CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL PAGE 8 Fullcrton, Bert A. Lawrence, Mamhe Day, L. B. iSilkwovHi, Ivan lVproy. Annie M. Castor, Gomye Kurinan, Lama B. Dongas, C. M. Larstod, J. E. JUcFnrlaue, Jan. R. Williams, 0. 11. Carpenter, J. G. Brown, Kllou By strum, Charles T. lluym. G. K. Ther ring, J. V. Grater, Ella Burns, Kaiph Johnson, E. B. Brothortun, Pan Clark, Lou Ella Works, John Ilishish, A. A. Loih, E. T. Lance, J. A. Miller, War ren Kinsman, K. Sliiivloy, Kay llol wian, W. R. Kelly, Mamie T.!iiillv Townsile Co.. Fred Sherwood, Lloyd J. Corhin, G. W, Brown, et al.. C. T. Campbell. 8. Doliinsr, May lier ki:is, W.iirer Spores, Ethel Spmv.s Nora Bo!liwe!l, 0He M. Kherwine, M'ty A. Fleek. S. Sellman, OUie Baker. Kitlie (!. Turtier. Emoene Myeis, J. C. Hanson, W. F. Kolihacker, A. E. Frem-h. E. U. Murphy, Henry tv'hivll. La Fine Towiimic iVmpany. DwL'ht M Pavis. S. A. Lvtle, S. Briee. Be Plaintiff. Address : rrineville,, Oregon. Oregon' Dry Record Continued from paj?e 1. NOTICE FOK rUBLICATlON. n,,ni-t mif nf ihn Interior. IE S Land Olliee at The Dulles, Orison, I Juno 12th, nm;. j Notice is hereby Riven that Arthur Cruse, of Brothers, Oregon, who, on Jan uary 81st, 1918, mnde Homestead entry, No. 01 12158, for EJ. Sec. 28. Twp. 20-S, Range 18-E, Willamette Meridian, has tiled notice of in tention to make final three year : proof, to establish claim to the ' land above described, before A. S. s Fogs:, U.S. Commissioner at Hump 's ton, Oregon, on the 25th day of July 191G. Claimant names as witnesso: j William Stenkaoip, Burns D. i Voung. Elva E. Varco, P. 11. ColTey all of Brothers, Oregon 11a I H. Frank Woodcock, "Register. ;2top. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, July 1st. 191U. Notice is heieby given that Alice O. Volk, formerly Alice O. Croyle, of Post, Oregon, who, on April 15th. r.Ul, ! made Homestead entry, No. 08UU8, and on February 4tti, iyio maa La-ton, Charles Allselmll, Anna A.i Lholy. W. T. liveuport, C. .1. John son, ' E. A. Plitmmor. William O. Piioenix. Frank Phoenix. Rose Carson, Matt Knk'seh, J. II. Seliakel. Chas. L. Mead, W. A. Khiir. Bedmond Town site Company. John Tuck, Henry W. Still. W. E. Claypool. W. 0. l'arneh, F. M. White, Wells and MeCaffery. C. A. Melton-ell. Florem-e Weston. F. X. Ahhie. J. M. Buiikhy. 1. M. .ioiin-,and on February 4th. 1915 made! son. M. T. Eilm-vr. J. V. Saxton, Z. J additional homestead entry, No. Talliforo. A. 0. -Myers, Susan P. 1 014457, for SJ SW1, SWi SEi, See. Shultx. C. L. Branton, F. Johnson. , 34. Twp, Itf-Si, Range 18-H, Lots Elsie Bateman, II. P. MeXary. II. F.;i.o, SEJ NEi, NEi SEi, See. 3. Jones, Ethel C. llopley, Central Ore-! Twp. 17-S, Range 18-E, Villamotte jron Irrigation Company. WelU and ' Meridian, has filed notice of in X.nn. Comnanv. R. S. 'tention to make final live year A general summary of the articles printed in the Portland papers which agreed as to facts, follows: Drunkenness reduced 75 p?r cent. Total arrests cut in half Court income increased. Vagrancy reduced tit) per cent. Take a look at the comparative tabulation of arrests for drunken ness during the first s;x months of this year and last : 101 1915 June 1M ",;lti May 144 541 April 1 SI 575 March 1M 517 Fehruary '115 o-U unuary 1 PIS Total for six months 80O 32111 Reduction in arrests 2401. The fact that the town has been so remarkably orderly under the dry regime has not at all affected a reduction in the income of the courts. So far as that phase of the question is concerned the figures I tell the best tale: Court receipts January to July, 1910 $17,o(H January to July, 1915 