CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL PAGE 3 Prineville Commission House Dealers in all kinds of FARM PRODUCE Hay, Grain, Flour ' and Feed. Forwarding Storage and Commission Buyers of Hide, Pelt and Fur JACK SUMMERS, Manager Watches, Clocks, Diamonds and Jewelry Call on or write SMITH, the Jeweler Percy R, Smith When you can get it for lest in PRINEVILLE O You can get it for leas f at our shop. WHY BUY YOUR STUFF IN Prineville Meat Market PORTLAND Fighting the Beef Trust City Meat Market J. W. HORIGAN, Prop. Choice Home-Made Hams, Bacon and Lard Fresh Fish and Oysters Fruit and Vegetables in Season A Dollar in the Bank Is worth two in the hand, because it is safer. It soon rows and begins to work for you. We pay 4 per cent interest on time deposits. Crook County Bank, Prineville, Or. yXAlAkA'Ai't WtWAbW'lWAl'l,trVt'Arl'rC HWXW'WliWWWMVifrWvVi't tAAtrit, WiiiW-iWi-i ViVvkWV-is-vv'. J i cent Classified-v Ad' Section j E VER Y j t I? JWJ & frUm -A ki Mul Aecemr Copr Unl. AaVartbar haa MoMhlr Account. AiMran LatUra I Tha Journal, Prlmii., Orats & WEEK FOR SALE GOOD COWLarge, part Jersey, giving milk now, will be fresh in a few days. Perfectly gentle. Price 850. T. H, Lafollctte 27tfc SALE OR TRADB Grade shire stallion coming three years old, weight 1780, will take sheep or good team on trade. Price $500. J. E. Warner, Powell Butte, Ore. 27t2p FOR SALE Percheron mare, 5 years old, weight 1G00; gentle broke; price $225. Chan. Palmer, Roberts, Ore. 25t4p. GOOD MILK COW-Six years old, giving three gallons of milk per day. Inquire Box 71, Prine ville, Oregon. 24tfc. WINTER LAYERS Settings of Brown Leghorn and Ancona eggs $1.25 per setting of 15. S. B. Ellis, Prineville, Ore. 23tfc. COWS A number of fresh millk cows, all young Beef prices. G. L. Brazce, Powell Butte Cre 22tf EGGS FOR HATCNHIG Full blood Plymoth Rock. $1 for 15. Mrs. Pearl Breeding. Prineville, Ore gon. 22t2p WANTED STOCK RANCH WANTED I have a client for a stock ranch that will carry 200 head of cattle with plenty of summer range. Must be cheap. O. C. Hyde atf 25 PONIES-Wanted at Hamilton Stable. Small ; gentle animals preferred. 25tfc. HELP WANTED PHYSICIANS A KIND, CAPABLE WOMAN Wanted to care for cow, chicken and pets on tmall ranch during absence of owner, 3 months. Very pleasant summer place. Husband could find work near. Write for terms. Adress X care Journal. 27tfc ! HOUSE KEEPING ROOMS-Wanted by man and wife. Must be modern and on the ground floor. Inquire at the Journal office. 24t!p. SECOND HAND FORD Wanted. Will trade a new $00. cabinet Grafonola. Call at Adamson's Drug Store. 23tfc. ELDERLY MEN -Desiring nice, pleasant remunerative employ ment can make goou wages sell ing our full line of popular price nursery stock. Outfit furnished. Cash advanced weekly. Refer ences required. Address PACIFIC NURSERY, 122i Grand Avenue, Portland, Oregon. 26t5p. OPTICIANS WANTED To buy or trade for econd hand furniture, beds, j stoves, rugs, carpets, hides, etc Second Hand Store. 23tft. DR. IDA BFHREND The well known ODtometrist. will be at Hotel Oregon for the next two weeks. Room 24. E. O. HYDE Physician and Sur geon, Calls answered promptly day nr night. , Office over Adamson's Drug Store. B th office and residence , tele phones. Prineville, Oregon. J. H. ROSENBERG-Physician and Surgeon. Calls answered prompt ly day or night. Office two doors south of Prineville Drug Co. Residence corner 1st and Main streets. Prineville, Oregon. BELKNAP & EDWARDS Ch as. S. Edwards, H. P. Belknap, Physi cians, Surgeons and Occulists. Prineville, Oregon. DENTISTS PERSONAL WHITE LEGHORN HENS Best ancestry; fine record; blue ribbon twice at Crook County Fair. $1 each or $10 per dozen. A. D. Pratt, Post, Oregon. THREE 160 ACRE RANCHES For sale reasonable and on easy terms. For further information apply to owner. T. J. Ferguson, Post. Oresron. 21tfc AUTO FOR SALE-1915 model. Like new. Snap if taken at once. Inquire at Journal Office. 16tfc. BALTIC ALFALFA Best for East em Oregon. Write Baltic Alfalfa Seed Growers, Burns, Oregon. 20 TWO GANG PLOWSOne 12 inch plow, the other 14 inch, also one 14 disc drill in running order. two wagons, one Schuttler 3 new, one Mitchell. For sale or will trade. Call on or telephone. Fred Gnmes City. 21tfc. DANCE PROGRAMS The Journal office carries dance programs in stock, suitable for private and public dancing parties. REGISTERED Short Horn Bulls, Forty head about a year old, others younger. These animals may be seen at the Shepherd ranch near Barnes. Address or telephone, B. F. Shepherd Barnes, Oregon. . 