Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, November 04, 1915, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    Tate 4
Dick Mulholland is in Prineville
Will Ledford is in Prineville to
day from Post.
J. Floyd Houston was in Prine
ville on business yesterday.
Sam Newsom was in the city the
first of the week from Post.
C. J. Johnson brought in a bunch
of beef the first of the week.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. H. L.
Whitesett at Bend on October 29,
a boy.
Mrs. Guy Wakefield left Monday
for Parma, Idaho, to visit her rela
tives. Attorneys Lake M. Bechtell and
Willard Wirtz were in Culver yes
terday on business.
Mrs. J. B. Shipp and her mother
Mrs. Perry left today for Michigan
points on a visit to relatives. They
expect to be away some six weeks.
Miss Paisy McCallister was in
this city Monday.
Pearl Weigand of Lamonta was
a visitor in rrineviile on Sunday.
John Milliron of Roberts was a
business visitor in this city on Tues
day. Miss Blanche Wilson of Terre
bonne, spent the week end in this
Rev. E. C. Newham will preach
at Lamonta school house Sunday
morning and afternoon.
Dr. Ida Behrendt returned from
a trip to Silver Lake and Paisley
the first of the week and will be at
Hotel Oregon from November 4 to
Some changes are being made in
the basement of the Presbyterian
church to facilitate Sunday School
and social work. A room is fitted up
for the pastor's study and office,
kitchen and library convenience are
provided and room for fuel.
Dr. Ida Behrendt
Philadelphia Optical Col
lege, Philadelphia, Pa.
McCormick Optical Col
lege, Chicago, 1L
Are you wearing lenses that are not satisfactory? If you
are having ironble with your eyes it will pay you to come
direct to me. I will give your eyes a thorough and careful
examination free of charge and tell you the exact condition
they are in.
I Fit Every Conceivable Style of Spectacles and
Dr. Behrendt is now introducing the late Kryptoc Invisible
Bifocals and Toric Lenses. Perfect fitting glasses, ground
especially for weak eyes, astigmatism, near-sightedness,
far-sightedness, reading or fine work.
I especially solicit complicated cases. My experience often
enables me to give satisfaction where others fail.
My glasses cure headache, neuralgia, nervousness, tired
eyes, aching eyes, styes, granulated lids, bloodshot eyes, etc
Remember my responsibility does not end until you have
obtained the satisfaction you expect
Parents Should Not Neglect Their Children's Eyes
For a pair of glasses worn for a few months will enable a
child's eyes to strengthen and fully develop, while neglect at
this critical time will so injure the eyes as to make it neces
sary, sooner or later, for them to put on glrsses and wear
them continually.
At Oregon Hotel, November 4 to 12
Horses Wanted
Will buy horses, in good flesh, 950 to 1400 pounds;
15 hands high; 4 1-2 to 10 years old; broken or
Hamilton Stables and Prineville
Hotel :-: W. T. Brown
I have been to the Expositions and I want
to tell you that every man, woman and
child who can, by any means, should go.
Children of to-day may again enjoy such
an opportunity, but you and I in the prime
of life, never.
-Ask any Exposition visitor.
World conditions are such as will prohibit similar
gatherings during our generation. That is why I
say to you GO. The San Francisco Exposition
closes December 4th. There is plenty of time yet
to see it, but not more than enough. Now is the
best time of the year in California and of the Ex
position season. Therefore, Go Now!
We'll take care of your trsvel needs
That's our business. Ask
A. C. EGAN, D. F. & P. A BEND,
or General Passenger Agt, Portland
Oregon-Washington R. & N. Co.
TTJ fT A sixly-four page book on Cali
I IX a t ifornja and the Imposition upon
application. We pay postage.
H. C. Nelson of Roberta was in
the city yesterday.
Dr. Rosenberg made a flyinjf
trip to Madras today.
Senator MeCall was elected gov
ernor of Massachusetts in Tuesday's
election by a lead of over 6000 votes.
Sunday school at 10:00 A. M. and
public worship at 1 1 :00. B. Y. P. U.
at 6:30 P.M. and public worship
at 7 :30, at the Baptist church next
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Robinson of
this city returned from a trip to
the San Francisco fair Monday. They
traveled by water, making the trip
on the steamship Great Northern.
O. C. Clayroo'.'s ad last week
should have md $1.15 for 5 gallons
of bulk kerosene, and The Dalles
Diamond flour should have been
$1.65 per sack.
Preaching both morning and
evening next Sunday at the Christ
ian church. Subject, 7:30 P. M.,
"The Greatest Sin" Bible school at
10:00 A. M. Geo'H. Ramsey.
