Page S For the Largest Selection of FRESH CANDIES Laflers' Confectionery And the Art Shop For Photos, Day or Night Special Fancy Peaches for canning 75c box Fancy Tomatoes - 75c box All kinds of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Careful attention given all mail orders Nothing but Fresh Goods will be tent Mrs. I. Michel D. P. Adamson & Co. Prineville, Oregon Pure Drugs and Chemicals. Prescriptions a specialty. Maher 6c Grosh Cutlery. Books and Magazines Cigars, and Sundries. Lowney's Candies in sealed packages. D. P. Adamson & Co. Prineville, Oregon City Meat Market J. W. HORIGAN, Prop, Choice Home-Made Hams, Bacon and Lard Fresh Fish Fruit and Vegetable in Season and Oysters PENITENTIAL HEAD KILLED J. CONVICT Warden Minlo Shot Dead, City Marshal Fatally Wounded By Desperado. Balero, Or. Warden Harry P. Mint wag killed by Olio Hooker, a runaway convict at 11:30 o'clock Tmiday night few miles north of Albany, on the railroad track, when the officer and Guard Waller Johnson of the state (iriiittfitttary, were on their way north to head off the man, who bad nrevl oimty fatally wounded City Marshal lltnsoii at Jefferson. Sheriff Uodlne and Police Officer Kodyers accompa nied the prison warden north In si arch for the mail and the two Albany offi cer had but left Mlnto a few min ute before, taking a dllerent tack, when Mlnto and Johnson, who were In a brushy pasture near the railroad uw Hooker walking down the track. Mlnto stepped out of the brush with a leveled shotgun and said: "You halt," llookur ruined his revolver and the two fired simultaneously, Mlnto falling with a bullet In hla head and Hooker escaping In the dark amid a hall of bullets from Johnson's re volver. Hooker eacaped from a field near the penitentiary Monday afternoon, after working quietly for aome day with a force of other convict. Early Monday night he entered Jefferson, where Marshal Uensou covered him with a revolver and ordered him to urrender. Hooker apparently com plied but when the officer waa off hi guard the convict graaped Benton wreuched the revolver away from him and bot him In the neck, the bullet ranging downward. 18 MEN INDICTED FOR LAND FRAUDS San Francisco. Three attorney, one automobile dealer and one real estate agent, all of San Franclaco, were arreated under Indictment re turned recently by the federal grand Jury charging II California and Ore gon men with conspiring to ubb the United State mall to defraud. The alleged fraud consisted tn in ducing people to pay them (150 fee for filing on Oregon timber land which waa held by the Oregon & California Railroad company atid wa not open to tettlort. The five men arretted are Attorney W. A. 8. N. Nlcholaon, Attorney Frank' llu Bull, Attorney Norman D. Cook, D. J. Connors, an automobile dealer, and Byron J. Sanford, a real eatate operator. The return of the Indictment began a new chapter In the tory of the laud fraud cases brought In Portland, Or., a year ago. FIFTY DEAD AT ARDMORE Property Damage of $1,000,000 Result of Gaioline Explotlon. Ardmore, Okla. A spark from a workman' hammer ignited a tank of gasoline here, and fifty persons 'were believed to have been crushed to death under falling wall or burned to death while pinned in the debris. The property damage waa estimated at $500,000. A score of fires caused by the flaming gasoline, which was thrown for blocks whea the car ex ploded with a terrific detonation, were got under control. There are at least 200 Injured, some of these probably fatally. Of the 45 known to be dead, 21 were negroes and one was an Indian. Two negroes are missing. The other are all white. It Is supposed that a spark from a hammer of one of the workmen re pairing the car Ignited the gasoline. Eyewitnesses said flames shot Into the air for a distance of 200 feet Im mediately preceding the explosion, which scattered the flaming liquid for blocks, thus