Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, February 17, 1916, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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A Distinctive Reason
What fa tho chief reason for the superi
ority of Royul Baking Powder ?
There uro several gxxl reasons, but there
is onp which distinguishes Royal from other
baiting jxwdors.
This reason, which every woman should
know, is that Royal Baking Powder is made
from cream of tartar, which comes from
grapes. This means a healthful fruit origin.
It means natural food as distinguished from
mineral substitutes used in other baking
There is no alum nor phosphate in Royul
Buking Powder.
New York
Tin: Crrv
The Ijdiii' Aid Society of the
Pnnbytriiin Church will nm with
Mrs. Mary Howard, opptwptc Cen
tral Garaico, on Thursday, February
4, at 2:30 p. m. All members and
friends of the church are invited.
Floyd Hill was arreted in Port
land yesterday on warrant, eworn
to in Bund charging him with paw
inir .forged checks.-. Jn ' that' oity.
Sheriff Knox left yesterday for
Portland, and will return the
I risoner to Crook county for trial.
The C. II. Voegtly hardware
business, and the printing plant of
the Burns Tribune, were distroyed
by fire in that city on Thursday of
lust week. Some insurance was car
ried, but the loss was heavy. The
Tribune was a new paper which
had issued but three times, and
probably will not be continued, as
the loss to its owner was too heavy.
The fire department was called
out Monday morning about 8:.'10
when tho residence of Fred Stroud
whs threatened with destruction.
Flames were discovered in the upper
story of the luilding, but were sub
dued by a bucket brigade before the
arrival of the department. The ex
act cause of the fire is not known.
It is presumed however, that some
one stepped on a match, which
ignited the window curtains and
carried the blaze to the ceiling and
into the gable of the house The
damage was slight.
A Sure Way to Lose
Money; Sending it Out
Continued, from, page I.
Is of course compelled to pay the
freight, and if he buys of the Prine-
ville merchants he gets the' advan
tagO,of large shipment rates, while
f he buys at the other points, he is
compelled to pay much higher rates,
express or mai) charges. ,-
Then too, the try th remains that
the farther a dollar is sent from
your home town, the more damage
is done to the party who spends the
In answer to this the buyer some
times says: "Look at the profit the
home merchants make," and thinks
that he has scored a great hit. True,
tho home merchant makes or snould
make a profit. So does the farmer
and stockman make a profit on his
goods. Just a few questions in this
connection. Did it cost you $1.00
per bushel to grow your wheat this
year. $12.F0 per ton to isise the
alfalfa hay. or $70.00 to raise
iiteer? Did you ever hear a' mer
chant who wanted to deny you these
prices, or who wanted you to sell
for less because he was afraid that
you would make a reasonable profit?
Also please consider: Who makes
the profit on the goods shipped from
the mail order house? Do those
J people do business for nothing
Think it over anil let it settle. Who
pays for the printing of thousands !
of tons of catalogues and the pout-!
age stamps that it takes to mail i
Do you think for a moment that,
thee people do business for nothing, !
just because they love you? You ',
might think o by reading some of
t'leir circular matter, but when you .
think that they pay no taxes in this '
county to support the schools and
elp in paying tho coyote arid pro-'.
posed rabbit bounty you see why ;
they feel fi optimistic. Hut to get i
to a more definite point, what do!
inn suiinotsc it costs a mailorder!
louse to get out their catalogues per
copy? Ever think of that? Being
in tho printing business, We have
naturally thought of it frequently.!
Several printers have estimated
it and printing, handling and
mailing even in the lage quantities
which they are handled cosU con
siderable more than $1 each, per
haps twice that much. Who pays
the printer? The consumer, of
course. You who send in the orders
pay and no one else. Perhaps it does
not pay them you think. Yes, but
it does, You paid for your catalogue
last year, the year before, and they
are now making you another one
that they expect you to dig up your
good'old Prineville dollar to pay
for, , .- , 4
I Will you do it? Think it over, j
Will you : give the Prineville mer
chant the tame chance that you do
the mail order man?
- Perhaps there is an old store bill
and you don't like to face the mer
chant while that is unpaid. If so,
when you get a ten-spot and want
to spend, it, do you think it is right
to send it to Seattle or somewhere
else, and let the local man hold the
sack? Serves him right for extend
ing credit in the first place, doesn't
it? It may be that there are some
wrong ideas expessed here. We
think not but are willing to stand
cor roe ted.
Chiropractic Physician
Cornett Bldg., Prineville, Oregon
During the next 30 clays 1 expect a number of parties
coming here from the outside who will be interested in
farming lands.
