Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, May 18, 1916, Page PAGE 12, Image 11

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Tim City
f. L. Bailey of Howard was in
town Tuesday.
... Claypool & Co,, arc having a
machine hoist made.
" A dopt'i of 35.1 feet in tin- city
well shows no sign of artesian
Club and Junior Club members
are invited to the Alumni ball,
Monday May 22.
The ballot boxes and ekvtion
supplies are being distributed to
various voting plaees.
There will be special evangelistic
meetings a. Lamonta school house
cn Thursday and Friday evenings,
also twice on Sunday. After the
morning service on Sunday a basket
dinner will be served. The meet
ings will be conducted by Rev. E
Newham, assisted by V. D.
Harris cf Seattle. Everbody is
cordially invited.
Alex Hinton and family were in
town Tuesday.
Trinevitle will cross bats with
Paulina Friday, at that place.
Lawyers' How is receiving a coat
of paint. Clean-up nd Tuint-up.
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Morris are
leaving for Portland tonight where
they will visit triends.
Perry Poindcxter and R. I.. Jor
dan are delegates to a V. O. V.
convention at Athena this week.
A number of peopfe were in
town yesterday from Sisters, being
involved in a dispute over some
land. It seems that forty acres of;
swamp lanl had been held a num
ber of years by Chas. Hindiuan
only to find that the government
had issued a deed to a road com
pany, who in turn sold the land to
Mr. McKenny. After three years
of occupation of the land by Mc
Kenny, Mr. Hindman is trying to
regain possession through suit.
Ideal Truck
Capacity 1000 pounds
E. M. F. 30 horsepower
Thoroughly overhauled
and in first-class condition
at the Farmer's Auction Sale
Hamilton Stables
Saturday, May 27
V. Prose and family were in
the city from McKay on Monday.
T. S. Hamilton and wife were
visitors from Ash wood on Tuesday.
E. K. Nims and wife are confined
at Ihe "courthouse' on an insanity
charge. Ibcy were living on a
ranch near l-a Pine when taken into
custody. .
Miss Sarah H. Naleigh completed
a very successful term of school
on Mill Creek on Friday of last
week, The event was celeb: at ed
by a basket dinner and picnic,
which was participated in by all
the residents of that locality. Miss
Naleigh left the first of the week
for Hood River where she will
spend the summer.
The Club is to have a brand new
kitchen for the Ladies Annex. The
plan completed and approved of is
to have the north east corner of the
Club extended, making a kitchen,
15x18 feet in size. This will be
constructed at a cost of $450 and
will add much to the enjoyment ef
functions given by the ladies.
0. C. Caypool and F. F. Hoelseher
were the investigating committee.
The county rock crusher is now
working full blast o'n the river road
east of the Dodson ranch. The
machine is installed at the foot of
a slide where the rocks pass into
the crusher through a chute, and
ground to bits as fast as served.
An electric motor of 20-horse
power is used for operating and is
sufficient to crush a rock nine by 18
inches. The rock is then carried to
the loading hopper by an elevator
and dumped into a sieve which dis
tributes the particles according to
size. The larger stones are used
as a foundation of the road bed,
then come those of medium size
with the powdered rock as a final
Do you want to learn the
truth ajxiut our army,
navy and coast defense
lessness? bee
Battle Cry of Peace
A, J. Noble has a new Ituick six.
E. T. Slay ton is driving a new
Chevrolet car.
E. 11. Sparks was in the city
yesterday from Sisb'i'H.
Principal Albert Schroder who
underwent an operation a week
ago today for appendicitis is rap
idiy improving.
A party of four men passed
through Prineville yesterday from
The Dalles and headed for the Cali
fornia line. loks suspicious.
The local V. C. T, U. met at the
home of Mrs, Glenn Hen Irickson
yesterday with Mrs. Hrcnncn and
Mrs. Charlton as hostesses. .