starting scores of fires In the buildings wrecked by the con cussion, Waahlngton Welcomea War Veteran. ' Washington. Washington welcom ed thousands of members of the Grand Army of the Republlo during the forty ninth annual reuuluu, which betiaii Monday and reached Us climax Wed nesday, wheu survivors of the con quering union army inarched from the capltol to the White House lu com memoration of the grand review held after the cIobb of the civil war. About 30,000 veterans, tt 1 estimated, parti cipated. , Dumba Want 8afa Conduct. Washington. Dr. Constantln Theo dor Dumba, the ambassador from Aus trl, telegraphed the state department from the summer embassy at Lenox, Mass., that he had been ordered home by his government, and asked that a safe conduct be arranged for him. PREMIER RAD0SLAV0FF n r A, 1 fV.fw' - J " ' Ptioto by American Pmim AmocUMoo. M. Radoslavoff, premier of Bulgaria, whets negotiation with the belliger ent ha cauted much (peculation aa to which lde Bulgaria would favor. BRIEF WAR NEWS Greece answered the Bulgarian call to arms by ordering general mobiliza tion of her land forces. Germany's third war loan was over subscribed $507,000,000, according to official announcement Ten billion mark (about $,500,000,000) was ask ed. Subscription totaled $3,007,500, 000. The Italian official communication record the repulse of Austrian at tack at varlou point and declare that In the region of the Danoa and uiuaicarla valley the Italiaaa by . a surprise attack succeeded in decuol Uhtng part of the Auatriaa trenche. All the way from the Baltic port of Riga to the Prlpet marahe the Rut lan are holding their line ttubbornly In an attempt to bring their long re tirement to an end. The fighting i particularly evere.outheat of Vllna and east of Dvlnsk. Envelopment of the Vllua army having failed, tt la as sumed the German will develop their offensive movement at Dvlnsk, with the view of an ultimate blow at Riga. American vessel carrying eondl tional contraband of war hereafter un der no circumstances will be sunk by Germans, nor will American merchant men carrying absolute contraband of war be sent to the bottom except in case of extreme necessity. These promise are made to the United States in a new note from Germany concerning the sinking of the ship William P. Krye. That the long-expected "drive" by the Anglo French allies on the west ern front has begun is Indicated by dispatches from London, Part and Berlin. The Pari report say that gains have been made. Berlin declare the allies have suffered heavily. The offensive was preceded by an intense artillery bombardment lasting 50 hours. Pierce hand-to-hand fighting ensued at many points. Can be used new, old or can vas covered floors Does not soil delicate fabrics. Sprinkle it on the floor and the dancers do the rest. Satisfaction Guaranteed ' D. P. Adamson & Co. WHY YOU ARE NERVOUS The nervous system is the alarm system of the human body, In perfect health we fyarilly realize that we have a network of nerves, but when health is ebbiug, when strength is declin ing, the same nervous system gives the alarm iu headaches, tiredness, dreamful sleep, irritability and unless corrected, leads straight to a breakdown. To correct nervousness, Scott's Emul sion is exactly what you should take; its rich nutriment gets into the blood and rich blood feeds the tiny nerve-cells while the whole system responds to its refresh iug tonic force. It is free from alcohol. Scott & Mowue. Bloomfield, N. J. v If. mpmtt f m tirllBIflir on if Classified Ads The Wants of the People. Employment; Help Wanted from a tin pan to a High Class Crook County Stock Farm FOR SALE FOR SALE A lot of house-hold goods for sale. See J, F. Morris, Sear Ochoco Bridge, City. NO MOTHERS and daughter should fail to read this book on health and happiness. Teachings and advice given are many times worth the price $1.10. Mail to E. Ptrul, Portland. 