CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL PAGE 3 General Work SPECIALTY. Call on u Building. WRIGHT PRINEVILLE, , Community will be made as fast as we can assemble ft car. Please let us know what you have to ship and how soon it will be ready. We will buy or ship for you on very liberal terms. Don't foil to make use of our free WE BUY EVERYTHING Redmond Warehouse Co, FARMER'S WAREHOUSE, Redmond, Oregon Watches, Clocks, Diamonds and Jewelry Call on or write SMITH, the Jeweler Percy R. Smith WHY BUY YOUR STUFF N Prineville Meat Market PORTLAND FitMing ih. B.fTm.i City Meat Market J. W. HORIGAN, Prop. . Choice Home-Made Hams, Bacon and Lard Fresh Fish Fruit and Vegetable in Season The First National Bank of PRINEVILLE, OREGON Resources Over Half Million This bank is pleased to place at the disposal of its customers the facilities gained during its twenty seven years of , continuous service and growth B. F. ALLEN. Pre". WILL WURZWEILER, Vice Pres. T. M. BALDWIN, Cashier II. BALDWIN, Asst. Cashier E. R. MORRIS, Asst.. Cashier The Journal does Modern Printing on Short Notice Repair ON FURNITURfc., UPHOL STERING, AUTOMOBILE PAINTING; HOUSE PAINT ING, PAPER HANGING A in the J. F. Morris BROS., OKtGON Shipments When you can get it for less in PRINEVILLE O You can get il for less at our shop. and Oysters m km mm' i UH1QUE m Cltsw That lias Enr.n fnrrnirs 'of a Ti.ii J cf a C.r.Jui y r.ED BH&EYLISn ''(: i tl'f ' 1 1 y way to f;:t l!i; rii.h ta lc of tin: t,..i'co le.'if. I the only f'ir.'fi of toiwi i" w 1 1 i h y.u K't the Ii.if u; J'i.uure made it b tits SIlIK Jul in. A clicw (.1 Sueur Il k! i.'.t; tiA'tcco ia! a v.'rni'Tlii fijvi nr h a i you v, ill t.cic 111 any lievrr (ho iiirl never ether to '1 hut f'ur 1 l ml (iavor U wi'tue, wWuv, fruity, eveil;eliiiY 'Jvlicious HIHl date Ivimi;, Sjicuf lii.i'l liM t-'! f.un for B third of a century a., tnc illicit, tasti est f (l.f'Vi. It's 'f gun-ripened, red P.iir- loy. A. id it's j roi'incl ly the most modern rut .hods, nimli develop the In ,t I'jtts tiaver of t!: li-af to the iu prenif device. It is (mfr:tnrt-l at very step in it$ tnakin;?. 1 lie fin-iory is clean ai.d Mil itary the proe.Ms arc pure-food pro Ccsv.:v V hrn t!ic rl'iiff red Biiiley hai been pressed in'o n;, sweet Secnr Head (itucs you have a that simply can't be tq '.tailed. Spear Head is the high quality chew cf the v.Dild. Try Spear Head you'U never Strain be fatisficd with any other chew. In 10c cuti, wrapped in wax paper. 4Hii Ml t NEWS FROM THE SCHOOLS X C. C. H. S. NOTES. Robert W. Osborn, Editor. Second in the series of Senior talks was an able address by Miss Gladys Bayne, on the subject of "Simplified Spelling. " Miss Bayne very forcibly explained the alue of simplified spelling, its adaption to the primary grades which in the later case would do much to elimi nate the confusion of the younger minds in learning words similar in pronunciation, but spelled differei t- ly. A five course banquet, managed by the girls of the Home Economics l-iuo, was served w me oeimierg .I.., . .... I . . . .1 I ... and coaches Tuesday evening, and thethe 23rd day of February 1910, and trys now fm to think thtt 1 the further sum of $38. 20 cost. Domestic Science is a mighty good i Alexander Scott, plaintiff, vs. A. study for girls. The evening was i7Hf''Tu'i' n''a,t or tne sum . ... . . , I $7400 with interest at 6 per cent given over to discussion and plans ; annnm from th? 2Slh ()ay of for the campaign against The Dalles, May 1913, together with $'JC70 which will probably be February 4.1 costs. At this time, Yancey and Prewitt will nnnear in The Dalles ami Ram- i i- -ni u i- .u sey and Rice will be heard in the local debate. Mr. Baughman is much interested in having a single session high sc-hool. In explanation, a single ;8'u ; . . , J J. ilake McKittenck et al defend session means convening school at . ants for the sum of $1675 65 wjth 8 a. m., and running the 8 periods interest at the rate of 10 per cent straight through