Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, February 10, 1916, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    Page 4
Our Grocery Store Is
Headquarters For th
Horn of Plenty
Douglas Lawson is in Bond this
E. H. Smith ia in the city today
from Howard.
Van Brink returned from Port
land yesterday.
Saturday is a loyal Holiday,
Lincoln's birthday.
John T. Wheeler returned from a W
trip to Bend yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cram of
Roberts were in the eity the of
I the week.
I Mrs. Campbell of Hedmond spent
j Sunday in this eity visiting with
jl er daughter. Miss lunvcna.
I C. M. Redtield and Rosooo Howard
of Deschutes wi re in the eity the
i'r;t of the week on business.
j Rev. Van Nuys was called toPaul
jina yesterday and will not preach
!at the Tresbyterian church next
Are Your Hens Laying Eggs or are they Non-Producing
For the Lack of Proper Winter Foods and Attention?
YL " .L! .L. 'Sunday
line of staple and fancy groceries
come and see us or telephone.
Careful attention paid to all orders. Our stock
is complete.
Oar motto is "THE 'BEST ONE Y!"
The City
I Eorn. to the wife of E. Shroy en
! January "1, a girl.
Born, to the wife of G. P. Reams Dr. Chas. P. Edwards teas in
on Friday, a tmy. j Portland on business the last of the
G. W. Siayton returned from a'we-i4-trip
to Portland the last of the week. ! There will be preaebinjr. at
Mr. and M-rs. C. W. Elkins rc-!Grim.'s Ch-tpel on Sunday at 2 p.
turned from a trip to Portland
0. B. Gray was in the city the
last of the week. While hire he
purchased a Buiek six from the
Inland Auto Company.
v. j. serum it oi Hiiisboro was
in the city the first of the week
looking after his interests here. Mr.
Schmidt says that he thinks the
m. Sunday school as usual. E. C. :
Newham, PaUr.
People owninjr lanf ia the Dry
Creek country south of Prineville
ae considering the matter of form
ing an irrigation district for the ;
, j purpose of . irrigating their lands.
Joe Bryson, who has been winter-'
ing on the Mays Ranch five miles
south of this eity on Crooked River, !
Mrs. Thomas htrp returned yes
terday from Portland whore she has 1
jbeen for the past six w eeks or mere, ,
, visiting relatives. j
I Mrs. R. L. Jordan, and little son'
: returned yesterday from San Fran
' eiseo where they have been for '
some time. i
Herbert Hamilton returned to
: his home in this eity the first of he'l
. week, after taking a six weeks
j course in dairying at 0. A. C.
Charles L. Fo.-tt r and family of
Portland arrived in thic city recent
ly, and will make their home on the
Bland place northwest of this city.
: George Nolan was in the city
'yesterday from his ranch mar Pest.
. lie js in favor of bounty n' jark-
rabbits, and says that unless some
thing is d-iiie, there will he but lit
tle left for the farriers soon.
The t pi 1 ov ". ,? a;' the
Methodist ('hrucli will be, "The
Brook That Drie I Up." The voting
people's class lias undertaken the,
choir work at the Sunday Scrvijo i
at too .w.' uiureti and is
rendering go! service.
Regular services at the Christian
Church next Sunday. Bible school
at 9:30. Don't forget the time.
In winter a regular system of feeding should be adopted and
steadily adhered to throughout. Give your hens a comfortable
shelter withl plenty of light; keep dry, clean and well ventilated,
but avoid draughts of cold air. Feed regularly a variety of
good clean food. Table scraps thickened with bran, Ixuled
together, are also very good in winter, to which add a teaspoon
full of DR. HESS POULTRY PAN-ACE-A as directed.
Give in a mash of wheat, bran and shorts which should con
, stitute the morning feed. In winter give warm. Small grain
should be. thrown among chaff, which will compel the fowls to
exercise. Keep fowls well supplied with fresh water and
plenty of grit, bone or oyster shell. Keep your hens free
from lice by adding DR. HESS' INSTANT LOUSE KILL
ER in the dust bath every other week.
1 1-2 ib. pkg. Poultry Psn-a-Ce-n, to make 7 lb. pkg. Stock Food and Tonic 63c
0 HT 'a,r V " o 25 12ll P- Stock Food and Tonic .... 1.00
3 lb. pkjr. I oultry Pn-a Ce-a, to make 25-ib. pail Stock Food nd 2 25
hem lay. . ... 50c 1 qt. can Sheep Dip and Disinfectant 50c
1 t T lcSta,nt r 7e ll-' 1'2 SaL Can S!,P D n1 Di.i,,fect-nt 73c
2 lb. pkg. Stock lood andlomo 25c 1 H,. can Sbep Dip and Diwnfettant 1.50
Call and goi free samples of Poultry lm-acc-a nd Instant Lou.ic Killer
. C. Claypool & Company
winter has been much more, severe will go to the ranch on Camp Creek' TT" . 1 . "
Christian Endeavor snoriul nroirram
The meeting of the Oregon Cattle jat 6:30- &Mljng worship at 7.3n
and . Horse,. Raisers Association, I rr u v nwin i k
day morning after an illness of which was to have been held in Baker 1 1.,' ' '., i;..,: , .
"as will sing at all the nroaehinir ser-
daysj . p it,,,.. .IKtl,r
in the Willamette Valley than in Saturday.
Central Oregon.
