O, PAGES OlT ok CLASSIFIED ADS ON PAGE 3 COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER FOR CROOK COUNTY VOL. XIX PRINEVILLE, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1915. t CITY OFFICIAL PAPFR FfiP riTV nc ddimpu., , - . V ' - . vi rnuic VILLI, NO R Bend and Madras Will Get Largest Amount PRINFM SCHOOL $1108.43 Expert Max Crandall Submit Final Report After Month Checking Up Record Crook County owe more than ? 11.000 to the various town and school district in Crook and Jcffer eon counties according to a report JiiHt completed by Max Crandull, on money that have been collected from delinquent taxes, and the interest upon said collections, rang ing over a period of several years. Of this amount the city of Prine ville get but $151, while school dis trict number 1 which is located in Prinevillo will receive $1108.43. The city of Bend will receive $837 and the Bend school district $2,472 more, the city of Redmond has $767 coming to it and Madras will be nt!d $2,092 by this county in squar ing the bill. While many of the districts were unpaid, some received more than they were entitled to. The total of tho overpayment amounted to 41,180.77 which amount is now due the county from the various dis trict while the total amount the county will be compelled to pay is $12,830.64. Mr. Crandall has been working on the county records practically all the time since June 1, and has had one man assisting during that time. He has handled a total of about 4000 items in making out his report, which Is a fair sized volume in itself. . The following amounts are due tht various school district In old Crook County: No. Amount No. Amount 1 1108.43 102.21 8 1.69; 4 16.14 ft If JO m tin or V , il.TC ' r 11. 41 46.96 9 114.42 10 88.01 12 2472.23 IS , 88.47 14 . 162.80 18 16.75 16 76.63 17 31.47 18 48.13 21 48.22 22 20D2S2 23 14.70 24 17.39 25 f 85.62 29 v 65.74 SO 43.15 83 20.64 85 u 16.83 , 37 130.14 89 87.76 41 8.68 42 173.63 43 ' 169.54 44 13.46 45 8.83 46 188.40 47 86.57 48 3.99 60 85.33 W. W I it Hi WEEKS TO CHRISTMAS Too Early to Make Holiday Pur , chases? Nonsense I " Oct Busy at Oncel I , -,..F smv 1 1 .1-, hi i...'V (S i e r r DGE ARRED0ND0 V-V- ... Judas Arrsdondo, who I tht iccrsd Itod rtprttentatlvs of Genarsl Carrsn za, of Msxlco, In Washington. LD Announces That He Will Visit Here Soon. Robert E. Strahorn may build his railroad from Mctolius to Burns through this city according to in formation received in letters and telegrams from him this week. He say that he is sure the line thorugh this route would be much more productive, and that if a way can be found through the mountains south eaiit of this point he is open for negotiations. He will be taken over thh pro posed route at an early date by a party of Princville business men and will commit himself further after passing over the ground personally. Portland and Seattle Market Quotations Portland. Wheat Club, 6c; bluestsm, lie; rd Russian, 92c; forty-fold, lie; rd fife. 92c Hay Eastern Oregon timothy, fit; alfalfa, $13.60. Butter Creamery, 29c. Ess lUnch, 81a Wool Eastern Oregon, 38c; valley. lie. cattle. Wheat iBIuestem, !8o; club, 95c; red Russian, 92c; forty-told, 98c; fife, 12c. Barley $24.60 per ton. Hay Timothy, $11 per ton; alfalfa, $14 per ton. Butter Creamery, 30o. Eggs 37o. I r . . el v 62 26.C6 63 323.12 G5 2.15 66 133.43 57 , 2.50 68 . 29 44 59 448.07 60 40.93 62 113.82 63 31.42 65 65.22 06 . 63.32 67 19.37 69 28 0l 70 105.19' 71 244.43 72 33.94 74 287.36 75 105.03 76 64.57 77 11.41 ,78' 19.66 79 25.13 .80 335.80 81 27.20 82 149.95 1 83 200.77 ' 85 121.17 86 12.88 .. 87 1817 88 ' 2.90 . , 89. , 3.57 90. ... . 1.08 ',98 . 9.60 , The following schob! districts were overpaid, according (o the report: No. , .Amount No. Amount 6 118.21 ' " U 8.57 19 ' 10.35 20 113.26 26 , ' 16.75 27 48.56 28 '" 'M''.-i 31 r-;" : 15.34 32 19.65 34 ' 131.88 36 . 86.78 38 , 41.23 40. '. .1.95 . 49 ' i;, 8.06 51 '" " " 16.85 f 54 "V '? 84.07 61 69.95 64 92 60 68 . 193.2a, 73 . V j 17.63 84 176.43 . 91 ' .' .L'7 93 '' 9.60 100 .73 COUNTY COURT HOLDS EXTRA LONG SESSION Be it remembered a regular term the (Jountv court of Crank Of County, State of Oregon, was begun i n l held at the tourthous In Frine ville, Oregon in the County Court room thereof, on Wednesday the Third day of November,. 