until 1 p. m. This j from the 9th day of April 1910, Kvt..m hu mnnv irod nninta mid ad the further sum of$125.00 with . . , .. , . e "-hi. Hum inr liin nay 01 April to give it a trial, it may be expert- 1910 and the further sumof $21.95 mented upon. J cost, and accruing costs. Near the close, of "Fanny's; Notice is hereby given that I will, Dilemma," when troubles are being on Saturday, the 18th day of March, adjusted, the discovery is made that ' 1916, a the North front door of the Lord Vernon's aunt was a washer-: courthouse, in Prineville in said wo mar, and after the way Fanny I county, at 10 o'cloek - in has been scored for being an actress, j the fore noon of said day this fact brought to the minds of 'sell at public auction, to the high- her persecutors the thought that All ttumnrt ifcmo me ur.i svtwv.l Jv their worth of character and not by ancestory. There are many iimxmnm niuuirn iu nciiun 01 tut? play which will delight the audience. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given by undersigned, the executor of estate of Nancy S. Johnson, ceased, to all creditors of said the the ceased and to all persons having claims against her estate to present the same with the proper vouchers to the uridersigned at the office of M. R, Elliott in Prineville, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated and published first time, February 10, 1916. Benjamin F. Johnson, Executor of the estate of Nancy S. Johnson, de ceased. lot5c. A WORD FOR MOTHERS It id A grave mistake (or mothers to neg lect tlieir aches mat pains and sutler in sileuce this only lends to chronic sick ness and often sliorteus life. If your work is tiring; if your uerves are excitable; if you feel languid, weary or depressed, you n'lould know that Scott's Kumlsion overcomes just such conditions. It possesses In concentrated form the very elements to Invigorate the blood, strengthen the tissues, nourish the nerves iiul build strength. .Scott's is strengthening thousands oi milliers and will help you. Noalcotiol. x.uU tk Bowuc, UluumflelU. N.J. NOTICE OF SALE OF ESTKAYg. ' Notice fa hereby (fivt-n that three ctrays, lo-wit: One bay mare, Ktar in f6rchcl, left hifitf foot whitr, no brand, wtixhinK about lino prunlf, 10 ycard or rnorr; of w, xent k nr.ti broke; one yearling lilly, dark bay, twimu white in face, hifind' d "back V and A eonneclerl"' on riht Ktiflc; one bay horse, yi'iiriiiiK, fdar in forehead find left hind foot white, brandc) "back V and A roruiectfd," on the riRht flill", taken up by the undeniiKm'd within the rity of rrin'-vilie, Ore Kon, on the 11th day of January, li'lfj, will be wild at public au'linn at the Hamilton Stabler in I'rine viile, Ortfton. 011 the day of I'Ybnmry, 1 ! 1 0, at 2 o'clock in the al'lr rnfMTi (,f day, to K-Uk-fy the of ta'".iiK up u'd e.t.ray!!, fes-dinsc name a:ni carin r for them, all eof-t'i of said ale, ineluilinK adverliKinu, jubtice's anil ciiu;table's f-es. Dated thht i;u. "n day of I'ebruary, ; ltdc J. II. Gray NOTICE OF SALE OF ESTRAY. Notice is hereby given that an e. lray to-wit: A faded, brown mare, with white face and white hind feet, weighing about, K00 pounds, not old, heavy boned, long tail and i-hurt mane, and taken up by the undersigned at his place about oj miles from Prineville off the Prine-ville-Redmond road, about the 1st day of January, 1916, will be sold at pyblic auction at the Hamilton I Stables in Prineville, Oregon, on ! the 25th day of February, 1916, at J I o clock m the afternoon of said i day, to satisfy any damages thatj may have been done by said animal,' tlw. rf 4,.L:n 11 ...v -i i.aniis mi Uj mm Mfp ing ner, ana ail expenses inenrred in connection with said sale includ-l ing justice's and constable fees and advertising. Dated this 1st day of February, ! 12t3c. ! Iwis Regelsberger. I DIG. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S. SALE, j By virtue jjf the following de-i scribed executions duly isuedby the Clerk of the Circut Court of the! County of Multnomah, State of Ore-; gon, dated this 21th and 25th dayj of January, 1916 in a certain action in the circuit court for the Faid county and state, wherein, Peter 0. ' Davis as plaintiff lecoveredjudgment ! against Augustus Walker, and Emma 1 L. Walker, his wife, defendants.! for SrnlllO (III with intfiroc tt thai ' ' -v..uv vt.v nf R nf tM. nrlllr fnm l,. t.. r.ngiand, and M. M. Eng., ,anL Plaintiffs vs. Augustus Walker, i and L. Walker defendants, ; f fi10 ,m ..or.n ..,:u :......!. j at 6 per cent from the 5th day of ' : June .1914, together with $37.05 j costs- m,i C- E- Rumelin, plaintiff, - tnereon at tne rate or 6 j bidder for cash, all right and . I 1 1 lit f a r r no QrtAlia nnni.w ! danu or either of them have or had at date of said judgment in the u:riuru properiy - io - i , VA wix, own UU1J V , , ( appointed executor of the Estate All of sections one ; three five, ; of Enoch CyruSi deceased( and a seven nine, eleven, thirteen, fifteen. persons having claims against the rwltThJww', "tW.1 said estate are hereby retired to Jenty-three W o Section 25. All present verified, to saidexecu- Ran J A LS Thi l x 5 iUi' t0r' at office of Willard H. Wirtz. If l i L Rtotln, 'r f at Prineville, Oregon, within six Xe NlNF V n? Iwi Sl'!mnth8 from the date of the first IheNjNt,, SW NE, SWJ, NW1, nnhlieatiAn nf of Section 7, All of Sections 13, 15, 17. 21 and 23 of Twp. 15-South oi Range 16-East, of W. M.. in Crook! County, Oregon. I . B. Knox, Sheriff of Crook p , T 7L'a .t . . . , ' """.Executor cum nay oi January, 1916 .By Floyd A. Rowell, Deputy. Ilt5p. i whole ton of goodness in a pound of Vogan'S Moire chocolates. i MODERN CONFECTIONERY CO. J fortlHiiu, uregon jjj WWWWWVW 7 SP TJ O yfD ( (5 (Tl "VfTl The Wants of the People. r 1 . .111 vr . 1 i.mpioyrnem; r leip wanceu ana Dargains in every thing ' from a tin pan to a High Class Crook County Stock Farm i V FOR SALE KAIil.Y WHITK- i-'ted potatoes, dry hmd thrown. Free from li.-ea-'e. The earliest. WriU Lewis L"jcei-b(.r,;er, IVinevilie, (ireeon. 12tf. t'Oit SMJv-Tcam of work hors(. bay and sorn.l, w it!i aoout lloo tMfh. I:'. 11. Lrent, Karnstr;. luil'lir,?. lllf. GOOD WHEAT STRAW As m as nay, neiivereij in trinevme. See or phone, (Independent line.) C. John Fumlquist, Prineviile, Oregon info. DUE PILL ON PIANO - I hold a due bill for '(). 00, good on any ! piano at the Wiley 15. Allen B'ore ! in this city, which I will seil at ai liberal discount. Pearl Ofcborno. Call Pioneer Central office. 9tf. TEAM One four and one eignt years of age, weight about 2, .'500 I pounds forsale, a bargain at $200. ; See Ole Petersen, Prineville, O-e- gon. " 9tf. FOR SAi.E Strong, new piano boxes. Wiley B. Allen Company, Prineville. In Kamstra's jewelry store. 8tf. n. ... sLLU Kilv Uean dry land seea.t Call at;this office C. H. G. 43tf . FOR SALE OR RENT Forty acres first class irrigated land at Powell Butte P. O. All irrigated, fenced and cultivated. Partial stand of alfalfa. Terms. Howard Spining, Wilbur, Washington. 10t4c. NOTICES THE ANNUAL Meeting of the Rye Grass Telehone Comany will be held at Lower Rye Grass School house on February 12, at 7:30 p. m. Election of officers and any other business will be taken up at this time. Price Coshow, Sec retary. 10t2p DOG OWNERS NOTICE. 1 have been instructed by the council to collect h'I doctaY Hnrinor - the month of February. If the tax- ! on all dogs, which is $2 for males and $4 for females, is not paid be- Jore !i'ar,cn l t,ie owners will be brought into court and a penaltv of not less than $5. nor more than'?10 , will probably follow. 