CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL Page T Plans All Ready For Big County Fair continued from pngo 1, it, come to the fnlr, AT NIGHT TOO There will bo an abundano of entertainment tit night durnjf fuir week, Two of the evening during the fair there will bo play produe ed ut the Commercial club hall, and each of the remaining evening a dance, will be held in the sumo hall,' The Lyric Theatre will produce f pedal program for the occutrfon, and a dance will be held each niglu in Glaxo Hall. Free muHic on the streets in the early part of the evening and the balloon acta will add to the Interest in event after supper. FKKRIS WIIKKL, CTC. A ferris wheel will be in opera-, . .. ... .1 i... i...,-.-.tvi it quickly. nun uii kiiu Krutuiuo uui imk vnu iuur days of the fair, and a merry-go-round and numerous other forms of amusements in the way of conces sions and stands will be provided. Among other things there will be a new feature in the way of the Afri can Dip, paddle wheels, numerous bhows, shooting gallery, cane racks, pillow top stands and a great! many others. To make a long story short, Uie list of concessions is already long enough to mako a tent city on the grounds, and telegrams and letters are being received by Manager Schoe every day announcing new ones. 100 FAT CATTLE The entries of fat cattle already total 100 head, and more are looked for by the managment. The stork barns will be crowded to capacity. Among the exhibitors in the cattle division, which will include dairy classes are II MeCall, M. R. Biggs. W. I. Dishman W. II. Post. Douglas Lawson, E. T. Slayton, C. W. Foster, T. S. Humes, Itonnyvlew Ranch, G. W. Kusaolt, G. W. Slayton and many others. THOMAS W, LAWSON'S FINE HOGS When Thomas W. Lawson, who by the way is one of the best known financiers in America, went into the hog business, he did it with the sume spirit with a man of his ability does other things. He had unlimit ed capital at his command, and he used it lavishly. The result is that he has what is perhaps the best stock In many different breeds and the greatest number of .high class indi viduals to be found on a single farm in America or in the world for that matter, today. These hogs will be at the fair next week, and that exhibition alono will be worth com ing many miles to sec. If you have any ideas on hogs, this will be your opjMirtunity to verify them, and if you have not, come to the fair and you will get an idea about them and Used Car Bargains One Five-passenger Cadillac in perfect running order, and a . Bargain at 390. Just the thing for a light truck. One five passenger Chalmers electric lights and self-starter. One 1915 Hupmobile. elec tric lights and starter, just like new. INLAND AUTO CO. Prineville, Oregon. IN THE PAVILION The exhibit space in the pavilion will be crowded as never before if present indications are good for anything. The school exhibit threatens to overflow from the west wing, and many unusual demonstra tions and exhibits will be seen there this year. A FREE BEEF A a drawing card for the fair the managment will give away a fat steer to the party guesssing the nearest to its weight during the four days at the fair. aeb- guess will be recorded and the only charge will be a fee of 10 cent for record ing the guitses. No one individual will be allowed more than five guesses. The award will be made at a stated time, on Saturday even ing, and in case two persons should tie in the guess, the steer will be sold at public auction on the spot, and the proceeds divide between the two closest contestants. BARNS TOO SMALL The livestock barns have all been reserved and new ones are being built as rapidly as possible to take care of the overflow, LIVESTOCK PARADE Saturday there will boa livestock parade headed by Governor Withy combe who will be mounted on one of the best saddle horses in the state, This will be the biggest and best parade ever held in this part of the state. . REST ROOMS TOO There are on the grounds, rest rooms where women and children may rest themselves whenever thvy wish. It is the intention of the managment to have every thing on the srrounda for the accomodation OUR fiROCFRIFS Do You Buy Your Groceries From One Firm or do you buy anywhere you take a notion to at the time? The first is the better way. We have people who have dealt with us for years who buy nowhere else, because they get just what they want at our store. If you haven't dealt with us before, begin today. J. E. STEWART'S CO. of the crowds that they can wish for. SPECIAL DAYS Wednesday Ocober Cth, Jefferson County Day. Thursday Ocober 7th, Redmond, Sisters and Terrebonne Day. Friday Octobei 8th, Powell Butte and School Day, Saturday October 9th, Gov. Withy coibc Day, La Pine, Tumalo and Bend Day. INDIANS Supt. Reynolds ha notified the management that all the Indians on the reservation are planning on at tending the Fair this year and will help in the entertainment at -the track. AH the Indians are to be ad mitted