1915 at the hour of eleven A. M., the same being the first Wednesday in said month and the time fixed by law for holding a Regular Term of said Court when were present the follow ing officers: G. Springer, Judge, presiding; J. F. Blanchard, Commissioner; H. . Overturf, Comminsioner; Warren Urown, Clerk; E. B. Knox, Sheriff. Whereupon the following proem-dings were had, to-wit: . Order made by the Court setting the 10th day of December, 1915 as the time of hearmor the netition for . the organization of the Ochoco Irri gation District. Petition for the establishment of a county road presented by Evison Atkinson et al, together with affi davits of posting notice and bond approved in the sum of $200. Pro ceedings referred to District Attor ney- m c,a Man and final survev of the S. J. Pierce Road Dresented bv Countv Surveyor. Order Bame accented and road opened as a public highway. Resolution: Court agrees to ap propriate the sum of $500 to be used on the Rodmond-Prineville Road, known as the Houston Road on the condition that the sum of $300 in cash and $200 in work and subscription be appropriated by the people of Prineville, Redmond and the intervening community, end be expended on said road under the direction of the County Court. On petition of residents of Fife Road District. Resolution ailontprl recommending the establishment of the DroDosed Chas. A. Sherman Road as a public highway and di recting the Surveyor to make a pre liminary survey thereon. Chas. A. Sherman authorized bv court to estimate and purchase the lumber necessary to construct cul verts on said road ; to approve said lumber bill and return it to this Court; the Court further agrees to furnish the metal culverts necessary to construct this road : and to bike step necessary to make this road a public highway. Court convened this Fourth Hav of November. 191K. Sum. nffWrn present as yesterday. Whereas the duties of R. L. Jor dan as tax collector of Crook County. Oregon ceased on the 22nd day of May, 1915 and his official turn - over has been made as of that date; . it is here by ordered that the ' bond of the A Safe Way to Mark Your Ballot in the Special Election Tomorrow Official Ballot for City of Prineville, Oregon, Special Election to be Held November 12, 1915 Mark a Cross X between the number and answer voted for. An Ordinance Referred by the City Council An amendment to sub-division two of Section Twenty-five of Chapter Five of the City Charter of the City of Prineville, Oregon, to authorize the assessing, levying and receiving of taxes for municipal purposes, not to exceed one and one half per 'centum per annum upon all the property within the corporate limits, both real and personal, which is taxable for county and state purposes, as a general fund. Vote Yes or No. 300. X Yes. ' . , , . 301. No. An Ordinance Referred Amendments to Section Seven of Chapter Three of the City Charter of the , ;. City of Prineville, Oregon, and to Sub division Forty-Seven, of Section Twenty-fiye of Chapter Five of the City Charter of the CiCy of Prineville, ! Oregon, to authorize the changing of the office of marshal from an elective office to one of appointment Vote Yes or No. ; v 302. X Yes. ' " 303.'. No; . .;' United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company as to the future act of K. L. Jordan as Tax Collector for Crook Countyin the sum of $40,000 be and the same is hereby released. Statement of County Clerk of bounties paid by him during the months of August and September, 1915, approved and accepted. Resignation of Arthur E. Bates as Justice of the Peace for Camp Creek District, accepted. Preliminary ReDort of the Snr. veyor on the browsed Chas. A. j Sherman road filed; order of Court seating iriday. the third day of De cember, 1915 at hour of 10 o'clock A. M. as time of hearing on said re port and instructing the Clerk to give proper notice thereof. It appearing that Mrs. Louie L. Ballard has left the State of Ore gon; Order pension of Mrs. Bal lard discontinued beginning the first day of October, 1915. Also order warrants drawn in her favor for months of August and September, 1915 cancelled. The following Road Matters were continued until the first day of the December Term, 1915: S. V. Har din No. 2 Road.Tumalo FroiectNo. 1 Road, and O. F. Wallenberg Road. burveyor ordered to make final survey and report at the December Term of Court on the proposed Geo. A.Jones and Extension of the Young, Roads. - C. H. Dealy Road continued until first day of January term, 1916. Petition to open C. B. Swalley Road continued until first day of March term, 1916. Viewer's report on O. H. Talbot Road read for .first time. District Attorney ordered to file i complaint against the Pacific Tele ' phone and Telegraph Company and the Deschutes Mutual Telephone Company with the Public Service Commission at Salem. Judge Springer given full power to act irf the matter of providing necessary provisions for the family of James H. Asley, indigent. Cancelled road warrants Class 6, Nos. 827. 