Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, June 15, 1916, Page Page 4, Image 4

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Page 4
Four Lecturers of Renown to Appear on
Big Chautauqua Program
Every Lecturer on 1915
i 1
mP v'il ( mA4
CHXXTWQVA patrons are to hear some "real" lecturers -men and women who have "snap" ami present their
subjects in a way that makes yon sit up and take notice. Of the gi'iaxy of lecturers to be on the week
program the four in the above smtip are typical of the character of men ami women on the program. Kl
jiott A. Boyl and Arthur A. r'ranzke are inspirational lecturers, and you will not forgot their message for
many a day. Mrs. Harriette tlunii Kherson is a coiitriUutor to a mmiler of ounc people's magazines and period
lea Is and in her second tour of the west will undoubtedly make a greater success than ever. Frederick Vlntng
Fisher, formerly head of the bureau of lecturers of ihe I'amima l'aciiie International 'V:poslthm. has sained a wide
reputation on the platform. These four men and women arc but a part of one of the greatest Chautauqua pro
crams ever brought to the west
Boston Contralto to Sing With'
Hungarian Orchestra at
With the marvelous growth of west
ern Chautauqnas managers have been
able to steadily Increase the quality
of programs offered and to bring artist
never before heard on a Chautauqua.
Among the foremost musical attrac
tions this year is Mme. Fay Mor
Tilius, mezzo-contralto, discovery and
protegee of Mr. Iouls Elson of the Bos
ton Conservatory of Music. She is
the soloist who appears at Chautauqua
with Witepskie's Iioyal Hungarian Or
chestra. Mme. Morvilius Is a delight. Fler
sweet naturalness of manner and ra-
dinnt charm are instantly felt wher
ever she appears. She hiis niuh to
Rive and gives it all. She loves to
please and is generous with those horns
lialluds so dear to every heart. Al
though thoroughly familiar with the
French, German and Italian tongues
In her operatic career, she prefers to
ssing In English. She sings with won
derful distinctness of enunciation.
Her auditors get the words and stories
of her songs as clear as the deep, rich,
colorful, dramatic, quality tones of her
Pershing's Men Locate Villa.
El Paso, Texas. -A brief wireless
message received here from General
Tershing slates that his forces have
! x ! ! ? ''-r,. '4' K lin V
located Villa and are now in close pur- j F(Uic Foy or Harry i,auderi He lB
suit of him. The radiogram was sontjjHt s, pintt Jones. . That's enongh.
to General Funstoft. ' To say anything more about him would
While no details were given of the ' be "much too much.'
renewed chase, it is believed that Villa I Af) ExC0pti011i
lias been located south of San Antonio, I ,Tlnk3Mo,.t MngH that are bought
probably eonthwest of Parral, in the j g() t0 tlle nuyer. jeuks-Yes. all ex
district where he was last seen cent coal: that eoes to the cellar.
Protfram to Give Worth
S. Piatt Jones, Humorist and
MonoSoiist, Coming,
Famous Humorist Can Make Any
Audience Happy.
S. Piatt Jones Is the Chautauqua
sparker. He ignites the enthusiasm on
the opening night that gives Chau
tauqua things in general a momentum
that whirls at top speed until the last
night, when the Hawaiians play and
sing "Aloha" ("Farewell and Love to
You"), Who Is Jones? AVhat is he?
Tens of thousands of Chautauqua en
thusiasts have heard him and hear
blm at every possible opportunity.
They know what Jones is, but not one
of them could describe him any more
,d attem..t t0 tvm.Mm
While and Interesting
VALUED $1,000
Soloist Carries
Elizabeth de Barrle 0,111. harpist, en
tertainer. Is one of the Chautnunua'
nw.o, nftn .(... I., I ...I 1.1 w niu.
stntlnK. as she does, a splendid vocnl j
and Instrumental concert, dellglitfully i
Interspersed and combined with do-. 1
ux'iuoie cnnraciiT stones ana iuner
sonatlons. Mrs. Gill Is wonderfully proficient on
the han. and the $l.ono gold instru
ment which she pluys Is a mnster-
piece of workmanship, of a vibrant
lyric depth and tone resonance of sur
passing power slid sweetness. Mrs.
Gill has a rich contralto voice and,
Singing to her own accompaniment on
the harp, affords an ideal combination.