Lee Miller died at Paulina yester-
Mr. Miller has been : the first week in this month,
several months
in business at that point for years,
where he was chief owner of the L.
been postponed until the first
of May. A large delegation
M. Miller & Co. Store. He had been ; stockmen from this part of the state I T,le permanent
suffering from Bright's disease for will no doubt be able to attend the
sometime and his death was not unexpected.
voters at the court house has bei n
Departmi nt of the' Interior, U. S.
Land otliee at The Dalles, Oiegon,
January 2.H, l!)lt.
To Ray M. Hodge, of Prineville,
Oregon, Contested
You are hereby notified that
Tillie M. Ritner,
wh'o gives Prineville, Oregon, as
his postofliee address, did on January
l:!, l'Ufi, file in this . (lice his duly
corroborated application to coitest
registration of j juuJ secure the cancellation of your
low to date, only about 100 register
ing since the first of the year
when the books opened. Of this
number, a liberal percentage are
women voters, and the
meeting at that time.
H. C. Orrick died at his home on
A reception will be given to all Mill Creek on February 3, and
those who came forward during the 'burial was had in Mill Creek Come
recent revival meeting, next Fri- terv on the afh ?rnnon of the follow-
day (tomorrow) pvpnino- at tho ' in.-r A i rw;,.i, ci f I feature of the, 'matter is the fact
Christian Church A program of 'age at the time of his death. He had that a,J,mt half the voters are
music and speeches is being pre- been confined to his bed for three ! ,icmocrats' amonB th,e a,rea,y
pared. The Church desires to see ! months oast, and death was caused reg'8teml- Keist,r
avoid me rusn.
homestead, Serial No. 010S84, made
every member and all the new ones !by a general
present at the reception. I system.
breakdown of the
November 11, 1912, ' for SiNK'l,
Section 34, WJNWi, Section Ho.
Twp. lfi-South. Range lM-Kust, W.
M., and as grouiids for his contest,
he alleges that said Ray M. Hodge
unusual ! has whidly abandoned said tract of
land for over three years last past;
that he has wholly failed to reside
upon, improve or cultivate said tract
of land as required by law for over
and i three years last past.
You are. therefore, further noti
fied that the said allegations will be
taken as confessed, and your entry
will be canceled without further
right to be heard, either before
this odice or on appeal, if you . fail
t,. fil,. in thic ,.fi,.,,. ;.!,: i.
u. lowen. me trip was made in .i... .
I The Invincible Sunday School
Class-of the Baptist Church met for
their business and social meeting
Monday evening at the home of J,
During the next 30 days I expect a. number of parties
coming here from the outside who' will be interested in
farming lands.
If you want to sell, rent or trade list your property
with me. I will give same my personal attention.
I Have Money to Loan
Large or Small Amounts
on improved or unimproved farms.
and talk it over.
Redmond, Oregon
Real Estate and Insurance
X ri ii i i .
liur. rowen s car, slow out sure,
with Oliver with the lines drawn by
: a span vf good horses. An enjoyable
evening was spent by all present.
' Refreshments were 'served' by the
refreshment committee, Mrs. J. O.
Powell-and Mrs.' Stella Sears, a.
;sisted by 'Miss Gladys Bates. These
; present -were?: Mesdames J. O. and
AT. D. Powell, Dowell, Stewart,
I Dobbs,. Horigan, Johnson, Sarah
iT. B. Zell, Wilson. Wolf. Hardimr.
I Stearns, and Sears, Misses Bates,
Dowell and Wilson, Messrs. J. O.
;and M. D. Powell, Dowell, Stewart,
I Dobbs, Horigan, Johnson, Zell, and
' Houston, Masters Roland and Gor
: dan Stearns.
i Owing to the scarcity of hay,
several of our stockmen have taken
their cattle to the Prineville country
to feed through the remainder of
the winter.
Mrs. J. M. Hayes who has been
very ill with the la grippe, is much
Eight inches of show fell here
on the first day of February, and j
indications are now very favorable
for a good corp this season.
wis notice, as shown below, your
answer, under, oath, spec Heal ly
responding to these allegations of
coldest,' together with "due, "proof
that you have served a copy of your
answer on the said contestant either
in person or by 'registered mail . .
You should state jn your answer
the name of the postofliee to which
you desire future notices to be sent
to you.
H.' Frank Woodcock, Register! ;
Date of first publication Febru-i
ary 3. '
Date of second publication Febru
ary 10.
Date of third publication- Febru
ary 17.
Date of fourth publication Febru
ary 24.
A few new records will bring hours
of new pleasuie from the old phono
graph. If you have no machine buy
one now. These prices are as low
as the quality will permit
12 in. double dic, blua label rc, ref. pric $1.25 now ... $1.00
10 in. double dic. blue label rec. reg. price 75c, now 55
12 in. double di.e, regular record, reg. price $1.00, now 80
10 in. double diic, regular record., reg. price .65, now 45
4 minute cylinder record., regular price ,50, now 36
t2 minute cylinder record., regular price .35, now 23
D. P. Adamson & Co.
I Prineville, Oregon
I take orders for Men's
Cleaning, Pressing and
Tailoring promptly done.
I also buy Misfit Clothing.
Now turn
page 3
to the classified ads on
Now Is the Time to
Have Your Cars Overhauled
and ready for springWe are not agents
for any make and aim to treat all alike.
We have the best equipped shop in town
for general work. Prices as reasonable as
we can possibly keep them.
Give us a Trial and Be Convinced