Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, February 03, 1916, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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I Pages
li I A
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im 1010 Cnto,? and rtnnUr'.
rCuiii.iv.-littj!t i-cir.rcncrovury
grower thoutil liv. It lint
bl Yurm. Vnrilvn fcivl Hoovr " 't mtd tli.
!! iul!n ''' l oullruiru, 'lctkiKr
aitil UrcliaKllita-Anii rM ctlu Naf90
C o i n !JE is i o ci i&aiuxa van srans
Political Campaign
Getting Under Way
continued from page 1.
this move, and it is general talk at
thia time that a convention re
sembling the old party primary will
be railed at some central point a
little later where linea will he de
cided uMn.'
in district olitica little haa been
done as yet. Congressman N. J.
Sinnott will no doubt be a candidate
for the national house again and !
will be a hard man to defeat.
W. Lair Thompaon of takeview
ia the only candidate who haa been
announced for the atate senate
from thia district. Other men are
being mentioned Tor the place, and
Thompaon will no doubt have opo
ition for the senatorial honors.
Denton G. Hurdick waa the first
man in the race for representative
and aecms to have gained condsider
able support from various parts of
the district, the general impression
being that he would be the candi
date from this county for that office.
Vernon A. Forbes announced
Wesley U fcmith of Klamath Falls
is conceded to be U candidate for
this o III co, utid is a strong man. As
(hero are two to bo chosen und
Kluinath is entitled to one of these,
Finith seeins sure of one of the
J. N. H. Ghcrking of Tumulo will
probably bo a candidate for this
ofllce on the democratic ticket his
friends sav. He is a good man and
will draw a good vote from his
party no doubt.
The ollice of circuit, judge from
this district, which is compose-! of
Crook and Jefferson counties,
promises to be a lively contest, with a
three cornered lineup flt the present
Judge T. K. J. Duffy Is announced
for tlmt position to succeed himself
mid he has many friends through
out the district who are said to be
working hard for him, although he
will perhaps have no opposition in
his own party at the primaries.
M, It. KllioU of this city, who is
known to all the older residents of
the district, and who has many
friends, will probably be a candi
date for the place. He has made
no announcement, but has made no
weeret of the fact that he will do
so w xin.
M. E. Drink, who has also been a
resident of the city for many years
and h point of service is said to be
the pioneer of the legal fruternity,
" the dean of the district bar," his
friends are pleased to call him,
will be a strong and active candi
date for circuit judge. Mr. Brink
and Mr. Elliott are republicans,
and this would be a matter for de
cision at the primaries. Judge
Duffy is a democrat. . Announce
ments of the republican aspirants
will probably be made soon.
fletting down to the county ticket,
more interest haa been shown, and
in some intnees, notablv that of
sheriff,- there will be no lack of
men to fill the offices.
No names have yet been mention
ed in connection with the office of
commissioner excepting that of H.
J. Overturf, the present incumbent.
lie has made . good,, and it- sec"1
at present as if there would be no
npiMisition to his election.
For sheriff there are already
four candidates in the field, and
rumor of new ones every day. E.
fl. Knox, present incumbent will be
It has been said thiit every third
person has catarrh in some form.
Science has shown thai nasal catarrh
often indicates a general weakness
:f the body; and local treatments in
the form of snulTs and vapors do little,
if any good.
To rorn-rt ciiliirrli you nhouM trrnt it
smir by cnridilnK your Mood witli tlie
fit food In Scott's Hiimldlon whirli in a
tticliriiml food uii-I ImildiiiK-touic, frre
lrouiHli'uli;l or tiny UsririftildrugK. Try It,
Ik ll ft Uowne, yiuomfictd, N. J.
himself last week however, and a j a candidate on the democratic
lively scrap is sure to result. ticket, and P.-B. Poindexter, who
That cough by using our White Pine und Tar (mentol
ated) Cough Syrup
"Our Name Your Assurance of Best Quality"
Exclusive NYAL Store
A Dollar in the Bank
Is worth two in the hand, because it is safer.
It soon grows and begins to work for you.
' We pny 4 pr cent interest on time deposits.
: y "- riTT-" iiniii ii iimiMii mmm
Crook County Bank, Prineville, Or.
is county coroner, at present, will
contest the nomination with him.
J. H, Stanley of Bend, who gives ;
his addresa as "Alfalfa precinct"
is a candidate for the .republican11
nomination, und Mr. IJoberts, who j
is the town marshal at Bend is inj
the running for the nomination on
this ticket also.
At least two other Bend men
have been mentioned in connection
with this office. J. F. Blanchard and
L N. Nicholas of this city arc also
mentioned as candidates on the
republican ticket. ' I
For clerk, Warren Brown has
said that be will again be a candi
date but has made no formal an
nouncement as yet. Several men
have been mentioned for the re
publican nomination for this posi
tion, but to date no formal an
nouncements have been made, and
considerable interest seems to center
around this office.
The office of assessor seems to
have but little attraction for the,
average politician. H. A. Foster
who is present incumbent, told the
Journal reporter yesterday that he
would perhaps make an announce
ment a little later. While he has
decided to make the race, or
practically so at least, he has not
yet annonuced himself. He is a
democrat, and no one has yet been
mentioned who wishes to contest
his nomination. A republican named
Carroll at Bend , has announced
that he is a candidate, and will of
course be nominated should no
other republican enter the field. ' .