free. There will be a par ade of all the Indians in full dress. REDUCED RATES ON ALL , RAILROADS Both the Oregon Trunk and the 0. W. R. & N railroads have grant ed excursion rates from the Colum bia River to Bend for the Crook County Fair and a large crowd is expected from the various towns to take advantage of these rates. Bend has promised to send a large delega tion and Redmond was the first to ask 'for a special day and word has been received from Sisters, LaPine, j Terrebonne and the Jefferson County ; towns stating they are going to be j well represented. BUSINESS HOUSES WILL CLOSE i All the business houses in Prine-1 ville will be closed each afternoon of the Fair during the races. FRIDAY, SCHOOL DAY The school parade will be held on Friday morning at 10;30 and promises to be the best thing of its kind ever held in this county. All school children will macrh to the grounds in costumes, and many unusual features will be shown there. MANY OTHER FEATUERS Besides the things listed above which should assure anyone that we have been telling the truth about j the fair being bigger and better than ever this year, there are a number of others that we have not tempted to list here, and a number that will be given as a sort of a surt prise to those who attend the fair this year. To cover the entire matter we will again say that the management will see to it that everyone is well satisfied with the fair, and will guarantee four big days, with some thing doing every minute. $4000.00 IN PREMIUMS Over $4000.00 will be scattered among the farmers in premium money at the Fair this year and if you do not get some, of it don't blame any one but yourself for you have an equal chance at it and are sure enough to get some o' it if you only try. Over $1,000.00 offered for cattle alone this year and that amount ex ceeds the total premium money of fered alone in all departments of some of the Crook County fairs in the State of Oregon. P V ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. In the County Court of Crook County, Oregon. In the matter of the estate of Frank Bagg, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that- the undersigned has been appointed ad ministrator of the estate of Frank Bagg, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified as provided by law, to this administrator, at the office of his attorney, Jay H. Upton, Prineville, Oregon, on or before six months from the date of the first publica tion of this notice. A. O. Walker, Administrator of the estate of Frank A. Bagg, deceased. Jay. II. Upton, Attorney for the administrator. 4(it4. AL COLEMAN New Barber Shop, in Morris building. Give me a trial. Prompt Service. 4(U4 PRINEVILLE'S LEADING STORE A MODERATE PRICE MUST NECESSA RILY BE CONSIDERED! WITHOUT IT STYLE WILL PRODUCE NO RESOUND ING BANG IN THE CASH DRAWER! E'cu 0re insured WJjENlOJJVVEAg Clifton & Cornett K7T7T7: 5U B W 115 We have Suits to fit every figure, slim, stout, short and long. Sizes 33 to 44, semi-fitting and regular box backs Not $25.00 and $30.00 but . $15.00 and $20.00 r. (.. ti.nii t. Cll. New Dress Goods for Fall Gaberdines, the very latest material worn; all wool, 50 inches wide colors green, navy, wine, yard1 $1.75 42-inch Storm Serge in cream, d 1 OC red, black, Copenhagen, yard Y Black French Serge, extra fine quality, 50 inch, a yard $1.75 Extra fine piece or Cream Gaberdine 42-inch, wool Wool Crepes for party dresses ning wear; 42-inch; cream light blue, tan Whip Cords, red, white, navy, J?A and Copenhagen, 36 inch, yard OVIC Wool Shallies, 27 inch wide 75c yard. Suit patterns, 4 yards in each piece; all wool; 60 inch; checks, plain colors, and the new military color Bacon and Shoulders while theyl Ql last at per pound ly&2C Extra Fine Comb Honey, 20c cone. Buy this honey and you won't get stung Wesson Oil, for shortening, frying, O T sauces and salads. 1 -quart can35C $1.35 or eve- 1.15 Sherherd Checks, 36-inch, 35c and 50c 50-inch, extra quality, yard - $2.00 Novelty Suitings 36-inch wide, the yard. Cotton and wool mixed goods stripes and plaids, the yard 65c 35c TRY THE NEW FLOUR Deschutes Spray, per sack - $1.75 Snow Drift, per sack - $1.80 sis? PEARL WAISTS Ages 2 to 3 4 to 5 6 to 7 8 to 8 10oU. 12 to 13 to 35c 25c each Men's Mackinaws, "University Brand," made in Oregon of Oregon wool, good assortment of colors, $7.00, $7.50, $8.50 Pioneer 351 UHon & tomett PRINEVILLE, GREGON We Sell For Cah -:- That's Why We Sell Cheaper Ind 1200 TRESPASS NOTICE -Notice is hereby given that no trespassing or hunting will be allow ed on the premises of the undersign ed, located on Crooked River south of Prineville. This notice will be strictly enforced. C. W. Foster, H. Baldwin, Grant Mays, S. S. Searns. 39tf FOUND A rifle. Owner can have same by proving property and pay ing for this ad. Inquire at C. Sam Smith ranch. 46tf A Dollar in the Bank Is worth two in the hand, because it is safer. It soon grows and begins to work for you. Crook County Bank, Prineville, Or. By Gross