PAGE 8 CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL in tt' BUD FISHER f Cartaom,Myr "Tiixwfo Aaj tnaJt 4 pfpt my aenrilt form af tmoking. Ill cooneu anj milJnu m pi-jmojk W J Fullerton, Bert A. Lawrence, Maudie Day, L. B. SilkworUi, Ivan Peproy, Annie M. Caster, George Kurman, Laura B. Douglas, C. SI. Larsted, J. E. MeFarlane, Jas. R. Williams, 0. 11. Carpenter, J. G. Brown, F.llen By strom, Ciyirles T. Haynes. G. R. Tiior riug, J. W. Grater, Ella Burns, Ralph Johnson, E'. B. Brothei ton, Pan Clark, Lou Ella Works. John HishUi, A. A. Loet), E. T. Lauee, J. A. Miller, War ren Khu.:ss, E. Shireley, Ray Hol man, W. R. Kelly, Maude Lamleublas, Laiillaw Townsite Co., Fred Sherwood, Lloyd J. Corhiu, G. W. Brown, et al., C. T. Campbell, i. Debing, May Gr king, Walter Sw, Ethel Sporeg, Kora Bofhwoll, Olive M. Eherwiue, Miy A. Flock, S. Sellman, Ollie Baker. Kittie G. Turner. Enioyono Myers, J. C. Hanson, W. F. Rohlaekei A. E. French, E. R. Murphy, Henry Schu'll, La Pine Townsite Company, Dwiclit M. Pavis, S. A. Lytic, S. Price, Delia Huston, Charles Attsehull, Anna A. Lively, W. T. Davenport, C. J. John son, E. A. Plummer, William G. riioenix, Frank Phoeuix, Rose Carson, Mart Knleseh, J. H. Schakel, Chas. L. Mead. W. A. King, Redmond Town site Company, John Tuck, Henrv W. Still. W. E. Clavpool, W. 0. Parrich, F.'M. White, Wells and MeCaffery, C. A. -McDowell, Florence Weston, F. X. Abhie. J. M. Bnnkley. T. M.' John son. M. T. Ellinger, J. W. Saxton, Z. Tallifero, A. 0. Myers, Susan P. Slwiltz. C. L. Branton, F Johnson, Elsie Bateman, II. P. MeXary, II. F. Jones. Ethel C. llopley, Central Ore gon Irrigation Company, Wells and Jones, Jones Land Company, R. S. Collins, A. C. McFall, Claude Knapp. Howard . Contract Company, " May Buckley, J. R. Liehty, Alden"and El lis, Anna E. Ellis, Edward Maher, C. E. Xeilson, Allen Wilcoxin, Reeves Wileoxin, C. W. Vandyke. F. A. Gen try, May Whitney, J. R. Moody, J. J. Buckley, J. A. Buckley, W. j'. Buck ley, Ora Smitlis Redmond Realty In vestment Company, E. F. Bartlett, Bob C. Evans, William E. Christian sen, G. Christians, G. E. Smith. Lulu Brooks, J. A. Xorwood, Carl X. Eliret, . J. W. Schrunk, Margaret Golden, II. B. McMickle Melrose Park Co., In- Registered at the Hotel Baldwin land Empire Co., Oregon Trunk De-m Kamath Falis were tte Bow. velopment Companv, Dodson & Slo-I , , . , , eum'LillieB. Gillette, C. S. Kenyon, j rnan8' Jordans' Adams- Bessie V. Markel, Delia Aumiller, Robert Douglas, Perry Foin Frank MeCaffery, Rachael MeCaf- dexter, E. Rose, Hobart Belknap, fery, J. Dennis, Ben MeCaffery, Carl j Robert Osborn, L. C. Morgan, J. Carlson, W. X. Cobb, L. S. Mc-, Glenn Hendricksen and at the Hotel Bud Fisher jumped the old-time rut when he invented Jeff and Mutt. For years, with that amusing pair, he's chased away the people's care, and made them laugh and throw their hats, and cackle till they broke their slats. The tired, the sad, the weak, the worn, have laughed with Bud, and ceased to mourn; the lame, the halt, the blind, the deaf, have whooped with glee o'er Mutt and Jeff. Where does he find the joyous jests which break the buttons from our vests? You'd think the fount would have to fail, but never once has he been stale. When he sits down to hatch a plot in which his heroes will be caught, he lights his pipe, and soon a joke emerges from Ttutedo smoke. He swears by "Tux" and so will you, 2-t when you have tried a jar or two. Plaintiff. Address : Prineville. Oregon. TO CRATERLAKE PARK Many Prineville people took ad vantage of the baseball trip last week to show loyalty to the team and at the same t ime see a new sec tion of the country. There were nine cars in all that made the journey. Two were hired for the players while Bechtell and Bowman drove their owi machines. and the mountains of northern Cali fornia. The government has start ed an auto road around the rim of Crater Lake, which will be well worth seeing. The car belonging to Harvey Cyrus was broken near Crescent, but its occupants arrived at Klamath Falls by stage and fixed the car on returning. ' E. L. Rose had trouble with his car botn ways and arrived home Tuesday evening. Outside of trifling incidents others of the party report th? best ; of times. COMIN G The' New EUICK 4 Caffery, W. C. Walker, Tura-a-luin Lumber Co., J. S. Parminter, Eliza J. Herring, Max Lnddeman, Mary