Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, February 03, 1916, Image 7

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overtopi almost everything in importance in buslne" life.
It means freedom from worry, freedom from dispute! about
pHviuont!, better standing with those with whom you do
buniticMS. We shall be glad to have your account and you
will be glud to liuve one here after you learn ill advantage.
The First National Bank
Of Prineville, Oregon.
The OlcW Bank In Central Oregon
Capital, Surplui and Undivided Profit, $150,000.00
General Repair
on us in the J. F. Morria
will be made at fast at we can auemble
a car. Please let ut know what you have
to ship and how toon it will be ready. We
will buy or ship for you on very liberal
terms. Don't fail to make use of our free
Redmond Warehouse Co,
Watches, Clocks, Diamonds
and Jewelry
Call on or write
SMITH, the Jeweler
Percy R. Smith
When you can get It for
You can get it for less
at our shop.
STUFF IN Prineville Meat Market
PORTLAND Fijhting UieBfTru.t
City Meat Market
J. W. HORIGAN, Prop.
Choice Home-Made Hams, Bacon
and Lard
Fresh Fish and Oysters
Fruit and Vegetables in Season
Community Shipments
"The U. S. . a World Power,"
was the topic on which Stacy Smith
addressed the assembly Wednesday
morning, per arrangement of Supar-'
intendent Baughman, wherein every
Senior is required to appear before
the student-body with talks or
musical numbers. This address was
especially good, well expressed in
terms of good English which showed
a wide ranged reading vocabulary
on the subject discussed.
A glimpse into the shop of the
Manual Training building on any
afternoon gives to the eye an in
teresting scene. Everyone seems
busy with a di finite object in view
and all are conscious of a work
well rendered. Book-keeping tables
are now being made as welll as many
other useful and practical articles
of furniture.
In considering the many points
of value in the irrigation project
now holding the interest of this
community, do not overlook the
fact of the stimulus it would be to
the schools. The C. C. H. S. is
now at a high state of development
and should the occasion ever arise
that its support shall be by thi sec
tion alone, then would the strength
of this new endeavor, if finished, be
felt in conserving the C. C. H. S.
at its present status.
Notice is hereby given that three
estrays, to-wit: One bay mare,
star in forehead, left hind foot
white, no brand, weighing about
1150 pounds, 10 years or more of
age, gentle and broke; one yearling
filly, dark bay, some white in face,
branded "back F and A connected" ;
on right stifle; one bay
yearling, star in forehead and left ; 4-'M!.a-'W t
hind foot white, branded "back F
The Wants of the People. Men and Women Seeking
Employment; Help Wanted and Bargains in Everything
horse, jf rom a tin pan to a ig 88 Crook County Stock Farm
and A connected," on the right
stifle, taken up by the undersigned
within the city of Prineville, Ore
gon, on the 11th day of January,
1916, will be sold at public auction
at the Hamilton Stables in Prine
ville, Oregon, on the JJGth day of
February, 1916. at 2 o'clock in the
afternoon of said day, to satisfy the
costs of taking up said estrays,
feeding same and caring for them,
also all costs of said sale, including
advertising, justice's and constable's
Dated this 3rd day of February,
12t3c. J. H. Gray.
Zen da Hendrickson, Reporter.
Last Friday completed the fifth
month of our school year. The re-
Dort of the teachers showed two
hundred and twenty-one pupils at
tending school regularly. Eight
new pupils entered the first grade
at the beginning of the second
semester, and six pupils were
graduated from the eighth grade,
They all entered the high school. .
The Public School is now com
pletely equipped with new firehoses
and hangers. The hose was intalled
by Mr. King last Monday.
Notice is hereby given that an
estray to-wit: A faded, brown mare,
with white face and white hind feet,
weighing about 800 pounds, not
old, heavy boned, long tail and
short mane, and taken up by the
undersigned at his place about 6
miles from Prineville off the Pnne-
ville-Redmond road, about the 1st
day of January, 1916, will be sold
at public auction at the Hamilton
Stables in Prineville, Oregon, on
the 25th day of February, 1916, at
2 o'clock in the afternoon of said
day, to satisfy any damages that
may have been done by said animal,
the costs of taking her up and keep
ing her, and all expenses inenrred
in connection with said sale includ
ing justice's and constable fees and
Dated this 1st day of February,
1316. Lewis Regelsberger.
EARLY WHITE-Seed potatoes,
dry land grown. Free from
disease. The earliest. Write
Lewis Regelsberger, Prineville,
Oregon. " 12tf.