She features English, Irish, Scotch and
negro folk songs, which the crooning
murmur of the instrument proves most
In a generous repertoire of harp
solos especially pleasing on the great
lyre, such as the old plantation melo
dies and "The Miserere" from "II
Trovatore," Mrs. Gill's rendition of
"The Rosary" Is a distinct accomplish
ment In this number she demon
strates the supreme rank of the harp
as a musical Instrument when played
by an artist.
Court convened in Kogulnr Ad-,
jouvned Session this Sixth day of
Juno, 1916, purmunt to its order
of adjournment of May Fifth, 1916; !
when were present tit the hour of j
nme,o clock in the morning me mi
lowing officers:
G. Springer, Judge, presiding.
J. F. Bhmehurd, Commissioner,
II, J. Overturf. Commissioner,
Warren Brown, Clerk,
K. R, Knox, She) iff.
Whereupon the following pro
ceedings were had, to-wit:
In the, Matter of Cour.ty Roads:
Preliminary hearing on the
Barnes Butte and Tlie Dalles-Culi-fornia
Highway Kouds continued
until Wednesday the fifth duy of j
Jul 1916; service not being coin-1
p'ete. j
Heaving on the final Survey on :
the C. H. Dealy and Tumalo Pro-j
jeet No. 1 Road continued until
Wednesday, the fifth day of July,
Final survey and report filed by
Survey on the Frank Ogles Road;
read and approved by tlie Court;:
1 road ordered opened as public high- J
I way. j
I Resolutions adopted recommend-1
, ing the establishment of Change (
No. 1 in the Hugh Lister RoatJ and
reeonimenumg the establishment
land legalization of the W. H. Car
lin Road and directing the Survey
or to make a preliminary survey
j and repi.rt forthwith.
Preliminary reports on said pro
posed roads filed. Order setting j
j Wednesday, the h'tfh day of July,
1 1916, for time of . hearing on the
, Change No. 1 in the Hugh Lister
: road, and Thursday the sixth day
j of July, 1916, a the hour of ten
'o'clock in the morning as the
j time of hearing on said report on
Road and directing
l nl""
that proper notice thereof be given
10 property owners.
Order ap)ointing J. H. Rosen
ibcrg, M. D. as County Physician
!and Health Odicer, for a period of
two years begnning July 1st, 1910,
at a flat salary of fifty dollars per
month for the performance of all
the duties of County Physician
and Health OiFk-ov including surgi
cal operations and mileage. Com
missioner Rlanehard voting "No."
In the Matter of Claim for In
demnity; Claim presented by F. T. Cox
Union Pacific
System .
in the United States in
Scenery, Service
the three things that count most
in making travel pleasant
Take advantage of Low Round
Trip Fares and go East this sum
mer via the cool, smooth, granite
clean, Union Pacific. Ask for
"TOUR" literature and the cost
of a journey "back home."
Union Pacific is the popular route
t0 Yellowstone
Aatlonal Park
Include a visit with your eastern
trip. Through Sleeping Car Ser
vice direct to the Park.
A. C. EGAN, T.F. and P. A., BEND
Round Trip Fares
Denver $55.00
Omaha 60.00
Kanut City 60.00
St. Louit 71.20
Chicago 72.50
Detroit 83.50
Washington 108.50
Botton 110.00
New York 110.70
The Columbia Graf onola
The Superior
Whether you wjsh a
small Grafonola at a
nominal cost of $15.00
or whether you wish an
eletcric Grafonola for
$350.00 we are able to
supply you at the one
price that these instru
ments are sold through
out the United States
genuine OmfonoU for iJIU.vU
Ternti if dmirdi othr lypoi $25.00,
$35.00, $50.00. $75.00, SSS.OO, $100.
00, $ 1 50 OO, (200.00 nd up.
for indemnity for one ilolstein
bull slaughtered under 1913 law
regarding tubercular entile. Order
setting Wtdnesduy the fifth day of
July, 191fi as time of bearing on
said claim.
In the Matter of the Improve
ment of Telephone Connections in
Crook County.
District Attorney instructed to
withdraw complaint made by this
Court against certain telephone
companies operating in Crook
County and filed with the Public
Service Commission.
In the Matter of contract of leas
ing a portion of the IVsehutes
River to John K. Hyatt trustee.
Order transferring of lease from
County to John K. Kyan to 'he
Kh"vliti-Ilixon Cut. ip. ny, appuving
bond jf said Company ami releas
ing bond of John E. Kyan and sure
ties. In the Matter of to Crook
Lease from George I'. Elliott
and Bertha Elliott to County of
certain premises for purposes of
removing eindres, gravel, etc., eon
sideralion $100. executed and
placed on record.
