Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, December 30, 1915, Page Page 7, Image 7

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li'pnrtnii'iit of tlio Interior. U.S
Lund Oliice tit The DalUm, Oregon,
Miivciniicr H, 11)15,
Notice Ih hereby given Unit
Joliii E. Murphy,
ofjiend, Oregon, who, on Juno 24,
1912, iniutc llottiohtc'iul Entry, No.
4)101112, for South J. Section 20,
Twp. 20-Suulli, Range 17-Eimt. W.
M him (lied notice of Intention to
make final three year Ptoof, to es
tablish claim to the lutul above dcn-, before II. G. Ellin, U. S,
!inniiHKlotier. at Bond, Oregon,
on the :toth day of December, iy 15.
.Claimant imtneH an witnesaeH:
Orleu 0. King. Turpo Klieff , OliK
Cllenkle, Hint Henry H, Ford, all
of Bend, Oregon, :U5p
It. Frank Woodcock. Hcgihter.
MENT. Notice that the undersigned Iiiim
filed his final account m Adminis
trator of the entitle of Made Vera eh,
deceased, in the County Court of
'rook County. Oregon, ami the wiid
Court has duly net the hearing of
the objection thereto and nettle,
ment thereof fr JiuiiiMry 7. 191(5,
at 10 o'clock a. in, in I he Court room
if wild Court, at 1'rineville. in
aid County itud State.
Dated at 1'rineville, Oregon thin
fill day of December 191,').
t A. II. Liipiuau,
'.. L. I'.ernier. Attorney 4tfc
N'..itii'i is hereby given by the
under.igned, the tidiiiiiiiMiator with
the will annexed of the estate of
Frank Kider, (teceitted, that he hai
made and filed with the clerk of the
County Court nf the State of Ore
gon for the County of Crook hist fi
rial accounting of the administration
of tiaid estate, and that the Honor'
able County Court hi'tt fixed Mon
day, the 7th day of February, 101(5,
nt 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said
Iay at the county court room in the
courthouse at 1'rineville, Oregon,
a the time and place for hearing
and icttling said final accounting.
L. M. Heehtell, Administrator
with the Will Annexed of the E
tate of Frank Rider, Deceased.
Dated this 16th day of December,
1915. 6t5c.
By virtue of an execution and de
rri of foreclosure duly itwucd out
of the Circuit Corut of tho StaU of
Oregon for Crook County anil to
mo directed on the 18th day of De
comber, 1915, upon a judgment
and decree rendered, entered and
docketed in and by said court, on
the 10th day of December, 1915,
in a certain ttuit in aid court,
wherein Mortgage Company of
America, h corporation, was plain
tiff and Jens ilasselhcrg, Guy E.
Dolnon, ait administrator of the-Estate
of Hjalmar Olmm, deceased,
the unknown heir of lljalmar Olson,
deceased, and also all other persons
or parties unknown claiming any
right, title, estate, lien, or interest
in the real estate described in the
complaint herein, were defendants,
in favor of the plaintiff and against
usid defendants, by which execution
1 am commanded to sell the real
property described in said execution
and to be hereinafter described to
pay tho sum due the plaintiff of
Fifteen hundred forty-one and 43.
100 Dollars, ($1541.34), with inter
est thereon from the 27th day of
November, 1915, at the rate of 8
per cent per annum until paid, to
gether with the sum of One hun
dred twent-five Dollars, as a reason
able sum adjudged as attorney's
fees in said suit and the further
sum of Twenty-eight and 50.100
($28.50) , as costs and disbursements
taxed in said suit, and the costs and
expenses of execution and sale.l will
on the 22nd day of January, 1916,
the said day being Saturday of said
week, at the hour of 2 o'clock, p.
m., of said day. at the north door
of the County Court house in 1'rine
ville, Crook County, Oroogn, sell at
public auction to the highest bidder
for cash in hand on the day of said
sale all the right, title, and interest
in said real property which tho said
defendants or any of the defendants
. herein, and all persons claiming
under, by or through said defend
ants in and to tho. real property
hereinafter described in said execu
tion as follows, to-wit: Lot 3 and
tho East half of the southwest
quarter of Section six, (6), and the
cast half of the northwest quarter
of Section seven, (7), all in Town
ship sixteen, (1(5) , South of Range
Eleven. (11), East of the Willamette
Meridian, in the County of Crook
. and State of Oregon, or so much
thereof as will satisfy said judg
ment and decree, with costs and ac
cruing costs.
