CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL i: II Undertaking and Building Material Pure Boiled Linseed Oil per gallon n it h k St RESOLUTION. It is hereby resolved tlmt the following be the form of advertise ment to be published by the City Keoorder in eertain newspapers, giving notice of the intention of. the Ctiy of l'riiuville to issue and s sell $100,000 Railroad Construetlon i Bonds. i Notice of Intention to Issue and . Sell of. By and For the City of 1 Prinevillo. of Crook County, Ore-1 gon, $100,000.00 Railroad Con- j struotion Bonds. j Pursuant to the authority of; Ordinance No. 231, of the City of; Prineville, of Crook County, Ore-, gon, passed and approved March ; 7th, A. I). 1911), and referred to i the voters of said city at an elec-! tion called and held in the City of i Prineville. on Tuesday, the 28th1. day of March, Il lb auhtonzing anil 5 directing the issuance of eertain Ih. i "7m ALL GOODS STRICTLY CASH SI m i fr Jt I bonds of said city, namely: ir LIPPMAN & COMPANY $Lj W. J. HUGHES Dealer in Harness and Saddlery Goods, Horse Blankets, Saddle Blankets, Bits. Spurs, Robes, Whips, Harness and Saddles, Oils and Axle Grease. ,AU work neatly and promptly done and guaranteed Saddles Made to Order a Specialty PP1MFVII I F ORFION Vfc JJ The First National Bank of PRINEVILLE, OREGON Resources Over Half Million This bank is pleased to place at the disposal of its customers the facilities gained during its twenty seven years of continuous service and growth B. F. ALLEN. Pre". WILL WURZWEILER. Vice Prep. T. M. BALDWIN. Cashier H. BALDWIN. Ass'. Cashier E. R. MORRIS. Asst.'t'ashier w ffl Hello ! Say, do you know the Pilot Butte Telephone Company has more miles of line and a larger num ber of subscribers than any other telephone company, in Creek ccunty erd a cheaper rates? Telegraph connection is made at Red mond with all outside points. Main office Prine ville, Oregon. 1 frrBI Shipp & Perry Dealers in Lumber. Shingles. MouIdinizR. Doors. Window. I (r niQD nti.. p.,v....:,i r, n .,,.,ti v,...,; Ir WOOD-LARK TRADE MASK QUICK, CERTAIN i DEADLY ALWAYS Itl'JAin, M0VKII Ktll.N. Destroy, .qulrrels, gophers, pmul Juiij. an. rai. Apply early in bprinss wfie:i m- hu ery pc-i awake from W liur s alc-o Vlon tnck if It ever full. ' Wood - Lu k" (or years has siuod every lest, tin cimp inhu ance aftralnsc rodent peHts. MuMuriti.-(ur'-ii i Clarke-Woodward DruK Co., I'oi ur,il. ,u, (on. Buy (rum your dealer. O. C. Clavpool & Co.. Clifton & 5sl C. W. Elkios, W. F. King Co., PrineviHe ji Dr j Co., J. E. Stewart ft Co., Prineville Oregon; Homer Norton, Post, Oregon. Humired Thousand Dollars ($100, 000.00.) Said issue of railroad construc tion bonds shall be numbered vim fCCLtively froi" one to 100, both inclusive, of tht denomination of $1000 each, dated May lt. A. D., 1916, due May 1, A. D. UUii, re deemable at the plea.ure of said city after May 1, A. !.. li'-'C, War inyr interest from their date until paid at the rate of live (') per centum per annum, payable semi annually on ihe first day of May and November, respectively in each year, both principal thereof and in terest thereon payable at the ottiee of the City Treasurer in the City of Prineville, Oregon or at the Fiscal Agency of the State of Ore gon, in the City of New lork,1 U. S. A. l PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY: GIVEN that said bond ."foresaid ; will, at the Council Chambers, in said city, on Tuesday, to-wit: the i 6th DAY OF JUNE, A. D., 1916, at the hour of 8 o'ebek P. M. be J sold to the bidd.T offering the highest price therefor. ! Bidders must satisfy themselves ' in advance as to the legality of said issue and make their bids uncondi tional. Only the bids of siKh of thosa j who have deposited with the under-1 signed Mayor a certified check pay able to his order tor the sum of $15,000 will be considered. The checks of all unsuccessful bidders will be returned forthwith, whereas' the check of the successful bidder shall be held by the city, and for feited to it should the purchaser ; fail to take up and pay for said bonds when presented to him. The Common Council of the City of Prineville reserves the right to re ject any and all bids tendered therefor. The successful bidder will be re quired to furnish the necessary lithograph forms for said bond and coupons. Said bonds afor"said will be avail able for delivery by the City Treas urer within ten days after date of stle, namely: Forty from the day and date aforesaid. BY ORDER OF THE Council of the City of Prineville, of Crook County, Oregon, made this 2nd day of Mav, A.D. 1916. D. F. STEWART, MAYOR. Attest: E. O. Hvde, Recorder. 2.r,t3 Classified Ads work while you sleep; you will find them a very quick medium for your wants Foresight. "Now tlmt I ve Nlmwn yon your 1- :ivs tin ijiii'-u lk'.v. 1M Ultrri? uuy wiiiik 1 you iJ like to nsk mi;?" "Yes, hlr. When do I git me vaca tion?" Pit tslnirli I'l'PKS. OON"T W1 AC PERSON .wnw THE SfAKUU POX . v oav y "cTNOTice I K aces ! R .aces ? Free for All SPRING MEET At Sisters, Oregon M ay 14 The best horses in Crook county will participate, in cluding Efaw's from Prineville, Crawford's from Bend, Clark's from Redmond, Ross & Smith's from Sisteis TWO RACES Best two in three heats. First race starts promptly at one o'clock. Races conducted under American Trotting Association Rules. GOME TO THE Sisters Get-Together Meet AMONG THE STARTERS will be Baby Rot and f 11 B of Prineville; Poedeck and Wonder Why of Bend; Colonel Lovelace of Redmond; Caroline and Razzle Patch of Sitters and any others who wish to enter. t Admission 75c Grandstand Free The Imported Percheron Stallion American Register No. 92336; French Register No. 93422 Will make the season of 1916, from April 3 to July 1 at the following places, commencing Monday, April 3: At Charley Montgomery's, Monday and Tuesday, every other week. : ;j At McCalPs south side, Wednesday and Thursday, every other week. At Butler's, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, every other week. At Barnes', Tuesday and Wednesday, commencing April 11, every other week. Prineville Stables, Thursday, Friday; Saturday, Sunday, every other week. Service Fee for Season $15 Everyf precaution will be taken to 'avoid accidents but we do not hold ourselves responsible should they occur. Licensed for Public'Service in the State of Oregon .Douglas awsoin