- f ' . ''-.. ... fi ' ' r '. , .... , , . PACES CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL CROOK COUNTY fOURMAL ,. PAGE 7 HH .'. SLIP.. It Will be celebrated in Prineville. Free camp grounds, the use of tents without charge, free wood and water will , v many there; will, bp, in : yourljiarty; These privijega tb Chautauqua troWyjCp- grounds on the Vanderpool meadow. ;.n The advertisements on i ttm page Dollar Week fWV 8 ttautauqna Week During the above perioWaUke the;ollowing prices for t', if! cash. 5ilnly., ' 15jcansRex Lye '.00 2 fiA.noml sack Dairv Salt... i ', 1-00 , 5 pounds 80c high grade roast eoffee- " 20 bars Three Heart Naptha Soap 1.00 8 50c cans Cleveland Bak'ng Powder- I-00 17 pounds bulk curve cut macaroni. ..' L00 20-pound jacket Poppy syrup .u'l;. ' L00 O. C. Claypool & Co. p7w! Twelfth Annual Crook County Fair Prineville, Oregon September 27-28-29-30 One dollar's wor.h of amusement for every five cents , spent this year. Write for pre mium list now. - R. L. Schee, Manager The Crook County Journal Tomw SaUcriban within tlx 1 (f Thn 1J0M oel mrelj tour couatr Chaalsuqu tpcil , on. who i almdr our subocription lut, ami all new iubtcription under thU offer nut be paid in at thU office during the week July 3 to S Calling cards, July 3 to 8, only d1 ff one hundred, any style P vU Eastman Kodaks i. Pure resh Candies Cold,7 refreshing fancy and plain drinks . 'V : S' ' r ; f . '" tfx Cream Sundaes that tempt ;trie mbst exacting critics. With the very j best fruit juices, the .very best qjru'hed fruits, prompt service and shining dishes We cater to your individual -pastes v H. R. L A KIN. 'St. GET MORE For Your Dollar at Our Shop We Specialize on Price Quality and Service Prineville Meat Market ... 4 untyiBank Aeeoante Pw Cu la torn Keep our-' valuable papers in our safety deposit boxes; this insures you against theft and fire CW.Elkins DqHar Week Specials Three god Wc work shirts tl 00 Twenty-six bars White Laundry Soap. . . . LOO f 1.50 wortlvof any lace or embroidery . . LOO Any II 50 pocket knife 1.00 8 eans Diamond W Sweet Corn 1.00 Any $1.50 shoe ' 1.00 10 cans b st sauer kraut 1.00 JS W J. HUGHES . July 3 to 8 Ten 15c cans axle grease $1.00 Four 40c cans axle grease ... 1.00 Threa 50c bottles Balsam of Myrrh.... 1.00 One pair $1.50 stirrups 1.00 Saddles Made to Order a Specialty Work of all kinds neatly and promptly done at reasoaable prices also guaranteed TJhe W. i Jttny Co. Juanita Steel light borseshoes y,'2 ami larger ,19 pounds for. i", . . . $1.00 Japan tea. 7 1-2 pound packages. s. .. . LOO 7 pieces Wheelock granite ware, 1060 pieces to select from, for LOO 7 16-oz cans Wadco baking powder for ......... .1.00 Johnson Bros. English whitewarc, 3 cups and saucers, 3 9-inch plates, 3 8-inch plates, 3 Mnch saucer, anyone 'jug alffoir.'.'.. . . r... LOO 1 bucksaw, 1 6-inch butcher knife, 1 curry comb all for .... 1.00 Our Chaiitaiiqua Week 6 cans Royal Club fruits, regular 1.60 to 1.75. special $1.00 4 lbs Hill's Blue Can coffee, regular 1.50, special 1.00 3 pairs ladies' Luxite hose' regular 1.50, special 1 00 6 pairs men's Holeproof hose, regular 1.50, special....... 1.00 Men's, women's and children's shoes, value to 2.50 .1.00 2 80-ounce cans K. C. baking powder, regular 1.60 1.00 Come to Prineville prepared to have a good time and make our store your headquarters. J. E. STEWART & CO. A Complete' and ' Upto-6ae ,Soda Fountain Delicious Caddies, Magarifiei Stationery, Cigars and Perfumes. Free During Dollar Week'!! ' A purchase of $1.25 or more entitles you to 25c in trade at our soda fountain or candy .,;, counter. , , Walch Repairing a Specialty Headquarters lor Diamonds ' 1'orket Ben watch (written guarantee)- $L(K) Stick pins (cameo and ruby) LOO Vanity cane 1.00 Sterling silver hat pins LOO Anierieun Alarm Clocks (written year guarantee) . LOO Imitation emerald roaunies . 1.