Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, March 09, 1916, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Page 2
til "V l-.u-ol.t kttk, KJitor-l'ioprietor
Entered at tbe poatoflii- at lYtnevUli',
Oreiton, at 8eeoinlcU matter.
The Journal stands for the hest inter
Rta ol I'liueville ami Crook County. l
;niieietiilent in politics.
Piihlishe.1 i-very Tliursilav afternoon
price il.'iO per year, liayahle in ailvamt
In rase o( i tiaiijeoi Jiirena please nuttf
os at once, giving lxth oUl and new
Nearly every day there comes the
report from some town of the state,
ttating that heir jail has been emp
ty sinc3 the first of the year, or
tiat they now have the first pris
oner. In the light of this ex
perien -e, how mean seems the argu
ment that towns could not exist
without the revenue from the
aixns, which argument was merely
one of character degradation for the
purpose of swelling the town reve
nues. Actual experience is demon
ftrating that the agrument of the
prohibition cranks were correct and
therefore the brewery people simply
can not stem the oncoming tide of
national prohibition.
Although he has not as yet made
formal announcement, District
Attorney Wirtz authorizes the Jour
nal to say that he is a candidate for
reelection to the office which he
mw holds.
Jlr. Wirtz's record has been of
law enforcement, and he has friends
in all parts of the county that will
be pleased to support his candidacy.
The Bend Bulletin has finally
followed the lead of the Journal
and other metropolitan papers and
their issue of last week appeared
without advertising on the first
page. We believe that there may
yet be hope for the Bulletin be
coming a real newspaper.
P.. L. Jordan is announcing in this
issue of the Journal, his candidacy
for the Republican nomination for
the office of Treasurer, which office
he now holds. Mr. Jordan is well
and favorably known in the county
and it seems from the present
rkilitieal situation, that ha will have
nj opposition for that ofp.ce.
Political Announcements
I rrfnliv announce mv candidacy
for the Republican nomination for,
clerk of Crook county at the pri- j
manes to be held on May iy, i;m. .
. J. H. Hancr.
I hereby "announce my candidacy (
for the democratic nomination for
the office of county clerk, subject to j
the approval of the voters at the :
primaries to he held . on May 19. J
Warren Brown, present incumbent, j
I hereby announce my candidacy
for the republican nomination for
the office of superintendent of
schools subject to the approval of
the voters at the primaries on May
19. J. Alton Thompson.
I hereby announce my candidacy
for the Republican nomination for
the office of county surveyor subject
to the approval of the voters at the
primaries to be held May 19. H. A.
Kelly, present incumbent.
I hereby announce myself a
candidate for the republican nomina
tion for sheriff of Crook County,
subject to the approval of the voters
at the primaries to be held on May
19. J. H. Stanley, Alfalfa precinct.
I hereby announce my candidacy
for the Republican nomination for
the office of assessor subject to the
approval of the voters at he primar
ies to be held on May 19. R. D.
I hereby announce my candidacy
for the Republican nomination for
County Commissioner of Crook
County at the primaries to be held
on May 19, 1916.
H. J. Overtruf, present incumbent.
I respectfully ask the considera
tion of the electors of the
Democratic Party for the nomina
tion for assessor, at the primary
election May 19, 1916.
H. A. Foster.
1 hereby announce myself as a
candidate for the office of county
school superintendent, subject to
at the primaries to be held May 19.
J. E. Myers, present incumbent.
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for the democratic nomi
nation for sheriff at the primaries
to be held May 19, 1916, subject to
the approval of the voters. P. B.
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for the Republican nomi
nation for District Attorney for
Crook Countv at the primaries to be
held May 19, 1916. H. II. De Ar
mond. I hereby announce my candidacy
for the Republican nomination for
Treasurer of Crook County at the
primaries to be held May 19, 1916.
R. L. Jordan.
4k -rrx
I hereby announce my candidacy i
for the democratic nomination for
sheriff, subject to the approval of
the voters at the primary to be held
May 19. E. B. Knox, present in
4 f
b m
8 Ksc flatter Jtotir
A trial will convince you that our
jjj Flour is Better
$1.50 Sack
I herehv announce mvself as a
candidate for the Republican nomi
nation for Representative from the
9! fiistrift Kiihiort. ttt thp nnnrovnl
of the voters at the primaries to be
held on May 19, 191F t Denton G.
