CROP COUNTY .IQURAL fage 2 fir y I H'onn 1 I H7?r 3 r;fni 'T 1 CALIFORNIA III it Always delightful, is most enjoyed during her Warm Winter Weather Sunny days, soft breezes, laughing surf and inviting beaches are irresistible attractions to those who know California. GO AND ENJOY THIS WINTER. Any representative of the Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co. UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM will be g!.id to help plan your trip. See your O-W. R. 6? N. Agent, or write the General Passenger Agent, at PorthnJ, for literature and full information. City Meat Market J. W. HORIGAN, Prop. Choice Home-Made Hams, Bacon and Lard Fresh Fish and Oysters Fruit and Vegetables in Season When you can get it less in PRINEVILLE You can get it for less at our shop. for ? WHY BUY YOUR STUFF IN Prineville Meat Market P 0 RTL A N D Fightinj tin Beef Tru.I DISEASE AND ITS MASTER CHIROPRACTIC Disease is a lack of or an excess of function in any part of the body. All function is controled by mental impulses from the brain. There fore the CAUSE OF DISEASE must be an interference with the line of communication between the brain and the diseased part. Why not remove the obstruction and restore free communication? Chiro practors do this by adjusting the subluxated vertebra causing the obstruction. Such diseases as Appendicitis, Asthma, Bronchitis, The Grippe, Goitre, Headache, Typhoid, Pneumonia, Paralysis, Dis eases of the kidneys, Stomach, Bowels, Liver, Bladder, Pelvic Or gans, Lungs etc , and many others are being successfully treated by Chiropractic adjustments. Edison says: "The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease Investigate. Consultation free. 9 to 12, 1:30 to 5:30. hvenings by appointment Dr. H. E. BURDON 8ndrKcagI Cornett Building, Room 7 Graduate Pacific Chiropractic College A BANK BOOK overtops almost everything in importance in busineBR life. It means freedom from worry, freedom from disputes about payments, better standing with those with whom you do business. We shall be glad to have your account and you will be glad to have one here after you learn its advantages. The First National Bank Of Prineville, Oregon. The Oldeat Bank in Central Oregon Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $150,000.00 CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL Classified Ads work while you sleep! r,v L.ooi.i.icvtk, I'tlitor-Vropriotor Kiitt'red at tSe txwtotlWe Rt 1'rinevlllo, Oremm, as oeomlcUa mutter. The Journal nUrnl for the best Inter wts ol riinevilto and Ciook County. lt nilependent in politics. PobliolnHi every Thumtlay afternoon. Vice II.. V) per year, payable in advance. In case ol chanieol ad.ireM please notify la at once, niving both old and new iililreea. HAPPY NEW YEAR Tlu year 191(5 is upon us, ami the ushering in of the new year fore tells many changes. Most prominent of these is the promised increase in prosperity in the land. In the eastern part of the United Sates we are told that trade condi tions are far above the normal, and that the influence is being felt all over the coast is an established fact. For our readers we predict and expect that 1916 will be more pros perous than the closing year has been, and to them we pledge 52 issues of the Journal that will be devoted to assist ing in the best man ner we are able to determine, in achieving that end. To ail of you, individually and collectively, we say: A happy and prosperous new year! QUITE ANOTHER STORY IN PRINEVILLE The business men of the city ex pect The Spokesman to boost for Redmond all the time, and show up the good points about the town and country. And this the paper has done for the past six years in every issue. And in doing this the paper natur ally expected to receive the sup port of the men for whom it boosts and helps in a business way. j But has The Spokesman received this support? i I No! ' j During the year 1915 a number, of merchants and business men of the city have been sending out of town to mail order concerns for . their job printing. They have not even asked prices of The Spokesman on this kind of work, but have sent the money away and taken it out of circulation here. Is this a square deal to a paper that has been working for the best interests of Redmond and all the people here? It looks to us as if it was a very one-sided deal, and no justice in it. Redmond Spokesman. i ffi i i 8 Use Sieitor Jlour! TANDARD AND DID IMnP 17 A Happy and Prosperous New Year to All Doubly Assured to Our Satisfied Patrons PRINEVILLE FLOUR MILLS M IS m ii! !!'