Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, September 30, 1915, Page Page 12, Image 12

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    'age 12
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. This is "TUM-A-LUMBER"
Douglas Fir, vertical grain
Flooring, also called "Edge
Grain'' and "Rift Sawed."
A dense, fine, non-splintering
flooring. It's remarkable re
sistance to wear, is proven by
the long service it gives.
Plenty of this in stock.
Ask about the cost of a new
What's Doing in
The Public Schools
See Anderson about it at
Tum-A-Lum Lumber Company Redmond, Ore.
'The home of Tum-A-Lumber"
Which was bought by a company
at Laidlaw for $3,600, to be
SOLD AT $800
ThIS horse'is a sure foal-getter. Will be on Exhibi
tion at the Crook County Fair. Weight 2,100
T. F. McCallister, Prineville, Ore.
At a elass mooting lust Friilay
afternoon the eighth grade elected
the following officers: President,
Manila Harris; Vice President, Kato
Thevenin; Secretary, Zenda llond
rickson; School Reporter, Paul Mat
thews; anil Surepta Johnson as yell J
manager. The class colors divided
on were blue and white.
The president of the class was
then riven a couple of drawers in
the principal's desk for her own
I and given control of the room during
such as it was necesssry for
him to be out. We show our respect
for our class president by maintain
ing good order daring the absence
of the principal.
At ten minutes past one last Fri
day we were surprised to hear the
fire alarm given. Tho it was the
first fire drill of the season, we were
all out of the building in sixty-two
seconds after the gong began to ring.
A meeting of the program com
mittee of the Parent-Teachers' As
sociation was held at the home of
Mrs. C. W. Elkins, and the program
for the next two meetings was
agreed upon.
The girls of the normal depart
ment are assisting Mr. Schroder in
cataloging and classifying the library
books of the Public School. Work
was begun on the books last Mon
day evening and the girls will put
in an hour each evening until it is
Th three upper grades ore now
at work on a contata which will be
given jointly by them in tho future.
The interniediute grades are prepar
ing some musical work to be given
at the Pari nt -Teachers' meeting
A meeting was held by the com
mittee of the teachers to decide on
what would be bought and where
the first social hour would bo held.
A pleasant time is anitcipated by
the teachers, ,
Professor V. F. Cooper will lec
ture at the Methodist church in
tins city on Monday October 11,
at 8 P. M. Professor Cooper lee
Hired in lViiuvillle in June IS'.tfi
and has been following the work
coutiuously since then. Public
readings will be given also. 4tit2p
1915 SEPTEMBER 1915
A mighty pretty itlrl la h;
Hut, iuii, I'll put you wins.
She may took Ilk t peoh and b
A lcmuu lu 1IkkuIi.
ruicinimll Knquirar.
overtops almost everything in importance in bupineno life.
It means freedom from worry, freedom from dieputes about
payments, better standing with thoxe with whom you do
business. We shall be glad to have your account and you
will be glad to have one here alter you leurn its advantages.
The First National Bank
Of Prineville, Oregon.
The Olde.t Bank In Central Oregon
Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $150,000.00
The, following price, f. o. b. Detroit, effective
August 2, 1915
FORD TOWN CAR . $640.00
No peedomvter Included in tltit year'e
equipment, olherwite carl fully equipped
There can be no assurance given against an advance in these
prices at any time, we guarantee, however, thul there will bo
no reduction in these prices prior to August 1, 1'JlG
Profit-Sharing with Retail Buyers
On August 1, 1914, we made tho announcement that if wo
could make and sell at retail 300, 000 Ford cars between August
1, l'Jl 1 ami August 1. l'Jlo we would share profits with the re
tail purchasers, to the extent of from t40 to !() on each car.
we have sold over HOU.IXM) Ford cars io the time specified, and
profit-sharing checks of "0 each will lie distributed as rapidly
as possible after August 15, 1915. Retail purchasers who have
not yet mailed us their profit-Hharing coupons, projwjrly en
dorsed, should do so without delay.
Our plan to profit share with retail purchasers of Ford cars
during 1914-15 has been most successful, we thoroughly be
lieve in it, but, realizing the uncertainty of conditions general
ly makes it advisable to defer any announcement of future profit-sharing
until a later date.
we are, however, confident of our inability to reduce costs for
several months, and therefnre can offer no prolit-shuring for
cars delivered dJring August, September and October, 1915.
Ford Motor Company
c. w. wils;on
Green Trading
Mean a cash discount.
Ask for them with every
cash purchase
wsir r
'out H lift m
It's a pleasure to use
Pictorial Review
and they Are always a
month ahead
Better times are at hand for Crook county irrigation projects for Ochoco Valley and Prineville country, will soon be a
reality. Why not projects also for Beaver Creek, Crooked River and Paulina Valleys? Prineville, here in the heart of
Oregon, backed by unlimited resources, is coming into its own, and now it is every man's duty to boost for a bigger and
better Prineville, and in the meantime watch the Journal for our ads.
4 l
I ney are
rp if)
1 Q
New Suits and Skirts
that invite your at
tention. Also a splen
did line of Messaline
Petticoats in the new
Remember our New
Fall Millinery is Here
A Henderson Corset for Every Figure
Both front and back lace, $1.25 to $3.50. Try one.
Big Special
Good assortment of Boy's Suits, sizes 2 to 16 years.
Going without regard for cost or profit. One lot$l.63
About 100 suits, values to $10, going at $3.95
Look at This
We have about 50 suits of men's clothing in sizes 32
to 37 in all good patterns, $3.95 to $7.60. This is an op
portunity you can't afford to overlook.
Big Hosiery Specials
Ladies' Silk Lisle, 35c value, 27 I -2c a pair
Ladies' good black cotton hose 2 pr for 25c
Child's fine ribbed, black and tan, 2 pr for 35c
Boys' heavy ribbed, black, 20c pair
Mackinaws for all
Men's, Women', Boy's and Girl's. Biggest and best
line ever shown in Prineville. Moderately priced
Sweater Coats
K;For the whole family. Jutft recievsd a big, new ship
ment, all colors in wool, and cotton mixed. Also caps
of all kinds.
Big Special
Boys' hi(.'h topped shoes, 9 Inch top $3.75 values, now
Dress Goods
One lot mixed, regular 75c to $1.00, 36 to 40 inches
wide, now 37 1 -2c yard
Bedding :
Big stock of Blankets $1 .00 to $9.00 Comforters $1 .00
to $3.00. Just the thing for the cool nights that are com
ing. "Buster Brown"
School shoes with the guaranteed tip, for boys and
girls, in button and lace, the kind that wear.
for Grocerles-Our endeavor is to get gangs ,u,kcy$ amj walkiflg plows
your business. Call on us for prices and (
we will prove to you that you can sup-;
ply your needs here as well as anywhere i THOMAS DRILL justly claimed to be
and we will do our best to serve your the best drill made. Come in and let us
pepsonal needs. how you why.
OLIVER H RR0W3 Oliver disc, with
or without tongue truck. The best by
every tst.
PAGE FENCE is positively the best on
the market today. It always stays tight.
Ask the man who uses it.
Now is the time to buy Impleme nts