20tl2p. GET IN SOLID WITH HER Buy her a 40 cent box of the Saturday Special Chocolates at the Prine ville Drug Co. 26tlc. PUPILS IN SHORT HAND-Wanted. Pittman Phonography meth od taught by lady expert, begin ning June 1. Tuition reasonable. Address T-45, Journal. DRS. MARTIN Will be in the city until the last of the week. Those having trouble with their eyes should see them. The ex pect to return about June 1st for a limited time. See notice later. ' 26tlc AFTER THE SHOW You will en joy a refreshing drink at the Sanitary Fountain at the Prine ville Drug Co. 26tfc. TO EXCHANGE TO lRADE From 300 to 1500 acres of well improved farm land in the Willamette Valley, part of it joining a good town, for a stock ranch, ' well watered in Eastern Oregon. J.' R. Cart wright, Owner, Harrisburg, Ore gon. 24t5c. NOTICES SOCIALIST CONVENTION The Crook County Socialist Conven- tion will be held in Bend on June 17, for the purpore of nominat ing candidates. By order of the central commitee. W. H. Bird song, chairman; B. F. Wilhoit, secretary. 27tfc. HOWARD GOVE-Dentist. Crook County bank building. DR. H. G. DAVIS Dentist. , New modem shop, in Kamstra Building. CHIROPRACTORS DR. H. E. BURDON Chiropractic Physician. Office over Crook County bank. Rooms 4 and 5. Prineville, Oregon. MAGNETIC HEALERS PROF. A. W. GRATER Magnetic & Mental Healer. Office in Morri3 building, Prineville, Oregon. ATTORNEYS ESTRAYS All persons knowing themselves indebted to the firm of A. H. Lipp i man & Co., please come and settle at once; all having claims against 'the firm will present them at once. jT J. Minger, Administrator. 23tfc j Send a copy of the Journal to a friend in the East M, E. BRINK Lawyer. A street, Prineville, Oregon. WILLARD H. W1RTZ District Attorney. Office in Crook County Bank building. Prineville, Ore. N.G. WALLACE-Attorney-at-Law Rooms 3-4-5 Kamstra Building, " Prineville, Oregon. LOST OR STRAYED From P. M. RutMcld pasture; 2 bay horses, both geldings. 1 swaybacked, "S" brand on hip, other branded "A" on hip, weight about 1100. Reward, notify Albert Hanna, care R. W. Rea, Prineville, Ore. 26tfc. LOST AND FOUND REWARDS FOR RENT LIGHT HOUSE KEEPING ROOMS Three at $10 per month. No other expense. Mrs. Ida Prose Independent phone. 22tfc. $20 REWARD For bay filly, 3 years old. "BB" on left shoulder. Notify VV. E. Mead. Rober-s, Ore gon. , 21tfc LOST DOG Left my ranch last week; may be in Prineville. Shaggy, yellow and answers to name of "Sunny Jim". Leave at C. W. Wilson's garage and receive reward. 27tlp. RESTAURANTS YOURSUNDAY DINNER Will be appreciated at the Oregon Grill. Service the best. Popular prices. 21fc. OVERCOAT Found on street late Tuesday night, left at Journal office. ' " C. C. BRIX Attorney-at-Law, Real Estate. Room 6, Cornett Build ing, Prineville, Oregon. BIGGS & BIGGS Attornejs-at-Law. Prineville, Oregon. LAKE M. . BECHTELL Lawyer. Crook .County bank building, Prineville, Oregon. ABSTRACTORS ' GOLD RIMMED SPECTACLES With strong lens, found near Joe Listers. Owner may have same by paying for this notice. 26tf. MONEY TO LOAN ROOK COUNTY ARSTRAPT m ! f J J T T T rt 1 incorporaieu, u. n. reopies, president, J. B. Bell, secretary. Abstracts and Insurance. Prine ville, Oregon. SUNDAY DINNERS A GOOD MEAL Well cooked and properly served. At the Oregon Grill. Popular prices. 21tfc. $2500 To loan on improved alfalfa farm near Prineville on Ochoco or Crooked River. A. R. Bow man. 26tfc. j JOIN THE CROWDS Sunday even ing. jLat at the Oregon Grill. Your money's worth and more. 21tf. MONEY To loan on improved real estate. D. H. Peoples. 20tfc ( BOARD AND ROOM BOARD AND ROOM-$6 per week, at Mrs. Harvey's Home boarding hou&e. 'Now, Robert, I all you enn about docs It dor "Plense, ma'am, flu State Journal. want you to toll mt the stomach. What It aches." Wlseou- M3DEIS 0? PERFECTION. PERFECTLY SIMPLE SIMPLY PERFECT. 'podics, OP. TMts and all kinds of SVwin w""hin iiuli 's, (ityairmg a specialty NEW HOME USLRS ARE QUALITY CHOOSERS E. M. THOMPSON, BEND THE NEW HOME SEWING MA CHINE COMPANY 204 Pacific Bldg. San Francisco, Cal Dealer in and Repairer of . . Everything pertaining to the jewelry business. D l1' Seni mt br Parcel pott your repairing; eitimate Work Reasonable furnUhed before work is done if requested; if Guaranteed not will be put in order and returned CO. D For to pay I mutt have pay; 20 years experience W. Harvey Cyrus Prineville, Ore. The Journal does Modern Printing on Short Notice Charley Chaplin's Comic Capers Waiter Far From Dumb Copyright, 1916, by J. Keeley. (EOJSEHE-OOySAN'. FJ00Si GONNA 4 A f ME'.-OH NQ A , (NQviaE. "foe NfTOt . I a a ( t FlNNJLN GOT IT .