! US m Bl 81 85 It is certain that the question of county division will come up again at the election next year. Whether there will be as hot a fight this time over the question as there was last year remains to be seen. Last year columns and columns of arguments for and against division were written, and thousands of news papers and circulars printed and dis tributed to the voters, and a good deal of hard feeling made that has not yet bean healed over. It is to be hoped that the county divisionists the coming year can get together on some satisfactory plan of division and work for a common object. Mud slinging and lying in politics always works as a roorback and it , iisn't worth the game. Redmond Spokesman. I Millinery New Fall Hats The Latest Styles at Mrs. Estes' Millinery Parlors PRINEVILLE. OREGON D With 111 " n ir I i m in raw ealmg bquar eiy The Public 'HAT assurance have you after you have purchased a piano on which a reduction of from fifty to one hundred dollars has been made that you have really bought at the bottom price? How are you to know that the next buyer who happens in will get an additional twenty- five or fifty dollars reduction? Does it seem reasonable to you that a piano built to sell at three hundred dollars can be sold for two hundred and leave a legitimate and fair margin of profit for the dealer? Bear in mind this fact no merchant sells his goods at a loss, and the piano that is offered at a reduction of one third off or one-third added is a dangerous and unsafe investment at any price. It is built to deceive, sold by dealers whose policy is to charge all the traffic will bear and who do not hesitate to take advantage of the fact that the average buyer is unskilled in piano construction and the quality of materials. ON OUR FLOORS may be seen pianos that are very low in price, as low in fact, as good dependable pianos can possibly be sold. They are the production of factories which have established their reputations by the merit and quality of their pianos, and the prices, save for the addition of eastern freight, are identi cally the same as in New York, Boston or Chicago. IT ISA PROVEN FACT that dollar for dollar, your money will buy more real piano quality here than at any other store in the west. Because we re spect the intelligence of the buying public and because we know no other method than to deal fairly, squarely and out-in-the open, you may rest your case with the positive as. surance that you will get the best piano possible at the price paid. No matter what may be your piano desire, no matter what may be your income, we are in a position to satisfy that desire and to make the ownership of a really good piano or HI ,f t-.i . r' i. w player piano a more econo mical proposition than anv other firm: Leave orders for niano tunino- an A rrnnirina t our store. Factory experience. General Repair 117 1 ON FURNITURE, UPHOL- AlIr STERING, AUTOMOBILE VV III l PAINTING; HOUSE PAINT w f ING, PAPER HANGING A SPECIALTY. Call on vn in the J. F. Morris Building. , . WRIGHT BROS., PRINEVILLE, OREGON LWILL GIVE $1000 If I FAIL to CURE mi CANCER wTUMOR I tt.n bafore It POISONS hip liS m ittickit U BONE witnout unite or Paw , No PAY Until CUREDl WRITTEN SUARANTEE Nu X lUy or othur iwtmllfl. An Tiilanil plant mil Iron the cure Any TUMOR, LUMP or I SORE on the lip. ico' or body long li CANCER; It iiiiTor imlrimintll IhhUUro JZO-PABE BOOK X'llt , HiKK, KJ.OHI timtl. nioniaU. Drill ti imi Any LUMPin WOMAN'S BREAST ' II M H 0 C if pit glMHli n1 KILLS OUICKLV One woman liievir)r7dlBiioloncr U .8. report We rofiiM many who wait too long it in nnt ci.. Pooronrod at hall prlco If men In yetnrnnll Or. & Mrs. Or. CHAMLEY & Ci. K'Sltfnt1!'? "Strictly Rtlltdlt, Sreittit Cancir Smclillit lllni" 4340 t 436E Valencia St, Sin Francisco, C.iL. KINDLY MAIL THIS tUM'MIVlUl CANCER kr7 n You can buy the same thing much cheaper in Prineville