P C.E 3 TRUST IS ORGANIZED ! OREGON NEWS NOTES TO HANDLE EXPORTS! OF GENERAL INTEREST OaSSmedl AdiS CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL A BANK BOOK overtop! almost everything in importance in ,. imnlneH lifo. It niHHiiH freedom from worry, freedom from ilinpuUi about pytnnlH, hotter Ktaiitlitijr with thtwn with whom you do huniiKWH. We tihall bo ilnd to have your account und you will he glud to huve one here niter you lnuru it .advantages. The First National Bank Of Prineville, Oregon. The Oldett Bunk In Central Oregon Capital, Surplui and Undivided ProliU, $150,000.00 Company, Recognized by U. 3., Events Occurring Throughout jf The Wants of the People. . . I W ti C.fato Hiirinn fha Pacf i4 F.mn1nvmnf Hln Want Ml W VttttU Vl my HIV Week. Will Supervise Shipments to Europe. Watches, Clocks, Diamonds and Jewelry Call on or write SMITH, the Jeweler Percy R, Smith D. P. Adamson & Co. Prineville, Oregon Pure Drugs and Chemicals. Prescriptions a specialty. Maher & Grosh Cutlery. Books and Magazines Cigars and Sundries. Lowney's Candies in sealed packages. D. P. Adamson & Co. Prineville, Oregon , Washington, Formation of an Amorlcar) Trust company, simllur In organisation to The Netherlands Over seas tniMt, to liamlle American pro duct abroad with assurance that they will not reach the belligerents, wa announced by Secretary Kedfleld ot the department of commerce. , Thin wim retarded a meaning tliat the American 0"ereu Trust com pany will assure the Kuropean govern ment with which It deals that no good exported under Its supervision will reach opposing belligerents, j "The object of the scheme," Secre tary Kedfleld said, "Is to secure the luoveinent of neutral commerce under such authoritative auspices as to as sure that It will not be Interrupted. That part of the plan to he undertaken by the department of commerce, under the arrangements discussed, would be the BHcertalnlng, by commercial at taches, commercial agents and other officers, that the operations of the , plan were strictly impartial and neu-, tral. "The new company would be open i to assist all truly neutral American I commerce to all countries with which ' It Is to operate. The machinery would not be officially a part of the govern ment and It would not be a money making scheme." Salmon Fry Seeking 8ea. Astoria. Thousands of young salm on that recently were released from the various hatcheries have now reach ed the lower river on their way to the sea, aud at points along the middle river scores of them have been caught during the past few days. They ap pear to stay around the canneries which are running, seeking the offal for food, and bite eagerly at hooks baited with salmon eggs. The young flub are about six Inches In length. Men and Women Seckina Employment; Help Wanted and Bargafns in Everything from a tin pan to a High Class Crook County Stock Farm FOR SALE SADDLE MARE For sale or will trade for wood or bay. Six years old and gentle. Call or phone th Journal office. 2tf. FOR SALE 150 tons of hay. Ad dress L. Connell, Meadow, Ore gon. 52t3e CITY PROPERTY Address Bo 121 for a bargain. 4Ttf MUSIC TEACHERS TEAM OF MARES Weight about 1450 both with foal. Age 4 and 7 years. Call at this office. Mc 3tf. Workmen Law Test Cases Advanced. Salem. The supreme court has ad vanced for hearing the cases of Evan heff and Upton against the state In dustrial accident insurance commis sion, The cases are brought to test tho constitutionality of the Oregon I cirri VPn,n A rt "- ". " GOOD Work team and harness, for hale. H. K. Allen, Powell Butte, Oregon. S8tf. workmen's compensation act. Of the 21 states having compensation acts, the law has been declared constitu tional In 15. The law was only re cently upheld by the California su preme court. Call at this office C.'H. G. 43tf GERMAN LIEUTENANT ARRESTED FOR PLOT ' Land Products Show Great. Portland. Hortland'a second annual Manufacturers' and Land Products Show, presented by the chamber of i commerce at the armory, which began j Monday and will continue for three weeks, is one of the greatest displays ! of the state's agricultural and hortlcul i tural resources ever assembled. Col ' lections of fruits, grains, grasses and vegetables from 23 of Oregon's 35 counties are being shown.. 254 ACRE FARM-220 acres under plow, all fenced with woven wire. Six mies north of Prineville. 100 acres under ditch survey. Cheap if taken quick. Address J. M. care The Journal. 