Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, April 06, 1916, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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Tiik City
K. A, Pnlhcr if Mini wan jn
I'l ilii'vllU' the llrnt of tin week.
Horn, to Mr. iiml Mik, T. K, .1.
liutly In tliih city mi Tucmluy, h
Ilollliirt l.iiWMtll WHH lnukilitf
nflcr Imimin'kk i nt rest h ill town
Mr, li'iinclmnl Sr., tirr ivnl in
tliui city the llp.t of the wet k from
Jt lViTHun, Ori'ifon.
Mr. (It'o. Walker i (onvali'Hi'cnt
nftir u Mlimt illni'w ijurinjr the llrnt
of tin- wivlt. 1
J. It, IJuimi returned ttu lust of
tin" week 0'" Williiinctto vulley
where lie uncut the winter.
A. II. Rhode wuh in I'rineville the
Inst of the week from f'owell Hutte.
Air. Rhode in driving u new Ford.,
Mi rJva M, Klliott, mi experi
enced muhieiun unI teuelicr from
i'nrtlnmi, has tiiken a po.-ition an Ht the I.yrii; Theatre.
Kuifene l'lilllipH left the II rot of
tl week fur Full City where he
will remain for tho next two
It. I. Schce. matiHKer of the loeul
( uniliii'i'rial ('lull, left Wednesday
iii'iiniiiK for Indianoln, luwn, on re
eel j it of lu-wnjif liis itcrV death,
Itolxrt (folium s ill have ehnrx-e of
the elnh lrifijjr hi uliM-nce.
Two additions have hcen made to
the Journal force during the week.
T. M. Iivine of I'mtlaiiil who i an
M''t tnachine operat iir i'. 1'iiiidoyed
in the inetrliiinieal department, nod
lloln'il W, Oslmrn, a local mail of
nl-ility, in now tln',J,.(iinal ivi oiti r.
M. It. Ilitftrs is h eandidate lor
delegate to tne National llemoerulie
(""oiiventioii w Inch w ill he held in St.
Ii'iin eoimnetii'in June 1 1. Thi
dintr et, the Second Conyro hionul, is
entitled to two d IctfiUc and hh
there is only one other eandidate
already Tiled. Mr. IlitfK.V election
K.'ein.H certain. Thin i.a very inv
p n tant position and one that the
local man is entitled to and capalile
of tillintf. He should f elected
from thin district whether opposi
tion developer! or not.
Horn, April, to tho wl c of
(iuy Jenkins of this city h tton.
W. I). ittrtiH, Clyde McKay and
I'. C. CiirriHon were in tin- cit.v
from Mend yenlerday.
The local W. C. T. U. will hold a
medal context thin evening nt the
Meihodial Chiirch, at which time
yountC people will compote for two
medalri that will lie awarded for
the hest temperance Hpeerln,
IIooim open at 7:!!0, adinisnion free.
Mr. It, A. Clark ay that the
Uediuond people know how to he
hohpitalde to their friendK, mid for
the kind - treatment she received
there hint week hIiu winhea to thank
everyone, enpecidlly Mr, llohb.
Mr. Wilnon and Mr. (foliorn.
A eet )H wum taken in liend lat
week which dinclcd tho fact that
the population of that city now in
about IJ000. Jt Ih conaidered by
onu of the optimists from that
city however, that a number of
jolliers eHcaped the reriHua taker,
i'l'lie fa. U arc however, that Hem
i ; becoming quite a eity.
After demolirihltiK with a heavy
charge of dynamite the wife of the
I Redmond poxtodice Thursday niifht,
j rohher succeeded in making their
escape with a email mini of money.
! I.iltle other damage wan done and
i no clue found other than the dis-
cardid ciedi box along the railroad
right of way, but it in generally
thought that the breaker of the
Tern bone postoilice safe were im
plicated. A very int'Testing, and full of
life (Ira. mi founded trpun the plot of
tne widely read book, "The Spend
( r," will be preseniol at the Lyric
on Saturdav and Sun 'av of this
week. It is on - of the eld Koohter
irie which nlonif insures i t k high
stiimhird. A l'atl.e travel picture,
taken along the Kwhutes will also
be shown. This picture is Icing
shown in practical)' every city in
the world, and yuu .should we it.
