Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, December 09, 1915, Image 1

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    J Ot o
Ku.ncne Or
Crook Coittity
NO. 4
J ' 12
Prineville Eleven Showi
Better Team Work.
Wedding Anniversary
at Rowell Home
Cool, Hard Work Get ReiulU
for Prineville, Winning Over
Heavier Team.
Prineville 13, Itend 0.
Again hiui Bend been taught the
lewon that Prineville can do things
on the gridiron, and the game that
resulted in the above wore was per
haps the greatest surprize that they
have yet received at the hands of
the local men.
The closing .quarter of the 'Ihanka-
giving game at Bend left the im
pression that PrineviUe's light team,
mx-.t of which were from the regu
lar high school eleven, had broken
down, and they figured that with
strengthening and practice Prineville
would be an easy victim at the re
turn game.
Anin they failed to reckon with
PrineviUe's spirit of winning and
the ability of Coach Lawson. While
the local lineup was composed of
high school -boys with a few excep
tions the team work was even better
tian in previous games, and a
liumb T of new plays and combina
tions were tried out on the clevm
from the mill city that were too
much for them to comprehend un
til after it was too late.
The game started with a rush, but
after the first two or three minutes
it was evident that it would be
evenly contested for the greater
part of the game at least.
The first half showed no result,
Prineville having somewhat the
better of the battle if any odds were
shown. The plays were again
switched by Lawson in the third
quarter, and this visibly worried
Bend. Early In this period Prine
viUe's liirht team repeatedly com
menced a combination of line-buck'
ing that shoved Bend s ton or men
back down the field from one to
four yards at a time.
The last ten rrinutes of the game
came, without a score, but Bend was
fightlnr a desperato defensive
battle, and losing ground every
By a combination of plays, and
cool headwork Prineville neared the
goal in good, hard, Btraight drives.
The crowd grew frantic, and catch
ing the spirit the local eleven, with
one concerted effort demoralized
Bend's defense for a moment, and
Lawson delivered a safe touchdown
Brosius kicked a safe goal.
The time was growing short and
Prineville was determined to repeat
the performance just to show the
visitors that it was possible. Bend
fought hard but every gain was
made by Prineville, who battering
agaist time, made a second touch
down, shoving Robert Lister
through a hole in the line at what
was considered by Bend as being
its strongest point juBt as the judges
called time. Kick failed because of
gathering dusk.
In every football game the people
have learned to look for one or
more stars. This game was no ex
ception. The stars were there,
eleven of them but above ail could
be seen the master hand of the
coach, the spirit of Lawson, who
controlled that eleven with the ac
curacy and precission of a genius.
The Bend men were good loscn,
-and were free to admit that they
Last Thursday evening,
fifteenth anniversary of the mar
riage of Mr. and Mrs. F, A.Kowell
of this city, more than thirty mem
bers anil friends of the Christian
Church remembered them in a sur
prise party. The guests were walk
ing in upon the happy family before
they were aware of callers. Follow
ing a short program of recitations
and music the guesti entertained
with poetry written especially for
the occasion some of which display
ed a real poetic ability. Then each
member of the company recited the
first piece ever given in school or
in public. This proved very interest
ing and amusing.
At a late hour the crowd unwill
ingly sough their own homes and
left the two to their thoughts, new
wedding presents of crystal, and
. .
&onc to ?3e ismng at tlje j
Coiumunttp (Efjrfetmas tSTree
Mails and Road, ME IN COURTHOUSE
bet Consideration;
Familiurize yourself with the words.
JtCame Wpon tljf Jtlibnfgbt ,
It came upon the midnight clear
That glorious song of old
From Bngi-ls bending near the earth,
To touch their harps of gold,
"1'cucnon the enrth, good will to men,
From heaven's all-gracious king,"
The world in solemn stillness lay
To hoar the angels sing.