Order warrant in the sum of
hi drawn in favor of G. W. Foster
for board for county indigents.
Order warrant in the sum of
,$i:;2.20 drawn in favor of W. H.
: Harney for lumber for county
. roads.
j Order warrant in the sum of
$v!i2 drawn in favor of M. E.
; Coleman for rebate on taxes for
year 191.1, on proof of wrongful
i assessment.
' Order warrant in the sum of
$2500 drawn in favor of II. J.
i Overturf for following road work:
! Change south grade of Sisters Road,
McKinney Cut-od, Hend-I'rino-ville
Koad, Paulina Lake Road and
Pringle Falls Road.
Order warrant in the sum of
$932.25 drawn in favor of W. J.
Buckley for work on county roads
near Redmond.
Order warrant in the sum of
$3500 drawn in favor of J. F.
Blanchard for wo k on county
Court adjourned for term.
Then you realize the utter weakness
that robs ambition, destroys appetite,
and makes work a burden.
To restorethat strength andstaminathut
Is so essential, nothing has ever equaled
or compared with Scott's Emulsion, be
cause its strength -sustaining nourish
ment Invigorates the blood to distribute
energy throughout the body while its tonic
value sharpens the appetite and restores
health in a natural, permanent way.
If you are run down, tired, nervous,
overworked or luck strength, get Scott's
Emulsion to-day. It is free from alcohol.
Scott & Uuwnc, Blwiafleld, N. .
jf Xa
w . - . - . , . in v.i J
I " "." '"Sir- S
1 10 at
With the
wihkI patent
record cicctor. We have
all the new records on
sale the 20th of each
month; come in and hear
Prineville Drug Co.
In the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon For Crook County.
V, C. Taylor. Plaintiff, vs,
Hazel Kdwards, Oretta Kdwards,
& Joseph O. Kdwards, Defendant.
To Haxel pAlwards, Oretta F.d
wardts and Joseph O. Kdwards,
In the Name of the State of Ore-
n. u" nereny requireu to
ho near linn answi-r inin buiiihh'iiu
and Application and Complaint,
filed against yuu in the above en
titled cause, within sixty (till)
days after the date of the fut
publication of this summons (ex
clusive of the date of said first
publieatii'u), towit: on the fth
day of August, 1910, and defend
the action or pay the amount due
towit: $10tl.2:) with ii.terest thereon
at the vale of fifteen 0) per cent
per biuium fiom June fj, 19H, mid
upon your failure s to do a lhvn o
will be rendered against voti fore
closing tin-lien of the hfichmftcr
mentioned and described tax tie
linijuency certificate and costs
ngbinst the land and premises here
inafter described.
That this suit is for the purpose
of foreclosing lien for taxes of the
delinquency certificate, istied by
the Sherill of the County of Crook,
i State of Oregon, on the 15th day
I of September, 1915, for taxes for
! the year 1912, in the amount of
$:5S.I0, with interest thereon at
the rate of fifteen (15) per cent
per annum from the 15th day of
September, 1912, and bi; i it g date
of the 15th dnv of i'. U n.bor,
1915, and for taxes of suli.-t que tit
years as follows: On September
15, 1915, paid tuxes for 191:1 in the
sum (pf $3i.;;r..
On September 15, 1915, paid
taxes for the year 1911 in the Hum
of $27.50.
That 0. C. Taylor, to whom said
certificate was issued is now the
owner and holder thereof.
That the property against which
said certificate of delinquency was
issued and upon which the taxes
aforesaid were paid, is described
as follows: The East half (KJ)
of the Southwest quarter (SWj),
and the West half (Wj) of the
Southeast quarter (SKI), Section
thirtyone (31), Twp. fifteen (15),
South of Range Twenty-one (21),
East, Willamette' Meridian, Crook
County, Oregon.
That the undersigned, M. R.
Elliott, is the Attorney un'd Agent
of the plaintiff and signs this sum
mons in his behalf and is re
siding within the State of Oregon,
and all processes and papers in "the
proceeding may be served upon
him with the same force and effect
as if personally served on the
holder of said certificate within
this State.
This summons is published by
order of the Honorable T. R. J.
Duffy, Judge of the Circuit Court
of the State of Oregon, for Crook
County, made and entered on the
12th day of June, 1916.
The date of the first publication
of this Summons is the 15th day of
June, 1916.
M. U. Elliott,
In behalf of the plaintiff and
applicant for Judgment. 31t7c.