, ' t -I . - f ' - - . .-(--. ....... paIes Crook "to. CLASSIFIED ADS ON PAGE J mm County Mm COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER FOR CROOK COUNTY CITY OFFICIAL PAPER FOR CITY OF PRINEVILLE VOL. XX PRINEVILLE, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1915. r.iwjfT o-c wtov' "SsZZ&m t'f-c r& Wct Returns Eastern Idea . With Improvements ' UKES THE OREGON COUNTRY Distinguished Guett Left For Hit Eastern Home Mon day Morning Gov.-elcot Samuel W. McCall of Massachusetts, possible presidential i candidate for the Grand Old Party, statesman of unquestioned ability J paid a visit to Prineville and the' country hereabout this we'k. On Friday afternoon the gover nor and his party consisting of Dr. Washburn of Boston, who is a phy sician of wit's reputation, Mayor Baxter of Bedford, Massachusetts, Henry MiCall and wife of this city, were the guests at the high school where a short program was given after which the student body and a number of visitors present were ad dressed by the governor. As the ' address was primarily for" the students of the ic'iool, and the two advanced grades of. the pub lic school, the subject'ofciUenship was chosen. m . I At-- t- J ... . M o ras long cecn ine nonwrsu iua- torn of our people to turn In the fruitful autumn of the Tear In pratst and tbsnh&glvlng to HlmigbtT God for hie many blesejngsand mercies to us as a nation. - NeveU before have the people of the Onlted" States been so situated for their own advantage or the advantage of their neighbors or so equipped to serve them selves and manhlnd. SoC3, therefore. I,' Oioodrow Olltson, president of the United States of Hmer Ica, do hereby designate the last Churs dav of November neit as a day of tbanhsglvlng and prayer and Invite the people throughout the land to cease from their wonted occupations and In their several homes and places pf worship ren der thanhs to Blmlgbty God. EAT EM ALIVE AT BEND Mill City Eleven Annihilated On Home Field BROSIUS PRINEVILLE'S HERO Ball Lingered in Prineville Terri - tory Throughout the Game Score 12 to 0 "Civilization started in the east and came wait for the reason that the Pilgrim fathers landed on Ply mouth Rock instead of the mouth of the Columbia," he said. "We are now getting back those ideas of civilization, freedom and govern ment fromjjthe west withjimprove ment.s.'andareJSrapldlyU S'JiWHSL them. , "In the ol.J d tys.jpiplt'l mw 1916 LIQUOR LAW REVIEWED BY WIRTZ ADDITIONAL PRIZES TOR JOURNAL WORKERS All Purchases Must Be Re corded After New Year OFFICERS MUST ENFORCE LAW Total of $260.00 Added Piano Vouchers in CONTEST NOW ON IAST IAP away from a country, injorder to be able to worship and live as they wished. This is the manner in which America was founded. Today when there are no new lands to move to, ive are compelled to stay at home and'ritrht for theJimprovemt.tsthut we think are right." "Cooperation in everything, re cognition of the rights of the indi vidual, and the permission of every community, every village to have the privilego of self government are the reasons for the success of the American nation. Upon the suc su'ceessful education of people like these here today, depend the future of the nation. The football game played on the Bend field on Saturday resulted in a clean victory for Prineville, 12-0. , The game was called on a field that was a lake of mud and water and the Prineville team took to it like ducks. : During the second period Brosius made a touchdown, and at theclose of this period a goal was made which the Bend team claimed was fou'ed. The umpire gave the deci sion to Prineville, but after discuss ing the matter among themselves, the matter was left to the captian of the Bend team who claimed the foul. The Prineville team then re quested that the decision of the umprire be reversed as against themselves which was done; In the third quarter another touchdown was made by Charleton which brought the score to 12 for i Prineville, which resuit. was not changed at the close of the game Three drops were attempted by Brosius, but because of the condi tion of the ball all of them failed Better head work, expert coach ing by Douglas Lawson, and good hard ball throughout the game brought the result. Bend was never nearer than 2o yards of their o goal line. Governor is Given Power to Act No Changes in Prizes Already When Necessary; Clubs .Must Abstain F, S. Towner left Friday for Sheridan, Wyoming and Custer, South Dakota where he is called by the death of his mother. He expects to be away two weeks. Owing to the fact that there is much interest and discussion among all citizens these days as to the de tails of the act enacted by the legis lature this year to enforce the pro hibition amendment to the constitu tion which prohibits the sale and manufacture of intoxicating liquors for beverage purposes after Janu ary 1, 1916, and as that date1 is drawing near, the Crook County Journal has asked District Attorney Wirtz to prepare an abstract, of the law covering as many of the details of the law, as many be of interest AnnouncedThese Are Additional Community Christmas Tree Plans All Mad continued on page 3 We are pleased to announce this week that we are able, thiough special arrangement with 'E. H. Brent, of the Wiley B. Allen Piano company to give additional ; prizes amounting to $2G0 to contestants in the Journal's voting campaign. These prizes are given in five vouchers which will be accepted as cash by Mr. Brent, and will be transferable so that they will have an actual cash value of the amount named. They will apply on any piano named the ho'.der may select at the regular retail price, and the Continued on page 8 The community Christmas tree is now an assured fact. The committee on arrangements reported the fol lowing plans and named the follow ing committee to have charge of the detail work. We suggest that the treat be only for the children and shut-is; wi further suggest that no presents or gifts be on the Christmas tree or presented publicly even in the cause of charity ; we urge that our com munity spirit at Christmas em phasize giving to the needy, for which purpose donations will be so licited; we recommend that Santa Claus, sleigh, and teambea reality; ; '.a J2 V. - 1 Jt Continued on page 5. h ?Tt5 NO. 2