828, 829; 830, and 842 presented by Anna BrosterhouS; Also Class B; No. 843, 844, 845, and 846 presented by Arthur Schilling; affidavits filed showing satisfactori ly to this Court that the same has been purchased for value; order can cellation of said warrants rescinded and Treasurer instructed to pay same. Whereas on the 16th day of Feb ruary, 1914, this Court allowed the bill of Bert A. Haney forprofessional services and expenses in the Mat ter of A. mac E. Ball, accountant, and whereas said claim was net continued on page 6 by the City Council MRS. NORMAN 6ALT IRS. by Arnold Ganth. Mr. Norman Gait, the Washington widow who will soon become ths wife of President Wilson. COUNTY BUDGET MEETING DECEMBER 2 Commissioners Estimate Nec essary Sum at $2 1 9,674. In the Matter of the Amount to be Raised by Taxation during the year of 1916. ' This matter coming on reguarly for hearing this ninth day of No vember, 1915; and it appearing that a full and completed , estimate has been made by this Court of the amount of money proposed to be raised by taxation, in. Crook County. Oregon during the year of 1916, as hereinafter set forth; and it appear ing that said estimate must be pub lished and an opportunity given for a full and complete discussion there of as provided in Chapter 234 of the 1913 Laws for Oregon; now, therefore, it is hereby ordered, that the Second day of December at the hour of ten o'clock in the morning in the County Courthouse, m Prine ville, Oregon, in the County Court room thereof, be and the same is hereby set as the time and place of hearing a full and comlete dis cussion by the taxpayers of Crook County of said proposed estimate as hereinafter set out; it is further ordered that a copy of this order in full be published in the Crook County Journal, the official news paper for Crook County at least twice prior to said 2nd day of De cember, 1915; the first publication thereof to be on the 11th day of November, 1915 and the second on the 18th day of November 1915; That the estimates of the amount as to be raised by taxation during the year 191S is as follows: Estimated indebtedness, January, 1, 1916 $60,000.00 County judge, salary and traveling expenses 1,050.00 Commissioners, mileage and per diem at court 600.00 Road supervision, mileage view ins, etc. by commissioners 2,000.00 Secretary of county court 200.00 Circuit court expense 7,000.00 Justice court expense 500.0U Juvenile court expense 500.00 Sheriff's office and expense of county jail 7,000.00 Clerk's office 6,000.00 Assessor's office 5,000.00 Treasurer's office 1,075.00 School superintendent office 3.160.00 Library fund 400.00 General school fund, 3-mill levy 24.000.00 School exhibit county fair 200.00 High School 16,624.00 Surveyor's office . 3,000.00 Coroner's office 400.00 Sealer of weights & measres 250.00 Water master 1,(W)0.00 County Argicu'turist 1,500.00 Health officer , 180.00 Widow's pensions , , , 4.000.00 Indigent persons, ; " 6000.00 Insane examinations etc. 150.00 Courthouse expense, Janitor, fuel, light and power, tele- , ; phone, telegraph, express, freight, repairs eta. ' 3,535.00 Bounty on coyotes, 2,500.00 Rebate on double assessments : ' .. and errors 300.00 Auditing county records v 500.00 Elections' 4,000.00 Enforcement Anti-liquor POWELL BUTTE MAN WORLD "SPUD" KING Raised Only Perfect Potato Judges Ever Saw TOOK FIRST OVER FfflOXE S. D. Mustard Received $100 Cash Prize, Many Ribbons and All Honors S. D. Mustard of Powell Butte is the Potato champion of the world. While Mustard and with him the Powell Butte district has been forg ing ahead for years in the produc tion of potatoes, the honors claimed by R. L. Schee for him at the Land Products show last week in Port land were attained somewhat sooner than he or any of his friends really anticipated. JiThe soil and climate conditions in Crook County are ideal for the pro duction of a perfect potato. The judges at the show found that Mr. Mustard had some perfect spuds, and a lot of others that were near perfect. The decision was gained over Ansel Smith of Canada, who took first at all the big shows last year, and came to Portland with the avowed intention of clean ing up everything in sight, but he overlooked the Powell Butte district and S. D. Mustard, and that is why hi plans miacarried-thiS year. The Mustard potatoes scored an average of 97 points out of a pos sible 100 which included 10 separ ate varieties. One of his Netted Gem potatoes is now on display in one of the lead ing jewelry stores in Portland Mr. Schee says, draped in plush, with a card giving the name of the grower and the location of his farm. It is the only article in the window, and is attracting much attention. As a result of the nublicitv train ed by these potatoes, all the surplus stock in the country will no doubt find a ready sale in Portland at a good figure. The disDlav contained a number of other articles besides potatoes, selected from all Darts of the countv. and was taken care of in a credit able manner by Mr. Schee, who should be given considerable credit lor the honors won there. law, 1,000.00 County fair . 500.00 Printing proceedings and publishing delinquent taxes 1500.00 Estimated state tax 33,000.00 Bridgeaculverts and miscellaneous 26,000.00 Total $224,674.00 Probable receipts from clerk's office 5,000.00 Net amount to raise $219,674.00 ... . f T- - -! - John C. Payne, who .will appear with ! the California Jubilee Quartette at the 'Commercial Club Hall, Monday, Nov. 22 f