E. Coleman, A. D. Butts, Henry Linster, Gus Lefas, ?. J. Larson, X. 0. Widen, George Dahl, Alfred Osen, Y. Mayan chi, May T. Levy, A. H. Coder, Bessie A. Merrill, G. J. nank, G. J. Hauek, F. R. Day, Sue Mitchell StokeyJ Xora Hall were H. G. Davis, Harvey Cyrus, George Newel, W. H. Post, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Lakin, Walt Snoderly, Tom Quinn, Kobt. Zeve ly and John Henderson. The Dishmans and Clarks and their party carried camping equip- C. Mitchell, J. D. Stevens. R. B. Webb, t in their Fords and were i ba(J road Some time ago judgment was given against Multnomah County for damages sustained when an auto truck fell through a weak county bridge. . The county was held to be responsible for the condition of the bridge. s 1 ' Now a judgment for $1,300 has been won agafhst Douglas County for personal injury sustained by a passenger jolted off a stage on a The car you have been waiting for Large easy riding tires Standard Delco Starting and Lighting System -'"BUCK QUALITY THROUGHOUT Deliveries any time after August 1 Five-passenger touring car $785.00 Prineville The 6-cylinder models will be continued We also have used cars from $200.00 up guaranteed in perfect mechanical condition Let us dp your electrical work We have battery charging outfit and expert ignition man INLAND AUTO CO. Prineville, Oregon driven from their trenches. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wooley are preparing to go East and will go into business' in St. Paul. The decision has been Kenwood Promotion Co., W. P. ( camped near the rest of the crowd appeaed to the State Supreme Strandburg, J. II. Williams, Florence at Klamath Falls. This is quite a ' rw t .,,;,i n,; .,j: -uwua., i.c xn.D j nttle City of 5000 supported largely pany, r-rnesi a. Bimin. u -eu erotn j by huge mills. It is situated on a'gonVofr will set a costly precedent. Oe- ors. T.ilHnn Von ATnfw AIsiiulo T Veil. hausen, Michael' Bvnan, A. J. Robin-1 narrow striP of Klamath Lake with eon, M. Xiswonger. Lydia Golden, John ! boats plying to adjacent points. F. Young, L. D. Weist Julia' F. Har- J Mt. Shasta is here visible, the town . rington, Arthur Proctor, Benjamin F, being only 28 miles from the Cali Peterson, U. C. Coe, Trustee, Susie ! forn;a iinp Caler, W. D. Xewlon, Elmer J. Merrill, C. J. Clemenson, Xannie J. Wilkin son, Deschutes B. & T. Co., J. I. West, E. A. Cast, Ed Smith, W. T. Casey Estate, W. F, Beckman, Cline Falls Power. Co, J. W. Wright, David Hill, J. W. Usher, II. G. Tholstrup, I. T. Tholstrun, Seiletta Sheffier, Annie A number of the cars left on Friuay so as to be able to visit that wonder . of wonders, Crater Lake. The between Prineville and LaPine is the worst of the trip, the rest less traveled is in good con- Dobbs, Mabel Davis, Emily Pease, and Qluon- A roaa 10 lne c'ater rurns all persons unknown owning or claim-1 about 45 miles to the south of ing to own, or having or claiming to: Crescent. This takes one by Sand Alfalfa News. Creek, featuring the tree like pin nacles of sand stone, The extensively traveled road is have, any right, title, equity, or inter est whatever in the real property here inabove described ; as the owners of the leral title of the above described prop erty as the same appears of record '. by Ft. Klamath and up through the and each of the other persons above Garden of the Gods. This is a named are hereby further notified that j very go0(j highway, nicely graded Crook County, Oregon, a public cor-1 and famed for scenery , Great poration, will apply to ' the Circuit l , .. . Court of the County and State afore-1 dnfts of snow are P,led alon the said for a decree foreclosing the lien j wayside which was opened to the against the property above described ; lake last Thursday and is now be- Miss Miriam Ruark of Portland is spending the summer with her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clark of Alfalfa. Albert Shultz has gone to the re serve to look after his cattle. , Mr. and Mrs. Smock were seriously hurt last 'Saturday while on their way after the Alfalfa mail. The neckyoke to the buggy broke and the horses became unmanage able, upsetting the buggy. Mr. Smock had rot fully recovered from a broken leg and it was feared it was broken over. Mrs. Smock was also, badly hurt. Walter Smith of Los Angde, Cal., is here for his health. He is with his sister, Mrs. L. V. Clark. Little