15,479 It is N TP! 1 1 licit O: Count s Collins, A. C. MeFall. Claude Knapp. Howard Contract Company. May Bueklev, J. R. Liehty. Alden and El- lw Anna V. Ellis. Edward Maher. C E. Xeilson. Allen Wileoxin AVileoxin. C. W. Vandyke. F. A. Geu t: v. May Whitney, J. R. Moody, J. J. Fackley, J. A. Buckley, W. J. Buek lev, Ora Smith. Redmond Realty In vestment Company, E. F. Bartlett, Bob C. Evans, William E. Christian sen, 8. Christiansen, G. E. Smith, Lulu Brooks, J. A. Norwood, Carl N. Ehret, J. W. Sehmnk. Margaret Golden, H. R MVMielde. Melrose Park Co. land Empire Co., Oresron Trunk De velopment Company, Dodson & Slo cum, Lillie B. Gillette. C. S. Kenyon, Bessie V. Markel, Delia Aumiller, Frank MeCaffery, Raehael MeCaf fery. J. Dennis, Ben MeCaffery, Carl J. Carlson. W. X. Cobb, L. S. Me Caffery, W. C. Walker, Tum-a-lum Lumber Co., J. S. Parminter, Eliza J. Herring, Max Luddeman, Mary E. Coleman, A. D. Butts, Henry Linster, (5ns Lcfas. C. J. Larson, X. O. Widen, Georpe Dahl, Alfred Osen, Y. Mayan proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Lake M Bechtell, U. S. Commissioner, at Prineville, Oregon, on the 10th Reeves day of August, 1916. Claimant names as w t lesses: Edwin A. Abbott, Mary L. Cook, Cora Dorrell, George Nolan, all of Post, Oregon. H. Frank Woodcock, Register. 34t5c. chi, NOTICE FOR PULICATION. DeDartment of the Interior. U. S. In- Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, June 5th, 1910. Notice is hereby' given that Elston C. Hill, of Held, Oregon, who, on April 23d, 1913, made Homestead entry No. 011581, for SEi, SJ NEi, Sec. 33, NWi SWI, SWi NWi, Sec. 34, Twp. 19-S. Range 20-E, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of in tention to make final three year proof to establish claim to the land above described, before A. S. Fogg, U. S. Commssioner at Hampton, May T. Lew, A. H. Coder, Bessie 1 Clinton Mullirio. Delmer Davis, ing number of arrests Charles A. Stevens, Max Gross, all of Held, Oregon. H. Frank Woodcock, Register. 31t5c. Merrill, G. J. Hank. G. J. Hauek, F. R- Dav, Sue Mitchell Stokey, Nora C. Mitchell, J. D. Stevens. R. B. Weib, Kenwood Promotion Co., W. P. Strandbiinr, J. H. Williams, Florence V. MeAdams, Lytle Townsite Com pany, Ernest A. Smith. O'Xeil Broth ers, Lillian Van Matre, Maude L. Xeu hau.en. Michael Bvnan, A. J. Robin son. M. XLswonger, Lydia Golden, John I F. Young. L. D. Weist, Julia F. Har rington, Arthur Proctor, Benjamin F. Peterson, V. C. Coe. Trustee, Susie Caler, "W. D. Xewlon, Elmer J. Merrill, C. J. Clemenson, Xannie J. Wilkin son, Deschutes B. & T. Co., J. I. West, E. A. Cast, Ed Smith, W'. T. Casey Estate, Wr. F. Beekman, Cline Falls Power Co., J. W. AVright. David Hill, J. W. Usher, H. G. ThoLstrup, I. T. Tholstrup, Serletta Sheffier, Annie Dobbs, Mabel Davis, Emily Pease, and all persons unknown owning or claim ing to own, or having or claiming to have, any right, title, equity, or inter est whatever in the real property here inabove described ; as the owners of the legal title of the above described prop erty as the same appears of. record and each of the other persons above named are hereby further notified that Crook County, Oregon, a public cor poration, will apply to the Circuit Court of the County and State afore said for a decree foreclosing the lien against the property above described smd mentioned in said certificate. And you are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the first pub lication of tbi Summons, exclusive of the day of said first publication, and defend this anion or pay the amount .tin? ns above shown. t"vt'.er With co-'-ts and scented intere-t, and in eue of your failure to do so, a decree will be rendered fori','. dug the lien of ,r-aid taxes and cosis -jrt.i.