Said property will be sold subject
to confirmation and redemption
by law provided.
Dated at Prinevillo, Oregon, this
21st day of December 1915.
E. B. Knox. Sheriff of Crook
County, Oregon.
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land OHice at The Dalles, Oregon.
November 8, ,913.
Notice Is hereby given that
Dune Dragicivich,
of Bend, Oregon, who, on March
2H, 1911, made Homestead Entry,
No. 08498, for NJNWI, Section
2. Twp. 20-South, Range 19-East,
SW1, NiSEi, Section 35, Twp. 19
South, Range 19E.W. M, hiw filed no
tice of intention to make final three
year Proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before II, C.
Ellis U. S. Commissioner, at Bend,
Oregon, on the 20th day of Jan
uary, 1916.
Claimant names as witnesHCH:
Martin Ilallmeyer, Roy Winters,
Nelson D. Myers, Steve 1'nviek, anil
F. S. Christenson, all of Held, Ore
gon. Stop
II. Frank Woodcock, Register.
Public I-aiid Sale.
Department of the Interior, U.S.
Laud Ollice at The Dalles, Oregon.
November 23, 1915.
Notice is hereby given that, as
directed by the Commissioner of
the General Lund ollirc, under pro
visions of Sec. 2455, R. S., pursuant
to the application of
Curey W. Foster,
Serial No.;ol410H-01 110'.), we will of.
feral public sale to the highest bidder
but nt not less than $2.00 per acre,
id 9. H0 o'clock A. M., on the 11th
day of January, next, at this office,
the following tract of land: KVVJ
NWl.SWlSKi.SlSWi.Seo.14 Tp. 1(5
South, Range, W. M., (1(50
acres) . "This tract is ordered into
the market on a showing that the
greater portion thereof is mountain
ous or too rough for cultivation."
The sale will not be kept open,
but will be declared closed when
those present at the hour named
have ceased bidding. The person
making the highest bid will be re
quired to immediately pay to the
Receiver the amount thereof.
Any persons claiming adversely
the above-described land are advis
ed lo file their claims, or objections
on or before the time designated
for sale. 3t5p.
L. A. Booth, Receiver.
Notice is hereby given by the ad
ministrator of the estate of John
Grant, deceased, to all persons in
terested in said estate, that he has
made and tiled with the clerk of the
county court of Crook County, Ore
gon, his final accounting of his ad
ministration of said estate, and that
the said county court has set Mon
day , the 10Uv day of January, 191(5
at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at
the county court room in Prinevillo,
Oregon, as the time and place for
hearing and setting said fin .1 ac
counting. At which time and place
any person interested in said estate
may appear and object to said final
Dated this 9th day of December,
M. R. Elliott,
Administrator for the Estate of
John Grant Deceased. ' 4t5c
In the County Court of the State
of Oregon, for the County of Crook,
In the matter of the estate of
Shellic (Shelly) Holland. Deceased.
ToLi7.7.ieWatson.lda Lands, Alex
Holland, Henry Holland, John Hol
land, Ethel St8nfield, Albert Stau
field, and all other heirs unknown,
of any there be, greeting:
In the name of the state of Ore
gon, you are hereby cited and re
quired to aj pear in the County
Court of tho State of Oregon, fjr
the County of Crook, at the Court
room thereof, at Prinevillo, in the
county of Crook on Monday the
seventh day of February, 1916, at
10 o'clock, in the forenoon of that
day, then and there to show .cause,
why an order of sale should not be
made authorizing the administrator
to sell the whole of the real estate
descibed in his petition being more
particulaly described as the North
east quarter of Section twenty-seven
in Townhip eighteen south of range
nineteen east of Willamette Meri
dian in Oregon.