Mrs. Collins Elkins returned the
first of the week from Salem where
she went as a delegate from the
Shumia club to the state conven
tion of women's clubs.
A "pound" party was given last
evening at the Methodist parsonage
when more than fifty of the mem
bers of the church and other friends
congergated there for a pleasant
Elbert Hoeeh is preparing to drill
a well on the C. Sam Smith property
on the northwest side of the city.
The well will be drilled to a consid
erable depth, or until the artesian
flow is stopped.
Mrs. Sarah Morris who was com
mitted to the Oregon state hospital
at Pendleton on November 28, 1912,
died at that place on October 25. ac
cording to a report just received
from the officials there.
"Win My Chum Week" will be
observed in the Methodist church
Sunday November 7 to 14. Services
will be held Monday, Tuesday, and
Thursday during the week. Every
one is invited to attend.
John Demaris was kicked on the
head by a horse which he was sho-
ing yesterday at hit ranch on McKay
His scalp was badly torn, and it was
necessary to summon medical aid
in order to stop the hemmorlage.
On Friday evening, November 12,
at 8:15, at the Methodist Church,
members of the Commercial and
Annex Club, Ladies Aid Society and
all, are cordially invited to attend
the vocal and instrumental recital
! to be given by Thomas J. Hill, as
sisted by Miss Elma Noble.
Mr. and Mrs. Judge Duffy left
yesterday for Portland where they
will remain for the next two weeks.
Judge Duffy will assist in Judge
Kavanaugh's division of the circuit
court while in Portland. All mail
addressed in care of Judge Kava
naugh will reach him promptly.
Morning worship at 11. Sirmon
"To every man his Work" Evening
praise and gospel service at 7:30.
Sunday school at 10:00 A. M. Young
People's meeting at 6:30 P.M. Mid-J
week meeting will be held Wednes
day evening at 7:45 at the Presby
terian church.
Saturday evening the young peo-'
pie of the Baptist Sudnay school en- j
joyed a real hallowe'en party at the j
residence of J. 0. Powell east ofi
this city. About thirty were present.
They spent the evening in toasting j
marshmallows by the campfire and
otherwise enjoying themselves.
Some opposition is reported es
pecially in Bend, to the Sunday
closing law. As fast as the violators
are reported the offenders are be
ing arrested, .and District Attorney
Wirtz says that he will prosecute
eve-y case that is called to his at
tention by the sheriff.
Ben Kennedy was arrested at Po
well Butte shortly after noon today
on a warrant from Roseberg chang
ing him with a statuatory crime.
Sheriff Knox received a letter from
the sheriff at Roseberg enclosing
Kennedy's photo the first of the
week, and he soon located his man,
who was going under the name of
Johnson. He will be taken to Jack
son county just as Boon as a deputy
sheriff can get to Prineville for him.
In Seeking Quan- "Preferred Stock"
iity Consider "creferredJfS Eliminates the
When Abraham Lincoln said that "All men are created equal,' we believe he had
a reason for not concluding that all would remain equal thereafter. We also believe that
what applies to man in this particular case applies to the principle of scientific merchandis
ing. While our beloved Statesman did not pass judgment on the quality of Preferred Stock
Canned Goods, we believe he would have done so voluntarily, only that he was ushered on,
on a preceeding link of this great endless chain of time.
The key to economy is careful purchasing of dependable merchandise. This does
not mean the buying of cheap goods, but the best quality of goods for the least money.
Bread has been called 'The Staff of Life." It is. It is the staple food in every
home the chief article of diet on every table. You seldom sit down to a meal without it.
Regardless to the skill applied to the art of bread-making, it is impossible to make good
bread without a good quality of flour
Per sack $1.65
Per barrel $6.35
Per 5 barrel lots $6.10
Special Prices in Quantities
Per sack . $1.40
Per barrel $5.50
Per 5 barrel lots $5.25
Half-ground stock salt in 1 00 pound sacks, per ton
Half-ground stock salt in 50-pound sacks, per ton
Price per bar 5c
Small 30c
Large 1.20
Bulk Kerosene, per gallon
Bulk Kerosene, 5 gallons
25 c
$1.1 5
Cove Orchard Winter Apples, box
1- ply $1.75
2- ply $2.35
Special Prices
on quantities
0. C. CLAYP00L & CO., Prineville
We Handle the Best Lines in the County
Your Special Attention
is called to our new fall
and winter line of Men's
Suits, Mackinaws, Under
wear, Woolen Shirts,Etc.
We Specialize in Men's Wear Only
Successors to Foster & Hyde