43tlp TEAM OF MARES Weight about 1450 both with foal. Age 4 and 7 years. Call at thiB office. Mc 38tf . GOOD Work team and harness, for bale, H. K. Allen, Powell Butte, Oregon. 38tf. ONE TEAM--Weight about 1250 each, dark bay saddle mare, broke gentle; sorrel colt, halter broke, one buggy, for sale cheap. Write Mrs. L. Jones, Prineville, Oregon, or phone. 38tf. REGISTERED Short horn bulls, one registered Poland China boar, for sale, also have small team geldings for sale or trade for cat tle or sheep. Address, Fanner, care the Journal s 37tf FOR SALE Gray Gilding 4 years old, weight 1100 pounds broke to ride, gentle to hadle. Ray Const able. 31tf SEED RYE Clean dry lland seed. Call at this office C. H. G. 43tf WOOD 16-inch Pine wood. $5.50 per cord. . Leave orders with A. H. Lippman & Company. PLOWING WANTED PLOWING Party is prepared to do plowing and harrowing with a tractor, and would like contracts in the Prineville country. Notify this office or write George Whitis, Prineville, Oregon. - 38tf WANTED DOUBLE SEATED HACK Want ed. Will trade wheat or rye for same. Write C. J. S. Care The Journal. 39tf, STUMP PULLER iWanted to buy or rent. Address S. S. Kurtz, Howard, Oregon. 43t3p WOOD SAWING WOODSAWING Leave orders at L. Kamstra's store or phone red 263. Ben Fox 43tf ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND BOARD A good place for students. Two blocks from high school. Pioneer phone, Black 333. Mrs. Lela Zell. 44t2 SHOEMAKERS GOFF The business at him a call shoemaker is his old stand doing Give 43tf If You Want a New Watch Or want one repaired ' Or want to trade in an old one as cash on a new one, call or write for estimate on any movement made and a price that will suit you PERCY R. SMITH, Watchmaker and Jeweler WANTED! Young Men and Women who desire to become Leaders in the fiield of business, to enroll at The Dalles Business College for special training in the subjects which qualify you for LEADERSHIP There is a demand for our graduates For catalogue address V. R. SANDERS, President .The Dalles, Oregon Men and Women Seeking , and Bargains in Everything HELP WANTED WANTED man to take charge of ranch on Metolius river. Contract work on road; single man prefer ed. Winter's job. Good place t trap and hunt. Theo Hubbard. Prineville, Oregon. 43tf. WANTED Agents to sell home grown nursery stock. Call at this office or write Theodore Hubbard. Grandview, Oregon. 34. SITUATION WANTED GIRL, 16 years old, wishes family work. Living just south of public school. Call or mail a card to Jo&ephia Bastoreno. 42t3p. TO EXCHANGE GOOD WORK MARE-Weighl about 1050. Gentle and well broken, to , trade for wood. Must be good body pine or red juniper. Inquire at Journal office. 43tf HOMESTEAD I will consider trading for a dry homestead which is proved up on. Will consider something on the high desert or anywhere in this vicinity. P. OU Box No. 3, Prineville, Ore. 44tf. PIANO Have new standard make piano to exchange for carpenter work, or you can work out part and take terms on the remainder. C. Guy Wakefield, Prineville, Ore gon. 44tL WILL TRADE a good header, a 31 in lumber wagon, a good set of double harness or horses for stone or carpenter work. P. 0- Box No. 3, Prineville, Oregon. 44tf. FOR RENT FIVE ROOM HOUSE To rent at $8 per month, inquire or write to Mrs. Sarah Zell, City. 43tf THREE ROOMS For rent. Inquire at J. E. Roberts Residence, or of R. V. Randall at Ford Garage. Prices $1 per week 43t?p BUSINESS BUILDING On Mail Street, to rent. Price right. In quire at Journal office. 43tX OPTICIANS DRS. MARTIN Will bein Prine ville on September 18 or 19 Look, for them. MUSIC TEACHERS THOMAS J. KILL Teacher of piano and voice Pupil of Lucere E. Becker Paino, and J. Ross Fargo Voice, Portland. Pupils may e ter at any time. Studio at Mc Laughlin house. Phone Red 153 45tf. Crook County Fair, October 6, 7, 8 and 9.