Sadie Perry, of Powell and mentioned in said certificate. And i ing thoroughly repaired by , you are hereby .summoned to appear government. Ye sreibe had within wxty days alter the lirst pub- fi t motorv(I(, ,lt thp llUp tllis lication of this Summons, exclusive of the day of said first publication, arid c&r- defend this action or pay the amount If vages were read on the de due as above shown, together with . scripions of Crater Lake, then costs and accrued interest, and in case after the first glimpse of the object of your failure to do so, a decree will j itself, comparison would find many ue renuereu iorcci"sing me lien oi eaid taxes and costs against the land and premises above named. This Summons is published by order of the Honorable T. E. J. Duffy, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the Coujity of Crook, and said order was made and dated this 20th day of JuDe, 1910, and the date of the first publication of this Summons is the 29th day of June, 1916. All process and papers in this proceeding may be served upon the undersigned, residing within the State of Oregon, at the address hereinafter mentioned. Date of last publication, August 31st, 1916. ' , (Signed) Willard II. Wibtz, District Attorney and Attorney for beauty features omitted. The lake is six miles long by four wide and over a half mile deep. The water is of the deepest blue while at the edge it is intensely green. A trail winds down through snow and sand some 2000 feet to the waters edge, where boats may be hired for a close inspection of interesting places or to fish in the deep clear water. A big mountain hotel is situated on the very brink of the lake affording comfortable facilities for the tourist. From this point 60 miles to the south may be seen Upper Klamath and Agency Lakes the j Butte is visiting at the Powell the i home. I Bn Gatter, formerly of Alfalfa and his brother, S. A. Gatter, have bought 630 acres m the Zumwalt district of Wallowa county. Half of this is plow land. A huge neighborhood picnic is planned for next Sunday. With well filled baskets and lots of cream it is decided .to'-spend the day at the ice cave. , Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Stoner are visiting relatives in Bend. A party of youna friends enjoyed an "oyster stew'at the Shultz borne Sunday eve". Mr. Roberts and Frank Ogle made a business trip to Bend last week. . ' ' A certain young man from McKay is making frequent visits to this neighborhood. Our own boys lacked preparedness and were DELEGATION OF K.P.S A special car carrying Knights of Pythias from Central Oregon left t railway points for Portland Monday, loaded to capacity with enthusiastic delegates to what no doubt is the biggest convention of its kind ever held on the Pacific Coast. Besides the party traveling by rail, a number of other delegate! made the trip by auto over the Columbia Highway. The delegates will make a week of it, and are expected to return about Sunday. Jay H. Upton was elected captain of the Central Oregon lodges for the occasion. ' The delegates who will represent the Prineville lodges are: Joe Ger- ardo, Col. Draper, L. N. Nichols, John Hoover., E. H. Smith, Warren 'Brown, T. E. J. Duffy, Ross Robin son, Pete Barnes, Frank Foster. Jay. II. Upton, Jonh Combs, Dr. J. H. Rosenberg, Geo. H. Brew ster,' Chas, A. King, II. G. Kennard, Gus Gustaveson, H. A. Kelly and Mrs. Kelly. Tpo Late to Classify FOR SALE Good stock cattle, any number from 50 to 150 head. Pohoka Stock Farm, Post, Ore gon. 38t4p. NOTICE Is hereby given to warn all persons Notes indorsed Grain Clifton Mortgages are fully paid. Payment of $350. 6-16-16 10 per cent is rejected Jasper Johnson's guarantee, completion 1914, Lawrence Fuller ditch $3,000 damages. Richard R. Lawrence. 38tlp. iice ream and i grape juice and orange ade, in cherry, grape, peach and blackberry Coca Cola and red cherry; icexream sold in 10c 25c 50c Cartons Lowney's Candies D. P. Adamson & Co. 'Prineville, Oregon Now turn to the Classi fied ads on page 3 W 1 Uiilliif Hello! Say, do you know the Pilot Butte Telephone Company has more miles of line and a larger num ber of subscribers than any other telephone company in Crook county and a cheaper rates? Telegraph connection, is made at Red mond with all outside points. Main office Prine ville, Oregon. mm lip Commence to prepare for the big county fair