Burdick. PclOtf.
Burns reapers are carrying a
total of 25 announcements of candi
dates for the various county offices
in Harney county.
Notice is hereby given that Charles
0. Christiana of Prinevillc, Oregon,
has filed with the undersigned Sec
retary of the Ochoco Irrigation Dis
trict his petition praying that the
following lands, to-wit: The South
west Quarter of the Northwest
Quarter, the west Half of the South
west Quarter and the Southeast
Quarter of the Southwest Quarter,
Section Twenty-Two, Township
Fourteen South of Range Fifteen
East, Willamette Meridian, Crook
County Oregon, be excluded from
the present boundaries of the Ochoco
Irrigation District. All persons
interested in or who may be affect
ed by such proposed change of the
boundaries of said district are
noreby notified to appear at the
office of the Board of Directors
of said district on the 4th day of
April, 1916, and show cause, if any
they have, in writing, why the
charge of the boundaries of said
district as proposed in said petition,
should not be made.
Dated at Prinevillc, Oregon, this
the 7th day of March, 1916.
E. 0. Hyde, Secretary Board of
Directors of the Ochoco Irrigation
District. 17t3c.
I hereby announce my candidacy
for the Republican nomination fori
Sheriff of Crook county at the;
primaries to be held May 19, 1916.'!
S. E. Roberts, j
r u-..u.. .,,....,.. ,i:.i I
for the Republican nomination for
the office of assessor subject to the
approval of the voters at the
primaries to be held on May 19.
John R. Luckey.
The office of Circuit Judge, for
Crook and Jefferson Counties, was
created in 1915, and T. E. J. Duffy,
was appointed by Governor Withy
combe to fill the position. Although
Judge Duffy registers as a demo
crat it may be noted, that his ap
pointment was made by 'a republi
can governor, who among a great
number of people regards such office
as nonpartizan. Judge Duffy, en
tered upon the discharge of the
duties of such office, giving up his
private practice of law, to devote
all of his time to it, and it can be
safely said that he has administered
such office fairly, impartially and
in a business like manner. It would
therefore s eem no more than right,
in view of his record, that he be
nominated and elected to succeed
himself for a further term. Paid
MENT. Notice is hereby given, by the
Undersigned, the 'administrator of
the estate of Holman W. Morrill,
deceased, that he has made and filed
with the clerk of the county court
his final accounting of his adminis
tration of said estate, and that the
court has set Monday, Jhe 1st day
of May, 1916, at 10 o'clock in the
forenoon aC the qounty court room
in Prineville, Oregon, as tne time
and place for hearing anu settling
said final accounting. At . which
time and place, any person interest
ed in said estate may appear and
object to taid final accounting.
Dated this 9th day of March,
A. D. Morrill, Administrator of
the Estate of Holman W. Morrill,
Deceased. , 17toc.
To be healthy at seventy, prepare at
fo'ty, is sound advica, because in the
Itrengtta of middle life we too often forget
that neelected colds, or careless treat
ment of slight aches and pains, simply j
nnaernune strengtn ana Dnng cjiromc
weakness for later years.
To lie stronger when older, keep yonr
Mood pure and rich and active with the
etrength-buildiiig and blood-nouriishing
properties of Scott's Emulsjon which is a
food . a tonic and a medicine to keep your
blood rich, alleviate rheumatism and
av-M sickness. No alcohol in Sco'.t's.
O0M & bowut, Bloooilkld, N. , '
Once more the Lad messenger of
Death has entered our fraternal
family, aid removed from our midst
our friend and brother, I. W. Spear.
Whereas, this Lodge feels deeply
the loss of this brother, and the
community in which he lived has
lost a valuable friend and neighbor,
and his family a faithful husband
and loving father. Therefore, be it.
Resolved, that thii, Lodge hereby
expersses to the bereaved family
and relatives its heartfelt sympathy,
and it is our prayer that the healing
influence of time may ease the pain
of the wound inflicted and enable
them to bear up with courage until
the time comes when they shall
meet again in the Great Beyond.
