CROOK COUNTY JOURAL Here's A Cleanup! All the well known makes of soap are found in this gro cery store. You can bay in quantity and save money, not only in soap, but in many other things. We will be pleased to serve you. t x : t MRS. I. MICHEL TheCitv Otto Hodges is visiting relatives in Bend this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Milton of Sis ters, were in Prineville Saturday. Born, to the wife of Roy Apple gate at Albany, on February 9, a boy. John Holland was in Prineville Friday making proof on his home stead. Tom O'Kelly of Roberts was in the city the last of the week on business. Mrs. Will McFarland and her sis ter Miss Cudd, were recently called east by the death of their father. George Dixon, J. P. Daug'aerty and H. A. Kelly returned from a trip to Portland the last of the week. Mrs. J. 0. Wall returned the last of the week from Hood River where ehe spent several weeks visiting relatives. J. L. Gibson of Powell Butte was in the city the-last of the week. He says that a great number of rab bits are being poisoned in the Powell Butte country and that they are often found dead in the irrigation canals which create a very unsani tary condition. Commissioner H. J. Overturf was in the city yesterday in attendance at a call meeting of the county court. Engineers have estimated that at the present rate of flow in the Ochocc, the reservoir which is con templated for the Ochoco project would be filled in less than sixty days. Edwin Sundquist and Miss Anna Grimsbo were married in Belle Fourche, South Dakota, on January 31. Mr. Sundquist is the son of C. J. Sundquist of this city and has many friends in this vicinity. March 4, is the date set for the "Merry Milk Maids," a play that will be given by the Prineville Pub lic Schools under the direction of Miss M. Bilyeu. It is a good play, given in a good cause, and merits your support. Miss Sykes, of the domestice science department of the local high school, entertained a number of guests at dinner Tuesday evening." Those present were Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Cornett. Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Elkins, Mrs. I. Michel, Arthur Michel and Warren Brown. Those! present expressed themselves as having had a very pleasant hour. J. A. Sager was in Prineville yesterday from Robert. Mr. and Mrs. K. S. Dixon are in Prineville this week. Mrs. Adeline Yancey whs a busi ness visitor at Redmond last night. Mrs. L. Nichols left today to spend a few days with her parents at Grimes Flat. The newly elected board of direc tor for the Ochoco Irrigation Dis trict are holding their first meeting this afternoon. H. H. DeArniond, republican candidate for district attorney, was in Prineville on legal business Mon day. Attorney N. G. Wallace and son Herman returned from Portland Tuesday, where they went on business. Don't forget the smoker tonight at the Commercial Club. Every man in the city is supposed to be there. ' There is a pipe and tobacco for everyone. ; A "500" party was given at the i home of Mrs. H. A. Lippman yes terday afternoon by Mrs. Lippman and Mrs. Minger. The prize for the afternoon was won by Mrs. Hodges. Refreshments were served to those present. The Dreacher at the Methodist church on Sunday will be the Rev. ! H.O.Perry. As Mr. Perry is the J District superintendent, it is ex pected that a large congregation will assemble at both service. After the evening service, the second quarterly conference will be held. Rev. Perry will also preach at Grimes Chapel Sunday at 2:30 p. m. A great surprise to her many friends was the announcement of the engagement of Miss Goldie Wagner to Lewis A. brunvold. of Portland, made at a pretty card! party given in her honor by Mrs. Er..est Wagner, Monday evening, February 14. The invitation list included. Misses Stella and Doily Hodges. Statira Biggs, AltaMinton, Leola Entes, Maude Bilyeu, Ruth Hawley, Mvrtle Jo Jeffries. Agnes Elliott, Goldic Wagner and the hostess. , t.. j . , Here is a piece of pie that is go ing begging at the democratic lunch counter the postmastership at Bakeoven, Wasco county Oregon. None wants the job and the indica tions are the citizens of that com munity will soon be without a post office for the reason no person can be found to eat the pie. The Dalles Chronicle. Are Your Hens Laying Eggs or are they Non-Producing For the Lack of Proper Winter Foods and Attention? HOW TO GET MORE EGGS In winter a regular system of feeding should be adopted nnd steadily adhered to throughout. Give your hens a comfortable shelter withl plenty of light; keep dry, clean and well ventilated, but avoid draughts of cold air. Feed regularly a