R. L. Jordan, republican, and
present incumbent, will probably
be a candidate for treasurer,
although he has not reaehed the
point where he wishes a , formal
announcement issued. t
J. E. Myers, also republican, will
be a candidate for reelection to
the office of school superintendent.
While several rumors have been
current about other candidates for
this office, none have materialized
as yet. '
The other offices which will be
filled at this election have not been
mentioned, and as soon as such
mention is made the fact will be
noted here.
ror the information of the voters
and all readers of the Journal, the
announcements of candidates will
be grouped on nagc 2, as fast as
the announcements are received, and
an that page also, we will run at
some lime during the campaign,
seme facts about every candidate
that will be of interest to the voter
As the campaign promises to be
a warm one, don't forget to watch
for these articles. They will help
you get acquainted with the candi
dates. Missionary Movement
Throughout State
Continued from page 1.
end. JJ"
s Your
It makes no difference what you want, send
your orders to us. We fill every order com
plete if the goods can be had in the city.
No matter whether it is in our line or not.
Prompt Service Right Price
various cities of the United States.
They are organized for the purpose
of arousing the United States to a j today, and at Lamonta and points ! inches reported
sense of the opportunity for spread
ing the gospel of Jesus throughout
the world at a time that offers a
great opportunity for the work, j
ine iorcign wars nave so ais-i
organized society that it is believed
the missionary organizations must
be called into action to help restore
order and peace.
The meeting is being boosted by,
and has the endorsement of the
Portland Chamber of Commerce.
Prineville the new snow has condition exists, while at 'Marion
measured only about three inches Morgan's ranch about twenty
in Jefferson county only six inches
to a foot is reported.
At Bedmond about a foot of new
snow fell during the past 46 hours.
jana simitar reports come from
points south of Redmond.
In the country south of Prine
ville the same condition practically
ear Post the total snowfaJI
during the past three days has been
about 16 - inches, although it wilt
not measure that depth at present.
Prineville people who are snow
bound in Portland or on the road
between Fallbridge and that point
are: J. F. Blanchard,. D. F.. Stew
art, L. N. Nichols. T. S. Barnes. K.
Deep Snows Prevail f j
: Throughont Oregon I
.. Continued from page 1. .
prevails. Near laultna the total T. Slayton. J. B. Doherity. H. A.
depth today is about 14 inches- At j Kelly, Geo. Dixon and a number
the H. J. Lister place the same i others.
and in that way have kept this line
open, and will connect with regular
service there as soon as it starts
Throughout Central Oregon the
storm has been less severe. In
Shipp & Perry
i Dealers in Lumber, Shingles, Mouldings, Doors, Windows,
. Glass, Paints and Oils, Buberoid Roofing, Ornamental Fending.
Hello! Saydo you know
the Pilot Butte Telephone
Company has more miles
of line and a larger num
ber of subscribers than any
other telephone company
in Crook county and a
cheaper rates? Telegraph
connection is made at Red--mond
with -all outside
points. Main office Prine
ville, Oregon.
all mule members of every church
organization of Oregon and South
western Washington
The convention will be addressed
by 12 or 14 of the most prominent
men connected with the missionary
movement of the world, both at
home and abroad. , '
No collections will betaken up,
nor will money be raised in the
convention by any other nyans.
The total cost to each delegate is a
registration fee of $1. In return for
that Bum of money the delegate ts
given a ticket that entitles iiirtt tv
attend tlw lectures given by the
great orators who will speak at every
session. Delegates who wish be
present should send their namijs to
John A. Goodell, Y. M. cj iA.
Building, "Portland, ttlgether ? with
the registration fee.
The Portland meeting of
75 similar meetings to be held ih
0CVWVvSV cotor f n.lbl. brand!
JuV0CW0CVa? 'oimiUUIhePrioc. Albert tidr
"VVKsJCvSisS Ul, ' ' impoj.iM. la
VVtSs23STy imiUt. Ih. fUvar of Print.
yO, '?3?fewrtH-L -1 j53- Albrt tobtcco I Tho satiated
.; I inurrR.inmua'iHiie1 auk LI
1 Hi ipy'y wimnimi riri, mm i
Prince Albert
fits your taste!
Meets the fondest wishes of any man who
likes to smoke because it has the right flavor
and aroma and coolness. It's the most cheer
ful tobacco you ever did pack in a jimmy pipe
. orrollintoaciga-
rette. And its so
j'ou never can get
enough. The pat
ented process
fixes that and
cuts out bite
and parch!
When you fire up your first
smoke youTTdecide that you
never did taste tobacco that
hits your fancy like
the national joy amok
For it exceeds, in goodness and satisfaction the kindest -word
we ever printed about it!
Men, we tell you this tobacco will be a revelation to you.
Sd, take this information at 100. vtt nnt tVu i
pipe from its hiding place or locate the makin's papers
'and fall-to! . , , .
, ' . . .
YouTwUhu will b. grt;f;Jt Ih, frm.t, tor, thai nUMtobacto.
tor rrinc Alhmrt u in tnunal ihmand. It can i beufht all ottr
tha. tat., and all aMr th, wotU! Uppy nJ haft. Set tidy nd
tan, lOei handtoma pound and halffnmd tin homidon and that
fino pound cryttai-gtau humidar with tpong-moitUnar top that
p tho tobacco in tueh oxctUtnt trim.