The judges and clerks of election arc respectively the following named qualified electors of the city of Prineville: Judges of Election: K. W. Zevely M. I). Powell, L. C. Perry. Clerks of Election: Statira Biggs, Ethel Glaze. If any judge of election fui Is to uttend and seive ut the proper time, the voters there present may elect another to fill his place, and if any clerk of election fails to ut tend and serve at the proper time, uie judges oi election may appoint another to fill his pluce. No person shall be entitled to vote at such ele.-tion who is not a legal voter of the city of Prineville in accordance with the constitution and laws of the state of Oregon and the charter, of the city of Prineville. The full text of Ordinance No. 234, passed ,and approved the 7th day of July, A D. 1916, calling said special electiun is as follows: (Here insert in both pub lished and posted notices the full text of Ordinance No. 234 above mentioned.) Dated this 7th day of July, A. D. 1916. D i STEWART, Mayor. (Seal) Attest: E. O. HYDE. Recorder. Section 4. The polling pluce for holding the said special election in the city of Prineville will be us follows: The Basement of the Crook County Court House.' i - Section 5. The following named persons are hereby designated and appointed as judges and clerks of election to serve as said officers at said election as follows: Judges: R. W. Zevely, M. D. Powell and L. C. Perry. Clerks: Statira Biggs and Ethel Glaze. Section 6. The said polling place shall be open for the reception of voters at the hour of 9 o'clock in the forenoon, and continue own until 12 o'clock noon, at which time they may be closed, if desired, proclamation of the same being made, until one o'clock, when the same shall again be open and he kept open until 5 o'clock, in the afternoon of said day of election. Section 7. The following ballot title for taid charter amendment is hereby adopted and shall be printed on all ballots used at said election, namely: "Shall section 25, chapter G, of the charter of the city of Prine ville, Oregon, be amended to authorize and empower the com mon council to buy, build, equip, acquire, maintain and operate rail ways and rights of way, terminals, easements and real property, and to bring actions for the condem nation or taking of private pro perty for public use, and to borrow money and fund indebtedness to carry out any one or more of said powers by issuing rnd selling the negotiable warrants of bonds of said city to the aggregate amount of $100,000, bearing interest at not mo,re than six per centum (6) per annum and payable semi-annually, said warrants or bonds to be pay able in nt to exceed thirty years, and providing for the levy and col lection of a direct annual ad val orem tax on all the taxable pro perty in said city in addition to all other taxes sufficient to pay the principal and interest on said war rants or bonds according to their tenor, and repealing any provision or provisions of the charter of said city in conflict therewith; all of which is more particularly set forth in Ordinance No. 234, passed and approved on the 7th day of July, A. D. 1916, submitting said amendment to the voters of the city of Prineville?" Section 8. The form of the official ballots for use aL said elec tion shall be printed in substantial ly the following form: To bo torn off : To be torn off bv by the chairman : the first clerk OFFICIAL BALLOT FOR THE CITY OF PRINEVILLE, CROOK COUNTY. OREGON, THE ll'thf DAY OF SBPTKMHKR. A. I). 191(1. MARK ItETWEEN THE NUMHER AND ANSWER VOTED FOR REFERRED BY THE COUNCIL COMMON. "Shall section 25, chapter 6, of the charter of Prineville, Oregon, be amended to authorize and cm power the comnicn council to buy. build, equip, acquire, maintain and operate railways ami railroads opcra'vd by steam,', electric, or other power, ami to- acquire rights of way, terminals, casements and real property, and to bring actions for the condemnation or taking of private property for public use, and o borrow money uud fund In debtedness to carry out any one or more of said powers by lantilng mid selling the negotiable warrants or bonds of said city to the aggregute amount of $100,000, bearing in terest at not more than six per centum (f) per annum and pnyablc semi-annually, said warrants or bonds to be payable In not to ex ceed thirty years, and providing for the levy and collection of a direct annual ad valorem tux on all the taxable property In said city in ad dition to till otner taxes sulllcient to pay the principal ami interest on said warrants or bonds accord ing to their tenor; and repealing any provision or provisions of the charter of said city In conflict therewith; all of which -is more particularly set forth in Ordinance No. 234, passed and approved on the 7th day of July, A. D. 1916, submitting said amendment to the voters of the eity of Prineville?" VOTE YES OR NO 300 YES 301 NO Section 9. If any judge of elec tion fails to attend and serve at the proper time or if none have been appointed, the voters there tirtMtnt may elect another in his place; ami if any clerk or election fai's to attend and serve at the proper time, the judges of e.ertion may appoint another to fill his plat-e. Hcfore proceeding to perform any fiflti-lnl uF at mtnl, ..l..;t!..M ll.. .'.w..t ... nut.) lllllll'll, lilt, judges and clerks shall each mnke and subscribe 'an Joath of office in substantially the following form: I. -5- , do solemnly swear (or affirm) thut 1 will nerform the duties of judge of election (or clerk, as the case may be) accord ing to law. and. that I will n. diously endeavor to prevent fraud, deceit and abuse In conducting the election." Section 10. The recorder shult cause to be Prepared and irint.t and furnished to the judges and clerks of election, for use at said election, the official bullots as re quired by the laws of the state of Oregon and this ordinance and up on the completion of the count of the votes cast at said election in the manner and funn required by law the returns thereof rhall be filed with the recorder on or be fore, the second day after said elec tion and not later than the fourth duy after the election, it rhull be the duty of the recorder in the pres ence o' the muyor to canvass the votes caHt for and against the measure submitted at said elrrtinn Immediately after the completion of the canvass the mayor of said city shall issue hii, proclamation, giving the whole number of votes cast in the city for and against each measure and declaring sueii meas ure approved by a majority of those voting thereon to be in full force and effect as a part of the charter of the city of Prineville from the date of Buid proclamation, and the recorder shall present a certificate of the canvass of the election re turns to the common council at a special meeting of suid council to be held at the call of the mayor at the hour of 8 o'clock P. M. of the day on which the election re turns are canvassed, and at said special meeting the common council shall take such action as they deem best by ordinance or resolution relative to the issuance of the bonds authorjzed by the amend ment adopted at suid election in case a rnajoiity of the legal voters voting at said election admt ;,! charter amendment. Section 11. All ordinances, reso lutions and orders, or any part or parts thereof, in conflict herewith, be and the same are hereby re pealed, rescinded and annuled. Section 12. Inasmuch as it Is immediately necessary for the public health, peace and safety, that this Ordinance be effective at as early a date as possible, an im mediate emergency is hereby de clared to exist and this nrrli shull take effect ami ht n full flifna and effect from and after it nn. proval by the mayor and shall not (Continued on next page )