The Dalles Sanitorium
Fiiramrly Ir. liritrndnrfor IlonUl,
IV' oimmiM II ii I ii r the luatoiKfinriit nl
lr. Ilnvi. .
A ure harbinger of spring in the J
opening of the buneball Hcuxon. So ;
that elunive Htnto of Nature fount'
surely be at hand for the C. C. II. R. j
Cub are scheduled to crom bata
with the I'auHna Lice in the David- ;
Hon I'urk tomorrow at 3 o'clock.'
There are iiHiially Htat'tling ilevcl- '
opmetitH in the first game of the
season urn as the I'aulina Lieu are
for blood be prepared for anything.
No one like a knocker. We ;
sometimes hate to have compari
sons druwn if they appear to our
personal or community dclimiueney '
in any line of activity or progress.
I'rineville is out of the rare how-
ever In one respect, it has no men's
class or brotherhood organized and !
studying tho Bible. Why riot be I
up-to-date In this as well as rail-
roads? Bible School at 10 a. m. j
every Sunday at the Christian j
Church. Preaching reryices at 1 1 1
and 8. j
Surely In the stress of making ,
wagon roads, voting a railroad and 1
irrigation project, securing a twice j
daily njuil service etc., Prine-j
ville has not forgotten that its own
C, C. II. S. is nearly supreme in the
ltate Debating Ix-ague and if not
remember to to to the Baptist
Church next Friday evenrg April
7, and hear the contest with Enter
prise. Bernard Ramsey and Orvill
Yancey will represent ' the negative
side of the Maine question formerly
The annual meeting of the Pres
byterian Church will be held on
Friday evening of this week. Sup- j
er will be served tt G::50. Business j
will be transacted at K. Brief re
ports of the work of the paSt year j
will be presented. hVcrs for the !
ensuing year, and a pastor ehoser.
All mcpibers f the church and all
runtrihut'ng to its support are ;
urged to 1 e pre-ent. Rev. Andrew !
J. Montgomery of Portland will be
present to preside over a part of the ,
meeting, lie will remain over Sun
day and preach at the
service. There will lie no evening
service on account of the absence of I
t . . ..... (
Air. tanMuys at i'auiina lor a
special mwiing on that date.
Onion Sets
Garden Seeds
Both package and bulk
Garden Tools
Poultry Supplies
Squirrel Poison Etc,
. Stewart & Ca
Many JK-opic sudiT the tortures vl
' l.uiie mucK'N urn! stiffenoil joints tiecause
o( impurities in the LUxxl, ami each uc
i etc lini attack serins more acnte until
, rhfuin.itistiih.isiiivmli'il thcwliuU'systim.
To arrest rlu uuwti -m it i quite as im
1 portanl toiinpruvd vnir Keneral health as
j to purify your Mrxxlrund thccol liver oil
i illxTltt'!.i;lml!sionisnlture,SKreatblood
i maker, while its uniliciiuil uourisliment
8trein;thens t!ie ory:ni9 to expel the
; impurities ami upbuild your strength,
t hcott'ii l-umlsion is lielpitiR thousand
loorning , every "lay ho coukt not hud other relict.
kcium: uie alconolic luusutuies.
Dealer in
Now turn to the
menu on page 3.
clasified advertiue-
Harnejs and Saddlery Goods, Horse Blankets, Saddle
Blankets, Bits. Spurs, Robes, Whips, Harness and Saddies,
Oils and Axle Grease. All work neatly and promptly
done and guaranteed
Saddles Made to Order a Specialty
Classified .Ads work while you sleep!
Two Hundred 'Thousand Acres Land:
Grpol CoMetj
will be sold on terms to actual settlers
or to residents of the county. Prices
5.00 per A
for grazing land up to
$25.00 per A
for choice farm lands southeast of
Ochoco Irriff at
under the
ion District
will be sold at
$25.00per Acreupto$32.50perAcre
until the bonds are voted then the price
will be raised. All of these lands will be
sold on contracts that will allow payments over a
period of 10 years; cheaper than rent, much better
& Western Colonization C
Office First National Bank Building