PAGE 8 3 rv WW1 5 CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL PRINEVILLE'S LEADING STORE ew 3pnng G bods are Here Emb. Silk Crepe, 27 in. White with blue and coral, white with green and lavender, very C" pretty for Easter, per yard JVC Seed Voile, White Embroidered with small black figures, also white with green and lavender, Twenty-seven inches wide. OC For Easter OOC Standard Patterns for May per cent satisfaction These patterns give 100 T., PLAIN WHITE SEED VOILE 36 IN.. FOR EASTER 35c TRIANGLE COLLARS, . in 1-4 sizes, 5-ply 2 for 25c The Boyer Hat Tew of a kind $3.00 Fancy Striped Tub Silks Thirty-six inches wide, very PA pretty for waists; for Easter ..... 3 VC Silk Candy Stripe Voile Large assortment, thirty-six CCi inches wide, per yard 50c and ""t PRINTED BATISTE in all the new colors and stripes, 27 inches. 10c and 15c yard Sport Shirts for Men 75c to $1.50 Women's New Spring Sport Coats ONE OF A KIND $6.50 to $15.00 Women's New Spring Suits ONE OF A KIND . $10.00 to $25.00 (rw4c. HmaU I C. QtAm . LUV't '- in printed and plain es, i 30 and 36 inches wide, 25c to -cH- ldAUIlo white with stripes, cross bars and checks. O P? Fancy Parasols for Easter $2.25 sols, Japanese style White. linen parat tQ CA SANDALS For Men, Women, Boys and Girls, WEAR BEST 5 New Spring for Children and Women ' Styles will be ,ron c,ad Ho$e Here This Week 'for boys and girls QC 5 lr2to9 1-2 OC Dress Up ! Spruce Up! Smarter Up! Hurry Up! COME in and ' let us hr-lp you take the first slop toward success by looking the part. ONE SUIT OF A KIND EXCEPT BLUE SERGES 33 TO 44 $15.00 and $20.00 Emmy-Lou Pumps For Women and girls $1.75 per Pair We are agents for M. Born & Company's Sample Suits TRY A ! New Born Suit Built for You D. M. Ferry & Co. Garden Seeds NOW is the time to make garden Onion Sets Garden Tools 15c lb. Of All Kinds Bring Us Your Eggs WE WILL TAKE ALL YOU HAVE AT ANY TJME AT THE MARKET PRICE A Large Shipment of Dishes of all Kinds just Received Peanut butter in bulk, 20c lb Oranges 40c doz. Lemons : 30c doz. Pionee Phone 351 fnDMCTT JP, PAMDAMV PR1NEVILLE The Store of Quality, Service and Satisfaction Ind. 1200 3 CO J y 0, m n i f "-'