PAGE 8 CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL Fnllerton, Bert A. Lawrence, Maudie Day, L. B. Silkwortu, Ivan Deproy, Annie M. Castor, George Kurman, Laura B. Douglas, C. M. Larsted, J. E. 'McFarlane, Jas. K. William, 0. II. '' Carpenter, J. G. Brown, Ellen Ky Btrom, Charles T. llnynos. G. K. Tlier ring, J. W. Grater, Ella Burns, Halph Johnson, K. B. Brotherton, Dan Clark, J Lou Ella Works. John Ilisldsb. A. A.j Loeb. E. T. Lance, J. A. Miller, ren Kino.;.::::, E. Shireley, Kay llol man, W. K. Kelly, Maude Landenblas, Laidlaw Townsite Co., Fred Sherwood, ! Lloyd J. Corhin, G. W . Brown, et al., C. T. OampMI, S. IVbinjr, May Cor king, Waller Spores, Ethel Spores, Nora Bolhwell, Olive M. Eborwine, M'i.v A. Fleck. S. Sellman, OHte Baker. Kittie G. Turner, Emosri'ne Myers, J. C. Hanson, W. F. Kohhaeker, A. E. French. E. R. Murphy, Henry Sehrell, La Fine Townsite Company, Pwight M. Davis S. A. Lytic, S. Trice, Delia Huston. Charles Altsehull, Anna A. Lively. W. T. Davenport, C. J. John son, E. A. Fhimnier, William G. Phoenix, Frank riioenix. Rose" Carson, Matt Kulesch, J. II. Schakel, Chas. L. Mead, W. A. Kinjr, Redound Town site Company, John Tuck, Henry W. Still. W. E. Claypool, W. 0. Parrich, F. M. White, Wells and McCaffery, C. A. McDowell, Florence Weston, F. K. Ahbie. J. M. Bunklev, T. M. John son, M. T. Ellinger. J. W. Saston, Z. Tallifero, A. 6. Myers, Susan P. Shnltz, C. L. Branton, F. Johnson, Elsie Bateman, II. P. McNary, II. F. Jones. Ethel C. Hopley, Central Ore pon Irrigation Company, Wells and Jones, Jones Land Company, R.' S. Collins, A. C. McFall, Claude Knapp, Howard Contract Company, May Buckley, J. R. Lichty, Alden and El lis, Anna E. Ellis, Edward Maher, C. E. Xeilson, Allen Wilcoxin, Reeves Wilcoxin, C. W. Vandyke, F. A. Gen try, Hay Whitney, J. R. Moody, J. J. Buckley, J. A. Buckley, W. J. Buck ley, Ora .Smilh, Redmond Realty In vestment Company, E. F. Bartlett, Bob C. Evans, Wjlliam E. Christian sen, G. Christiansen, G. E. Smith, Lulu Brooks, J. A.NNorvood, Carl N. Ehret, J. W. Schrunk; Margaret Golden, H. B. McMickle, Melrose Park Co., In land Empire Co., Oregon Trunk De velopment Company, Dodson 4 Slo cum, Lillie B. Gillette, C. S. Kenyon, Bessie V. Markel, Delia Aumiller, Frank McCaffery, Rachael McCaf fery, J. Dennis, Ben McCaffery, Carl J. Carlson. W. X. Cobb, L. S, Mc Caffery, W. C. Walker, Tum-a-lum Lumber Co., J. S. Parminter, Eliza J. Herring, Max Luddeman, Mary E. Coleman, A. D. Biitts, Henry Linster, Gus Lefas, C. J. Larson, N. 0. Widen, George Dahl, Alfred Osen, Y, Mayan ;hi, May T. Levy, A. II. Coder, Bessie A. Merrill, G. J. Hank, G. J. Hauck, F. R. Dav, Sue Mitchell Stokey, Kora C. Mitchell, J. D. Stevens, R. B..Webb, Kenwood Promotion Co., W, P. Strandburg, J. H. Williams, Florence V. McAdams, Lytle Townsite Com pany, Ernest A. Smith, O'Xeil Broth era, Lillian Van Matre, Maude L. Xeu hausen, Michael Bynan, A. J. Robin son, M. Xiswonger, Lydia Golden, Johu F. Young, L. D. Weist, Julia F. Har rington, Arthur Proctor, Benjamin F. Peterson, U. C. Coe, Trustee, Susie C'aler, W. D. Newlon, Elmer J. Merrill, C. J. Clemenson, Nannie J. Wilkin son, Deschutes B. & T. Co., J. I. West, E. A. Cast, Ed Smith, W. T. Casey Estate, W. F. Beekman, Cline Falls Power Co., J.,W. Wright, Itevid Hill, J. W. Usher, II. G. Ttiolstrup, I. T. Tholstrup, Serletta Sheffier, Annie Pobbs, Mabel Davis, Emily Pease, and all persons unknown owning or claim ing to own, or having or claiming to bave, any right, title, equity, or inter est whatever in the real property here inabove described ; as the owners of the legal title of the above described prop erty as the same appears of record and each of the other persons above named are hereby further notified that Crook County) Oregon, a public cor poration, will apply to the Circuit Court of the County and State afore said for a decree foreclosing the lien