Witness The Hon. G. Springer,
Judge of the County Court of the
State of Oregon for the County of
Crook with tho seal of said Court
affixed this 4th day of December
A. U. 1915.
Attest: Warren Brown, Clerk.
By A. W. Battles, Deputy Clerk.
The Oregonian
Is handled exclusively in
Prineville by
Delivered at your door the
same day as published for
75c per month
The annual meeting of tho Cen
tral Oregon Livestock & Agricul
tural Association will be held on
the first Monday in January, 'the
3rd, 1916 for the pruposc of elect
ing officers and transacting such
other business that may properly
corno before it. The meeting will
be held at tho Commrcial Club at 2
o'clock. 8t3c.
J. B. Shirp,
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon.
December 2, 1915.
Notice is herbey given that
Elsworth T. Curtis.
of Prineville. Oregon, who. on
August 12, 1910, made homestead
Enlry No. 07169, for Lots-1-2, SJ
NEi, Section 4, Twp. 18-South.
Range 16-East, W M., has filed no
tice of intention to make final five
year Proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before War
ren Brown, County Clerk, at Prints
ville, Oregon on the 21st day of
January, 1910.
Claimant names as witnesse:
lo liattinger, and George Craw
ford of Prineville, Oregon, and
Charles It. Erickson, of Alfalfa,
Orotron, and Claude C. Dunham of
Roberts, Oregon.
4t5p. H. Frank Woodcock, Register.
Department of the Interior. U.S
Land Ollice at'The Dalles, Oregon
December 3, 1915.
Notice is hereby given that
George E. Knox,
of Post, Oregon, who, on December
3, 1909, made Homestead Entry No."
05651, and on March 19, 1913 made
additional Homestead Entry, No.
Oil I II, for Lot 1, SEiNKi, Sec.
1-Twp. 17-South, Range 18-East
bits 2, 3. 4. SJNWi. SWiNEl Sec
tion 6, Twp. 17-South, Itange 19-
East, W. M., has filed notice of in
tention to make final three year
Proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before Lake M.
Heehtell, U. S. Comissioner, at
Prineville. Oregon, on the 15th day
of January, 1916.
Claimant names a witnesses:
Caleb Davis, Marion F. Taylor,
and Ulysses G. Allen, all of Post,
Oregon, and Herbert C. Cook, of
Prineville, Oregon.
4t5c. H. Frank Woodcock, Register.
Department of the Interior, U.S.
Land OHice, at The Dalles, Oregon,
December 14. 1915.
To Webster A. Riant, of Post,
Oreogn, Contestee:
You are hereby notified that
William S. Gittings
who gives Post, Oregon as his post
oftice address, did on November 22,
1915, file in this ofiice his duly cor
roborated application to contest and
secure the cancellation of yourj
homestead, Serial No. 06356. made
March 30, 1910, for SWJSEJ, SEJ
SWi, NJSWi, Section 18. Twp. I
17-South, Range 20-East, W M.J
and as grounds for his contest he al- j
leges that said tract of land has been
wholly abandoned by the said Web
ster A. Riant for over two years
last past: that he has sold his home
stead house upon said land and the
same was removed therefrom ; that
he has wholly failed to reside upon,
improve or cultivate the said tract
of land as required by law for over
one year last past.
You are, tnerefore, f uther notified
that tho said allegations will be
taken as confessed, and your said
entry will be canceled without fur
ther right to be heard, either before
this ofiice or on appeal, if you fail
to file in this office within twenty
days after tho fourth publication of
this notice, as shown below, your
answer, under oath, specifically re
sponding to the allegations of con
test, together with due proof that
you have served a copy of your
answer on the said contestant either
in person or by registered mail.
You should state in your answer
the name of the post-office to which
you desire future notices to be sent
to you.
H. Frank Woodcock, Register.
Date of first publication, Decem
ber 23, 1915.
Date of second publication De
cember 30, 1915. N
Date of third publication Janu
ary 6, 1916.
Date of fourth publication Janu
ary 13, 1916.
