CROOK COUNTY 10UrWaL PAGE 3 TlIKjClTV Dr. 11. E, Bunion li ft thin after noon for Portland fur it two day' trip, Clyde Evans, Grand High Priest f Oregon Hoyal Ari'h Masons, will visit tin' local chapter In thin city thin evening, ut which time the Most Excellent Master decree will lie exemplified A number of visit ing compunioim from Itend as well ai out of town member1 are expect ed to he in Hitendunee, ;'fliere will be nil the usual acr viec at the Methodist church on Sunday. At the morning aorvice the pastor will apeak especially to Chrictmnn on "A ChriHtiun'a Reason aide Attitude toward Amusementa." J. L. Wonderly died In a Port land hospital Saturday from corn plication of almenU that; have been b ithering him for aome time. The funeral wan conducted In that city on Monday. All of the regular service at the Huptist church Sunday. At II, the piuttor will preach on the aubject, "Why Baptism Practiced So-Calli'.l close communion." H. Y. P. U. at OiHOp. in. Public worship 7;30 p. rn. J. T. Dowell. pastor.. Mm. E. Wagner la in Portland where ah was called by the death of her father. " The Shumia Club wan very de lightfully entertained ut the home of Mra. Evarm, on Saturday, Murch 4. Tim book for the day waa Chun. Kendo's "The Cloister ami The Hearth," reviewed by Mm. Ed warda. Ole Peterson left Saturday fo Arnold, Nebraska, to look after hia farming intereata, going via Top pemlsh, Washington, to join C. E. Lloyd and family who expect to go to Nebraska with him, The Lloyd family formerly resided here and are quite well known. New Spring Millinery Complete Line of the Latest Styles at MRS. ESTES' MILLINERY PARLORS Prineville, Oregon The selection of an engineer for the Oehiieo Irrigation Diatrict wan, postponed until March 21, for the purpose of examining the merlta of different applications. There are nine applicant for the place and theb.ard realize that it in important to get the right man for the job. Kooma 11 and 15 of the Adainson building were rented and will be the offices of the company. The bond of treasurer Adanison, in the sum of $I.r),(lO() wu!ipprovcd by the bo ird, and measuring sta tions oil Marks Creek and Mill Creek were ordered established. The next meeting will be held at 1 March 21. BOUNTY MEASURE IS BElNGfREPARED The Newaom Creek Rabbit. Club, which luis for its purpose the exter mination of rabbits in that com munity, vheUI a meeting at Post Saturday evening which was at tended by practically everyone in that community. These people are convinced that the extermina tion of these peat in necessary for i the welfare of the county, ami have ' petitioned the- Journa' to take charge of the matter of ecuring the bounty which has been under diccussiyn for some time. Petitions are now being printed for circulation, to secure the meas ure a place on the ballot, and thewi; will be forwarded to the different! precinct as noon ax they are out. I The measure will provide for a bounty of five cents on jack rabbit and two and a half cents on augo rata. j NOTICE OF SALE BY i ' REFEREES. j ' Notice is hereby given that under 1 and virtue of a decree and order of ; sale in partition issued out of the j Circuit Court of the State of Oregon 1 for Crook County, on the 7th day ! of March, 1916, wherein L'zzieJ Vandcrpool and Ida Caritrill as plaintiffs obtained a decree in.i partition against Mattie Hosworth i and J. H. Templeton, we are com-' manded to sell at public auction to', the highest bidder all that certain' tract and parcel of real estate de scribed as follows, to-wit: The South Half of the Northwest Quarter and the North Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section Twenty-six, Township Fourteen South of Range Fifteen East of the Willamette Meridian, situate in Crook County, Oregon, and con taining in all One Hundred ' Sixty i i acres, more or li-sa. Notice is hereby given that on Friday the 7th day of April, 1916; at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon, 1 at the front door of the county ! court house in the City of Prino-j 'ville Orciritn wp wilt in flie1i,-rwf ' to said decree and order of saie in i partition, sell all the n'ove de-j scribed real estate mid the whole. thereof, to the highest tind best bidder for cash in gold coin of the United States. Dated this Sth day of March, I'M (I. W. T. Di.vcnp'.rt, J. H. Wigle, .1. M. Elliott. Referees in Partition. lTt'ic. UYNOW! Onion Sets Garden Seeds Both package and bulk Garden Tools Poultry Supplies Squirrel Poison Etc. tewart NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Depart mert of the Interior, U. S. I-and OHice at The Dalles, Oregon, February 2ti, Notice is hereby given that (ieorge U. Janala, of Dry Lake, Oregon, who, on April 3, 1911, made Homestead Entry No. 08.16S, anl on May l, 1912 made additional Homestead Entry, No. 010222, for East Half. (F.J), Sec tion 11, Twp 20-South Range 20 East, W. M., has filed notice of in tention to make final three year Proif, to establish claim to the land above described, before A. S. Fogg, U. S. Commissioner, at Hampton, Oregon, on the Kith day of April. 1910. : f'laimnnt names as witnesses: (ieorge Gergcr, Bert Luten, B. 3. Murphy and Thomas I-angford. all of Dry Iike, Oregon. ) H. Frank Woodcock, Register. 17t5p. , Too Late to Classify MIDDLE AGE WOMAN Wanted to do housework on a ranch. - Phone or wirte C. C. O'Neal. Riverside ranch, Prineville, Ore- ) gon. 17tfc. C. C. II. S. NOTES. j Since the military plan of today j is an element in the study of Civics, much interest was given to an ad dress by Jay II. Upton, on the de fense of the Philippines and the present military questions. Mr. Upton advanced some very interest ing tacts on the Philippines, authen tically drawn from actual experience during the Spanish-Amercan War. Further along this line was the Senior talk by Orval Yancey, on the need of U. S. Merchant Marine, I which embodied the fact, that at I the present time foreign ships are the carriers of American produce, thus endangering our Navy in case of yar, as it would be helpless with out a large number of auxiliary transports. The talk was extem poraneous ar.d deliver d in a force- able style. . . The h igh school is elated over the fact that the negative side is alotted us for the debate, which will be with Condon. Ramsey and Rice will probably be our representatives in this critical contest. Next Friday afternoon and even ing the tryouts for the declamation contest will be held at the High School. Everyone is invited. A Page of News About a Store Full of Bright New Spring Goods New Goods A TTV Oeoart mm .vmguaiiy in Every BUY YOUR GOODS AT HOME WHERE YOU GET YOUR ACCOMMODATIONS STANDARD PATTERNS FOR APRIL Coming This Week Our Spring Line of Men's . Clothing One suit of a kind is the way we buy our suits, except blue serges $15.00 and $20.00 The Wasjh Materials are prettier than ever. The lines are more complete than ever D. M. Ferry & Co. Seeds of all kinds; onion sets 15c lb Try that steel cut coffee at 25c lb. : f Home made bacon, hams and shoulders 15c to 221c lb. Ask some one who has tried this bacon ' Garden Rakes Hoes, Shovels, Hay Forks, Picks and Farm Tools of all kinds; our prices are rights as usual Bring us your eggs; we will take all that you have at any time in trade at the market price CORNETT & COMPANY 'Prineville, Oregon :: Successors to Clifton & Cornett WOMEN'S SUITS AND COATS for spring are here. Remember 'we buy our women's suits and coats one of a kind. Call and take a squint before the sizes are broken.