12ftc. J. H. Gray, Marshal. FOR RENT FOR RFNT-Siv rnm h, , . .. room houte, com pletely furnished and modern Two blocks from business corner Mrs. Champ Smith, box 92, Prine vi"e. 13tf. CARDS OF THANKS MYSELF AND CHILDREN Wish to thank our friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted us in the sickness and death of my husband. Mrs. H. C. Orrick. TO EXCHANGE TWO LOTS-One block from Public school, three room house. Will trade for milk cows, or stock of any kind. Enquire at this office. W- m 13tfc. LEGAL NOTICES, U. NOTICE TO CREDITORS, I . . . . Undersigned has. by the county court 0f the State of Oregon for i th Count v nf Pfb K, Dated and published first time this 10th day of February. A. D.. 1916 w" Warren Dean Cyrus, Executor of ' tt. o-u r . .iairiii i.nin ii yrus, ueceaseu. Wi'lard H. Wirtz, Attorney for 3 3t5c. Send a copy of the Journal to a friend in the East- 15 Stallions : Public Sale Pendleton, Oregon; Thursday, Feb. 24, 1916, 1 o'clock Imported and American bred Percherons, Belgians and Shires. A lot of extra gcod, big. heavy bone stallions. Ages from two to ten years. Also one high-class saddle stallion. I expect them t sell tor less than at private sa'e. Come before sale to examine horses, vou will lie surpised to find tbem so good. This is your OPPORTUNITY. Hjrses will be sold with a guarantee. J. R. JUSTICE, Importer, Alta Stables, Pendleton, Oregon f) f 1 ' CS5 D H I T 7 I Men and W omen Seek 1 n . . 1 . WANTED SMALL COTTAGE- Furnished, modern preferred, wanted to rent or His houseket i.'ini ror.rns. Phone kr,7l. Mfc AUTO WANTED Will accept used car on new piano or f.I;. cr. CB on or afciress Wiley B. Allien Piano Cotnvpany, I'n."f.'i!e, On- - K"n' J'li- SAW MILL OWN es--" WaTrted bids on th: following. Price to log; saw and put in the pile the timber on Sec. lb 13-South. ir-Ea:-t, a.-.l to deliver the same to the nearest railway and the tewns within hauling distance. V. J. Phinny, Onartie, Ore. I(it2c LOST AND F OUND ! LOST In' town, a r arer parcil containing a surgical belt. Phase bring to Dr. Fox. , 10tL ONE BAY HORSE Lost last June. White face, both hind feet white Branded on left shculder, H-C Mane reached when last seen. Raised by Harry Cutting, near Izee. $10 reward. Notify W. IL Grimes, Prineville. Stf. STRAYED ESTRAYED Black and white heifer, " Was pasture August. Fields, 12t3p, Shorthorn and Jersey branded "horseshoe J. turned out of Kirkham's on Johnson Creek in Please notify Mary F. Prineville. RUNNING AT LARGE. FINE TEAM A fine team of large bay horses is running at large on the government range near the Porfiley ranch on Crooked River; one branded "B", one has bell on; have been there about a month and as feed is very scarce, they will probably starve if not takes care of. Call on E. H. Clyne, near Riverside for further infor mation. 7tL TRESPASS NOTICES Notice is hereby given that na trespassing, will be allowed on t$ib premises of the undersigned u'oEJ, Section 6, Twp.'l4-South, Range 15 East, W. M. Geo. J. Brown. 7t4e. TAKEN UP TAKEN UP-February 3, 191-j, in a starving condition, one white mare, one black colt, about 6 months old, and one' brown mule about 2 years old. Owner may obtain same by paying feed bill and this advertisement. Wilsea Ranch. Powell Butte, Ore. 1 3tlc THERE CAME-To my place five miles south of Lamonta on the main Prineviile-Madras road, one dark red Jersey milk cow. Un branded and unmarked. Owner may have same by paying charges For further information address Cal Curtis, Lamonta, Ore. lOtfc LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. The County Court Of The State Of Oregon, For Crook County. In the Matter of the Estate of John W. White, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, the surety on the bonds of A. C. Lucas, former administra tor of the estate of John W. White, deceased, has filed in the County Court of Crook County. State of Oregon, the final account of the said A. C. Lucas as such adminis trator of eaid estate, and that Mon day, the 3rd day of April, 1916 it the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., has been fixed by said court as the time for hearing of objection to said re port and the settlement thereof. National Surety Company.. By Marc Hubbert, General Agent for Oregcn, Surety on the bond of A. C. Lucas, former administrator of the estate of John W. Whi'e, daceased. 13t5c The Journal does Modern Printing