(10 K. P., Masonic. W. 0. W.. I. O. K K. O. E. Iapil buttons 1.00 The Big-Little Jewelry Store Smith, the Jeweler SMOKE THE Eagle Cigar Manufactured by Eagle Clar Factory Geo. Walker, Prop. , ForDolIar VeeLyejOffer uV nour To the first twenty-five buyers one sack STANDARD to each st One Dollar at each of the following stores K O.CCUtpooIACs,-; Julys; . Cornett &. Co. . . . Ju S CW.Elkins .. . - Julyft.i ' Mrs. I. Michel . . Juy 7 ' J. E. Stewart & Co. . . Juy 8 . During the entire week we make thf BpeciaJ offer o(.,our Prirtf - 1 ' i e Selfralsing Ksncakelour-at your dealers' at ' 45c per 104b bag PRINEVI14.E FLOUR MILLS Every Article in this One Dollar Week Ad Guaranteed to Be 1 New j and Up-to-Date Goods FOR MEN-pna 50c belt or suspenders, one 50c tie, 2 pairs 25c socks all for $1.00 FOR WOMEN -Two pairs 50c silk hose, 4 15c handkerchiefs all GROCERIES-One pound Steel Cut coffee 40c, one pound tea 50c, 35c bottle vanilla, 25c bottle lemon all for $1.00 Cornett & Company Attrsuctiy Prices at this aort),, r. , , Men's warni weather hats $.25 to $1.75 Chautauqua price $1.00 Men's semi dress or work4socki tM per don Chautauqiia price. . 1.00 1 lot of men's dress shirts worth $1.50 and $1 75 Chautauqua price. 1.00 Men's leather gloves $1.50 to $1.65 Chautauqua pMce. 1.00 "The Men's Store" Electricity Light Power Cooking For Deschutes Power Company We have nothing to sell you for $ 1 .00 We have a present for you ' Free-Drive ill and get it We are at your Service Chautauqua Wee, Juy 3 to 5 Inland Auto Co. During this great tine of learning and mental strain ... .. , . ,t ...11 1-5 ,i.4t .t r.flJ.r The Stomach Should Be as Well Taken Care of as the Brin Digesteze, 3 Boxes $1 00 D. P. ADAMSON & CO. 800,000 of Land in Central Oregon to be sold ' at Reasonable Prices and on Easy Terms to Actual Settlers Oregon & Western Colonization Co. B. F. Johnson, Agent, Prineville, Ore. Acres fee 'committee DeloreSune appljr to Dollar WkH peaaLi 116. message We buy, Sell and Exchange fa iia Hknl (.t thi Second -fnjlfptore Prineville, Oregon , . . New location on Main street, third door south of the Ochoco bridge. , During Dolla' Week w will have a variety of good ' ,!"" Dining Room Chairs at $1.00 Each , Each day we will sell 10 Trade Tickets Worth $1.25 for $1.00 Each The Luncheonette For lunches, cigars, candy, ice cream and soft drinks Lafler's Studio For pictures, films, music and picture framing F. E. & R. M. Laf ler, Prop. v Your selection out of a rack of 300 ' Buggy Whips values to 11.75 for' $1.00 Each !i 3 pairs split collar pads, regular 50c. U P. -STILL h '4ti.,--i ft. ; Make the Dollars Count During Chauauqua.ck , A Few SPECIALS off.red bv MRS. 1. Mir.HET. . ... VS pounds .ap head rice. v...--fMvvM- w.vtL00 , 3 aozen oranges pud lemons, assorted, large size.,, v.. L00 5 pounds ,80c Caracul coffee. . '. . ..... ...... j.oo . National Bank of Prineville, Oregon . Has a record of continuous service and growth that extends over than, a quarter of a century .. i. more First AH of Our Facilities at at your disposal Address O. C Claypool and tell him how in every one or them. Ksad them alL Your Watch Gleaned ad Oiled for "CV ! St i ti-., tx,rgrs:j ft7f h$rU$ Special for Chautauqua Weelc only July 3 to 8 All repair work warranted W. H. Cyrus, . Prineville, Oregon Kamstra Bldg. We will give 20 per cent . discount on every $1.00 purchase or more during Chautauqua. The best of everything found in a first-class bakery Prineville Bakery Howard Gove, D. M.D. " Dentist Rooms 3-4 Office over Crook County Bank Hugh E. Burdon, D. C. Chiropractor Rooms 4-5, Office over Crook County Bank On all tailor made suits during'. -Chautau- f qua Week.., v;.. U t ' ' J. flGlllis -friE NEW TAILOR 1 1 ii nil' ii Sl.OOoff If you like good Ice Cream Cali f or OCHOCO Worth 1.00 On a hot day and costs you only a dime For sale by all dealers in Prineville and Redmond u V I V.!' Ik'' "if. t-r' It 1