Still thru the cloven skies they came,
With pesceful wings unfurled
And still their heavenly muiic floats
O'er all the weary world,
A hofe its sad snu lowly plains
They bend on hovering wing,
And ever o'er its iiabel sounds,
The blessed angels sing.
For lo! the days are hastening on
liy prophet brands foretold.
When with the ever circling years
Comes round the age of gold.
When peace shall o'er ail the esrth
Its ancient splendors fling.
And the world send back the song,
Which now the angels sing.
Zbttt'9 a &on8 intfje 3Ur.
There's a song in the air!
There's a song in the sky!
There's a mother's deep prayer
And a baby's low cry!
And the star rains its Are
While the beautiul sing.
For the manger of Bethlehem
Cradles a king.
There's a tumult of joy
O'er the wonderful birth,
ror the Virgin a sweet boy
Is the Lord of the earth.
Ay! the star rains the fire
lile the beautiful sing
For the manger of Bethlehem
Cradles a king.
We rejoice in the light,
And we echo the song
That comes down through the night
rrom the heavenly throng.
Ay! we shout to the lovely,
Evangel they bring
And we greet in his cradle
Our Saviour and king.
The Prlneville-Redmond road is
receiving attention from the county
court, the citizens of both towns j
and the people living along the
Under the supervision of com
missioner Blanchard the road is be
ing straightened and graded up, and
the expense is being met one half
by the county and the other by the
people along the road and in the
towns. ,
This road, as has been in these
columns before, is the most used
and perhaps the most important
In the county, and can b" put into
condition at a very nominal expense.
Everyone should help muke it the
best road in the county.
Silent Night! Holy night!
All is calm, all is bright
Round yon virgin mother and child
Holy Infant, so tender and mild
Sleep in heavenly peace,
Sleep in heavenly peace.
Silent night! Holy night!
Shepherds quake at the sight!
Glories stream from heaven afar
Heavenly hosts sing alleluia
Christ, the Savior, is born!
Christ, the Savior, is born!
Silent night! Holy night!
Son of God. love s pure light
Kadiant beams from Thy Holy face
With the dawn of redeeming grace
Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth! .
Jesus, Lord at Thy birth!
JO? to tfjt IPorlo.
Joy to the world! the lord is come;
bet earth receive her king.
Let every heart prepare him room.
And heaven and nature sing.
Joy to the world! the savior reigns,
Let men their songs employ,
While fields and floods,
Rocks, hills and plains.
Repeat the sounding joy.
He rules the world with truth and grace
Ana makes the nations prove
The glories of His righteousness,
And wonders of his love.
At the Commercial Club meeting
Monday evening a committee was j
appointed to prepare data with ;
which to assist the county court if
possible in determining on the irri
gation district matter when it comes
up for consideration tomorrow.
A second committee was appoint
ed to attend to the matter of good
roads and better mail sevrice. This
committee hopes to have some
good news for Prineville in relation
to mail supply in the near future.
Be it remembered that a regular
term of the County Court of the
County of Crook state of Oregon
was begun and held at the Court
house in Prineville, Oregon, on
Wednesday the first day of Decem
ber, 1915, as the same being the
first Wednesday in said month and
the time fixed by law for holding a
regular term of said Court, when
were present at the hour of ten in
Treasurer's Salary Reduced
to $100 per Year.
Delegates Appointed for Irriga
tion Congress; Regular Coun
cil Meeting.
The city treasurer will receive but
$100 per year in the future instead
of the $25 per month as at present.
An ordinance, No. 229, to the
above effect was passed at the regu
lar meeting of the city council
Tuesday evening, and will go into
effect the first of the year.
The council ordered the marshal
to notify property owners in Noble
Addition that they would be given
just one week in which to repair
sidewalks, and all who failed to
comply during that time will be ar
rested. Walks in some parts of this
the morning the following officers:
G. Springer, Judge, Presiding, H. I addition have become dangerous to
J. Overturf, Commissioner, J. F. J the public, the council considered.
Bad Check Artist
Grabs Half Hundred
Plans Are Completed
Biggest Time Ever.