FOR SALE Team of work horses,
bay and sorrel, weigth about 1100
each. E. H. Brent, Kamstra
building. lltf.
FOR SALE We have some slightly
used pianos and organs which we
have taken in on player pianos
and will sell very reasonable.
Wiley B. Allien Piano Co. lltf.
ONE BAY HORSE Lost last June.
White fact, both hind feet white.
Branded on left shoulder, H-C
Mane reached when last seen.
Raised by Harry Cutting, near
Izee. $10 reward. Notify W. IL
Grimes. Prineville. 3tf
as hay, delivered in Prineville.
See or phone, (Independent line.)
v C. John Sundquist, Prineville,
Oregon 9tfc.
due bill for $60.00, good on any
piano at the Wiley B. Allen store
in this city, which I will sell at a
liberal discount. Pearl Osborne.
Call Pioneer Central office. 9tf.
HIGH GRADE Very old Hopf
violin for sale very reasonable. To
one who can use it. it is almost
priceless on account of perfection
and mellow tone. Call or write
Wiley B. Allen Co., Prineville,
Oregon. 9tf.
modern preferred, wanted to rent
or housekeeping rooms. Phone
Black 571. Stfc
AUTO WANTED Will accept usel
car on new piano or player. Caa
on or address Wiley B. Allies;
Piano Comvpany, Prineville, Ore-
gon. 5tf.
on the following; Price to log,
saw and put in the pile the timber
on Sec. 16. 13-South. 15-East,an4
to deliver the same to the nearest
railway and the towns within
hauling distance. W. J. Phinney.
Onartio, Ore. 10t2e
LOST In town, a paper parcel
containing a surgical belt. Please
bring to Dr. Fox. lOtf.
TEAM Onejfour and one eight
years of age, weight about 2,300
pounds f orsale, a bargain at $200.
See OletPetersen, Prineville, Ore
gon. 9tf.
By virtue of the following de-
' 1 1 A? 11 1 1 . 1 MAM. A .
scrioea executions amy lsuea py me: rUK SAUK Strong, new piano
boxes. Wiley B. Allen Company,
Prineville. In Kamstra's jewelry
store. 8tf
Clerk of the Circut Court of the
County of Multnomah, Slate of Ore
gon, dated this 24th and 25th day
of January, 1916 in a certain action
in the circuit court for the said
county and state, wherein, Peter O.
Davis as plaintiff iecoveredjudgment
against Augustus Walker, and Emma
L. Walker, his wife, defendants,
for $5000.00 with interest at the
ESTRAYED Black and white
Shorthorn and Jersey heifer,
branded "horseshoe J." Was
turned out of Kirkharn's pasture
on Johnson Creek in August.
Please notify Mary F. Fields,
Prineville. 12t3p.
THERE CAME To my place five
miles south of Lamonta on the
main Prineville-Madras road, one
dark red Jersey milk cow. Un
branded and unmarked. Owner
may have same by paying charges
For further information address
Cal Curtis, Lamonta. Ore. lOtfc
SEED RYEClean dry land seed.
Call atLthis'office C. H. G. 43tf
! vut a nf ( ruip fAnt rut annum sn
Friday afternoon the eighth grade the 23rd day of February 1910. and
hud its election of officers. Zenda the further sum of $38.20 cost.
Hendrickson was elected to the! Alexander i-'cott, plaintiff, vs. A.
FOR SALE OR RENT Forty acres
first class irrigated land at Powell
Butte P. O. All irrigated, fenced
and cultivated. Partial stand of
alfalfa. Terms. Howard Spining,
Wilbur, Washington. 10t4c,
place of school reporter to succeed
Paul Mathews. Harold Davis was
elected president of the class, Ber
nice Shipp vice-president and Arleath
Charlton secretary. The class has
I decided to go in with the seventh
! grade and give a play which will
be presented before the Parent
Teacher's Association at their regu
lar meeting in March.
The program committee of the
Parent-Teacher's Association met at
the home of Mrs. Walker last Mon
day evening and arranged the pro
grams for the balance of the year.
The next regular meeting of the
Association will be on the fifteenth
of February.
Even the weather man seems to
be having it in for our janitor. Be
sides keeping him ui the best part
of the night every night to keep
the pipes from bursting and the
plants from freezing a skiff of snow
has to come along every day so as
to be sure that he earns his money
sweeping snow off the side walks.
If yu see him looking at the sky
with a heavy frown on his face
whenever a cloud passes by these
days it is easy to guess the reason.