46t9p. THOMAS J. HILL-Tetcher of piano and voice Pupil of Lucere E. Becker Paitto, and J. Ross Fargo Voice, Portland. Pupila may en ter at any tirre. Studio at Me Laughlin house. Phone Red 153 45tf. WOOD SAWING WOOD SAWING Leave" orders at L. Kamstra's store or phone red 2G3. Ben Fox 43tf WANT BOARD AND ROOM DRY QUERIES ANSWERED New York In the arrest of Albert 1 Fay. a lieutenant iu the German army, 1 and Walter Schols, bis brother-in-law, Attorney General Brown Says Physi police aud federal secret service , eian May Give Liquor, agents believe they have detained j Baiem.in answer to an Inquiry leaders In a plot to wreck American : (rom a dlBlrict attorney of Oregon re- City Meat Market J. W. HORIGAN, Prop. Choice Home-Made Hams. Bacon and Lard Fresh Fish and Oysters Fruit and Vegetables in Season mmmt uuumm sftnnargMe a m I mm 3 .-i 1 1. TT7V r - THIS NEW IDEA keeps Snowflake Sodas fresh and crisp. The neat, useful tin box, filled with SNOWFLAKE SODAS Is now sold by all dealers. , You will like this economical, sanitary way of buying delicious crackers. Price 50 Cents Abo sold In 10c and 25c cartons and in bulk. PACIFIC COAST BISCUIT CO. I PORTLAND, OREGON munition plants and ships carrying munitions. According to Captain Tunney, of the , New York anarchists squad, Fay con-. fessed that he came here to work out plan for stopping the shipment of munitions. I A vast quantity of high explosives were found in the prisoners' room In Weehawken, N. J. garding several phases of the prohibi tion law effective January 1. 1916, At torney Geaeral Brown holds that in a case wherein the owner ot a drug store is not a druggist but employs a registered pharmacist to sell drugs and dispense and compound prescrip tions, the pharmacist must execute and file the $250 bond required by sec tion I ot chapter 141, general laws ot SECOND HAND ORGAN As good as fiew. would be good lor some school or small church. Price $50.00 Inquire of Secretary of Ladies Aid, Baptist Church. 52tf TO EXCHANGE WANTED To trade, a 20-acre farm near Newberg and Portland income property for an equipped Btock farm. Ka..ch with some irrigation preferred. Give full details in first letter. Box 765, Newberg, Oregon. 3tlp. WILL ACCEPT-board and room or rooms for light house keeping with good family as partial pay ment on a new piano or player piano. E. H. Brent, Prineville, or phone the Journal office. 2tf. LOST AND FOUND BARBERS LOST OR ESTRAYED Dark gray two-year-old filly, rather leggy, supposed to be branded with wa gon wrench, quarter circle under left stifle. Left my ranch about the middle of the summer. Lib eral reward will be paid for in formation leading to recovery. Price Coshow, Prineville. Oregon. 51t8c. ONE BAY HORSE Lost last June. White fact, both hind feet white. Branded on left shoulder, H-C Mane roached when last seen. Raised by Harry Cutting, near Izee. $10 reward. Notify W. H. Grimes, Prineville. 3tf. AL COLEMAN New Barber Shop, in Morris building. Give me a trial. Prompt Service. 46t4 STRAYED Police who have been watching out-! 0neon of m5( More Intoxicating li- going vessels for explosives caused the arrest. Explosives and survey charts ot New York harbor are said to have been found in their possession. The men are declared to have been testing a bomb in a small grove when quor can lawfully be sold at the drug store. Other rulings are as follows: Ignorance of intemperate habits of a person would be no defense In a case wherein a sale la made upon an affidavit by a pharmacist From and after January 1, 1916, a registered pharmacist cannot fill a TAKEN UP One 3-year-old Here ford cow and calf came to my pasture about 3 months ago. Has blotch brand on right hip, under bit on left ear; tip of right ear gone., Owner may have same by paying for this notice. Kimble & Black, Meadow, Ore. 5 2t3c I AM OUT several head of young stock this fall and will pay suti able reward for information for their whereabouts. My brand is "7" on left hip, and also branded "G" with bar over, on right hip All de'uorned. Adiess G. W. Hor ner, Tumalo, Oregon. 3t3e. WANTED WANTED Badger skins. Must be prime sMns. Address the Journal and state price. 2t5c apprehended. prescription for intoxicating liquor LEAGUE CONTRADICTS BRYAN other than aicohoi. 