PAGE 6 CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL Kill the Flies or the Flies May Kill the Babies Flies are a menace to health, because, after walking and feed ing upon filth, they often carry upon their feet and tongues the germs or seeds of diseases like dysentery and typhoid fever. The First National Bank of PRINEVILLE, OREGON Resources Over Half Million This bank is pleased to place at the disposal of its customers the facilities gained during its twenty seven years of continuous service and growth B. F. ALLEN. Pre". WILL WURZWEILEE. Vice Prf. T. M. BALDWIN. Cashier H. BALDWIN, Asst. Cashier E. R. MORRIS. Asst.' ashier 1 f N n ' if' I hk: -Bops ;i f "Swat the Eggs Better Than ; "Swat' the Fly" i W.VT tlie fly" Is n good wnrory, Imt It Is like loefcltig Ilia stahle aftor tli uorse Is sinien. There' :s a bt'tter one, "Swat the eggs." I'rou nbly every uinguxine anil newspaier lu the rutted State primed hint men- Hn from one tou avxtre of arraignments if the common housefly the disease breeder, the typhoid fly. the Infantile imralyals fly; In a word, the twentieth century est. au enemy of tnmikUid. "Swat the Hy" has become the slogan of the day. Kor every fly killed tn June there will be 10.000 less In July, t. 000.000 lew In August and by September the nioat ambitious boy, eager lu earn the prize for the greatest number of (Ilea killed, couldn't poealbly lift the progeny of tula aliiKle fly which eseaied hliu la the springtime. AH very true, but where will all those flies lay their eggs and rear their precious babies? I'aa we flud the nests, can we destroy them by wholesale, the larvae or Hie eggs? We cun. easily and cheaply, aud every city with ordinary regulations may bo come fly less town. Flies breed lu tilth, aud If you get after those placva It will save a lot of swatting later on. Our government has parried t-n an extensive exierluieut with manure plies 1 the eggs which each female fly ('. .is tlicrcln by the thousand and bus found the remedy. It Is ordi nary borax, one of the commonest aud cheapest of minerals, produced lu abundance in the lulled States, and It takes very little to make the fly egg unite worthless as a future fly. Horax cotitS' about 5 cents a (sumd. and the crude borax mineral, colenmulte. cuu sidembly less, while three fl ft lis of a iouud sprinkled through teu cubic feet about eight bushels if manure will kill fit per cent of the eggs aud mag gots of the fly. Laws Would Do Away With the Pestiferous Fly IT would appear, from what we know of the life history of the common housefly and from what remedial exi"rimentatlou baa already been curried on. that It la perfectly feasible for cities and tovns to so zrMtly reduce the iniiiiti.-Ts of these annoying and dangerous Inserts as to render them of comparatively slight ac count. The hcnltb departments of most of our cities have "thu authority to abate uiilsauces dangerous to health, anil It Is easy for the health authori ties of any city to forniulato rules con cerning the const ruction ami care of attihles mid the keeping and disposal of manure which. If enforced, will do away with the housefly nuisance. Should Start a Cooperative Cleanup A COMMUNITY pninpnlgn against tiles should lie started early, lu the winter If possible. IMans should be made for towu Improvement along this Hue. An association could tie formed for this purpose. t'ie village divided Into districts and one or more memliers made Inspector In each dis trict Kvery town and city should have a food screening ordinance ap plicable to food kept for ante. From April 15 to June 30 offer gener ous prizes to the children bringing In the largest number of llvlug or recent ly killed bousefllea. Work together for I flylesa town. V of Filth Breeding Place. The "luster egas which will re tl suit lu l'Jo full grown tiles In the eourxe of ten days usually Is laid lu a heap of filth. Gar bage, manure, al most any kind of refuse heaps, ou drains and out houses are the best breeding places) for the flies. s-4- t-J eM Htt-I t -i Undertaking and I Building Material if Pure Boiled Linseed Oil per gallon $lol5 it ii it h t h i e i LIPPMAN & COMPANY ll iM-M44Wt-WI It ttM-t Iff I lH 1 1 -- Thsre was a msn In our town. And hs was vsry wise. Ha halpsd to kp the typhoid dor By swatting all tha fliso. Little flies and little children cauuot dwell lu the same habltallou. If the first areu't killed the second probably will be. Make a renewed effort to fortify your home against the deadly housefly. Hy doing this you will check nil dangers .r lnivltiir tviihnlil fevtr luvadlnir voiir home 1 Hiring warm weather tiles de sert the garbage cans aud lilt n dcKs Its and Invade your home In tucrcualug uuinls-rs. Just when they are most apt to lie reeking with the genua of dan geroiis discuses. Cleanliness offers a solution for al most every sanitary pruhleiu. It will do more than anything else to solve the fly probieiu. Shipp & Perry fa Pealer in I, timber, Shingles, Mutiltlingn, Poors, Windows, W ' r- r- . 5 Glac, Paints ami Oils, Rtiberoitl Hoofing, Ornamental Fernling, 15 M Ufllo! Sny, do you know the Pilot Butte Telephone Company has more miles of line and a larger num ber of subscribers than any other telephone company in Creek ictnty trd a cheaper rates? Telegraph connection is made at Red mond with all outside points. Main office Prine ville, Oregon. Classified Ads work while you sleep! MOW! the best March is the month when all plants start to grow and the earlier your trees and berry bushes are planted the better growth they will make this year. a year! D o . it Mow Order today from a home concern, one that will be here next year and the next to make good all promises about stock Get stock that is acclimated and can and will make you money. Lim 1 Ml A LETTER ADDRESSED TO US WILL BRING THE INFORMATION TO YOU H. EARL CROSS, Proprietor ON NURSER PRINEVILLE, OREGON