fage CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL HiiY LaFOI.i.kttr, Editor-Proprietor Entureil nt t!ie postoflive l rrineville, Oregon, ae second class mutter. Important Dates to Paste InYcur Hat This is to be a year of polities, so remember these dates: April 18 Last day to register for primary election. April 19 Last day to file petition t at once, KiYing both old ami new aMrefe. THIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING BY THE GENERAL OFFICES NEW YORK AND CHICAGO I RANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES The Journal stands for th best inter t ol i'lineville ami Crook County. I ;dependent in politics. Published every ThnwUv afternoon. ZSXtil elarations for nominations for county onices, district ana justice of the peace. May 19 Primary election. Polls open from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. May 20 Reopening of registra tion. June 4 Last day for candidates to file statements of expenditures for primaries. September 28 Last day to file certificate of nomination by political district. October 7 Last day to register for general election. October 13 Last day to file cer tificate of nomination by individual electors for county, district and pre cincts. November 7 General election. Polls open from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. November 22 Last day for can didates to file statement of expenditures. AN OPPORTUNITY. Saturday next, the people who have land on what was formerly known as "Poverty Flat", north of Prineville, will be given an oppor tunity to take the first step in what may mean irrigation for their lands. YThis territory, which for many years was not considered worth tak ing up as a homestead, has proven that under the most favorable condi tions, it is vauable for the purpose of dry farming. There is every reason to believe, and in fact small parts of the terri tory have conclusively proven, that their true worth is realized only when under irrigation. Should the district be formed at this election, which of course it will fce, the matter can be investigated an intelligent manner, and a feaeable method can perhaps be found to provide the water for irrigation. Political Announcements. REPRESENTATIVE FORBES. In the Bulletin of last week, Ver- I hereby announce myself a candidate for the republican nomina tion for sheriff of Crook County, subject to the approval of the voters at the primaries to be held on May 19. J. H. Stanley, Alfalfa precinct. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the democratic nomi nation for sheriff at the primaries to be held May 19, 1916, subject to the approval of the voters. P. B. Poindexter. I hereby announce myself as a I janrJ irta n ftw i Vta PomiKlian nnmi. non A. Forbes of Bend, announced ; nation for District Attorney for himself for reelection to the office , Crook County at the primaries to be of representative. Forbes has already held May 19, 1916. H. H. De Ar- heen twice elected to this nosition. i mora. and altogether has established a rather enviable reputation in the tower house. His candidacy for a seat in the I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the Republican nomi nation for Representative from the . 2 ' district, subject to the approval state senate was announced in Bend j of the voters at the primaries to be tome time ago, but because of some held on May 19, 1916. Denton G. r.t tK i;r;oi -wi iJBurdick. 8cl0tf. t wa a viiv juii bivu t tav. a n iii,u not plain to the ordinary citizen, he has seen fit to again enter the race for the office which he now holds. P. B. POINDEXTER FOR SHERIFF P. B. Poindexter moved to Prine ville in the spring of 1881 and has teen a resident of the town since that time. He was in the hotel and restaurant business for seventeen years, mar ried and raised a family of six children. Mr. Pohdexte- is now serving h's second term as coroner to which effice he was elected by a large majoritj both times. Having acted as court bailiff for the past twelve years, he is well known to almost everyone in the county. y f- ) " ' fx.'' V - V V ' I ' t 'J Last week's Bend Bulletin says: "With the large number of men who are inquiring around as to their chances for office, Bend ought to be able to put up a full quota and then, if they were elected and worst came to worst, and the county seat should decide to move over here, they would not have to ahange their places of residence. It would be too bad for Bend to lose I all these aspiring ones but with the augmented vote which we will have next November the fact that j a man lives in Kftid will no longer be a handicap." At the request of Representative Sinnott, of Oregon, a hat factory in Pennsylvania is conducting ex periments to determine whether or not the fur of western