Resolved, that the charter of this
Lodge be draped in mourning for
thirty days, a copy of these resolu
tions be sent to the family of bro
ther I. W. Spear, a copy be entered
on the minutes of his Lodge, copy
to the local papes and the Pacific
Odd Fellow for publication.
M. R. Biggf T. H.Lafolletteand
G. W. Noble, Committee.
Ochoco Lodge, No. 46, Prineville.
Synopsis of the Annual Statement
of the
Urbaine Fire Insurance Company
ji t'aru, Rppubllo of Franc, on th
list day of December, 1915, made to
(he Insurance commlnfllonftr of th
late or Oregon, pumuant to law:
Amount of dopoitit capital
paid up (300.000.00
Nt prrmlum received dur-
Iiik the year $4!,119.61
Interem, dividends and rents
r.cciv during th year. 24.063.S7
Income from other aources
received during tha year. 8.456.91
Total Income $466,640.11
Net 5. T ies paid during year.$184.07.25
Luna cxpenHe S, 621. 16
Dividend paid on capital
atock during the year.... Nona
CommipHlong and aalarlea
paid during the year 140,777.21
Taxes, licences and feea paid
during the year 15,161.61
Amount of all other ex
penditures 22,644.64
Total expenditure $366,277.14
Value of real eatate owned
(market value) Nona
Value of atocka and bonds
owned (market value).. .$629,114.00
Loans on morlgagoa and
collateral, etc Nona
Caah In banks and on hand 73, 1ST. 84
l'lemiums In course of col
lection written since Sep
tember 30, 1915 69,774.03
Iriterent and rents due and
accrued 9,640.94
ip. In tf the Iniiunl !4(atenaent of
::vi iUgcrs lire nsur.nce Compsi)
. .-.... lit til' Mule ol .V-w
... .: .1..- uuy of (t-einier,
., ,.i..'le t. uu- I.MtiiHilie rnimulH
i.f ainie of otvgou, pur-
... w 1. 1 ;
o, . nil . i. p . i. up I 400.000.00
p lWi,i. r. c ive 1
jjri.iS ill - y. til $ i,0.'0.9S5.7
. i in-, ol. lids nud
i.'.u iei-t Ui'd diirhig
,. ,e.u 403.30.03
.. utile 1 1 .on ottiei aourct-g
i i-. lv. l during yrr. . 27.619 21
Total Im-ome $ 6,4.306.03
. t lo.' pud during
in'- hi $ 2. 901. 37s. 93
..v-hi'-ii'U piild during
.m ii cain.ul aloi-k.. 160.000.00
:.'..n.ii.4-i)M9i nd untunes
tm.u lug yrur 966.6j2.0I
.iii a. iicoiie.s and f-ea
p., Hi during ll.ti year.. 110,124. 3V
A in ,.i ii tit nil otm-r r-
p. -..iii, urea 2.-4.31.S7 expenditures ...$ 4,i01,i"2.3S
il.i. ill' ! -t. I elate.
i. wmo ,.n i:l. -i valu.-i $ 72.915.00
ai.ii' o( Mn:Ha and bunds
o.nied cnitikit value) 1, 0ol, 499 00
i.oaiin .in mori.iiigt' and
c i ic 76.700.00
r.i:ti in oanka and on
ii. ii. d 43,919.2
I'I l.miin.i in i-uulae of
i-m; . c iu:i w r 1 1 1 en alneu
H . pleluuer 30. 1916 1,269,691.79
llll-!'t it. id retiis due.
ii.iil an ru. d 63.391.04
TiijI .t..eta $l0.1iS,34a.U
1,. .1 deposits 111
any alale (ll any tliera
any None
Tot ii aela ailmlited In
Onno.i $19,178,316.13
(Iru.-a etnlma for losses
u. p.. id $ 672.977.00
A.i.'.ini of unearn.-d pre
miums on all outstand
ing riaka 3,532.023.67
Do r lor i.-uinmlsalon and
i.inki rage 73,669.67
All olln-r ilablllll 730.OUO.00
Total liabilities exclu
sive of capital stock. $ 6,008,660.24
Tolil pri-inluiiia In force
uri-miii r 31, 1915 599.692,606.00
llualnrss In Oregon for tka I ear.