Mrs. J. II. Temnleten left the
first of the week for a visit to
Pallas and Portland and wil attend
the Grand Idge of Rebikahs at
Roseburg before returning.
J. W. Finch hit the thumb of his
; left hand with an axe while chop
'ping wood at his home on Mill
j Creek Tuesday. The injured mem- j
1 ber was removed.
By special arrangement the elec-'
tion returns will be announced on '
! bulletins in front of the Journal
o T:ce as fast as the count is made.
Mrs. Ada B. Millican left Wed
pesday for NewjYork city to attend
the National Federation of Women's
Open air band concerts will be
held each Wednesday evening dur
ing the summer months, commenc
ing next week.
E. H. Brent, local representative
j oi tnevviicy h. Allen U., tnis week
received a shipment of seven new
pianos, being a part of a consign
ment of eighteen instruments that
he has coming.
A meeting of the directors of the
Ochoco Irrigation district was held
in this city on Tuesday. A pre
liminary report of the reservoir
survey was made but no steps were
taken toward a decision on the
best locations. The work is being
rushed as rapidly as possible.
The . Coming Car
C.W. Wilson
Crook Counly Agent
Three speeds foward
Electric lights and starter,
Will go 26 miles to gallon
of gasoline on the roads on
actual test ' and will burn
distillate a very classy neat
looking car.
You Get More for Your
Money Than any other Car
Too Late to Classify
WANTED - Small shed for auto.
Close in.N. G Wallace. 27t2p.
We wish to thank our many friends
who so kindly assist vd us in var
ious ways during our recent be
reavement. Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Cram. J. W. Horigan and family.
WANTED -Will accept 21 or 3
inch wagon as first payment on
piano or player. Wiley B. Allen
Co., Kam.stra Building.
LOST TUESDAY- Small fountain
pen on Main street. Finder plac
leave at Journal office. 27tlp.
SAVINGS RANK-Contuining $2
lost near C. J. Johnson residence.
Address of Crook County Bank
on cover. Ixave at this office.
DR. IDA BERENDT Will be at
Hotel Oregon until May 29. Con
sult her if you have eye trouble.
JERSEY HEIFER - Culf, wellbred,
about a month old; will sell
reasonable if taken ut once. In
quire at this office. '"" " 27tfc.
WANTED Young man and wife
want small furnished house or
housekeeping rooms for the
summer or longer. D. H. care
Journal. 27tlp.
Prineville, Oregon,
May l!th.. 19li.
To the Bondholders of the Pioneer
Telegraph and Telephone Company:
Pursuant to un order passed by
tho Board of Directors May 12th.,
101)1, all outstanding bonds of this
Company are hereby called in and
will be paid in full with Intercut to
June 19th., 1916 at the First
National Bank of Prineville, Ore
gon. All interest ceases after Juno
ltilh., 1910. TheJ'ioneer Telegraph
and Telephone Company.
By Chas. S. Edwards, Sec.-Treas.
aHBBiaBas' I hbiihiiibbbhhbbbmi rusiicu as raimujr hs iiusniuie. sun ner u you nave eye irouoie. HVJ.C.
t of G
. I
To Buy Farm Machinery at the Old Price
We have decided to discontinue handling farm machinery and will make every arrange
ment to close out our entire stock in the next thirty days
There have been two ten per cent ad
vances on the entire line since the first
of the year. We are determined to sell
out this entire line rather than load up
later on high priced machinery and can
guarantee you a very substantial saving
on your purchase.
This Sale Includes
all walking plows, all sulky
plows, all gang plows, all steel
harrows, all disc harrows, all
grain drills, one F. and J. pump
ing gas engine, 1 Hero fanning
mill, U. S. Cream Separators
Special Low Prices
on bulk garden seeds, onion
sets, stock food, stock rem
edies, poultry and rabbit
netting, fly screening,
paints, oils, varnishes,
singletrees, eveners, seedpotatoes
Call immediately and make your purchases--our
small stock will soon be sold out