Page 2 CROOK' COUNTY JOURNAL CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL tiisv t,.vrol.l.KTTK, Kditor-Proprietor Entered t the postnHke Hi Piineville, Oregon, as avcuml-cldss matter. The Journal stands for the In'st inter ?t of I'lineville Mini Crook Cuiiuiv. Is inilfjwnUf nt in Klitioe. Published every Thursday afternoon. Pricv J1.S0 xt yenr, payable in advance. In ease of i haiice of address please notif 6 at once, giving both old and ue Jdress. THIS PAFER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING BY THE GENERAL OFFICES NEW YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES THE POLITICAL OUTLOOK. 7 must register before April 13, if you wish to vote at the pri maries. Don't put it off, register today. On or before Apiil 19, the candi dates' petitions will all have to be filed at the Clerk's office in this city in order to pet a place on the primary ballot. Those who have filed their de clarations to become candidates with the clerk to date are: Ernest T. Luthy for commissioner, H. H DeArnvmd for district attorney, Charles A. Carroll for assessor, S E. Roberts for sheriff. R. D Ketehu-n for assessor, T. E. J Duffy for circuit judg;e, and P. B PoindeMer for sheriff. rr-i . . i . ine registration has been very slow to date. Political Announcements I hereby announce my candidacy for the Republican nomination for clerk of Crook county at the pri maries to be held on May 19, 1916. J. H. Haner. to the approval of the voters at the primary to be held May 19. Ernest T-J.uthyRoborts, Cretan. 1 hereby announce my candidacy for the republican nomination for the office of superintendent of schools subject to the approval of the voters at the primaries on May I hereby announce my candidacy for the democratic nomination for nil V.IIV A. vvuiivj mini oui'J vv w . rr the approval of the voters at the ilJJJX primaries to be held on May 19. j 1 hereby announce myself a Warren Brown, present incumbent. ! candidate for the republican nomina- - I t inn far ilnriff r.f Crunk- Pmtntv I hereby announce my candidacy Mlbjcct to the H,n)1.ovn 0f the voters r the Republican nomination for al tho pHniaries to be held on 'May for the othce of county surveyor subject to the approval of the voters at the primaries to be held May 19. It. A. Kelly, present incumbent. 19. J. H. Stanley, Alfalfa precinct. I hereby announce my candidacy fot the Republican nomination for the office of assessor subject to the approval of the voters at he primar ies to be held on May 19. K. D. Ketchum. M.E. BRINK REPUBLICAN' FOR CIRCUIT JUDGE WHY NOT? ine oona issue win carry by an overwhelming vote next Tuesday and that Prineville has taken an important step-in the march of pro gress will be proclaimed throughout the land immediately. How much ,more it would be worth to the com munity were the vote unanimous DIVISION IN GRANT. The matter of dividing Grant county will be submitted to the voters there this year according to the Blue Mountain Eagle. It is proposed to cut off a art of the north end of the county, which would place the county seat at either Long Creek or Monument. AS USUAL. The date of the Bend Chautauqua is just one day later than Prineville. They will start on July 4 and dose July 9, while our dates are July 3 to 8. Naturally, Bend is just a little behind Prineville. Report of the Condition NO. 188. of THE CROOK COUNTY BANK at Prine ville, in Hie state of Oregon, at the close of business Mar. 7, 1916 u rendered to the state Hanking Department of Oregon: SESOCRCKS. Lcaro-and discounts.. $153,695.72 Overtrain, secured and unsecured 110.61 Bonds, and warrants 12 171 w Slocks sod other securities 3.4M.IO KniHng- house 19,279.87 Furniture and fixtures 8,316.:)u Oiber real estate owned. a,s.91 wueirom nanus (not reserve banks). 3.H44.B5 lJue from approved reserve banks.,., 40,497,7a I hec ks and other cash items 232.33 Hithajigcs fo clearing house 53.70 t uMi on hand 11.Vi.31 5 ,tal $21,3!8.13 LIABILITIES. ' :.pital stock paid in 36,000,00 Surplus fund....' 14,000.00 L naivirted profits, lesa expenses and taxes paid 13,W.7 Individual deposits subject to check. Ifi6,409.10 Demand certificates of deposit moo Certified checks '"' 70)o Cahlers checks outstanding 833.70 Dine and savings deposits 20973,57 I hereby announce my candidacy for the Republican nomination for County Commissioner of Crook County at the primaries to be held on May 19. 191. H. J. Overtruf, present incumbent. . I hereby announce myself aa a candidate for the democratic; nomi nation for sheriff at the primaries to be held May 19, 1916, subject to the approval of the voters. P. II. Poindoxter. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the Republican nnmi-j nation for District Attorney for j Crook Coiinty at the primaries to be held May 19, 1916. II. II. De Ar montl. I respectfully ask the considera tion of the electors of the Democratic Party for the nomina tion for assessor, at the primary election May 19, 1916. 11. A. Foster. 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of county school superintendent, subject to the approval of the republican voters at the primaries to be held May 19. J. E. Myers, present incumbent. I hereby announce my candidacy for the democratic nomination for sheriff subject to the approval of the voters at the primary to be held May 19. E. B. Knox, present incumbent. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the Republican nomi nation for Representative from the 2 1 district, subject to the approval of the voters at the primaries to be held on May 19, 191f Denton G. Burdick. PclOtf. I hereby announce my candidacy for the Republican nomination for Sheriff of Crook county at the primaries to be held May 19, 1916. S. E. Roberts. I hereby announce my candidacy for the Republican nomination for Treasurer of Crool? County at the primaries to be held May 19, 1916. R. L. Jordan. t j r w Se edl Wfieai These Varieties are Spring Grains M ft IB PRINEVILLE FLOUR MILLS $ AllAl t-fi-i Vi-" IJl'Jlt'Jt'LUlil Marquis Golden Chaff Early Wilbur Early Bart I hereby announce my candidacv for the Republican nomination for the office of assessor subject o the approval of ' the voters at the primaries to be held on May 19. John R. Luckey. I hereby announce my candidacv for the democratic nomination fir the office of commissioner, subject The office of Circuit Judge, for Crook and Jefferson Counties, was created in 1915, and T. E. J.Duffy, was appointed by Governor Withy combe to fill the position. Although Judge Duffy register? as a demo crat it may be noted, that his ap pointment was made by a republi can governor, who among a great number of people regards such office as nonpartizan. Judge Duffy, en tered upon the discharge of tie duties of such office, giving up his private practice of law, to devote all of his time to it, and it can be j safely said that he has administered such office fairly, impartially and in a business like manner. It would therefore s eem no more than right, in view of his record, that he be nominated and elected to succeed himself for a further term. Paid Advertisement. ToM K'ate of Oregon, County of Crook, as: I, E. J. Wilson, cashier of the above-named Unk, do solemnly swear that the above state !i i nt is U-ue to the best of my knowledge and K.J Wiison, Cashier, subscribed and sworn to before nie this 15th lsy of March, mid. L, M. Ikchtel, Notary. Public,. J4y conimiMion expires March 20, 1'J17 I'orrccl Attest: Hruws 1- F. STKWAI1T Directors. in The Oregonian i handled exclusively Prineville by H. R. LAKIN Delivered at your door the same day as published for 75c per month DR. H. E. BURD0N Chiropractic Physician Prineville, Oregon, over Crook County, Bank, Rooms 4-5 Your health depends on the condition of your nervous system. Chiropractic is correcting case after case. Other methods have failed. Investigate. PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS A few new records will bring hours of new pleasure from the old phono graph. If you have no machine buy one now. These prices are as low as the quality will permit 12 in. double disc, blue label rec, reg. price $1.23 now .... $1.00 10 in. double disc, blue label rec. reg. price 75c, now .5S 12 in. double disc, regular records, reg. price $1.00, now 80 10 in. double disc, rcguiar recorda, reg, price .65, now 45 4 minute cylinder records, regular price .50, now 35 2 minute cylinder recorda, regular price .35, now 25 D. P. Adamson & Co. Prineville, Oregon AUCTION S A hi The following personal property will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder Saturday, April L 1916 One Reo Automobile, 1912 model, never been abused by driver, one buggy, one good work horse, 1400 pounds. , One Jersey cow, young, fresh. One heifer, yearling, good stock. Wagons, harness, rakes, mowers, plows. Springtooth harrows, Fresno Scraper. Derrick ricr. trarden tonl. orrain drill Anrl hnncp. hold articles, including many useful articles too num- i( erous to mention. II 3 All articles under $10, cash, all over that amount will accept bankable note or give 10 per cent for cash rs. Martha A. Spear Near McKay schoolhouse. Sale will be held at Spear ranch, starting at 1 o'clock, Saturday, April 1, 1916 M 0 Egg. of Crabs and Lobstert. Cnilm mid lobsters lire lintdied from et!K, i'psomiIiIIiik upon birth tiotliliii; bo much us the nnlmak'iilne Mtinwn by the microscope In a drop of ditch wuter. They lire us unlike I he HhellllHh t lio. Hre (o become In mature life ns it (frill) Is mi 1 1 kit ii butterfly. In the ense of the cinb the eliiHterH nre nttncheil benciilh the nnliiuil after extrusion, while with the lobster they become fastened to the tall, which by Its fun nlntc motion Increases the stream of oxygenated air through and among the ova. Hit Portion "Will you share my portion?" asked tho poor young man. , i- "I fear yours Is only a half portion," j said the girl gently. "You will need j It all for yourself. "Louisville Coup i Icr-JournaL van. ay n WOOD-LARK TRADE MARK wahp Gopher iPOIS ON QUICK. CERTAIN. DEADLY-. ALWAYS niJADV, MOV Kit FAILS, troy nqulrrelg, gophnrs, pmirle dogi, man I. Apply i-nrly In Hprlnir when the hun- pi'HlH awaks from Wlntar'fi slcxp, Monny If It aver falls. "Wood - Lark" for 2ft has mood every test. H'sj crop Insur- HKUlnst. l-OfJohl IiestM. Mii,iil'a.tiifAH h. rkc-Woodward Drug Co., I'orUaud, .Or- tuy iioui youn Uoulnr, Clnypool & Co.. Clifton A C. W. Elkins, W. F. King Co., Prinevillt Drug Co., J. E, Stewart & Co., Prineville Oretfoi; II Jmar Norton, ?oal, Oregon, i