CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL Page 2 CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL try Lakoi.i.kttk, Kditor-Propriotor KntorfJ at the postolfice, al 1'iiiivville, Oregon, as eocond-clase matter. Tin' J.mnirtl stAniW lor the best inter vm of Piinrtvilie an I Croik County. I nipKmU'nl in polities. Publish! every Tlnrshiy afternoon. Priiv fl.M) por yf'r, ptvyahle in advance. In oace o( change o( ad Ires please notify at once, giving both old and new fc.ldrees. THIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING BY THE GENERAL OFFICES NEW YORK AND CHICAGO f RANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES RIGHT AGAIN. A number of very important Ups eonce-ning Prineville's rail- were Uken at the council meeting Tuesday evening and throughout the meeting the spirit of harmony and co-operation pre vailed The council agrees to a man upon the important issues involved and the greatest measure of progress is the result. And what is even more to the point, the people a-e sup porting the council as one unit. All of which demonstrates the fact that all things are worth while. Last December it appeared that there would be little if any import ant business for the council to per form during the year, and good men were induced to run for these offices with some difficulty. In faet there was some doubt whether a full ticket would be in the field until the last moment almost. That the people made no mistake in their selections is now evident. ENCOURAGING BIRD LIFE. One of the most worthy move ments in the United States today is that one tending to promote an awakening among children of the fceauty and preservation of bird and other wild life. In a neighboring city an enter prising business firm recently con ducted a contest for boys in which sh prizes were awarded for the building of bird houses.. Even the promoters were surprised at the number of boys entering the con test, and, every visitor to that place when the contest was ended was more than surprised at the workmanship resulting from the boys' efforts. The promoters, after the contest had closed and the prizes were awarded, offered the houses for sale and netted a sum equal or greater than the aggregate turn offered as prizes. Needless to say, that city will this summer have hundreds of well luilt and ornamental bird houses that it never would have had only for the contest put on by that one enterprising business firm. Any boy can build a bird house, .-and every yard in our city should fcave one or more of them. Water ing places, too, can be provided, and when these simple inducements are offered the birds will come. Some of us may think that we do not care whether there is a bird in the city, but if we have none, we should miss them just as we miss many things when they are gone and cannot be recalled. DOLLAR WEEK TOO. Chautauqua week and Dollar week will be celebrated simultan eously m Prineville this year, July 3 to 8. Extensive plans are being jriade by practically every business rjuse in the city for these events. Everybody help. HAVE YGU WEAK LUNGS? Do colds aettle on your chest or in your bronchial tubei ? Do coughs hang on, or are you subject to throat troubles? Such troubles should have Immediate treatment with the strengthening powers of Scott's Emulsion to guard against consumption which so easily follows. cott's Emulsion contains pure cod liver nil which peculiarly strengthens the res piratory tract and improves the quality of the blood; the glycerine in it soothes and heals the tender membranes of the throat. Scott's is prescribed by the best special ists. You can get it at any drug store. Scott & Bowne. Bloomfield, N. J. CANDIDATES Petitions and cam paign cards at the Journal office. We have the new form of petith n, printed and ready for immediate Jolivery at a reasonable price. Political Announcements 1 honhv announce mv candidacy i for the Republican nomination for clerk of Crook county at the pri maries to be held on May 19, 15)10. J. 11. llanor. I hereby announce my candidacy for the democratic nomination for the office of county clerk, subject to the approval of the voters at the primaries to be held on May 15). Wurren lirown, present incumbent. I hereby announce my candidacy for the Republican nomination for the ottice of county surveyor subject to the approval of the voters at the primaries to be held May 15). H. A. Kelly, present incumbent. I hereby announce my candidacy for the Republican nomination for the olhee of assessor subject to the approval of the voters at he primar ies to be held on May 19. R. D. Kctehum. M. E. BRINK REPUBLICAN FOR CIRCUIT JUDGE I hereby announce my candidacy for the Republican nomination for County Commissioner of Crook County at the primaries to be held on May 19, 1916. H. J. Overtruf, present incum bent. I respectfully ask the considera tion of the electors of the Democratic Party for the nomina tion for assessor, at the primary election May 19, 1916. H. A. Foster. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of county school superintendent, subject to the approval of the republican voters at the primaries to be held May 19. J. E. Myers, present incumbent. I hereby announce my candidacy for the democratic nomination for sheriff, subject to the approval of the voters at the primary to be held May 19. E. B. Knox, present in cumbent. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the Republican nomi nation for Representative from the 2 district, subject, to the approval of the voters at the primaries to be held on May 19, 191? Denton G. Burdick. KclOtf. I hereby announce my candidacy for the Republican nomination for Sheriff of Crook county at the primaries to be held May 19, 1916. S. E. Roberts. I hereby announce my candidacy for the Republican nomination for the office of assessor subject o the approval of the voters at the primaries to be held on May 19. John R. Luekey. I hereby announce my cadidacy for the Republican nomination for the office of County Commissioner of Crook County at the primaries to be held on May 19. 