variety of good clean food. Table scraps thickened with bran.'Jboilcd together, are also very good in winter, to which add a teaspoon full of DR. HESS' POULTRY PAN-A-CE-A as directed. Give in a mash of wheat, bran and shorts which should con stitute the morning feed. In winter give warm. Small grain should be thrown among chaff, which will compel the fowls to exercise. Keep fowls well supplied with fresh water and plenty of grit, bone or oyster shell. Keep your hens free fro, i lice by adding DR. HESS INSTANT LOUSE KILL ER in the dust bath every other week. DR. HESS' POULTRY AND STOCK FOOD AND REMEDIES 1 1.21b. pUg. Poultry (Pan-a-Ce-a, to make hens lay ' ' 25c 3 lb. pkg. Poultry Pan- Ce-a, to make hens lay '. 50c ' 1 lb. can Instant Louse Killer 25c 2 lb. pkg. Stock Food and Tonic 25c INTRODUCING GOLD ROOSTER PLAYS AND A ew Era in Motion Pictures TO PRINEVILLE PATRONS The Frohrnan Amusement Corporation Offers "0 STJ Q WW Wk EsBN jev9x t l El an a stall .awv t eJHIMl3fiaVCieSII IN FIVE PARTS from the Famous Play by Alfred Sutro FEATURING C. Aubrey Smith, Mary Lawton AND AN ALL STAR CAST Saturday and Sunday February 19 and 20, 1916 OTHER GOLD ROOSTtR PLAYS COMING The Galloper, The Beloved Vagabond, At Bay, Excuse Me, Madame X, Mary's Lamb, Nedra, The Weavers Representative and Mrs. Vernon A. Fybes were' in Prineville the first f thp week. Miss Pearl Russell, who has been ill for the past two months is able to be up again, and was in this city Saturday with her mother. Tht ladies of the Presbyterian Church will give a 'Veen tea" at the delicatessen parlors of Mrs. Pol lard on St. Patrick's Day March 17. Everybody, -men, women and children are invited. Silvre offcr- NOTICE OF CONTEST. Department of the Interior, U . S. Land office at The Dalles, Oiegon, January 28, 1916. To Ray M. Hodge, of Prineville, Oregon, Contestee: You are hereby notified that TilMe M. Ritner, who gives Prineville, Oregon, as his postoffice address, did on January 13, 1916, file in this fiirc his duly corroborated application to co itest and secure the cancellation of your homestead, Serial No. 010884, made November 14, 1912, f-r SiNEj, Section 34, WiNWl, Section .'15. Twp. 16-South, Range IK-East, W. M., and as grounds for his contest, he alleges that said Ray M. Hodge has wholly abandoned sajd tract of land for over three years past; that he has wholly failed to reside upon, improve or cultivate said tract of land as required 'by law for ovei three years last past. Yen are, therefore, further noti fied that the said allegations will be taken as confessed, and your entry will be canceled without further right to be heard, either before this oifice or on appeal, if you fail to file in this office within twenty days after the fourth publication of this notice, as shown below, your answer, under oath, Hpcrtically responding to these allegations of contest, together with due proof that you have served a copy of your answer on the said contestant either in person or by registered mail. You should state in your answer the name of the postoffice to which you desire future notices to be sent to you. H. Frank Woodcock, Register, i Date of first publication Febru I ary 3. j Date of second publication Febru jary 10.,. Date of third publication Febru ary 1.7. I Date of fourth publication Febru ary 21. A few new records will bring hours of new pleasuie from the old phono graph. If you have no machine buy one now. These prices are as low as the quality will permit 12 in. double ditc, blue label rec, reg. price $1.25 now $1.00 10 in. double diic. blue label roe. rug. pric 75c, now .55 12 in. double ditc, regular record, rag. price $1.00, now 80 10 in. double ditc, regular record, reg. price .65, now 45 4 minute cylinder records, regular price .50, now 35 2 minute cylinder record, regular price .35, now 25 D. P. Adamson & Co. Prineville. Oregon 7 lb. pkg. Stock Food and Tonic...... 65c 12 lb. pkf. Stock Food and Tonic 1.00 25-lb. pail Stock Food and Tonic .... . 2.25 1 qt can Sheep Dip and Disinfectant 50c 1-2 gaL can Sheep Dip and Disinfectant 75c 1 gal. can Shep Dip and Disinfectant 1.50 Call and get free samples of Poultry Pan-ace-a and Instant Louse Killer 0. C. Claypool & Company I PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS ; ! y n .i i I it- in i i.i1 i .iii, ""a v . .i, ,i. 3 iShipp & Perry 1 If Dealers in Lumber, ShingleH, Mould inpt, Doors, Windows, 2 i Olacfl, Faints and Oils, lluheroid Hoofing, Urmiinentul I' ending. A Dollar in the Bank ' rv" " Is worth two in the hand, because it is safer. It soon grows and begins to work for you. We pay 4 per cent interest on time deposit. Crook County Bank, Prineville, Or. V