CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL PAGE 5 I JEAT ALL I WANT NOW AND FEEL FINE! We Can PE5 Prove It! Potatoes fluctuate in price with the market; but, no mat ter what the market, our price is the lowest. Shrewd buying and a big trade the answer. Your patronage on trial is solicited Put us to the proof. MRS. I. MICHEL Tin: City Jack Summers is in Portland this week. John Milliorn was in this eity Monday. Wool sales will bo hied in Hind on June 2'A. I-t-vi Krnt of To veil Butte was in Prim villi' tho of the week. fieorgu Iunkcr of Tern-bonne was I in the city the last of the wi ck on business. Tom liouiton returned from a trip to the Hour Creek country i Mondu I'rof. F. U. Powell and wife of . Koseburg arc visiting with Mr. 'niiil Mr II I. I'.n n,. in iv;,,..- Harry Keed of Fossil was n visi-Vile tor here Monday. ("no Ileuly came to the city from Culver Monday. H. i.. I-apps of Suidea was in the city Monday. Mrs. Wiltard Wirt, is visiting friends in Porlhind. S. I.. (luliford returned fr m Hmm-vhw Monday. Ia'K Inng has. joined the cycle scuud with a new Hurley. Mrs. Frunk Klkins came to this city from Bond, Tuesday. Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Hoy K. (ray, on May 28, a boy. Edith liice came from Portland Friday for commencement. C. W. Ebl ert of Paulina was in town the first of tho week. Otis Logan was in Prinoville on business the first of the week. It. C. Hillman waa a business visitor from Culver Monday. (5. N. Clifton is building a new residence near tho high school, Joe. Kcorina and family of Izee arrived in town Monday evening. Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Lyons in this city on May 20, a boy. Mrs. E. f Walker, Catherine and Kstelle Conway left for their siim ners vacation Wednesday morn ing. P. Chitwrod, of Oizzly, was in the city Friday and Saturday trans acting business and greeting many fri n Is. No More Gaa on tho stomach or Sour Stomaehl No Moro Heavy Fooling After Meals or Constipation! If you lave sour stomach, consti pation or gas on tho stomach try JUST ONE SPOONFUL simple buck thorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed in Adler-lka, the M08T POWER FUL bowel cleanser ever sold. The VERY FIRST dose shows re sults and a short treatment with Ad-ler-l-ka will surprise you. It drains such astonishing amounts ot old matter from the system that A SINGLE DOSE relieves constipa tion, sour stomach and gas almost INSTANTLY. A dose twice a week guards against appendicitis. Prineville Drug Co., George Nicoloi, Pharmacist Miss Nell Sykes went to Salem t xlay. ' E L. Ashby has a new Buick roa st r. Walter Foster was in town yes terday. Miss Myrtle JeftY!c3 , leaves for a vacation this week, Jim Crrm and wife were in town from Roberta yesterday. Asa Patties is bidding farewell to Prineville and will leave for Vancouver tomorrow, where he will join Delbert Cnples. They ex-pn-t to see a bit of 'he world scon. C. F. Smith has sold his I.amonta ranch, takirg as part payment lands near Corvallis. He and ' Mrs. Smith are visiting in the Willam ette Valley. Mrs. I-red A. Rice who has been in tin- city during the winter and who has had two sons in the high s-hool hi-re, moved to the Riot farm near Redmond the last of the week. Old graduates and new met at Will Morse and family left the ithe Ml4?'on'C Hall Friday evening first of the week for Monroe. Oro..aftcr t,le graduation exi rci s iron, where they expect to reside in the future. t G. W. Wells received a pen of f!laek Minorca chickens from Sa vannah, Missouri, on Saturday. The fouls wore on the road but four days. They re prize winners and look the part. Rural Rauto Inspector C. W. Lincbaugh was in this city Satur day nnd iiiKi)itifl th. . .1 I ui nmm ii A m ... rural route which U t,v ...i ,i,!u- v l,ran(I LodKe sessions. Mrs. " i'l"J oi.......l. : lL . . ouuiiui'ii recoivi-u uip appointment to the office of Grand Marshal in for a banquet given by the Alumni. A five course luncheon was s -rved to the jolly assemblage who had much fun recounting stunt in their cluss days, and tolling humorous incidents on their class mates and teachers. G. S. Hinklc and Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Shattuck returned the last of the week from Roseburg where they have been attending the I. O. 0 ' il ij people north of tho city. He was accompanied on the trip of inspec tion by a number of public spirit ed citizens, and while it is impossi ble to know in advance just what his report will be, it is known that he was favorably impressed. ligliier.dflafoei Liscurts Steady, evenly dis tributed heat, un der perfect control makes a good oil stove wonderful for baking. NEW P&1&ECT10N OIL CODMTOVE A Fur Best Rtsults Ust Ptarl Oil good oil Is just stove i cooking with city gas. If you haven't a New Per fection you've missed comfort for years. Bakes, broils, roasts, toasts. More efficient than your wood or coal atova.and coata loaa to op- arata.Cuta out tha coal-hod and wood-box drudgary. KPi your kircian ooo. Tha long blua chimneya pravant arnoka or odor.In 1,3, 3 and 4-burnar !, oveni aepurate, Alao CablnatModala with Flroleaa Cooking Ovona. Aak your daalar today STANDARD OIL COMPANY (I'llllMnlO J. E. Stewart & Co. O. C. Claypool & Co. W.F.King Co. CW.Elkins the Rebekah Assembly which uts h"r in line for the highest office in the btate. The meeting next year will be held at Eugene. The class in typewriting of the C. C. H. S. commercial department made rapid progresss in their work this year. Of tie 54 enrolled, 28 took final speed tests last Friday. The first year students who aver aged 50 words of familiar and un familiar matter "are Alma Up; man, Dishman, Victoria Huston, Hazel Yancey and Quay Boyd. Zeke Hetdrickson of the second year group made the excellent r.Kord of G3 ret words per minute, with Lidaf Elliott 57 words, second. B:th groups show an in crease of fron 10 to 20 words dur ing the last semester. Are You Pleased With the glses you are wearing? If uof'cetne to iuy otlice with your eye troubles snd headaches. 1 fit glasses, that one thing I do snd fit them right. Over !20 years' practice lias placed me where it Is no f xiH-iinieiit. Many of the It au in n physicians and Burgeons not only fen J their patients with eye trouble Snd headache to me, but come themselves which means I have gained their confidence, reraonul at to nt Ion in every case; Free commits tion. BR. IDA BKHRKNDT Kyeeight Specialist At Hotel Oregon until June 7 New Arrivals We are now receiving new shipments of Deering Mowers, Rakes and Binders, and a complete line of repairs for same. Look your machinery over and order repairs early. It is very important that you furnish us with the number of the repairs wanted when ordering machine repairs. We have a full line of lubri cating oils, rope, steel cable and pulleys, Jackson forks, header forks, oil cans, wrenches. Give us a call. .CClaypool&Co. AUTOMOBILE BARGAINS Overland 40 5-passenger car in perfect condition $450.00 . $375.00 $400.00 $360.00 $800.00 INLAND AUTO COMPANY Oakland Roadster with Delco lights and starter, repainted, a classy roadster A light Chalmers Good condition Good tires A heavy Chalmers made into a 1500 pound truck; just thoroughly overhauled D45 1915 Buick Six Repainted and Overhauled