The annual meeting of the Mill
Creek Livestock Association will be
held at the Commercial Club Hall
in Prineville on the 8th day of Janu
ary, 1916. 6t3c.
Raymond, Sec.-Treas,
Notice is hereby given that the
annual meeting of the shareholders
of the Squaw Creek Irrigation
Company will be held Saturday,
January 8, 1916, at 10:00 a. m.,
at the courthouse in Prineville, Ore.
gon. E. T. Slayton, Secretary. 5lf
Notice is hereby V ivi-n that Ku
virture of an execution and decree
foreclosure tlulv issued nut t,t
the Circuit Court of the Ktnf ,.f
Oregon, for Crook County,' and to
me uireetou on the 2nd day of De-
moer, 1915 upon a judgment and
cree duly rendered, entered and
corded and docketed in ami hv
said court on the 30th dav of No.
mber. 1915 in a certain unit in
said court pending, wherein Mrs.
U h. McDowell, was plaintiff and
E. A. Davenj ort and Pearl M.
Davenport, his wife, and all other
persons or oarties unknown claim.
ing any right, title, estate, lien or
interest in the real nronertv do-
ribed in plaintiff's complaint
ere defendants, in favor oi plain
ff and atrainst defendant.' hv
which execution I am commanded
o sell the real property in said exe
cution and to be hereinafter de
scribed , to pay the sum due the
plaintiff of twenty-six hundred,
(2,600.00) dollars with intreKt
thereon at the rate of seven percent
r annum from the 14th dav of
Ictobor 1912, until paid together
ith the costs and disbursement
f said suit taxed at sixcten 50.100
($16.50) dollars, and together with
the sum of three hundred and fifteen
($.ilo.00) dollars as a reasomiblp
sum adjudged as attorneys fee in
saiu suit, ami cost and expenses of
'Xccution and sale, I will on the
5th day of January, 1916, the said
lay b eing on Saturday of asid week
at the hour of one o'clock, p. m., of
said day, at the north door of the
-ounty. Lourt tiouse, in Prineville,
.'rook ("ounty, Oregon, sell at pub
ic auction to the highest bidder
'or cash in hand on the dav of said
sale all the rights, title and inter
ests in said real uroDcrtv which
the, defendants, E. A. Davenport,
Pearl M. Davenoort. his wife, and
all other person or parties unknown
claiming any right, title, estate,
lien or interest, and all Dersons
claiming under them subsequent to
me i8tn day or October, 1912, in
of and to said mortgaged real pro
perty hereinafter mentioned in said
execution and described in said exe
cution, as follows to-wit: Commenc
ing at the southeast corner nf RlrvW
seven (7) of Monroe Hodges plat of
rnneviiie, Oregon, according to the
record thereof as it armesrs in thf
office of the County Clerk of Crook
L-ouniy.uregon, and running thence
north eisrhtv (80) feet, thence wtmt
one hundred and seventy (170), feet,
thence south eighty feet (80) thence
east one hundred and seventy (170)
feet to the place of beginning, all'
of said described land being situate
in Lrook County, Oregon.
Said sale beinor made subiect to
redemption in the manner Drovided
by law.
Dated this 10th day of December,
E. B. Knox. Sheriff of Crook
County, Oregon.
By Floyd A. Rowell, Deputy.
MENT. Notice is hereby given bv the
undersigned, the administratrix of
the estate of George Walter Snod-
erly, deceased, to all persons inter
ested in said estate, that she has
made and filed with the clerk of the
county court of the State of Ore
gon for Crook County, her final
accounting of her administration of
said estate and the county court has
set February, 7, 1916, at 10 o'clock
in the forenoon at the county court
room in Prineville, Oregon as the
time and place for hearing and
settling said final accounting. At
which said time and place any per
son interested in said estate may
appear and object to said final ac
Dated this 16th day of December,
Sarah Snoderly, Administratrix of
the Estate of George Snoderly, De
ceased. ' 5t5c.
. Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon.
December 20, 1915.
Notice is hereby given that
Horace R. Martin,
of Bend, Oregon, who on April 12,
1911, made Homestead Entry, No.
08663 and on February 1, 1913,
made additional Homestead Entry,
No. 011243, for Lots 1 and 2, SJ
NEi, SE1 Section 5. Twp. 20-South,
Range 19-East, W. M., has filed
notice of intention t" make final
three year Proof, to establish claim
to the land above described before
H. C. Ellis, U. S. Commissioner, at
Bend, Oregon, on the 28th day of
January, 1916.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Walter Hoffland, and Clyde Bos
ley both of bend, Oregon, and Mar
tin Hallmeyer and Harry Evans
both of Rivers, Oregon. 7t5p.
H. Frank Woodcock, Register.
Now turn to the Classi
fied ads on page 3
Notice is hereby given that the
lands described below, embracing
90 acres, within the Ochoco National
Forest, Oregon, will be subject to
settlement and entry under the pro
visions of the homestead laws of the
United States and the act of June
11,1906 (34 Stat. 233 ), at the
United States land office at The
Dalles, Oregon, on February 18,
1916. A..y settler who was actually
and in good faith claiming any of
saul land for agricultural purposes
prior to January 1, 1906, and has
not abandoned same, has a prefer
ence right to make a homestead entry
for the land actually occupied. Said
lands were listed upon the appli
cations of the persons mentioned
below," who have a preference right
subject to the nrior riiht of anv
settler, provided such settler or ap
plicant is qualified to make home
stead entry and the preference right
is exercised prior to February 18,
1916. in which date the land will he
subject to settlement and entry
by any qualified person. The lands
are as follows: The NWi. SE1, NFi
SWl.NiNi.SElSWl, Sec. 19, Twp.
17-South. Kantre 19-East. W. M..
90 acres, application of Raymond
Blood, Post Oregon; List 6-1783.
December , 1915.
C. M. Bruce. Assistant Commis
sioner of the General Land Office.
Department, of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon.
December 6, 1915.
To Homer R. Moore of 15C0, Vin
cent Avenue, Portland, Oregon,
You are hereby notified that
Alice Day Pratt,
who gives Post, Oregon, as his post
office address, did on October 30,
1915, file in this office his duly cor
roborated application to contest and
secure the cancellation of your
homestead Serial No. 011402 made
March 13, 1913, for NEi, NiSEi,
SW1SE1, Section 4, Twp. 17-South
R. 19-East, W. -M., and as grounds
for his contest he alleges that said R. Moore has wholly aband
oned said tract of land for over two
years last pastr that he has wholly
failed to reside upon, improve or
culitvate the said tract of land for
over one year last past or at all
since making said entry.
You are, therefore, further noti
fied that the said allegations will be
taken as confessed, and your said
entry will be canceled without fur
ther right to be.heard, either before
this office or on appeal, if you fail
to rile in this office within twenty
days after the fourth publication of
this notice, as shown below, your
answer, under oath, specifically re
sponding to the allegations of con
test, together with due proof that
you have served a copy of your
answer on the said contestant either
in person or by registered mail.
You should state in your answer
the name of the post-office to which
you desire future notices to be sent
to you.
H. Frank Woodcock, Register.
Date of first publication Decem
ber 16.
Date of second publication De
cember 23. .
Date of third publication Decem
ber 30.
Date of fourth publcation January
6. 1916.
In the County Court of the State
of Oregon for the County of Crook.
In he Matter of the Estate of
Robert Simpson, Deceased.
The undersigned, having been
appointed by the County Court of
the State of Oregon, for Crook
County, as administrator of the Es
tate of Robert Simpson, deceased,
and having duly qualified as such;
Notice is hereby given to the
creditors of, and to all pertons hav
ing claims against said deceased, or
said estate, to present the same,
verified, as required by law, within
six (6) months after the first publi
cation of this notice, to the said ad
ministrator, at the ofiice of Warren
Brown, county Clerk of said Crook
County, at Prineville, Oregon.
Dated this 21st day of December,
H. E. McKinney, Administrator
of the Estate of Robert Simpson,
deceased. 7t5c.
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon
December 7, 1915.
Notice is hereby given that
George D. Baker,
of Bend, Oregon, who, on March 8,
1911, made Homestead Entry, No,
08284, for East 1, Section 8, Twp,
20-South, Range 18-East, W. M.,
has filed notice of intention to make
final three year Proof, to establish
claim to the land above described,
before H. C. Ellis, U. S. Commis
sioner, at Bend, Oregon, on the 15th
day of January, 1915.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Osrus King, Samuel W. Merrill,
Ernest Edmunds, and J. J. Bailey,
all of Brothers, Oregon. 5t5p.
H. Frank Woodcock, Register.
Notice is hereby given that on
the 5th day of February, 1916, at
the polling place, to-wit;: Lower
McKay School house of District No.
7, within the following described
boundaries: Beginnng at a point
at the S. E. Corner of Section 6, in
Twp. 15-South, Range 17-East. W.
M., and running thence N. a dis
tance of two miles to the N. E.
corner of Section 31 in Twd. 14-
South. Range 17-East, W. M thence
W. one mile to the N. W. Corner
of said Section 31 ; thence N. cno
mile to the N. E. Corner of Sec
tion 25 in Twp. 14-South, Range
lb-hast, W. M,; thence W. 3 miles
to the S. E. Corner of Section 21 in
Twp. i4-South, Range 16-East, W.
M,; thence N. 4 miles to the N. E.
Corner of Section 4 in Twp. 14-South
R. 16-East, W. M, ; thence westjalong
said Twp. line 8 miles to the N. W.
Corner of Section 5 in Twp. 14-South,
Kange 15-hast, W. M. : thence
South along the west line of Sec
tion 5. 8, 17 and 20 all in Twp.
14-South, Range 15-East, W. M, ;
to a point where said line intersects
Crooked River at the center of the
channel thereof; thence upstream
and in a generally southeasterly
direction along the center of the
channel of said Crooked River to a
point at which the center of the
channel of said Crooked River inter
sects the range line between Ranges
lo-tast and 16-Last. in Twd. 14-
South; thence S. to the N. W. Cor
ner of Section 6 in Twp. 15-South,
Range 16-East W. M, ; thence S. 2
miles to theS. '.V. Corner of Section
7 in Twp. 15-South, Range 16-East,
W. M, ; thence East four miles to
the S. E. Corner of Section 10 in
Twp. 15-South, Range 16-East, W.
M, ; thence North one mile to the
N. E. Corner of said section 10;
thence East three miles to the place
of beginning, excepting however
from said district all and any land
embraced within the City Boundary
Limits of the City of Prineville, all'
in Crook County, Oregon, an elec
tion will be held to determine
whether the territory embraced
within the foregoing described
boundaries shall be organized into
an irrigation District under the
provisions of Cnapter VII, of Title
XLI of Lord's Oregon Laws as
amended and the name of said pro
posed Irrigation District is hereby
designated to be the Ochoco Irriga
tion District, and the electors are
hereby required to cast ballots upon
the following question: "Shall
the Ochoco Irrigation District be
"Irrigation District Yes
Irrigation District No"
which election will be held at eight
o'clock in the morning nd wil) con
tinue until seven o'clock in the after
noon of the said day.
Notice is also given that five Di
rectors and one Treasurer are to be
elected at said election.
This notice is publish. d once each
week for four successive weeks in
the Crook County Journal, by order
of the County Court of Crook County,
J. F-Blanchard and H. J. Over
turf, County Commissioners.
Attest: Warren Brown, County
Clerk. 7t4c.
Notice is hereby given that I shall
not be responsible for any debts
which my husband, Peter LeLore,
may contract on or after this date.J
Dated at Canyon City, Oregon,
this 24th day of December, 1915.
Mrs. M. E. DeLore, Suplee, Ore
gon. 7tfc.
Nl 1ft
TTEEP Informed of the World's Proitress in
A EnKineeriniz. Mechanics and Invention. Font
h atner ana son and Ail the family, it appeals
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The Shop Net Department (20 Fairefc) contain,
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Amateur Meehanlce 17 Faoee) lor the Bovs and
itirlswtio lisetomakethingMellahowtoinakeWiro-
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