Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, February 10, 1916, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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squaw ' ' , . , ;
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UK 1016 CaHlosS n I'lnnlpf'
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I'rower should have, ft ltd derm
i'lv tArm, t;ortr tMl I'lt.-wi-r f fi foul V
m l riinllinu til Itir rtfliro"I.O Um
i.aOrct.oc!ir...Aih Kur CiUrtk-g No.
itmiSE ten sns bowsh ww s :
,uT.-i iV .tint! i I r t"1"
Farmers Institute to
Be Held in February
continued frmn wi 1.
iiy an 1 a -large atn-ndtmee it ov
peeted itl tarh cum. Mr. tiiis wii,
ln'iriii at (l:r',') mill In1 rmitinunl
throughout, tiic ilny. There will In
M")iit thliiif 1'ir Imih tin" far.
rn -r I !') f'tr-n -re.' wive . the.e
lueet.ii:;r , T:i!;e one da) off ivu ;
ii ; t. ( i j ; J the miv! is'.jj rv!i:'i' I .Vn'i.
All ill"- ill!f!V td ill I'l'! ri'"'-v-
in.f iiml m ;r!:i'tiMf of p itnloes will
It:- h -ne'ih-d Iiy iHli-ii lin;; Vi- m..-i-t-
iut; of tin' I (cti-huti-s V'ii!t-y I'ulatii
Orvvvi-l'M1 AxMifini i'Mi at Hi-dimum
mi Mutnlay. A iliscii :iii of viu ic
tiis, 1'iiltui'nl method. ii'ri;iiitinh,
liarvi'tinif ami nun keiintf tliis iTcp
will hv tnlii n up ami h pfcial
inly of potato tliht H'iis with prt
Vt'lltul lVl-8 Ullil run will l)t nillilc.
I'A-ery nuin jrrowinst potatof-.s
hIii'uK! present nt tluse meet in's.
A. K. Lovett. Ciunty Aricu!tiirist.
Meetings Close at
the Christian Church
Continued from mk 1.
I'hnreh lui.i In-en streiijjtht'm-d and
helped in m iny ways.
The KvantftdUU left early Monday
niorniiiR for Hedland.-i, I'alifoniin,
where they ttre to hold a meeting.
The very hest feeling and good
wishes of the ('huroh here Roes with
these yountf men and it is to be
hoped their future work will prove
Kveryone isspeukinu in thehiph-
fMt term of their work and too
mueh cuit not Im wild of the good
hut Iiuh been wrompliHhed with
;.heir imsiHtunec, not oidy for the
loirul ehurch organization, but all
f i'rineville. More peofih- are con
liilering Chriirtinnity flnd talking it,
:han ever before.
Xevernl elements have made this
victory powible, Among thru1 may
tin Fpeeified the large and attentive
.iiidieneen at the meeting. An
average of more than 200 people
cik-Ii nervie listened appreeiativi ly
to th" Hermoim. Another thing was
the liberality of everyone in giviru
to the meeting. The ehureh heartily
appreciated the large offerings to
M.e work, and takes thin opportunity
j tjmnk those nfliliating with uh in
- Hplen lid work.
It iHonly fairness tu them -mbers
f tiie Chi i .tiun Chiiieh to any ti at
hi barmonioiiH loyalty of the
:un-li membership eontribute l in
, Hinull way to Htiecew. There i
doubt that the impelling fjircci
;' the revival wi re this masterly
rnions, presented clearly, logically,
1 1 lovingly by the evangelist. The
real choir muxt aluo realize that
,ie song service wat always anpecial
Mture to be comrni'iuled. The u.;c
f the l.jrir Theatre building and,
ne cordial cooperation ' of Mr.
Morgan in loa.iing his room for the
tw i greil men'rt iw eting and Ihe
:re;it women's mi'iting will not
.o ni be forgotten by the Christian
irople. And latt but not lea-t, w
nir-1 s,:ty that w- firmly b'H.'Ve
riewpiiper fi Ivei li .ing pay. a and we
,'eel in let-1 grati fy! for the geru'i-oiiti
I'.t 'e Kiven t i report.- of the meet
nig front time to lime,- (leo. II.
