Prineville Produce Exchange Dealers in all kinds of FARM PRODUCE r I Hay, Grain, Flour and Feed. Forwarding Storage and Commission Buyers of Hides, Pelts and Furs JACK SUMMERS, Manager Oxoactylene is the Machine That welds steel, cast iron or in fact any kind of metal. On the evening of April 27 two prisoners broke jail at the county court house here by filing bars of the cell. In less than one hour the bars were like new, having been welded by the machine mentioned above. Prineville Machine Shop E. G. Hodson, Prop. City Meat Market J. W. HORIGAN, Prop. Choice Home-Made Hams, Bacon and Lard Fresh Fish and Oysters Fruit and .Vegetables in Season A Dollar in Is worth two in the hand, because it is safer. It soon grows and begins to work for you. We pay 4 per cent interett on time deposits. Crook County Bank, Prineville, Or. Watches, Clocks, Diamonds and Jewelry Call on SMITH, the Jeweler Percy R, Shipp & Perry m Dealers in kumDer, sningies, IM Glass, Paints and Oils, Ruberoid the Bank or write Smith 5 mournings, Doors, windows, w Roofing, Ornamental Fending( 1 l cent f Oassiifaedl- Ad AWADn 4 l If VJlU y rrwa i as muw FOR SALE FOR SALE Twenty tons of bound rye hay. Box 291, Prineville. 2Jt2p. THREE 160 ACRE RANCHES For sale reasonable and on easy terms, For further information apply to owner. T. J. Ferguson, I'oHt. Orcvon. 21 tic TWO GANG PLOWS-One 12 inch plow, the other 14 inch, alhO one 14 dine drill in running order, two wagons, one Sohuttler 3 new, one Mitchell. For sale or wil) trade. Cull on or telephone. Fred Grimes City. , 21tfc. WINTER LAYERS-Sottings of Brown Leghorn and Ancona eggs $1.25 per Betting of 15. 6. P. Ellis, Prineville, Ore. 23tfc. MILKING MACHINES Needed andwithin the reach of all dairy men. The Hinman, simple, efficient, sanitary and economical to operate. One man can milk 25 cows an hour. Writ or call me for descriptive literature. 1. F. McCalliBter, Agent, Prine ville, Ore. 33tfc. MINING MACHINERY For Sale or trade for stock. Two Sullivan & Hurley drills, one 6 x 6 belt driven compressor, one air gun , and boiler riveting tools, lot of five-eights cable, also', hoist blocks, fhives, car trucks, one large belt-driven water pump. Will exchange all or any part of these articles. Address H. E. Blackwell, Culver, Oregon, Route A. 37t5p. FOR SALE-Good stock cattle, aiy . number from 50 to 150 head. Pohoka Stock Farm, Post. Ore gon. 38t4p. Oregon Daily Journal Daily 50c. Daily and Sunday 65c Why be without the news when we deliver it promptly to your door anywhere in the city for 2 cenls a day Mrs. Estes & Son Local Agent Uniting learning and labor THE OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE In itt Six Schools and Forty-eight De partments is engaged in the great work oi uniting Learning and Labor. Forty-eighth School Year Opens SEPTEMBER 18, 1916.. Degree Course requiring a four-year high achooLpreparatioa, are offered in tbe following! AGRICULTURE. 16 Department; COMMKRCK, 4 Departments; ENGIN EERING, Departments; MINES, S Departments; FORESTRY, 2 Depart ments; HUMS ECONOMICS. 4 Depart ments; and PHARMACY. Vocational Courses requiring an Eighth Grade preparation for entrance are offered in Agriculture. Dairying, Commerce, Forestry, Home Makers, and Mechanic Arts. Pharmacy with a two year high school entrance requirement. SCHOOL OF MUSIC Piano, String, Band and Voice Culture. - Cntaloene and beautiful illustrated booklet free. Address Thr Registrar, 1 W-MI10U-;.4) COKVAl,Ua. ORHOON Why Not Have Your Clothes Made in Prineville You will get the same material, fit work manship and : style That you will get in Portland or elsewhere Cleaning and Pressing - Alterations of all Kinds Satisfaction Guaranteed J. A. Gillis, Tailor nocompanr K-opf vrw navsmiMir bh motimif FOR SALE SllVENTEENHE Thoroughbred roan Durham bull, eligible to registry, 4 grade Dur ham cows, 4 thoroughbred Jersey cows, 1 yearling heiier and the remainder younger stuff. Price fer the lot $.500, or will sell part of the bunch. W. H. Piwc, Prineville, Oregon. 