Seven of our teachers have already
declared their intentions ot going
to summer school and continue
their studies during the coming
summer. It is seldom indeed, that
a town is fortunate enough to get
such a large percentage of teachers
that take this professional standing.
On the 4th day of March the up
per grades are going to present to
the public an operetta entitled,
"The Merry Milkmaids," a play
for which we make no apology.
The work is being carried on by
Miss Bilyeu in her music class and
that fact alone should guarantee to
those who know her work the ex
cellence and quality of the produc
tion that will be given.
The Journal does Modern
Printing on Short Notice
G. Walker defendant for the sum of
$7400 with interest at 6 per cent
per annum from the 28th day of
May 1913, together with $66.70
L'. E. England, and M. M. Eng
land, plaintiffs vs. Augustus Walker,
and Emma L. Walker 'defendants,
for the sum of $3250 with interest
at 6 per cent from the 5th day of
June 1914, together with $37.05
costs, and C. E. Rumelin, plaintiff,
vs. ?amuel Swanson, C. S. Jenne.
J. Blake McKitterick et al defend
ants, for the sum of $1675.65 with
interest at the rate of 10 per cent
from the 9th day of April 1910, j
and the further sumof$125.00 with I
interest thereon at the rate of 6 1
per.cent from the 11th day of April
1910, and the further sum of $21.95
cost, and accruing costs. j
Notice is hereby given that I will, i
on Saturday, the 18th day of March, '
1916, a the North front door of the
courthouse, in Prineville in said ;
county, at 10 o'clock in'
the fore noon of said day
sell at public auction, to the high-;
est bidder for cash, all right and
title that the above named defen- j
dants or either of them have or had ;
at date of said judgment in the !
following described
wit: All of sections one, three five.
seven, nine, eleven, thirteen, fifteen, j
seventeen, nineteen, twenty-one,
twenty-three, WJ of Section 25, All ;
of 27 and 35 of Twp. 15-South, i
Rang 15-East- The Si, Ni, and Si, 1
of Section 29, All of Section 31. of I
Twp. 14-South of Range 15-East,-
of Section 7. All of Sections 13, 15, j
17. 21 and 23 of Twp. 15-South of;
Range 16-East, of W. M in Crook
County, Oregon.
E. B. Knox, Sheriff of Crook
County. I
Dated at Prineville, Oregon, this
26th day of January, 1916. j
By Floyd A. Rowell, Deputy.
11 top.
THE ANNUAL-Meetinsr of the
Rye Grass Telehone Comany will
be held at Lower Rye Grass School
house on February 12, at 7:30 p.
m. Election of officers and any
other business will be taken up
at this time. Price Coshow, Sec
retary. I0t2p
FINE TEAM A fine team of large
bay horses is running at large oa
the government range near the
Porfiley ranch on Crooked River;
one branded "B", one has bell on;
have been there about a month
and as feed is very scarce they
will probably starve if not takes
care of. Call on E. H. Qvws,
near Riverside for further infor
mation. ' 7tf.
Notice is hereby given that no (
trespassing will be allowed on the
premises of the'undersigned in SEJ,
Section 6, Twp. 14-South, .Range IS
East. W. M. Geo. J. Bron-a. ?iUv-
Calls ANnwuin Promptly Day om Nihi
Ornci Oxi Doo South or Adahon'i
DKuti Bti)k. Both ok an resi
dence telephones.
!PrintilU, m . Crfm
A few new records will bring hours
of new pleasure from the old phonograph-
If you have no machine buy
one now. These prices are as low
as the quality will permit
12 in. double diic, blue label rec, reg. price $1.25 now $1.00
10 in. double diic. blue label rec. reg. price 7Sc, now .55
12 in. double disc, regular records, reg. price $1.00, now 80
10 in. double diic, regular records, reg. price .65, now .45
4 minute cylinder records, regular price .50, now . 35
2 minute cylinder records, regular price .35, now .25
D. P. Adamson & Co.
Prineville, Oregon
Moire chocolates do cost
us both a little more.
' i ( Oregoa
15 Stallions : Public Sale
Pendleton, Oregon; Thursday, Feb. 24, 1916, 1 o'clock
Imported and American bred Percheron9, Belgians and Shires. A
lot of extra good, big. heavy bone stallions. Ages from two to
ten years. Also one high-class saddle stallion. I expect them to
sell . -r less than at private sale. Come before sale to examine horses,
vou will be snrpised to find tbem so good. This is your OPPORTUNITY.
Horses will be sold with a guarantee.
J. R. JUSTICE, Importer, Alta Stables, Pendleton, Oregon