(5KI7.I.V NO I KS.
I'. M. -r ent ,-rtuim d a few
of his eboieii friend at a "five
hu,-it!.-el" parly l'iiur.silay evening,
January 7. I'l'einpi ly at MX o'eloek
th' you.'.g im-n arrived and were at
once m liei i d into the dining room
where a bounteous awaited
tin-in. The meal wan prepared by
the htt hinwlf, and it would have
made a French chef envious to look
upon. "Five hundred" waxenjoyed
until a late hour when refreshments
were nerved. Thus.- present were:
Carl New bill, I'earl Lytle, Glenn
Chitwood, (leorge Hland and Vernon
Cold weather still continues Hiid
the mercury lingers around zero
most of the time. Snow falls almost
Seh'xil has been closed indefinitely
on account of the mid weather.
William 1'h.nih -n and K, VV. Smith
shipped a carload of hogs the first
of the week.
I'earl and Ruby Lytic were visit
ing at the home of Hob Newbil on
Thursday and Friday of last week
Fred Davis, who was postmaster
at Madras for eight years, died of
tuberculosis in Colorado last Tuesday.
Sophomore Play
Coming February 16
Wednesday evening. February 19,
the Sophomore cIiwm of C. C, II. S.
will present the farce comedy, "Our
I.ysander," at the Lyric Theatre In
connection with the regular picture
T'ne play should b greatly en
joyed by everyone. The leading
character, Mrs. Wagitaff, present s
a doting mother who luis no control
over her children, but iB constantly
talking of herdt termination to have :
them mind her. II. r 1:01, Lysander, ,
the "terror" of the occasion, gets j
in all soiU of trouble his
father appear on the scene and
meets out a little of Solomon's pre
scription. "In the days of famine," a V'ito-
graph ,'5-part story of the great
frozen north, and a mirth-making
comedy, "The Ilypnotis Monkey," t
are the picture attractions. An a 1- j
mission of 15 ana 2 cents will be '
charged. , j
Seed Us
Vl ft oi rv
Mail U
Chirnpraclic Ph)ricin
Cornell Rldg.
Prineville, Oregon
Kidney Trouble
Most people liuvn it. , causes weak backs, rheumatic pains,
urinary disorders, etc, You have trted everything,, NO RKLIF.K. '
Chiropractic removes the cause. Lay aside prejudice (the child of
ignoruiicu) and investigate.
Commission House
Dealers in all kinds of
Hay, Grain, Flour and Feed. Forwarding Storage
and Commission Buyers of Hides, Pelts
and Furs
Baptist Home Circle j
Meeting Tuesday
The Baptist Home and Foreign '
Missionary Circle met Tuefday
afternoon at the home of Mr. J.,
W. H Jt igan. An interetlne; progra-n
was rendered an 1 enj iycl by all
present. TV:i, coffee an 4 cake was
served in the dining room by the
omm'ttee, consisting of M..-lamcs
II irigun; Su-wart, l twellan l Ay.-rs.
Ri" si!v-r offering a.-.i-ontel t
Tiie circle adj i'.irned to meet at
tiie h m? of Mr.-i. Stew irt on Mari h
Packing Company
Buys Harney Land
Centimied from page 1.
future railroad development.
It is proposed to extend irrigation
cansJs now on the proerty and to .e nv.-mpy cr1 marrby lands,
using the same canals where possible
for both irrigation and drainage
With the big ranches subdivided
into small tracks, it is believed
Harney county faces a new agricul
tural future.
The property acquired by the
Ki.stern Oregon Cattle company lies
about 00 miles south of Burns. It
extends lit? miles west from Maheur
lake, its width from three-quarters
of a mile to five and six miles.
The proposed Strahorn railroad
to central Oregon will traverse
parts of the property and with the
extensions of the line now under
construction westward from Vale,
the lands will be served from the
east. This road has now reached
In the deal recently concluded,
W. II. Craven represented the
The present state of development
of tiie properties is due to the. un
tiring efforts of William Hanley
and Henry L. Corbett. Tom Allen,
ex-sheriff of Harney county, has
had immediate charge of the land
for them.
Including stock on the several
ranches the 140,000 acres in the big
tract are estimated to be worth
close to $3,000,000.
It makes no difference what you want, send
your orders to us. We fill every order com
plete if the goods can be had in the city.
No matter whether it is in our line or not.
Prompt Service Right Price
Too Late to Classify
F..-TUAY1 J)--- About February 1, a
.yellow and white Jer.-ty cow,
1 "C" on rhht jaw. No-!
., -t A '
All. V
a a
C. F. $Yrri:i, lYim-vUie, and
I m Ule d.i
There is called Tuesday evening,
the 1st day of February, 1916, at
8 o'clock, at Sanford Hall, Madras,
a meeting of all of those in favor
of Madras, for the permanent County
Seat of Jefferson County, to get
together to perfect an organization,
and elect officers thereof, its pur
pose being to attend to all matters
pertaining to the question of "Mad
ras for County Seat," during the
coming ' campaign. Committee.
Madras Pioneer.
It is said that District Attorney
Meyers of Jefferson County, assisted
by John W. Jones, city marshal of
Madras, compiled a list of 61 names,
which were posted in the depots in
that county, as "habitual drunk
ards." They are busy now explain
ing why and how it was done.
In tlu- Cireitit Court of the Srate
of Oregon for Crook County.
Mrs. C. McPherson. Plaintiff, vs.
Hujdi Colburn McPherson, Defen
dant. To Hugh Coiburn McPherson,
the above named defendant:
In the name of the Slate of Ore
gon: You are hereby summoned
find required to appear and answer
or otherwise plead to the complaint
liied agaihstvoii in ihe above en
titled suit, on or before the 17th
day of March 1916, which is the
time pies -ribed in the order of the
Circuit Judge for said County and
State, pursuant to which summons
is published, in which you are re
quired to appear, answer or plead;
and if you fail to so appear, answer
or plead, the plaintiff will apply to
the Court for the relief demanded
in th complaint therein, to-wit:
For a dt-cref of this Court reform
ing a certain deed executed and de
livered by the defendant to plain
tiff.'so as to include eighty acres of
hind omitted theiefrom throug the!
mutual mistake of said parties, and
decreeing that plaintiff is the own
er in fee simple of the West half of
the Southwest quarter and the West
half of the Northwest quarter of
Section ten, Twp. twelve-South,
Range sixteen East, W. M., Crook
County, State of Oregon, free from
all encumbrances, and for such other
and further relief as may seem equi
table to the Court in the premises.
This summons is published pur
suant to an order of Hon. T. K. J.
Duffy, Circuit Judge for Crook
County, State of Oregon, made on
the 2nd day of February, lOll'v
The date of the first publication
of this summons is the 3rd day of
February, 1916.
L. M. Bechtell, Attorney for
Plaintiff. 12t5c.
, . ". ' C . ii'l-.y' 4....:- jo - -iv. .cl 1 ' . j
"V" y ' 3
' v 'a- Prineville Drug Co , Prineville. Oregon . j
Vnf..,iu ml it I'liilM) i i iii hi ' - ' ' '
. A
I OilipJ 00 rci i y
I I:
i! 1'ealer in uimner, cntngtes, .iouiutng, luur?, it iuu-jw?, w
ji Glass, Paints and Oils, Ruberoid Roofing, Ornamental Fending,
That cough by using our White Pine and Tar (mentol
ated) Cough Syrup
"Our Name Your Assurance of Best Quality"
Exclusive NYAL Store
My Entire
Stock of
Excellent Values
rs. Estes'
Millinery Parlors
A Dollar in the Bank
Is worth two in the hand, because it is safer.
It soon grows and begins to work for you.
Crook County Bank, Prineville, Or.
Hello ! Say, do you know
the Pilot Butte Telephone
Company has more miles
of line and a larger num
ber of subscribers than any
other telephone company
in Crook county and a
cheaper rates? Telegraph
connection is made at Red
mond with all outside
points. Main office Prine
ville, Oregon.
V!""' 1 '8