1916. Theodore Aune. ROBERT W. SERVICE Candidate for Public Service Commis sioner, Eastern Oregon District To begin with the railroads djn't want him on this commission for he has hammered them too often when they were wrong to epxect their support, but if the common people do give bim the necessary vote to elect him he proposes to do as follows: He will be absolutely fair with the railroads for they are entitled j to and should be given a "square Ideal." He will defend the interests of the common people against unlaw ful' encn.nehments by our public I servant! ? "1 will bend every effort to the end that the public has the benefit of nn economical adminis tration of ':li3 affairs, its railroads I hereby announce my candidacy for the democratic nomination fr the otlice of commissioner, subject to the approval of the voters at the primary to be held May 19. Ernest T. LtUhy, Roberts, Orec n. I hereby announce my candidacy for the republican nomination for the office of superintendent of schools subject to the approval of the voters at the primaries on May 15. J. Alton Thompson. . 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for the republican nomina tion for sheriff of Crook County, subject to the approval of the voters at the primaries to bo held on May 19. J. II. Stanley. Alfalfa precinct. 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate for the democratic nomi- i nation for sheriff at the primaries to be held May 15), 191t. subject to the approval of the voters. P. B, Poindexter. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the Republican nomi nation for District Attorney for Crook County at the primaries to be held May 19, li)16. II. H. De Ar mond. ! j I hereby announce my candidacy i for the Republican nomination for j Treasurer of Crook County at the primaries to be held May 19, 19U5. R. L. Jordan. L The office of Circuit judge, for Crook and Jefferson Counties, was created in 1915, and T. E. J.Duffy, was apfointed by Governor Withy combe to fill the position. Although Judge Duffy register? as a demo crat it may be noted, that his ap pointment was made by a republi can governor, who among a great ! number of people regards such office 1 as nonpartisan. Judge Duffy, en ', tered upon the discharge of the j duties of such office, giving up hit private practice of law, to devuts all of his time to it, and it can be safely said that he has administeree such office fairly, impartially and : in a business like manner. It would therefore s eem no more than rightd in view of his record, that he be nominated and elected to succeed himself for a further term. Paid Advertisement. and utilities and that tin? business, for which they were chartered, be conducted honestly, without dis crimination and at reasonable rates. Rates are higher in Oregon than those charged on the first railroad operated by steam and opened to public traffic. All merchandise L. C. L. ship ments on the primitive railroad for a 25 mile haul was $1.25, on the O.-W. R. & N. it is $8.13 and on the Sumpter Valley railroad it is $13.23. , Rates today are the highest in railroad history, while the cost of produce, the "ton mile" (the unit of transportation) is the lowest. This shows the need of regulation. Robert Service has had five years experience as an expert accountant, 16 years of wholesale shipping business and eight years in the study and practice of law, almost exclusively on the subject of "Rail road Rate Regulation" as shown by his record. He stands high in his community and is considered xjne of the best qualified men in the state to fill this position. X vote tor mm is a vote for the best interests of the common peo ple and he would like to serve the masses one term. His slogan on the ballot is "Regulate, give a fair return on honest capital, nothing on watered stock." Paid Advertisement. 1 ) J. Vs ' ft V V Now turn to the clssifled adverflise mcnts on page 3. . ..- -w- - i V "v .. w-uVL v-i n . v-i-ir" 8 m i Use V p-9 None better get it at your grocers PRINEVILLE FLOUR MILLS It is Not Price Only By No Magic their cost of production. more next month than this. They are Right ' every dollar invested with us buys one hundred per cent in piano quality, efficiency, and service. Easy payrnnj';. Your Money's Worth or your Money Back We will accept your old instrument as part payment on a new one E. H. Other stores San Francisco, PERFECTLY SIMPLE SIMPLY PERFECT. 'crllns. Oil, IVHb nnrl nil kinds of Hrwlns Mncliiiw aupi'licn, K tjiiiri.-m a specialty. NEW HOME USLRb ARE QUALITY CHOOSERS E. M. THOMPSON, BEND THE NEW HOME HEWING MA CHINE COM PAN Y 204 Pacific Bldg. San Francioco, t'al W W vii iv " - - - - Bettor Jour nnore Self Raising Pancake Flour That SIFT to the bottom any proposition which seemingly offers a piano or piano-player at price below its value. Underneath every "phenomenal price reduction" lies future reget for the purchaser. can good material and high-class workman &hip be turned into good pianos and sold at prices altogether out of proportion to Our pianos are worth no Ic3s Built Expert Tuning BRENT, Mgr. PRINEVILLE, OREGON Kamstra Building Oakland, Sacramento, Fresno, San Jose, Los Angeles, San Diego and other coast cities Dealer in and Repairer of Everything pertaining to tha jewalry business. Send me bjr parcel post your repairing; estimate furnished before work is dona if requested; if not will be put in order and returned C, O. D For to pay I must hare pay; 20 years experience Prices Reasonable W. Harvey Cyrus Prineville, Ore. The Chautauqua is July 3 to 8 11 "V 11 - - - ------- ? ? M 851 n Counts this month than last; no by the foremost factories in America priced right and the greatest inducement for you to purchase here lies in their un failing quality and the fact that We will accept your old Instrument as part payment on a new one Work Guaranteed