Blanchard, Commisoner. Warren
Brown, Clerk, E. B. Knox, Sheriiff.
Whereupon the following pro
ceedings were had to-wit: 1
Resolution Court agrees to ap
propriate a sum of money not to ex
ceed $250.00 tobe,used on the Prine-ville-Redmond
road a provided in a
resolution of this Court made the
and summary action is deemed ad
visable. City Attorney Biggs reported
that she had collected some $490,
during the month from old sidewalk
improvement assessments and other
claims held by the city.
G. W. Noble, Jay H Upton, Will
Wurzwiler. 1. W. Ward and. George
98-Page Book Gives Every
Detail of District.
A badcheck artist, Bert Gilmore
or Harry Hardly by name, invaded
I'rineville Thursday evening last
week, and succeeded in getting
away with about $61 on checks
forged on the account of C. A. Field
of Post!
Gilmore had been working for
Field, and came to Claypool & Co.,
and Stewart & Co., stores; purchas
ed a bill of groceries at each palce,
and presented a check for each
which ho indorsed as Harry Hardly
and received his change on the
checks. He left saying that he
would call the next day for the
groceries. When he never called
the merchants became Buspicious
and investigated.
Their man had proceeded to Red
mond and bought a ticket for Port
land before Sheriff Knox was noti
fied. Deputies boarded the train
when it arrived in Portland only to
find that the man they wanted was
too wise, and had dropped off at
some other station and apparently
made a clean escape.
All Are Expected to Be at Club
Hall at 3 O'Clock and Prac
tice Songs.
third day of November; 1915, on ; h. Russell were appointed delegates
tne condition that a like sum in j to represent the city at the irriga
work or subscription be apDropriat-'tion congress in Portland,
ed and expended in said resolution. J it was voted by the council that
Court adjoured for meeting of j the Australian ballot system be used
County Boudary Board. jn the coming election and that the
Court convened this second day j voting place be the basement of
of December at the hour of eight the court house. Election day De.
in the morning; same officers pre-) cember 20.
sent asyesterday. I Bills paid were:
Order a warrant drawn in favor : Stratira Biggs
Report Is all That Could Be
Desired for Proposed Irriga
tion District.
of G. H. Russell in the sum of Five
Hundred Dollars to be used on the
Chas. S. Edwards
R. S. Price
A large and enthusiastic number
of the citizens of Prineville met at
the club hall last Friday to further
plan and develop the community
Christmas work. The committees
have been at work with scarcely
any exception and all indications
point to a successful carrying out
of the community Christmas festiv
ities. Only one case of distress
was reported in our city. That will
be immediately cared for. Mrs. O.
C. Claypool, chairman of the distri
bution committee, has secured the
Jordan building, next door to O. C.
Claypoool & Company's grocery
store, as a depot of supplies for the
cost of constructing a portion of the j Win. Pollard
Ochoco Road around the Russell j L. M. Bechtell
Reservoir. ; C. W. Elkins
Petition for relief by Mrs. James, J. E. Stewart & Co.,
referred to Mr. Overturf with in- N. F. Smith
The complete report of the joint
survey and investigation which was
carried on by the state and federal
government recently which covers
the Ochoco irriagtion project and
power possibilities has just been is
sued from the government print
ing office at Washington.
It is exhaustive, complete in every
detail, and is of great vaule, com
ing as it does at the time when the
residents and owners of the lands
are planning to take up the work
in an irrigation district.
The book contains 98 pages, 50
maps which cover every possible
rphase of the project, including the
needy. You may leave your Christ-, reports of jj and other jnvestiga-
mas bundles for the relief of dis- tinns. and tpn nhntnoranhie hnlf.
4iad been out generaled.