against the projierty above described and mentioned in said certificate. And you are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the first pub lication of this Summons, exclusive of the day of said first publication, and defend this action or pay the amount due as above shown, together with costs and accrued interest. yind. in case of your failure to do so, a decree will be rendered foreclosing the lien of said taxes and costs against the land and above named. This Summons is published by order of the Honorable T. E. J. Duffy, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Crook, and said order was made and dated this 29th day of J,une, 1916, and the date of the first publication of this Summons is the 29th day of June, 1916. All process and papers in this proceeding may be served upon the undersigned, residing within the State of Oregon, at the address hereinafter mentioned. Date of last publication, August 31st, 1916. (Signed) Willard H. Wirtz, District Attorney and Attorney for . Plaintiff. Address : Prineville, Oregon. Tim City Mr. and Mrs.' Mark Brummer wore in town from Post today. Mr. and Mrs. f. J. Minger left Tuesday morning for the Valley. They went over the McKenzie pass in an auto. George Dalton, proprietor of the Royal Cafe in Bend, was arrested last week on the charge of gamb ling and obtaining alcohol under false pretenses. He has been bound over to the grand jury, under $250 bonds and was released upon rais ing the money. Ditch surveys for the Ochoco Ir rigation District have been com pleted and the camp wagon moved to town. A crew is still working at the dam site on the Ochoco. The entire survey wll be completed soon and maps filed with the State Engineer. THE FLAVOR OF "SPEAR HEAD" JSJIIIQUE A Chew That Has Been Famous for a Third of a Century HAS THE RICH RED BURLET TASTE Chewing is the only way to get the rich taste of the tobacco leaf. And the only form of tobacco in which you get the leaf as Nature made it is the plug form. A chew of Spear Head plug tobacco lias a wonderful flavor such as you never did and never will taste in any ether tobacco. That Spear Head flavor is unique, mellow, fruity, everlastingly delicious and satisfying. Spear Head has been famous for a third ol a century as the richest, tasti est of chews. . It's made of sun-ripened, red Bur ley. And it's produced by the most modern methods, which develop the luscious flavor of the leaf to the su preme degree. It is safeguarded at every step in its making. The factory is clean and san itary the processes are pure-food pro cesses. When the choice red Burley has been, pressed into mellow, sweet Spear Head plugs you have a chew that simply can't be equalled. Spear Head is the high quality chew of the world. ! 1 Try Spear Head you'll never again be satisfied with any other chew. Id 10c cuts, wrapped in wax paper. . irs Here! .Come In aiid Sse If! The HEW Fairbanks-Morse FARM ENGINE Economical Simple Light Weight Substantial Pool-Proof Construction Gun Barrel Cylinder Bore Leak-proof Compression. 1H H . P. on skids with BUILT-IN MAGNETO 3 H. P. -$66. 6 H. P. $119 All F. O. B. Factory " More Than Rated Power and a Wonder at the Price Add for Prineville Delivery: on 1 1-2 hp $ 9.00 on 3 hp 15.00 on 6 hp - 25.00 T. J. MINGER Prineville Dealer Nick Welder, a resident of Bend and well known in local sport ing circles, was found dead in his paint shop at Rend, last Thrusday morning. A- special meeting of the uity council was called Tuesday evening to adjust natters of railroad im portance, and as nothing trans pired, the allowing of a few bills was the only business transacted. Mrs. Vasey has retired from the management of the Oregon Hotel because of ill health. Mr. and Mrs. Barber, of Seattle, who had charge of the hotel four years ago, will again resume the duties of overseeing both departments of the business. Jack Curtis has opened the