-t the land and premises above named. ; This Summons is published by order of the Honorable T. E. J. Duffy, dudue of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Crook, and said order was made and dated this 29th day of June, 1910, and the date of the first publication of this Summons is the 29th day of June, 1916. All process and papers in this proceeding may be served upon the undersigned, residing within the State of Oregon, at the address hereinafter irentioned. . Date of last publication, August 31st, 1916. (Signed) Willard H. Wirtz, District Attorney and Attorney for NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, June 15, 1916. Notice is hereby given that William E. Mead, of Roberts, Oregon, who, on March 6th, 1913, made Homestead entry, No. 011375 and on June 15th, 1914, made additional homestead enrty, No. 013454, for NEi SEi, Sec. 12, Twp 18-S, Range 17-E, & SWi SWi, Sec 6, WJ NWi, SEi NWi, NWi SWi, and Lots 2-3 & Ni of Lot 6, Sec. 7, Twp. 18-S. Range 18-E, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final three year proof to establish claim to the land above described before Lake M. Bechtell, U. S. Commisioner, at Prineville, Ore gon, on the 22nd day of July, 1916. Claimant names as witnesses: Manford D. Nye, Audrid G. Kizer, Jabcz E. Warner, Katie Mead, all of Roberts, Oregon. H. Frank Woodcock,- Register. 1 32t5c. (Gain $ 1,822 Most of this amount is taken in from fines, and of the entire sum the greater percentage is assessed from speeders and violators of traffic ordinances. This type of cases continues, although the popu larity of the accident-courting joy ride has waned. Taking June as a lepresentative month, the police records show that arrests for drunkenness dropped from 586 to 136, with the number of attending vagrancy arrests shrinking sympathetically from 94, counted as amazingly small number llast year, to 36. The average number of vagrancy arrests last year was in the neighborhood of 300 each month. Little difficulty is being expe rienced by the police so faras ship ped in liquor is concerned. The advance of the summer months and impending hot weather naturally caused the number of shipments to increase somewhat, but the attend- has not in creased. In fact. June figures showed a decrease of eight in the list of arrests. Greatest trouble has been found in the practice of drinking alcohol, but "hard-heartedncss" on the part of the court cut this evil to the minimum. Bootlegging, too, has been found an unprofitable busi ness, and the wise and vigilant business man of the slums has turned from it. Evening Telegram. Ji M W tl ingly olfct s a piuno or ptano OottOITl player at n price below its vnl- ue. Underneath every PHtNOMENAL PRICE REDUCTION lies future regret fur the purchaser. Bv no manic can kkk! material and hiuh-clans work manship be turned into good pianos and sold at prices altogether out of propoi tion to their cost of production. OUR PIANOS -1 1 11 1 1 ' NVW0HVH Are worth no less this month than last' they are built right by the foremost factories in America, priced right, and the greatest inducement for you to buy here lies in their unfailing quality and the fact every dollar invested with us buys one hundred per cent in piano quality, efficiency and service. are closing out all second hand pianos and organs this week at geat bargains and on easy terms Your Money's Worth or Your Money Back Other stores San Francisco, Oakland, Sacramento. Fresno, San Jose, Los