Toihi riaka written dur
ing Hie year $ 1,674,778.00
ijloea premiums received
during the year (5,601.93
l i "iiiluius returned dur
ing Hie year 14,937.14
l... .. paid during year. 10,241.12
t.oa.- a Incurred during
the year 27,646.41
Tolal amount of rlaks
.iiiialainllng In Oregon
December 31, 1916 4,1 10,993 00
Ul.(litK & llt'TCIOKS KlItE INSUll
Kiatutory resident general agent and
attorney for service:
J. 11. liL'ItUAHD, I'ortland.
Total assets $771,636.91
Leas special deposit In any
state (If any there be).. Nona
Total assets adaiitted In
Oregon $771,636.91
dross claims fur loaaea un
paid $ 37,374.211
Amount of unearned prem
iums on all outstanding
tlaks 320.1 IS 49
Due for commission and
brokerage 6.HD4.12
All othr liabilities 12,447.71
Total liabilities, exclusive
of deposit capital atock
of $.'li)i),0i)0 $376,834.5 4
Total premiums In force
December 31, 1915 594,810.40
llusltiesa In Oregon for (lie Vrar.
Total insurance written dur
ing the year $105,780.00
urows premiums received
during the year
1 remlunis returned during
tha year
Loases paid during the year
Losses Incurred during year
Total amount of Insurance
outstanding In Oregon
December 31, 1015 206,760.00
Agency Superintendent of the Urbaine
Fire Insurance Co.
Ctatutery rosldimt general agent and
attorney for aerric:
The Journal U only f 1.50 per year.
I wartl a man who known I'rlticvllle
and Its vicinity to handle a popular,
widely advertised line ol eight cylinder
motor cars. I have an excellent propo.
sftlon for an A-l saleiinian; an opening
that will enable a thoroughly capable
man to make big money. I want a man
who knows hltrmelf, a man who can
and will stand on hl own (eet, a man
who can get the maximum automobile
sales out of his territory. We will give
such a man every possible aislMtance In
developing hl bulties, He mum own
hlx car anil be able to produce results as
our direct representative. This is an
exceptional opportiinliy for the right
man. There Is such a man here In town
I am mire. I am hopeful that he will
read this advertisement, and then sit
right down and write me fully about
himself and his qualifications. I don't
wants professional Job hunter I want
a man Address your letter to Factory
Ftepresen tail ve, 724 Northwestern Bank
Hank Building, PORTLAND. OK,
Tiaxedo Nights
by Walt Mason
When the day's work's done, and the good old tun
has sunk in the well known West, then I stretch my
form by the fireside warm, I sit at my case and rest.
Then I take my pipe which is mildly ripe, ss the pipes
of good smokers are, with a chortling soul then I fill
its bowl from my glass Tuxedo jar. And I smoke at
ease, and my trouble flees to
the place where dead troubles
go; and my worries seem, in
my waking dream no longer to
It fW ' y ve a 6now Anc eny m
( v deed, it's a noble weed that
V if v t , . 11.1 t i
drives an tne (moats away, ana
clamps the lid on the cares
that skid around through .the
busy day. The worries and
woes and such things as those
in the daytime leave their scar, but there's rest at
night and a calm delight in my
glass Tuxedo jar."
Now turn to the Classi
fied ads on page 3
A few new records will bring hours
of new pleasuie from the old phono
graph. If you have no machine buy
one now. These prices are as low
as the quality will permit
12 in- double) disc, blua label rc, rag. price $1.25 now , f 1.00
19 in. double disc, blue label rec. ref. price 75c, now , ,55
12 in. double disc, regular records, reg. price $1.00, now 80
10 in. double disc, rcguiar records, reg. price .65, now 45
4 minute cylinder records, regular price .50, now 35
2 minute cylinder records, regular price .35, now .25
D. P. Adamson & Co.
Prineville, Oregon
The Journal does Modern
Printing on Short Notice