jackrabbits can be utilized in the manufacture of derby and other styles of felt hats. The office of Circuit Judge, for Crook and Jefferson Counties, was created in 1915, and T. E. J.Duffy, was appointed by Governor Withy combe to fill the position. Although Judge Duffy registerc as a demo crat it may be noted, that his ap pointment was made by a republi can governor, who among a great number of people regards such office as nonpartizan. Judge Duffy, en tered upon the discharge of the duties of such office, giving up his private practice of law, to devote all of his time to it, and it can be safely said that he has administered such office fairly, impartially and in a business like manner. It would therefore s eem no more than right, in view of his record, that he be nominated and elected to succeed himself for a further term. Paid Advertisement. JAY II. UPTON Lawyer Office On Court Street formerly occu pied by T. E. J. Duffy Prlnevlllu, Ore. IS now- tm flake Sodas are wcrisp mildly salted crackers that please the most jaded appetite. Order from any dealer PACIFIC COAST BISCUIT COMPANY, Portland, Oregon ' "'' ' r! TT-T-X .... I., 4ammfT I AM ClosingOut My Entire Stock of Millinery BELOW COST Excellent Values Mrs. Estes' Millinery Parlors Have Your Casings Repaired and Tubes Vulcanized At the Prineville Vulcanizing Works WORK CALLED FOR AND DEUVERED Phone Black 361 F. P. LUCE 91 i ft ffi W m I I 9se better Jlourf .Dairymeini! Increase Your Butter Fat! Our Bran and Shorts of Superior Quality will do it! Let our Bran and Shorts take the place of your lost pastures! per Great feed for pigs used with your skim milk! PRINEVILLE FLOUR MILLS SO 1MB MODUS If PMFtCTIOL PERFECTLY SIMPLE SIMPLY PERFECT. Nwdli. Oil. B")ts nnr) All kinds of ft-winf Machine supnli's, Kcpairi.nj a specialty. NEW HOME USERb ARE QUALITY CHOOSERS For Sale by E. M. THOMPSON, BEND THE NEW HOME SEWING MA CHINE COMPANY 204 Pacific Bldg. Pan Francisco, Cal XX XX XX XX I I Don't Be Th GOAT 5 Oregon Daily Journal Daily 50c. Daily and Sunday 65c Why be without the newt when we deliver it promptly to your door anywhere in the city for 2 cenU a day F. E. Lafler Local Agent "SAFETY FIRST" Was a good slogan for the S. P. Railroad to adopt and is a good one for you to remember when buying A PIANO I take orders for Men's Made-to-Measure SUITS Cleaning, Pressing and Tailoring promptly done. I also buy Misfit Clothing. W. H. KEEHN Investigate O Would you invest in a business, would you buy real estate, stocks or bonds without safe guarding your interests by a full investigation of values, of titles and the reputation of the seller? Certainly not Yet it is unfortunaly true that most pianos, particularly medium and low priced pianos, are bought w thout proper investigation of either quality, tone, durability, the reputation of their builders or the merchant who sells them, Thoro is one sure way oLly by which you may know that you are getting full value for cvory dollar spent in the purchase of your piano. the piano ' thoroughly. Investigate the reputation of its makers and investigate the house of which vou buv. Our House Courts Investigation Eker,ou?llorn.ey,.your 9 any business firm about us, about our methods. our gooda and our prices and our reputation for fair dealing. , Whether your needs be for a cheap, used piuno, or player piano, a low or medium priced instru mentorthe highest priced and most artistic piano in the world, the Mason & Hamlin, investigation will prove the quality of our goods, the junticeof our prices and the fairness of our methodss. Cnnr Rarcrninc IN SECOND HAND Viooa Bargains pianos & organs I WILL GIVE $1000 If I FAIL to CURE m CANCER uTUMOR i treat kefon It POISONS fell )Mdi tr ittulni U BONE Without Knife or Pain Ho PAY Until CURED WRITTEN GUARANTEE No X Kay or other fiwimlle. An Island plant mfilreHthH!ure Any TUMOR. LUMP or! SOKE on the Up, face or body long 11 CANCeR; it never ?aiiiB until lant stage Z0-PA8E BOOK 'it FKF.B, 10,1X10 tnntl. moniala. Wilti to mm Any LUMPin WOMAN'S BREAST it f AUPCD andalwayapolaoniileepnrm 15 UhNuEII pit Eland and KILIS QUICKLY (Itxj woman In every 7dleo( cancer tl.H. report refine many who wait too long A must uu I'oor cured at half prleo U cancer la yetamull Cr. & Mrs. Dr. CHAMLEY & CD. S'Sffl "Strictly Reliable, OratUtt Cancer Specialist llvlne" ,34 B & 436c Valencia St, San Francisco, Cal. KINDLY MAIL THIS U mmt flit CANCER YOUR MONEY'S WORTH OR YOUR MONEY BACK Will be pleased to send Catalog and Prices to anyone EXPERT TUNING AND REPAIRING FACTORY EXPERIENCE E. H. BRENT, Mgr., PRINEVILLE, OREGON OTHER STORES Portland, Oakland, Sacramento, 1 Fresno, San Jose, San Francisco, Los Angeles. San Diego and other Coast Cities We Will Accept YOUR OLD INSTRUMENT AS PART PAYMENT ON A NEW ONE ?: xx :: :: :: t: