Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, December 30, 1915, Page Page 4, Image 4

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Are Your Hens Laying Eggs or are they Non-Producing
For the Lack of Proper Winter Foods and Attention?
Serve You
W 1916
vou a
Awaiting your orders are the best
butter, coffee and teas of quality, the
finest cheese obtainable, fresh fruits,
fragrant spices, pure olive oil, break
fast foods of all kinds and fancy gro
ceries of unexcelled merit.
Our stock would make the
mouth of Lucullus water.
The City
Mrs. Anna Maling returned from
a month's trip to San Francisco
the last of the week.
Harry Farnsworth, who is attend
ing the U. of 0. this year, is spend
ing the holidays in this city. -
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Rienke left
Tuesday for The Dalles, where Mrs.
Reinke will undergo an operation.
J. W. McCulloch of Ontario is one
of the many candidates for public
service commissioner from this dis
trict. Mrs. Adeline Yancey and Miss
; Eleanor are spending the week with
Mrs. Yancey's parents at Grimes
F. F. Hoelscher and Douglas Law
son left Tuesday for Portland where
they will attend the irrigation con
gress. Alma Kincaid and Edga Gregory
of Antelope are visiting friends and
relatives in this city during the holi
days. Henry Montgomery and sons
Chester and Johnny of Bend spent
several days in the city on business
this week".
Have you seen the 15-pound stick
of candy at Lafller's? It will be
given to the party holding the lucky
number soon.
Jay H. Upton and L. N. Nichols
left the first of the week for Port
land where they will attend the irri
gation conrgess.
Harold E. Smith and Evangeline
Young of Bend were granted a
license to wed by County Clerk
Brown on Monday.
Miss Joe Jeffries went to Pert
land last Saturday to meet her sis
ter, Miss Lillian, and spend the
week in the city.
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Price of Au
burn, Washington, returned here
the first of the week for a visit and
will remove to Bend shortly.
At a special school election held
Monday afternoon II. D. Peoples
ws elected clerk to complete the
unexpired term of John Boll, resigned.
The W. C. T. U. will meet with
Mrs. Fannie Johnson next Wednes
day afternoon January 5, 1916. A
literary program is being prepared
and a full attendance is desired.
The friends and members of the
Christian Church will hold a recep
tion Saturday evening from 7:30 to
8:30 at the Christian Church to
greet the Sunshine Evangelists.
A joint installation of the various
branches of the I. 0. 0. F. Lodge
in this city will be held at the Odd
Fellows building on the evening of
January 6. All Odd Fellows and
Bebekahs are invited. - ' r -
The young son of Ralph J?orfily
was operated upon Monday having
his tonsils and adenoids removed.
The operation was performed by
Dr. Edwards assisted by Horace Bel
knap, Jr.
Miss Ruth Hawley and Dr. How
ard Gove have issued invitations to
the young ladies and gentlemen of
the Annex and Club to attend a
Grafonola party at the Annex rooms
this evening.
F. E. Lafler has patented a device
for developing film packs. It is a
tank of unique design, and the
second of this kind to be patented,
the other patent being held by the
Eastman Kodak compay.
Miss Bessie Dingee, who is wall
known here was married recently
at Nye Beach to Dr. Edgar Crocker.
Dr. Crocker owns the Crocker Sani
tarium at that place where the
young people will make their home.
Miss Wilde entertained about 45
of her pupils at Laflers yesterday
evening. Music and progressive
dominoes were the order of the day,
and refreshments were served dur
ing the evening. A deglightful
time is reported. '
The Ladies of the Annex will be
at home to their many friends at
the Annex rooms, Commercial Club
building on Saturday, January 1,
from 2 until 5 p. m. This is the
annual reception which has already
become a historic event, and
promises to grow more popular each
SNOWFLAKE Sodas and all the other
Swastika goodies are now easily re
cognized by this uniform label. Look
for them on your dealer's shelves.
A severe blizzard is reported to
be raging in the Culver country.
Sheriff Black's new modern resi
dence at Culver is noaring comple
Frank Dingoes of this city left
Wednesday for his former home in
Mrs. Dora Newton of Roberts,
was in this city the first of the week
on business.
Jasper Ireland and Dottie Foin
dexter were married Tuesday even
ing in this city. j
H. G. Bunn of Roberts passed
through this city Wednesday on his
way to Portland on business.
The Misses Rowena Campbell
and Ila Knox spent the week end
at Miss Campbell's home in Red
mond. Otto Hart who has been spend
ing his holiday vacation in this city,
returned to his home in Salem yes
terday. A 22,000 volt transformer caught
fire in the Metolius sub-station of
the' Deschutes Power Company
Tuesday and was very bady damaged.
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Howard re-1
turned to this city the first of the
week after spending some time in
San Francisco and other California
Special meetings are to . be held
at Grimes Chapel beginning Monday
January 9, when the pastor
will be assisted by the Rev. Van
Nuys. Sunday school at 10 a. m.
District Attorney Wirtz says that
all punch' boards in the county will
be destroyed after the" first of the
year, the officials of the different
towns in the county agreeing to act
on that date.
Miss Ila Knox will be heard in a
solo at the Christian Bible School
next Sunday morning. The hour is
10 o'clock. The preaching service
will be in charge of the Sunshine!
Evangelists, both morning and even-!
ing. Geo. H. Ramsey, pastor.
George F. Houston is the new
man at the Crook County Bank. He
will occupy the) position left vacant
by Don H. Peoples who takes charge
of the Crook County Abstract com
pany business the first of the year.
S. S. Kurtz of Howard was a
business visitor Tuesday.
Prineville and Bend will compete
for honors on the bowling alleys at
the latter place tomorrow afternoon
and evening. The Prineville team
will probably consist of A. E. Noble
Robert Osborn, O. C. Claypool, R.
L. Jordan, and E. J. Wilson. The
Prineville team already has visions
of victory.
Services will be held as usual at
the Methodist Uhurch on Sunday.
The new Scripture Competition for
children under 12 will b gin at the
morning service. The purpose of
this competition is to encourage the
children of the Sunday school to
remain for the preaching service.
The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper
, will be observed at the close of the
morning service to which all mem
bers of the church are urged to at
tend. The Lyric Theatre is announcing
the biggest, best and last show this
year, which will be given tomorrow!
night at that theatre. The show will
start at seven and will continue un
til after midnight; will show twelve
reels including everything in the
line of pictures and a number of
special features. An intermission
is advertised in which the manage
ment will serve doughnuts and cider.
The admission charge is 15 and 25
cents. '
Charlotte Lively, the eight year-old
daughter of Mrs. Anna Lively-Ramsey,
formerly of this place, wan struck by a
speeding mortorcycle near her home in
Arlington, Tex., on December 17. Her
condition it critical, having Buffered a
broken arm and a leg, scalp woundtt
and internal injuries.
Injwinter a regular system of feeding should be ndopted and
steadily adhered to throughout. Give your hens a comfortable
shelter withi plenty of ..light; keep dry, clean and well ventiluted,
but avoid draughts of cold air. Feed regularly a variety of
good clean food. Table scraps thickened with bran, boiled
together, are also very good in winter, to which add a teaspoon
full of DR. HESS POULTRY PAN-A-CE-A as directed.
Give in a mash of wheat, bran and shorts which should con
stitute the morning feed. In winter give warm. Small grain
should be thrown among chaff, which will compel the fowls to
exercise. Keep fowls well supplied with fresh water and
plenty of grit, bone or oyster shell. Keep your hens free
from lice by adding DR. HESS' INSTANT LOUSE KILL
ER in the dust bath every other week.
1 1-2 lb. pkg. Poultry Pan-a-Ce-a, to make
hen lay 25c
3 lb. pkg. Poultry Pan-a Ce-a, to make
hens lay .'. . 50c
1 lb. can Instant Louse Killer 25c
2 lb. pkg. Stock Food and Tonic 25
7 lb. pkg. Stock Food and Tonic 65c
12 lb. pkg. Stock Food and Tonic . . .'. . 1.00
25-lb. pail Stock Food and Tonic 2.25
1 qt can Sheep Dip and Disinfectant. . 50c
1-2 gal can Sheep Dip and Disinfectant 75c
1 gal. can Shep Dipand Disinfectant 1.50
Call and get free samples of Poultry Pan-ace-a and Instant Louse Killer
0. C. Claypool & Company
w id:
It used to be that a man went into the near
est store and said: "Give me a collar, size
15." Now he goes into a certain store of his
choice and says: "I want a blank collar,
you know what style."
It's just one example of how specialized store
service has revolutionized buying by simpli
fying it Men appreciate being served as
individuals when they find a store that gives
them such attention, where values are to be
found and where their satisfaction is looked
upon as the most important feature. That's
where they are going for their needs.
Ours is a store of that caliber
a dollar buys a dollar's worth
and the man who buys a neck
tie is treated just as well as the
man who buys a Clothcraf t
. suit or overcoat.
Come and satisfy yourself on this point