If you want to sell, rent or trade list your property
with me. I will give same my personal attention.
I Have Money to Loan
Large or Small Amounts
on improved or unimproved farms. Come in
and talk it over.
Redmond, Oregon
I Real Estate and Insurance
Joe Smith was in the city yester
frotn Grizzly.
Mrs. Ada B. Milftcan is in Prine
ville this week.
Omnr Cyrus of Culver was in
Prineville on business Tuesday. .
. Jes.".ie Jones, of the liulcH-mlent
telephone t.ompany, is spending a
two weeks' vacation in Bend.
Too Late to Classify
AT A BARGAIN A 2.G00 pound
team for sale with harness and
wagon. Inquire at Deschutes
Power Company office. 14tfc.
for sale. They may he seen on
feed ground at R. B. Cross's place
near Prineville. Address or phone
H. II. I law ley. Post Ore. 14t2c.
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for Crook County.
Mrs. C. McPherson, Plaintiff, vs.
Hugh Colburn McPherson, Defen
dant. To Hugh Colburn McPherson,
the above named defendant:
In the name of the State of Ore
gon: You are hereby summoned
and required to appear and answer
or otherwise plead to the complaint
filed against you in the above en
titled suit, on or before the 17th
day of March MHO, which is the
time prescribed in the order of the
Circuit Judge for said County and
Stnte, pursuant to which summons
is published, in which you are re
quired to appear, answer or plead;
and if you fail to so appear, answer
or plead, the plaintiff will apply to
t io Court for the relief demanded
in th complaint therein, to-wit:
For a decree of this Court reform
ing a certain deed executed and de
livered by the defendant to plain
tiff, so as to include eighty acres of
land omitted t hei efrom throug the
mutual mistake of said parties, and
decreeing that plaintiff is the own
er in fee simple of the West half of
the Southwest quarter and the West
half of the Northwest quarter of
Section ten, Twp. twelve-South,
Range sixteen East, W. M Crook
County, State of Oregon, free from
all encumbrances, and for such other
and further relief as may seem equi
table to the Court in the premises.
This summons is published pur
suant to an order of Hon. T. E, J.
Duffy, Circuit Judge for Crook
County, State of Oregon, made on
the 2nd day of February, j91(5.
Tho date of the first publication
of this summons is the 8rd day of
February, 191(5.
L. M. Bochtell, Attorney for
Plaintiff. 12t5c.
nd Us Your
It makes no difference what you want, send
your orders to us. We fill every order com
plete if the goods can be had in the city.
No matter whether it is in our line or not.
Prompt Service Right Price
ft ' . i ' l - 1 .
Prince Albert
meets men's tastes
all over the world!
The patented pixcess makes
Prince Albert so good in a pipe
or rolled into a cigarette that
its popularity is now uni
versal ! It satisfies all smoke
desires ! This patented process,
which also removes bite and
parch, is controlled by us! No
other tobacco can be like
the national joy smoke
Listen :
It i ur to chanv th tkap
nd color of unMUbU bruicb
to imttat the (Vines Albert
tidy red tin, but it it imponiM
n imiUt. tk n.. t
Albrri tobacco The patttnUdl
protects that I
Men who have stowed away gentle old jimmy pipes
for years, have brought them back to the tune of
Prince Albert 1 Get yours out, for your confidence
never will be abused I We tell you Prince Albert will
set pipe free the tenderest tonsue I
And smoked in a makin's cigarette, Prince Albert is so
refreshing and delightful that it gives you a new idea of
cigarette happiness. Any way you fire-up Prince Albert, it
will win you quick as a flash it's so good and so friendly !
R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO, Winston-Salem, N. C.
Princ Albert can b bought
uryuAr fooocco ij motd
in toppy red baga, Sc t tidy
rmd tint, 70c; handtomm
pound and half-pound tin
humidor and in that clotty
pound cryttat-glant humidor
With 9pong-moittmnmr top
that kps thm fooucco in
ucA fine condition
My Entire
Stock of
Excellent Values
Mrs. Estes'
Millinery Parlors
i U".. 1 "
Hello I Say, do you know
the Pilot Butte Telephone
Company has more miles
of line and a larger num
ber of subscribers than any
other telephone company
in Crook county and a
cheaper rates? Telegraph
connection is made at Red
mond with all outside
points. Main office Prine
ville, Oregon.
i- v i (
r if
) 1, I ' ll
Central Oregon News
Notes of Interest
Continued from page 1.
check- for $18 in payment for the
bill of about $3. There wasn't
money enough in the whole town to
cash the pay check, and the man
had to take another check for
'"change," and come to Madras to
get that cashed .Madras Pioneer.