AngeJes and other coast cities r - f m m 'm m at- m m m v. E. H. BRENT, Mgr. Kamitra Bid Prineville, Oregon Too Late to Classify DR. J. G. TURNER Formerly of Lowe & Turner, the well known specialists of Portland, will in Prineville again Friday Saturday, July 14-15 until 3 m. Saturday. Dr. Turner has years of hard practical ex perience as an eye and nerve specialist, coupled with bis being educated in the best schools, makes him a safe person for you to consult. If you have eye troubles, headaches or cross eves, don't fail to consult him. There is no charge for consultation or examination and if you do not need glasses.Dr. Turner positive ly will not recommend them. Regular visits to Prineville every 60 days; all work guaranteed. Remember the date at Prineville hotel. 34tf eye be and P. bad NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ISOLATED TRACT. PUBLIC LAND SALE. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, June 19, 1916, Notice is hereby given that, as directed by the Commissioner of the General Land Office, under pro visions of Sec. 2455, R. S., pur suant to the application of Lillian M. Foster, Serial No. 014808, we will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, but at not less than $2.50 per acre, at 10:00 o'clock A. M., on the 19th day of September, next, at this office, the following tract of land: Si NEI, Sec. 14, Twp. 16-S, Range 19-E, Willamette Meridian. (Con taining 80 acres) . "This tract is ordered into the market on a show ing that the greater portion thereof is mountainous or too rough for cultivation,". The sale will not be kept open, but will be declaied closed when those present at the hour named Lave ceased bidding. Ihe person making the highest bid will be re- quried to immediately pay to the Receiver the amount thereof. Any persons claiming adversely the above described land are ad vised to ''file their claims, or ob jections, on or before the time des ignated for sale. 34t5c. L. A. Booth, Receiver. Are You Prepared For mm lay o larves Why Pay More Than is Necessary For Needed Implements Buy of us. We do not belong to the machinery trust. We can supply you with hay machinery at following prices The Famous Adriance Buckeye Mowers at $55.00 This mower has the greatest speed of any mower on the market The Jenkins Rake at $32.00 The Jenkins Buck at $45.00 The Jenkins Goods Need no introduction Redmond Lumber & Produce Company The Journal does Modern Printing The Dalles Sanitarium THE DALLES . OREGON Formerly Dr. Geiiendorfer'g Hospital Re opened under the management of Dr. Bevis and Dr. wood. The Journal is only S1.50 per year. NOTICE OF PINAL ACCOUNTING! Notice i3 hereby given by the un dersigned, the executor of the Es tate of C. L. Dennison, that he has made and filed with the clerK 01 the County Court of the State ot. Oregon for the County of Crook, his final accounting ot the admin istration of said estate, and that the Honorable County Court has fixed Monday,' the 7th day of Anmitrt iQifi at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the County Court room in the courthouse at Prineville, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing and settling said final accounting. George E. Aitken, Executor of the Estate of C. L. Dennison, Deceased. Dated this 6th day of July, A. D. 1916. 34t5c THE DALLES SANATORIUM Tel. Main 4001 THE DALLES, OREGON One of the Most Com plete In'stl tutions on the Coast Pleasant Surrounding Lawns and Porchel fm 'r;' tl ir mini-V" fifl Institute Open to al Reputable DoctorH Rates Reasonable DR. EARL M. BEVIS, Siipt. Practice limited to surgery and diagnosis