This is the way they lined up:
Prineville: , , Bend:
Charlton ler Stover
Cantril-E. McFarlahd
ltr Muszyinski, Lambertson
W. McFarland Igr Lambertson,
rgl Wilkinson
rtl Ward
rel Armsbecker
qb Erskine
rhl Brandenburgh
L. Lister
Weigand t
R. Lister
tress there. Clothing, food, canned
goods, dried fruits, and any other
rrticles, all equally gratefully re
ceived. Watch for other announce
ments and do not forget the singing
practice next Sunday afternoon at
the club hall at 3 o'clock. See the
words of the songs to be used in
this paper.
k If you are not in on this com
munity work, you will miss the best
Christmas you ever 'saw in Central
Oregon. Don't do something you
will always be sorry for, but get In
and help with this work and enjoy
yourself with the whole community.
Meetings at Grimes chapel have
been discontinued until January.
James E. Johnson left today for
Huston ( Venator, after spending two weeks
Steidl in Prineville. .
tones which show the proposed dam
site, the lands that are to be irri
gated from several different view
The investigations were started
well toward the heads of Ochoco,
Crooked River and McKay "creeks,
and cover every feature of these
streams to . the lower Deschutes
While a number of possible pro
jects have been investigated and re
ported upon, the only feasable one'
according to the report is the' con
struction of a .dam or a series of
them on Ochoco, and the irrigation
of the lands north of Prineville.
The report contains data that has
cost many thousands of dollars to
collect, and will put the matter of
irrigation of these lands in a much
more simple torm than ii the sur
vey and report had never been
structions to visit the James family '
and given power to act for the
county if necessary.
County Surveyor instructed to
make report on county bridge and
roads to State Highway Commission
as requested by State Engineer.
Order warrant drawn in favor of
J. C. Prichett in sum of $50.00 as
damages on John French road.
Proper plat and dedication pre
sented of River Terrace, Bend, Ore
gon; together with certificates of
Surveyor, Assessor and of Sheriff
of taxes paid; Dedication and plat
approved by Court and ordered
placed on record.
It appearing that certain school
districts in Crook County have not
made levies for the year 1916; the
following levies are hereby made by
this Court under Sec. 248 of Ore
gon School Laws for 1915 and the
recommendation of Supt. Myers;
District No. 10, 6 mills; No. 13,
5 mills; No. 15, 5 mills; No. 20, 2
mills; No. 22, 5 mills; No. 25, 1
mill; No. 26 2 mills; No. 29,1 mill;
No. 35, 2 mills; Redmond Union
High School, 2 mills.
Cancelled road warrant class B
Nos. 867 and 870 presented to the
Court by J. O. McKinney together
with affidavits satisfactory to the
Court showing the same to have
been purchased for value; order
cancellation of said warrants
rescinded and Treasurer instructed
to pay same on presentation.
Agreement made by Court with
P. B. Poindexter, whereby the said
P. B. Poindexter agrees to keep the
Ethel Glaze
Stratira Biggs
J. B. Shipp
M. D. Powell
1. W.Ward
E. O. Hyde
Deschutes Power Co.,
"A Broken Step," is the subject
next Sunday evening at the Chris
tianJChurch, the last of the regular
services for the day. Our Bible
school has a place for you at 10 a. m.
Will you take that place? The
young people willbe benefitted by
attending' the Christian Endeavor
Prayer Meeting at 6:30. We stand
ready to welcome you to all services.
Geo. H. Ramsey, pastor.
The following bill were paid at
the December 1915 term of Crook
County Court:
Mrs. A. Agostini Laundry $8.15
Collins W. Elkins Mdsetor
paupers and road 2.00
Hotel Wright Meals for in
sane - . 3.75
J. H. Dickinson Justice fees 2.70
K. D. Houston Constable fees 7.00
Herbert Angell Juror, justice
court 3.20
Harold Throp " " 4.60
continued on page 2.
Continued on page 6