Oregon , Restaurant and will probably remain there perma nently, i Hon. Millon A. Miller, of Port land, and Judge Thomas A. Craw ford, of Union, will discuss the political issues of the day from the Democrat standpoint of view at the Club Hall Saturday night at eight o'clock. Members of all parties are invited and the ladies are espe cially urged to be present. The Prineville band will play on the street and in the hall before the speaking begins. Roscoe Langley of Silverton, was in town yesterday morning on the trail of three of the six convicts who escaped from the flax fields at Salem, August 1, and who stole a Ford belonging to Mr. Langley two days later. They were next heard of at Coburg where they burglar ized a store and proceeded toward the mountains. They have been traced to various other places, but have succeeded thus far in eluding all pursu't. Substantial rewards have been offered for their capture. In the meantime, don't forget that big Community Picnic at Gul- liford's Grove on McKay Creek, Labor Day, September 4. There will be talks by prominent men such as Wm. McMurray, Farmer Smith, Mr. Oliver and J. W. Brewer.- Large posters are being prepared stating that there will . be shade and water in abundance, plenty of eats, music, games, Aex citement and fun. The only way to enjoy it is to wear old clothes and come with a great big happy spirit. Slip a few Prince Albert smokes into your system! CnPTHlM t aw.iuifw 0 ff You've heard many an earful about the Prince Albert patented process that cuts our bite and parch and lets you smoke your fill without a comeback I Stake your bank roll that it proves out every hour ot the day. Prince Albert has always been sold without coupons or premiums. We prefer to give quality I There's sport smoking a pipe or rolling your own, but you know that you've got to have the right tobacco I We tell you Prince Albert will bang, the doors wide open for you to come in on a good time firing up every little so often, without a regret I You'll WE Albert the national joy $mok feel like your smoke past has been wasted and will be sorrv you cannot back up for a fresh start. You swing on this say-so like it was a tip to a thousand-dollar bill I It's worth that in happi ness and contentment to you, to every man who knows what can be gotten out of a chummy jimmy pipe or a makin a , cigarette with Prince Albert for "packing"! V l At . j. urTNoins tobacco CO. fHK Prtno A A Tlt It lh rvnw smmm nib . , , .si iim' i ' Alfcwrt Mtlr rd tin, anil In lmt, vmtt f(nc Albert pavkia. h cmlUfvrt4. You'll rinttl "PfiMrM tiitimid July HH. Ii7 " Tttt mna that IhvUnliMl Stat0vArn tnant ho itraiilvtl uatvnt on Ilia procaaa by wliich Princ Albart la mail a. And 6y mhh ftwijin bttm un4 rftrnaf gmrvh rm cut Htt t Kvrr whin lobar tfo la o)d yu II Una Prlnca A I hart awaiting you HtHty fau naga.5), ltd rati Una, u; hand Mint a pound ami hall pound un nuininuri ana in that clawaf errlal Ulaaa humldOf, with fttumga mulataflar tup. that aaapa th tuhacco In auth Ana condltlwi- alwayal "2L The Journal has the largest paid cir culation of any paper in-Central Oregon shopping in Redmond Satui day. . Lestqr Halloway returned Friday from a visit with frienus in Red mond and Fall Bridge. Miss Geladine Stoner is cooking for her "brothers on their homestead on the high desert. Mrs. Spencer and Lester Barber made a business trip to Redmond Monday. . Mrs. Kate Calvin spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schultz. Frank Hafner, foreman of the Johnson ranch, spent a few days last week in Bend. With the game in extra inninss the pitchers tightencned and j watched for an expected rally. It came to Prineville in the last of the 11th when Bowmanjiingled, ad vanced on a sacrifice hit by T-tes and scored the winning run when Bechtell made his third single of the game. , Prineville made 11 hits. The Dalles 10. " Clark struck out 10. Morris and MeCall hit twice. Grebe raujfht a good game. Ford was umpire. Burdon pitched for the second contest and was ably supported with six runs in the first inning, which were garnered by a few hits and more errors. In order that The Dalles team might catch the train the game was called in 4 in- I nmgs. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, August 4th, 1916. Notice is hereb given that Richard R. Rhoda, of Dry Lake, Oregon, who, on Way 7th, 1912, made Homestead entry No. 05382, and on June 3rd, 1912, made additional Homestead entry, No. 010262, for Lots 3-4. Sec. 5. Lots 1-2, Sec. 6, Twp 21-S, Range 21-E, EJ SEi, Sec. 31, WJ SWJ, Sec. 32, Td. 20-S, Range il-E, Will amette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Charles A. Sherman. U. S. Com missioner, at Fife Oregon, on the 23rd day of September. 1916. Claimant names as witnesses: Lewis W. Bennett, John Wilson, Bruce B. Balfour, all of Dry Lake, Oregon, Albert Birdsong, of Held, Oregon. H. Frank Woodcock, Register. 4015c. Alfalfa News Notes Haying has been delayed on ac count of recent rains. Hay and grain is unusually good this year. . The picnic to the Ice Cave was quite a success. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ogle, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smock autoed to Bend Saturday afternoon and took in the movies that night. Mr. and Mrs. Powell entertained Mr. and Mrs. Lester Clark, Chet Clark, Walter Smith and Herb Clark Sunday. Miss Jessie Pyatt is spending the week with her sister Mrs. Palmland in Bend. Miss Jessie expects to enter high school in Bend this fall. Miss Ada Ferry is visiting with friends on the Deschutes. Mr. Halloway is building an ad dition to his residence. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hardy were MORE SCALP TO BELT The Dalles 7-1, Prineville 8-6. Anotner. extra inning game was added to Trineville's list Sunday when The Dalles was defeated the first game of a double header, 8-7 in 11 innings. The second went 4 frames with the result 6-1 in favor of the local nine. From a comparison of Dast exhi bitions the baseball presented Sun day was not up to the standard usual on the home lot. A total of 8 errors show against Prineville and 6 were made by the visitors. There were flashes of interest, how ever, that caused the fans to sit up and forget the sweltering heat of old Sol's rays beating upon field and bleacher. Ed Woolsey opposed Clark in the box and they were soon hooked, up in a see-saw contest that kept the pitchers continually in the hole. The Dalles started off with two hits and failed to score. The next inning a hit, two walks and some errors contributed 2 runs. Clark walked in the third inning, McCall, Estesand Ellis singled with 3 tallies resulting. The visitors forged ahead in the next frame with two runs and increased the lead two more in the 7th when Mclnery and McCoy singled and scored on an error. Surprises came thick and fast for the invaders in the eighth inning. Ellis drew a walk, Bechtell singled, Grebe safe on error ' filling the bases. Cap. Morris singled, scoring two with Grebe caught at the plate. Burdon sent in as pinch hitter lined toeft field and safe on fielder's error, Morris scoring the tying run. Clark walked, McCall hit to infield and Bowman hit into a double play, retiring the side. ; Ice Cream and ice cream soda, grape juice and orange ade, in cherry, grape, peach and blackberry Coca Cola and red cherry; icecream sold in 10c 25c 50c Cartons Lowney's Candies D. P. Adamson & Co. Prineville, Oregon 'J w til rfl Hello! Say, do you know the Pilot Butte Telephone Company has more miles ' of line and a larger num ber of subscribers than any other telephone company in Crook county and a cheaper rates? Telegraph connection is made at Red mond with all outside points. Main office Prine ville, Oregon. VJ-' J ! Si I m ' -irrrf.-f.