38tfc. HELP WANTED" r TWO MEN WANTED For haying at Ed Merritt's, Meadows, Ore. Ind. phone; 39tfc. WILSON HEADQUARTERS WOODROW WILSON LEAGUE Prineville Headquarters, D. H. Peoples Abstract . Office. All Wilson advocatct invited to call, sign and receive badge. No membership fee. G. Springer, Pres. D. II. Peoples, Sec. 39tfc. LOST AND FOUND GLOVE LOST- Indian gauntlet. between Prineville and Redmond, Friday. Return to Herbert Hamilton, City. . 39tfc REWARDS REWARD A reward of $500 will be paid for the evidence leading to the arrest and conviction of anyone stealing cattle from mem bers of the SiBters-Metolius Live stock Association. Joe Howard, Jr., Secretary. 29tfc $20 REWARD-For bay filly, 3 years old. "BB" on left sf.oulder. ! Notify W. E. Mead, Robers, Ore- gon. 21tfc AUCTIONEERS N. H. eLlJOTT "The Old Reli able Auctioneer". 30 years ex perience, satisfaction guaranteed. Phone me at my expense. Terre bonne, Ore. 31tl2c MONEY TO LOAN $2500 To loan on improved alfalfa farm near Prineville on Ochoco or Crooked River. .A. R. Bow man. 26tfc MONEY To loan on improved real estate. D. H. Peoples. 20tfc Send a copy of the Journal to a friend in the East NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, July 29th, 1916. Notice is hereby given that Edward H. Clyne, of Prineville, Oregon, who, on March 27th, 1913, made Home stead entry. No. 011480, for SEJ NEJ, El SEJ, Sec. 33, NWi SWi, Sec. 34, Twp. 16-S, Range 18-E, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make finai three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Lake M. Bechtell, U. S.- Commis sioner, at Prineville, Oregon, on the 7th aay of September, 1916. Claimant names as witnesses: Ulyssis G. Allen, John R. Knox, Labert Lane, Charles Shepherd, all of Post, Oregon. . H. Fran'', Woodcock, Register. v , . " . - , , 38t5c Plan to come to the Crook County Fair NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ' Denartment of the Interior 'IT.'S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, ' . ; July 28th, 1916. j Notice is hereby given that j ' , Fornia L. Tesreau, i I of Roberts, Oregon, who, on Feb ruary I8th, 1913, made Homestead, entry No. 011300 and on March 13th, 1916 made additional Home- ! stead entry, No. 015834. for NE1, Ni NWi, Sec. 29, EJ NEi, Sec. 30, Twp. 17-S, Range 17-E, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of in tention .to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Warren Brown, Clerk of the Circuit Court, at Prineville, Oregon, on the 5th day of September, 1916. Claimant names as witnesses: Joseph E. Roberts, Arthur P. Furbush, Hugh C. Nelson, all of Roberts, Oregon, James Cram, of Prineville, Oregon. H. Frank Woodcock, Register. 38t5c. For new and old stomach trouble use Adamson's Digest- eze. Price 50c or six boxes fjr $2 50 postpaid to any address in the United States of America. For sale by D. P, Adamson & Co., Prineviile, Oregon. Account. Addron LsUtor to Tm Joui mal, Prinvilt, Orgoa PERSONAL AFTER' TH E SHOW- You will en joy a refreshing drink at the Sanitary Fountain at the Prine ville Drug Co. 20tfc. MEALS, BOARD AND ROOM CLOSED UNTIL SEPT. 15-Mrs. Harvey's boarding house closed for the summer. Rooms for rent. FURNISH ED ROOMS Nicely furnished sleeping rooms; modern conveniences; two blocks from post office;' private family, no children. T-I, care of Journal. ootf WANTED ' WANTED Ey private family, to hear from six High School beys wanting room and board for the school yrar. Will take wood or farm produce as part payment for board. Apply at once. Ad dress Mrs. M. D. Swank, city. 39t2 STOCK RANCH WANTED I have a client for a stock ranch that will carry 200 head of cattle with plenty of summer range. Must be cheap. O. C. Hyde atf SECOND HAND FORD Wanted. Will trade a new $200. cabinet Grafonola. Call at Adamson's Drug Store. " 23tfc. NOTICES AH Dersons knowinar themselves indebted to the firm of A. H. Lipp- man & Co., please come and settle at once; all having claims against the firm will present them at once. T J. Minger, Administrator. 