P re 4 CROOK COUNTY .IOURAL They Can i Make Good! EPOS I When it comes to selling eggs all the claims in the world mean nothing if the eggs can't make good. We have such confidence, based on experience, in our best eggs that we can recom mend them highly. For good eggs come here. MRS. I. MICHEL ThejCity Tom Houston was in Prineville on Saturday. A. P. Jones was in Prineville on business Saturday. The Deschutes Power Company has a new Ford truck. Representative Forbes was in the city from Bend Friday.. B. L. Boone of Fife was in the city on business Friday. H. H. DeArmond was in this city from Bend Thursday evening. Dr. Rosenberg and T. S. Barnes made a trip to Bend Friday. O. C. Gray was in Prineville Saturday from hjs raneh near Post. R. R. Price of Post was in Prine ville on business the last of the week. George Taylor was in the city Friday from his ranch on Bear Creek. .Were in Pulvpr nn business nn Thursday. Wagoner & Company are drilling a well for J. H. Wigle on his ranch north of this city. Max Cramiall was in the city the last of the week, doing some work for Jefferson county at the court house here. j Sunday school at Grimes Chapel : at 10:00 a. m on Sunday. i i Jay H. Upton left the first of the I week for Salem where he will at ! tend the irrigation meeting. T. F. McCallister.has installed a new milking machine and expects ; to milk about l."0 cows this summer. i The Power Company installed a 25 hurse power electric motor for the Prineville Flour Mills the lust of the week. Michel's store has a netv delivery that will be used in connection with the "instftit delivery" system which is a feature of this institution. J. F. Blanchard took a large bunch of cattle through this city the last of the week to be shipped to the Portland markets. At a meeting of the county high school board held the last of the week, H. C. Baughman, present principal was again elected for the year 1916-17. Those who took the pleasure in seeing Kathlyn Williams' at the Lyric last Friday will again have the opportunity of seeing this favor ite tomorrow evening in a wild animal picture called, "In Tune with The Wild. "Mary's Lamb," featuring Richard Charles and Marie Wayne will be shown Saturday and Sunday. AUCTION of the J. M. Culver & Com pany's stock of new and second hand goods on at. March 18, at their store located in Prineville, Oregon, first door south of the Ochoco bridge on Main stree) Sale will commence at 10 a. m, and continue until the entire stock is disposed of. Everything will be sold for Cash to the Highest Bidder J. M. CULVER CO. Frank Foster is in the city today from Post. W. A. Bell was in Prineville- on business Tuesday. Born, to the wife of L. B. La follette, on March 8, a girl. N John Combs returned Sunday from a trip to California points. Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Barnes have gone to Portland for a week's visit. Frank Whitney has been in the city from Clarno, during the past week. Initiatory degree will be con ferred at the I. 0. O. F. hall on March 14. D. K. Nicely of Powell Butte was a businees visitor the first of the week. Mrs. R. E. Richards of this city, spent last week on her homestead near Powell Butte. There will be services at the Catholic Church in this city next Sunday at 8:30 a. m. B. ' F. Parsons of the Redmond Warehouse Company was in the city the last of the week. Ermil Cantrill, of this city, went to Roberts lust week, where he will remain until later in the spring. Little Miss Lois Wolfe gave a birthday party to a number of her girl friends Tuesday at'ternoon. The Ladies Annex play will be staged on March 21 This will be worth your while Don't forget the date. The Prineville Flour Mills started i up again Monday after a short shut down for the installation of new equipment. Wade H. Houst hi returned the last of the week from a business trip to Ashwo d an I other Jefferson county points. George Taylor and Bert Gratir were in town the last of the week with a bunch of cattle from the Roberts country. Two cars loaded with young peo ple from this city attended a play given by local talent in Redmond Monday evening. George P. Klliott of Terrebonne was in the city on buisness Monday. Walter Nicely was in the city from Paulina yesterday. . j Miss Maude Bilyeu has been un able to attend to her duties in the school room for the past few days on account of sickness. Fourteen members of the Invinci ble class spent a very enjoyable evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Elliot Monday March 6. A party consisting of Messrs. Belknap, Michel, King, Stearns, Estes, Bixby and Osborn were the guests of a delightful Emblem Club dance'at Bend Friday evening. A bridge party was given at the home of Miss Agnes Elliott last evening in honor of a few of her friends. Those present were the Misses Minton, Jeffries, Hawley, Estes, Stella and Dolly Hodges. The ladies of the Annex enter tained the Club members in a high ly pleasing manner Tuesday evening. Refreshments were served and the men are very grateful for the exis tence ef the Annex, for various i reasons. J. F.Morris is planning the erec tion of a modern fire proof build ing on the location now occupied by the old bank building, and per mission for moving the old building has been granted to him. At the Presbyterian Church next Sunday morning, "The Greatest Work in the World; my share of it." In the evening a service of Praise with a message of invitation. Preach ing service atLamonta school house next Sunday at 3 p. m. Sermon by Rev. W. L. Van Nuys. On April 4, at 1 p. m. the teacher will be selected for the coming year in the county high school. The board meeting will be held in the office of Superintendent J. E. Myers in the court house, and will be open to the public. The registration books close on April 18, and all who have not already registered should do so before that day. The registration this time will remain a permanent record, and for this reason it is very; important. Register! Do it today! Are Your Hens Laying Eggs or are they Non-Producing For the Lack of Proper Winter Foods and Attention? HOW TO GET MORE EGGS In'winter a regular system of feeding should be adopted and steadily adhered to throughout. Give your hens a comfortable shelter with plenty of light; keep dry, clean and well ventilated, but avoid draughts of cold air. Feed regularly a variety of good clean food. Table scraps thickened with bran.'Jboiled together, are also very good in winter, to which add a teaspoon full of DR. HESS POULTRY PAN-A-CE-A as directed. Give in a mash of wheat, bran and shorts which should con stitute the morning feed. In winter give warm. Small grain should be thrown among chaff, which will compel the fowls to exercise. Keep fowls well supplied with fresh water and plenty of grit, bone or oyster shell. Keep your hens free from lice by adding DR. HESS INSTANT LOUSE KILL ER in the dust bath every other week. DR. HESS' POULTRY AND STOCK FOOD AND REMEDIES 1 1-2 lb. pkg. Poultry I Pan-a-Ce-a, to make 7 lb. pkg. Stock Food and Tonic 65c hens lay 25c 121b pkg. Stock Food and Tonic 1.00 3 lb. pkg. Poultry Pan-a Ce-a, to make 25-lb. pail Slock Food and Tor.lc 2.25 hens lay 50c 1 qt. can Sheep Dip and Disinfrctant . 50c 1 lb. can Instant Louse Killer 25c 1-2 gal. can Sheep Dip and Disinfectant 75c" 2 lb. pkg. Stock Food and Tonic. , 25c 1 sal. can Shep Dip and Disinfectant 1.50 Call and get free samples of Poultry Pan-ace-a and Instant Lou.ie Killer 0. C. Claypool & Company We have for sale 5 Second Hand Cars Ranging in price from including ords, Boicks and others All guaranteed in perfect running order Bargains in Ford Tires while they last Inland Auto Co. Agents for Buick, Ford and Dodge Cars u