1 j A prescription stating that the al- Ex-Secretary Invited to See for Him-i Cohol is required for medicinal use is self Charges He Made Untrue. j not sufficient, and such prescription Washington. The Navy League of must show on its face the purpose for the United States, through its secre-' which the alcohol is prescribed, tary. Arthur .11. Dadmun, sunt a letter A physician can administer Intoxi to William J. Bryan, ex-secretary of eating liquor to a patient when the atate. Inviting him to call at the ot-! aanie la actually necessary as a medl- rices of the league In the Southern building, Washington, and make a thorough Inspection of the league's ac counts and subscription lints. The navy league's letter was sent as a result of frequent charges which Mr. Bryan has made both iu the Corn- cine .n the treatment of disease. Dory to Take Long Trip. Albany. In a boat which they ex pert to use in the halibut fishing bus iness of Yaqulna bay. Captain U A. Wood and sou, Charles Wood, of this moner and In his publicly spoken ut- j city, left Albany to go to Newport by terauces that the navy league was sup- j water. They will travel down the Wil ported by a body of malefactors of , lamette to the Columbia and thence to great wealth allied with the alleged ; the ocean and down the coast to Ya amior plate ring for the purpose of j quina bay. Their boat Is a dory 28 maintaining a clamor of war and so feet long with a nine foot beam. Improving business in armor plate, According to Mr. Dadmun, the navy league has never at any time received any contribution from any armor plate, ring and docs not know of the exist ence of any such body. Another Army Invade Serbia. Berlin, by wireless to Sayville, N. Y. Further advances for the Austro German troops on the Serbian front. Including a successful forward move ment by the new foreea which have crossed the Danube near the Rouman ian frontier, were announced by the war office. The Bulgarians have ad vanced. 12 miles north of Plrot, near the center of the Serbo-Bulgarian frontier. lowans to Get Liquor. Chicago. A permanent Injunction was issued by Judge Carpenter of the United States district court, restrain ing officials of the Chicago, Rock Is land A Pacific railway company from refusing to accept and deliver con signments of liquor to points In Iqwa, and to agents of the consignees on the written order of the latter. ' Bryan Fighting Ohio Liquor Traffic. Lancaster, O. William J. Bryan be gan his campaign for statewide prohi bition in Ohio here with a speech fav oring the proposed prohibition amend ment which will be submitted to Ohio voters In the election of November 2. Grant Conference is Set Salem. Thursday, November 18, was set by Governor Withycombe as the tentative time for holding the meeting between the committee named by the recent Oregon-California land grant conference and representa tives of the Southern Pacific company. The executive has written to the mem bers named by the conference to as certain if the date selcted will be satisfactory. Baker Plant Disappoints. Baker. The official tests of the Baker municipal power plant, follow ing the completion of a new 24 inch steel line, from the top ot the hill to the penstock at the plant, a distance of 1200 feet, proved a disappointment. The engineers estimated that 100 kilo watts could be developed at the plant, but $6.8 was the best recorded. Cement Mixer Kill Man. Roseburg. Charles L. Robblns, for merly ot Milton, was Instantly killed at Table Creek, about 40 miles south of Rosoburg; when he fell Into the mouth ot a cement mixer which he was. operating. , . .' Medford Armory Dedicated October 27 Medford. Medford held a big cele bration October 27 when Governor Withycombe and staff dedicated the new armory of the leventh company, coast artillery. A Splendid Gift' Absolutely Free On all cash purchases to the amount of $25 at the regular price at our store at Post, Oregon. We will Give Away Free of Charge ONE YEAR'S SUBSCRIPTION TO THE Crook County Journal Only 50 pounds of sugar allowed on each $25 pur chase. Phone and mail orders will have special con sideration. Get our prices. This offer expires Dec 22 HOMER NORTON NOT GOOD AFTER DECEMBER 11, 1915 Crook County Journal's Voting Contest This Coupon Will Count for 10 Votes For Postoffice '. Good for 10 votes when filled out and sent to The Journal oBc by man or otherwise, on or before the above date. No coupon will be altered in an; way or transferred after being received by The Journal. The Journal does Modern Printing on Short Notice i in