23tfc Protect Your Stock From Poison A break In the fence mar cans tbe Ions of your of your neighbor's slock. Extermina tors placed where rabbit frequent will re duce their numbers and soon pay for them selm In crops saved . Fail clrec'tons with each order. By Parcel Post Sl.SO each, $13.00 per dosen; picket stakes 25c each extra. Agt. Thos. I. Temple. Redmond, Oregon NOTICE OF MEETING OF BOARD OF EQUALIZATION. Notice is hereby given that on Monday, the 11th day of Septem ber, 1916, the same being the second Monday in September, the Board of Equalization will attend at the Courthouse in Prineville, Crook County, Oregon, and publicly examine the assessment rolls, and' correct all errors in valuation, de scriptions and qualities of lands, lots and other property assessed by the assessor, and it is the duty of all persons interested to appear at the time' and place appointed as provided by law. Date of first publication, August 17th, 1916. Date of last publication, Septem ber 7th, 1916. . . : , H. A. Foster, 30140.' . ' - Assessor. Try a Want Ad in The Journal It pays The water's fine at North j i Gome Queen of North Pacific Resorts Ocean and weather are just right at this best of all Pacific Northwest beaches. GO NOW! We will be glad to help you plan the trip. Ask for the new folder describing NORTH BEACH. IT IS FREE Fares, tickets, reservations and full information upon applica tion to A. C. EGAN, T.F. & P. A. BEND, OREGON O-W. R. R. & N. COMPANY Union Pacific System cttam! EVERYI W EEK I , , PHYSICIANS E. 0. HYDE Physician and Sur. geor. Calls answered promptly day or night. Office over Adamson's Drug Store. B th office and residence tele phones. Prineville, Oregon. J. H. ROSENBERG Physician and Surgeon. Calls answered prompt ly day or night. Office two doors south of Prineville Drug Co. Residence corner 1st and Main streets. Prineville, Oregon. ! BELKNAP & EDWARDS Chas. S. Edwards, H. P. Belknap, Physi cians, Surgeons and Occulists. Prineville, Oregon. j DENTISTS : HOWARD GOVE Dentist. Crooi i County bank building. DR. H. G. DAVIS Dentist. New j modem shop, in Kamstra Build ing. CHIROPRACTORS ! DR. H. E. BURDON Chiropractic Physician. Office over Crook County bank. Rooms 4 and 5. Prineville, Oregon. MAGNETIC HEALERS PROF. A. W. GRATER Magnetic & Mental Healer. Office in Morris building, Prineville; Oregon. ATTORNEYS M. E. BRINK Lawyer. A street, Prineville, Oregon. jWlLLARD H. WIRTZ District j Attorney. Office in Crook County I Bank building, Prineville, Ore. ;N.G. WALLACE Attorney-at-Law Rooms 3-4-5 Kamstra Building, n: n r j rruicillic, vregim. C. C. BRIX Attorney-at-Law, Real Estate. Room 6, Cornett Buiid ing, Prineville, Oregon. BIGGS & BIGGS Attorneys-at-Law. Prineville, Oregon. LAKE M. BECHTELL Lawyer. Crook County bank building, Prineville. Oregon. ABSTRACTORS CROOK COUNTY ABSTRACT CO., Incorporated, D. H. Peoples, president, J B. Bell, secretary . Abstracts and Insurance. Print ville, Oregon. Mrs. Estes 0FFKR8 4 COMPLETE LINK OF Summer Millinery AT A REDUCTION and invites her customers from a t diBtance to call fair week and Talk Fall Styles and Prices MRS. ESTES' MILLINERY PALLORS Prineville, Oregon 3EE98EBP9 Inter- I and Q In! Spokane Inter state Fair and Livestock Show September 4-9 B eac i